948 resultados para Absorption coefficients
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Over the last few years, low-level light therapy (LLLT) has shown an incredible suitability for a wide range of applications for central nervous system (CNS) related diseases. In this therapeutic modality light dosimetry is extremely critical so the study of light propagation through the CNS organs is of great importance. To better understand how light intensity is delivered to the most relevant neural sites we evaluated optical transmission through slices of rat brain point by point. We experimented red (λ = 660 nm) and near infrared (λ = 808 nm) diode laser light analyzing the light penetration and distribution in the whole brain. A fresh Wistar rat (Rattus novergicus) brain was cut in sagittal slices and illuminated with a broad light beam. A high-resolution digital camera was employed to acquire data of transmitted light. Spatial profiles of the light transmitted through the sample were obtained from the images. Peaks and valleys in the profiles show sites where light was less or more attenuated. The peak intensities provide information about total attenuation and the peak widths are correlated to the scattering coefficient at that individual portion of the sample. The outcomes of this study provide remarkable information for LLLT dose-dependent studies involving CNS and highlight the importance of LLLT dosimetry in CNS organs for large range of applications in animal and human diseases.
[EN]A comprehensive description of ocean molecular flow and deformation is provided with the help of hydrodynamic and ultrasonic principles. Hydrodynamic computation of true or natural viscosities shows that ocean shear viscosity (?G), compression viscosity (?K), and extensional viscosity (?E) are interrelated. There are no experimental methods available for the in situ measurement of these viscosities. Sound absorption coefficients (? obs) allow to know the ultrasonic shear (?UG), compression (?UK), and longitudinal (?L) viscosities, which decrease with increasing frequency and increase with increasing temperature, the flow activation energies having nearly equivalent values; pressure (depth) increase/decrease them at low/high frequencies. The viscosities ?* UG, ?* UK, ?* L are approached at about 1000 KHz. They decrease with temperature and pressure, and increase with salinity. The ?*UG becomes equal to the true shear viscosity ? G at the viscosity ratio ? = ?UK / ?UG = 0.
Chalcogenides are chemical compounds with at least one of the following three chemical elements: Sulfur (S), Selenium (Sn), and Tellurium (Te). As opposed to other materials, chalcogenide atomic arrangement can quickly and reversibly inter-change between crystalline, amorphous and liquid phases. Therefore they are also called phase change materials. As a results, chalcogenide thermal, optical, structural, electronic, electrical properties change pronouncedly and significantly with the phase they are in, leading to a host of different applications in different areas. The noticeable optical reflectivity difference between crystalline and amorphous phases has allowed optical storage devices to be made. Their very high thermal conductivity and heat fusion provided remarkable benefits in the frame of thermal energy storage for heating and cooling in residential and commercial buildings. The outstanding resistivity difference between crystalline and amorphous phases led to a significant improvement of solid state storage devices from the power consumption to the re-writability to say nothing of the shrinkability. This work focuses on a better understanding from a simulative stand point of the electronic, vibrational and optical properties for the crystalline phases (hexagonal and faced-centered cubic). The electronic properties are calculated implementing the density functional theory combined with pseudo-potentials, plane waves and the local density approximation. The phonon properties are computed using the density functional perturbation theory. The phonon dispersion and spectrum are calculated using the density functional perturbation theory. As it relates to the optical constants, the real part dielectric function is calculated through the Drude-Lorentz expression. The imaginary part results from the real part through the Kramers-Kronig transformation. The refractive index, the extinctive and absorption coefficients are analytically calculated from the dielectric function. The transmission and reflection coefficients are calculated using the Fresnel equations. All calculated optical constants compare well the experimental ones.
In dieser Arbeit wird ein neu entwickeltes Spektralradiometer zur Messung des solaren aktinischen Strahlungsflusses, speziell bei bewölkter Atmosphäre, vorgestellt. Das Meßsystem benutzt ein spezielles neu entwickeltes optisches Empfangssystem mit winkelunabhängiger Empfindlichkeit über den gesamten Raum (4pisr). Das Spektrometer besteht aus einem Gitterspektrographen und einer CCD-Kamera als Detektor, wodurch die schnelle simultane Messung eines Wellenlängenbereiches von 300nm bis 660nm ermöglicht wird. Zudem können Spektren von drei Empfangssystemen gleichzeitig aufgenommen werden, was zur höhenaufgelösten Messung des aktinischen Flusses verwendet wird. Photolysefrequenzen von Ozon, Stickstoffdioxid, und anderen für die troposphärische Chemie interessanten Molekülen werden mit Literaturdaten des molekularen Absorptionsquerschnitts und der Quantenausbeute und dem gemessenen aktinischen Strahlungsfluß berechnet. Zudem werden anhand von Spektren des aktinischen Flusses, die bei der Feldmeßkampagne BERLIOZ (BERLIn OZonexperiment) und bei Feldmessungen an einem 107m hohen Turm auf einem Berg (753m NN, Hunsrück) aufgenommen wurden, die Effekte unterschiedlicher Bewölkungssituationen untersucht. Als Ergebnis dieser Arbeit wurden verschiedene wellenlängenabhängige Effekte deutlich: bei partieller Bewölkung ist der aktinische Fluß am Erdboden gegenüber dem wolkenfreien Fall teilweise reduziert, aber auch erhöht, wobei diese Effekte mit zunehmender Wellenlänge größer werden. Oberhalb von Wolken ist der aktinische Fluß gegenüber dem wolkenfreien Fall erhöht. Dieser Effekt nimmt mit abnehmender Wellenlänge zu.
