917 resultados para Acoustic ground discrimination system (ADGS) ECHOplus


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The Cedar River alluvial aquifer is the primary source of municipal water in the Cedar Rapids, Iowa, area. Since 1992, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the City of Cedar Rapids, has investigated the hydrogeology and water quality of the Cedar River alluvial aquifer. This report describes a detailed analysis of the ground-water flow system in the alluvial aquifer, particularly near well field areas. The ground-water flow system in the Cedar Rapids area consists of two main components, the unconsolidated Quaternary deposits and the underlying carbonate bedrock that has a variable fracture density. Quaternary deposits consist of eolian sand, loess, alluvium, and glacial till. Devonian and Silurian bedrock aquifers overlie the Maquoketa Shale (Formation) of Ordovician age, a regional confining unit. Ground-water and surface-water data were collected during the study to better define the hydrogeology of the Cedar River alluvial aquifer and Devonian and Silurian aquifers. Stream stage and discharge, ground-water levels, and estimates of aquifer hydraulic properties were used to develop a conceptual ground-water flow model and to construct and calibrate a model of the flow system. This model was used to quantify the movement of water between the various components of the alluvial aquifer flow system and provide an improved understanding of the hydrology of the alluvial aquifer.


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A new implantable hearing system, the direct acoustic cochlear stimulator (DACS) is presented. This system is based on the principle of a power-driven stapes prosthesis and intended for the treatment of severe mixed hearing loss due to advanced otosclerosis. It consists of an implantable electromagnetic transducer, which transfers acoustic energy directly to the inner ear, and an audio processor worn externally behind the implanted ear. The device is implanted using a specially developed retromeatal microsurgical approach. After removal of the stapes, a conventional stapes prosthesis is attached to the transducer and placed in the oval window to allow direct acoustical coupling to the perilymph of the inner ear. In order to restore the natural sound transmission of the ossicular chain, a second stapes prosthesis is placed in parallel to the first one into the oval window and attached to the patient's own incus, as in a conventional stapedectomy. Four patients were implanted with an investigational DACS device. The hearing threshold of the implanted ears before implantation ranged from 78 to 101 dB (air conduction, pure tone average, 0.5-4 kHz) with air-bone gaps of 33-44 dB in the same frequency range. Postoperatively, substantial improvements in sound field thresholds, speech intelligibility as well as in the subjective assessment of everyday situations were found in all patients. Two years after the implantations, monosyllabic word recognition scores in quiet at 75 dB improved by 45-100 percent points when using the DACS. Furthermore, hearing thresholds were already improved by the second stapes prosthesis alone by 14-28 dB (pure tone average 0.5-4 kHz, DACS switched off). No device-related serious medical complications occurred and all patients have continued to use their device on a daily basis for over 2 years. Copyright (c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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During two field campaigns (Austral springs 2011 and 2012) the sedimentary architecture of a polar gravel-spit system at the northern coast of Potter Peninsula (Area 4) was revealed using ground-penetrating radar (GPR, Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. SIR-3000). 47 profiles were collected using a mono-static 200 MHz antenna operated in common offset mode. Trace increment was set to 0.05 m. A differential global-positioning system (dGPS, Leica GS09) was used to obtain topographical information along the GPR lines. GPR data are provided in RADAN-Format, dGPS coordinates are provided in ascii format; projection is UTM (WGS 84, zone 21S).


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In this paper, a novel excitation-system ground-fault location method is described and tested in a 106 MVA synchronous machine. In this unit, numerous rotor ground-fault trips took place always about an hour after the synchronization to the network. However, when the field winding insulation was checked after the trips, there was no failure. The data indicated that the faults in the rotor were caused by centrifugal forces and temperature. Unexpectedly, by applying this new method, the failure was located in a cable between the excitation transformer and the automatic voltage regulator. In addition, several intentional ground faults were performed along the field winding with different fault resistance values, in order to test the accuracy of this method to locate defects in rotor windings of large generators. Therefore, this new on-line rotor ground-fault detection algorithm is tested in high-power synchronous generators with satisfactory results.