Die vorgelegte Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der Darstellung und Untersuchung von funktionellen Farbstoffen auf der Basis von Rylendiimiden. Diese Substanzklasse zeichnet sich durch gute Funktionalisierbarkeit, hohe chemische und photochemische Stabilität sowie durch hohe Fluoreszenzquantenausbeuten und Extinktionskoeffizienten aus. Rylendiimide spielen eine bedeutsame Rolle in den modernen Materialwissenschaften. Ein Schwerpunkt der Arbeit liegt auf der Synthese und Untersuchung von neuen Perylendiimiden (PDI) im Hinblick auf eine Anwendung in der organischen Elektronik. Das Substitutionsmuster der PDI hat einen signifikanten Einflussrnauf deren supramolekulares Verhalten und die Leistungsfähigkeit in elektronischen Bauteilen. Durch das Einführen neuer Substituenten konnten weitergehende Erkenntnisse über das supramolekulare Verhalten der PDI gewonnenrnwerden. Multichromophore sind wichtige Modellsysteme zur Untersuchung vonrnEnergietransportprozessen und Einzelphotonenquellen. Daher liegt ein weiterer Schwerpunkt auf der Synthese multichromophorer PDI-Systeme. Neben der Darstellung definierter dendritischer Nanoteilchen auf Basis von Poly(phenylenethinylen)-Dendrimeren beschäftigt sich dieser Teil auch mit der Synthese hochverzweigter ethinylverknüpfter Polymere auf Basis von PDI-Monomeren. Aufgrund ihrer außergewöhnlichen photochemischen Eigenschaften spielen Perylen- und Terrylendiimide eine wichtige Rolle als Fluoreszenzmarker.rnDaher beschäftigt sich ein weiterer Aspekt dieser Arbeit mit der Synthese vonrnFluoreszenzmarkern, die sowohl in Polymerisationsreaktionen als auch inrnbiologischen Systemen Anwendung finden können.
INTRODUCTION Anatomic imaging alone is often inadequate for tuning systemic treatment for individual tumor response. Optically based techniques could potentially contribute to fast and objective response monitoring in personalized cancer therapy. In the present study, we evaluated the feasibility of dual-modality diffuse reflectance spectroscopy-autofluorescence spectroscopy (DRS-AFS) to monitor the effects of systemic treatment in a mouse model for hereditary breast cancer. METHODS Brca1(-/-); p53(-/-) mammary tumors were grown in 36 mice, half of which were treated with a single dose of cisplatin. Changes in the tumor physiology and morphology were measured for a period of 1 week using dual-modality DRS-AFS. Liver and muscle tissues were also measured to distinguish tumor-specific alterations from systemic changes. Model-based analyses were used to derive different optical parameters like the scattering and absorption coefficients, as well as sources of intrinsic fluorescence. Histopathologic analysis was performed for cross-validation with trends in optically based parameters. RESULTS Treated tumors showed a significant decrease in Mie-scattering slope and Mie-to-total scattering fraction and an increase in both fat volume fraction and tissue oxygenation after 2 days of follow-up. Additionally, significant tumor-specific changes in the fluorescence spectra were seen. These longitudinal trends were consistent with changes observed in the histopathologic analysis, such as vital tumor content and formation of fibrosis. CONCLUSIONS This study demonstrates that dual-modality DRS-AFS provides quantitative functional information that corresponds well with the degree of pathologic response. DRS-AFS, in conjunction with other imaging modalities, could be used to optimize systemic cancer treatment on the basis of early individual tumor response.