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Uno de los defectos más frecuentes en los generadores síncronos son los defectos a tierra tanto en el devanado estatórico, como de excitación. Se produce un defecto cuando el aislamiento eléctrico entre las partes activas de cualquiera de estos devanados y tierra se reduce considerablemente o desaparece. La detección de los defectos a tierra en ambos devanados es un tema ampliamente estudiado a nivel industrial. Tras la detección y confirmación de la existencia del defecto, dicha falta debe ser localizada a lo largo del devanado para su reparación, para lo que habitualmente el rotor debe ser extraído del estator. Esta operación resulta especialmente compleja y cara. Además, el hecho de limitar la corriente de defecto en ambos devanados provoca que el defecto no sea localizable visualmente, pues apenas existe daño en el generador. Por ello, se deben aplicar técnicas muy laboriosas para localizar exactamente el defecto y poder así reparar el devanado. De cara a reducir el tiempo de reparación, y con ello el tiempo en que el generador esta fuera de servicio, cualquier información por parte del relé de protección acerca de la localización del defecto resultaría de gran utilidad. El principal objetivo de esta tesis doctoral ha sido el desarrollo de nuevos algoritmos que permitan la estimación de la localización de los defectos a tierra tanto en el devanado rotórico como estatórico de máquinas síncronas. Respecto al devanado de excitación, se ha presentado un nuevo método de localización de defectos a tierra para generadores con excitación estática. Este método permite incluso distinguir si el defecto se ha producido en el devanado de excitación, o en cualquiera de los componentes del sistema de excitación, esto es, transformador de excitación, conductores de alimentación del rectificador controlado, etc. En caso de defecto a tierra en del devanado rotórico, este método proporciona una estimación de su localización. Sin embargo, para poder obtener la localización del defecto, se precisa conocer el valor de resistencia de defecto. Por ello, en este trabajo se presenta además un nuevo método para la estimación de este parámetro de forma precisa. Finalmente, se presenta un nuevo método de detección de defectos a tierra, basado en el criterio direccional, que complementa el método de localización, permitiendo tener en cuenta la influencia de las capacidades a tierra del sistema. Estas capacidades resultan determinantes a la hora de localizar el defecto de forma adecuada. En relación con el devanado estatórico, en esta tesis doctoral se presenta un nuevo algoritmo de localización de defectos a tierra para generadores que dispongan de la protección de faltas a tierra basada en la inyección de baja frecuencia. Se ha propuesto un método general, que tiene en cuenta todos los parámetros del sistema, así como una versión simplificada del método para generadores con capacidades a tierra muy reducida, que podría resultar de fácil implementación en relés de protección comercial. Los algoritmos y métodos presentados se han validado mediante ensayos experimentales en un generador de laboratorio de 5 kVA, así como en un generador comercial de 106 MVA con resultados satisfactorios y prometedores. ABSTRACT One of the most common faults in synchronous generators is the ground fault in both the stator winding and the excitation winding. In case of fault, the insulation level between the active part of any of these windings and ground lowers considerably, or even disappears. The detection of ground faults in both windings is a very researched topic. The fault current is typically limited intentionally to a reduced level. This allows to detect easily the ground faults, and therefore to avoid damage in the generator. After the detection and confirmation of the existence of a ground fault, it should be located along the winding in order to repair of the machine. Then, the rotor has to be extracted, which is a very complex and expensive operation. Moreover, the fact of limiting the fault current makes that the insulation failure is not visually detectable, because there is no visible damage in the generator. Therefore, some laborious techniques have to apply to locate accurately the fault. In order to reduce the repair time, and therefore the time that the generator is out of service, any information about the approximate location of the fault would be very useful. The main objective of this doctoral thesis has been the development of new algorithms and methods to estimate the location of ground faults in the stator and in the rotor winding of synchronous generators. Regarding the excitation winding, a new location method of ground faults in excitation winding of synchronous machines with static excitation has been presented. This method allows even to detect if the fault is at the excitation winding, or in any other component of the excitation system: controlled rectifier, excitation transformer, etc. In case of ground fault in the rotor winding, this method provides an estimation of the fault location. However, in order to calculate the location, the value of fault resistance is necessary. Therefore, a new fault-resistance estimation algorithm is presented in this text. Finally, a new fault detection algorithm based on directional criterion is described to complement the fault location method. This algorithm takes into account the influence of the capacitance-to-ground of the system, which has a remarkable impact in the accuracy of the fault location. Regarding the stator winding, a new fault-location algorithm has been presented for stator winding of synchronous generators. This algorithm is applicable to generators with ground-fault protection based in low-frequency injection. A general algorithm, which takes every parameter of the system into account, has been presented. Moreover, a simplified version of the algorithm has been proposed for generators with especially low value of capacitance to ground. This simplified algorithm might be easily implementable in protective relays. The proposed methods and algorithms have been tested in a 5 kVA laboratory generator, as well as in a 106 MVA synchronous generator with satisfactory and promising results.


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Vol. 2 has title: Appendix 1, Profiles of routes, Rhode Island Public Transit Authority.