Pack ice in the Bellingshausen Sea contained moderate to high stocks of microalgal biomass (3-10 mg Chl a/m**2) spanning the range of general sea-ice microalgal microhabitats (e.g., bottom, interior and surface) during the International Polar Year (IPY) Sea Ice Mass Balance in the Antarctic (SIMBA) studies. Measurements of irradiance above and beneath the ice as well as optical properties of the microalgae therein demonstrated that absorption of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) by particulates (microalgae and detritus) had a substantial influence on attenuation of PAR and irradiance transmission in areas with moderate snow covers (0.2-0.3 m) and more moderate effects in areas with low snow cover. Particulates contributed an estimated 25 to 90% of the attenuation coefficients for the first-year sea ice at wavelengths less than 500 nm. Strong ultraviolet radiation (UVR) absorption by particulates was prevalent in the ice habitats where solar radiation was highest - with absorption coefficients by ice algae often being as large as that of the sea ice. Strong UVR-absorption features were associated with an abundance of dinoflagellates and a general lack of diatoms - perhaps suggesting UVR may be influencing the structure of some parts of the sea-ice microbial communities in the pack ice during spring. We also evaluated the time-varying changes in the spectra of under-ice irradiances in the austral spring and showed dynamics associated with changes that could be attributed to coupled changes in the ice thickness (mass balance) and microalgal biomass. All results are indicative of radiation-induced changes in the absorption properties of the pack ice and highlight the non-linear, time-varying, biophysical interactions operating within the Antarctic pack ice ecosystem.
Bio-optical characteristics of phytoplankton have been observed during two-year monitoring in the western Black Sea. High variability in light absorption coefficient of phytoplankton was due to change of pigment concentration and chlorophyll a specific absorption coefficient. A relationships between light absorption coefficients and chlorophyll a concentration have been found: for the blue maximum (a_ph(440) = 0.0413x**0.628; R**2 = 0.63) and for the red maximum (?_ph(678) = 0.0190x**0.843; R**2 = 0.83). Chlorophyll a specific absorption coefficients decreased while pigment concentration in the Sea increased. Observed variability in chlorophyll a specific absorption coefficient at chlorophyll a concentrations <1.0 mg/m**3 had seasonal features and was related with seasonal change of intracellular pigment concentration. Ratio between the blue and red maxima decreased with increasing chlorophyll a concentration (? = 2.14 x**-0.20; R**2 = 0.41). Variability of spectrally averaged absorption coefficient of phytoplankton (a'_ph ) on 95% depended on absorption coefficient at the blue maximum (y = 0.421x; R**2 = 0.95). Relation of a_ph with chlorophyll a concentration was described by a power function (y = 0.0173x**0.0709; R**2 = 0.65). Change of spectra shape was generally effected by seasonal dynamics of intracellular pigment concentration, and partly effected by taxonomic and cell-size structure of phytoplankton.
With the purpose of assessing the absorption coefficients of quantum dot solar cells, symmetry considerations are introduced into a Hamiltonian whose eigenvalues are empirical. In this way, the proper transformation from the Hamiltonian's diagonalized form to the form that relates it with Γ-point exact solutions through k.p envelope functions is built accounting for symmetry. Forbidden transitions are thus determined reducing the calculation burden and permitting a thoughtful discussion of the possible options for this transformation. The agreement of this model with the measured external quantum efficiency of a prototype solar cell is found to be excellent.
The Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) semiconductor is a potential photovoltaic material due to its optoelectronic properties. These optoelectronic properties can be potentially improved by the insertion of intermediate states into the energy bandgap. We explore this possibility using Cr as an impurity. We carried out first-principles calculations within the density functional theory analyzing three substitutions: Cu, Sn, or Zn by Cr. In all cases, the Cr introduces a deeper band into the host energy bandgap. Depending on the substitution, this band is full, empty, or partially full. The absorption coefficients in the independent-particle approximation have also been obtained. Comparison between the pure and doped host's absorption coefficients shows that this deeper band opens more photon absorption channels and could therefo:e increase the solar-light absorption with respect to the host.
The cadmium thioindate spinel CdIn2S4 semiconductor has potential applications for optoelectronic devices. We present a theoretical study of the structural and optoelectronic properties of the host and of the Cr-doped ternary spinel. For the host spinel, we analyze the direct or indirect character of the energy bandgap, the change of the energy bandgap with the anion displacement parameter and with the site cation distribution, and the optical properties. The main effect of the Cr doping is the creation of an intermediate band within the energy bandgap. The character and the occupation of this band are analyzed for two substitutions: Cr by In and Cr by Cd. This band permits more channels for the photon absorption. The optical properties are obtained and analyzed. The absorption coefficients are decomposed into contributions from the different absorption channels and from the inter-and intra-atomic components.