988 resultados para AGRICULTURAL LANDSCAPE


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Este estudio de caso de un paisaje agrícola en un sistema de huerta tradicional de la provincia de Alicante fue llevado a cabo para desarrollar técnicas adecuadas de cuantificación y análisis del paisaje en el período 1883-2007. Los métodos utilizados se derivan del análisis de cambio en la estructura del paisaje, basado en antiguos mapas y fotografías aéreas, siendo adaptados a una escala detallada por medio de herramientas SIG. La base de datos creada para este análisis diacrónico es una pieza fundamental para obtener una clara visión de la evolución de los usos del suelo en el área de estudio. El principal objetivo de este estudio es poner de manifiesto que una aproximación a nivel de parcela, utilizando tecnologías SIG, proporciona valiosos resultados para planificar programas de conservación en paisajes agrícolas a escala local.


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San Antonio, actual pedanía de 2.100 hb situada a 5 km de la ciudad de Requena, es un ejemplo de transformación del paisaje por efecto de la colonización humana. En 1752 poblaban esta partida dos docenas de familias de labradores, jornaleros y pastores repartidos en una veintena de casas dispersas por la campiña. La propiedad de la tierra estaba en manos de una docena de terratenientes forasteros y del concejo municipal de Requena. La superficie cultivada ascendía a uno 600 almudes de regadío y 1.000 de secano. Cien años más tarde había 730 en riego y 3.700 en secano. Este incremento estuvo acompañado de una expansión del viñedo y los cereales, a costa de pastizales y baldíos, y de una distribución y traspaso parcial de la propiedad de la tierra a manos de los colonos que se multiplicaron por diez en poco más de un siglo. Las causas que propiciaron aquella transformación fueron básicamente dos: la desamortización y venta de bienes concejiles y eclesiásticos, y la proliferación de contratos de plantación de viña a medias, mediante los cuales decenas de jornaleros lograron hacerse con una pequeña propiedad vitícola.


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This data set describes different vegetation, soil and plant functional traits (PFTs) of 15 plant species in 30 sampling plots of an agricultural landscape in the Haean-myun catchment in South Korea. We divided the data set into two main tables, the first one includes the PFTs data of the 15 studied plant species, and the second one includes the soil and vegetation characteristics of the 30 sampling plots. For a total of 150 individuals, we measures the maximum plant height (cm) and leaf size (cm**2), which means the leaf surface area for the aboveground compartment of each individual. For the belowground compartment, we measured root horizontal width, which is the maximum horizontal spread of the root, rooting length, which is the maximum rooting depth, root diameter, which is the average root diameter of a the whole root, specific root length (SRL), which is the root length divided by the root dry mass, and root/shoot ratio, which is the root dry mass divided by the shoot dry mass. At each of the 30 studied plots, we estimated three different variables describing the vegetation characteristics: vegetation cover (i.e. the percentage of ground covered by vegetation), species richness (i.e. the number of observed species) and root density (estimated using a 30 cm x 30 cm metallic frame divided into nine 10 cm x 10 cm grids placed on the soil profile), as we calculated the total number of roots that appear in each of the nine grids and then we converted it into percentage based on the root count, following. Moreover, in each plot we estimated six different soil variables: Bulk density (g/cm**3), clay % (i.e. percentage of clay), silt % (i.e. percentage of silt), soil aggregate stability, using mean weight diameter (MWD), penetration resistance (kg/cm**2), using pocket penetrometer and soil shear vane strength (kPa).


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This article outlines an approach, based on ecosystem services, for assessing the trade-offs inherent in managing humans embedded in ecological systems. Evaluating these trade-offs requires an understanding of the biophysical magnitudes of the changes in ecosystem services that result from human actions, and of the impact of these changes on human welfare. We summarize the state of the art of ecosystem services-based management and the information needs for applying it. Three case studies of Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) sites--coastal, urban, and agricultural-- illustrate the usefulness, information needs, quantification possibilities, and methods for this approach. One example of the application of this approach, with rigorously established service changes and valuations taken from the literature, is used to illustrate the potential for full economic valuation of several agricultural landscape management options, including managing for water quality, biodiversity, and crop productivity.


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Despite growing concern about transgenes escaping from fields, few studies have analysed the genetic diversity of crops in an agroecosystem over several years. Accurate information about the dynamics and relationship of the genetic diversity of crops in an agroecosystem is essential for risk assessment and policies concerning the containment of genetically modified crops and their coexistence with crops grown by conventional practices. Here, we analysed the genetic diversity of oilseed rape plants from fields and feral populations over 4 years in an agricultural landscape of 41 km2. We used exact compatibility and maximum likelihood assignment methods to assign these plants to cultivars. Even pure lines and hybrid cultivar seed lots contained several genotypes. The cultivar diversity in fields reflected the conventional view of agroecosystems quite well: that is, there was a succession of cultivars, some grown for longer than others because of their good performance, some used for one year and then abandoned, and others gradually adopted. Three types of field emerged: fields sown with a single cultivar, fields sown with two cultivars, and unassigned fields (too many cultivars or unassigned plants to reliably assign the field). Field plant diversity was higher than expected, indicating the persistence of cultivars that were grown for only one year. The cultivar composition of feral populations was similar to that of field plants, with an increasing number of cultivars each year. By using genetic tools, we found a link between the cultivars of field plants in a particular year and the cultivars of feral population plants in the following year. Feral populations on road verges were more diverse than those on path verges. All of these findings are discussed in terms of their consequences in the context of coexistence with genetically modified crops.


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Intensified agricultural practises introduced after the Second World War are identified as a major cause of global biodiversity declines. In several European countries agri-environment support schemes have been introduced to counteract the ongoing biodiversity declines. Farmers participating in agri-environment schemes are financially compensated for decreasing the intensity of farming practises leading to smaller yields and lower income. The Finnish agri-environment support scheme is composed of a set of measures, such as widened field margins along main ditches (obligatory measure), management of features increasing landscape diversity, management of semi-natural grasslands, and organic farming (special agreement measures). The magnitude of the benefits for biodiversity depends on landscape context and the properties of individual schemes. In this thesis I studied whether one agri-environment scheme, organic farming, is beneficial for species diversity and abundance of diurnal lepidopterans, bumblebees, carabid beetles and arable weeds. I found that organic farming did not enhance species richness of selected insect taxa, although bumblebee species richness tended to be higher in organic farms. Abundance of lepidopterans and bumblebees was not enhanced by organic farming, but carabid beetle abundance was higher in mixed farms with both cereal crop production and animal husbandry. Both species richness and abundance of arable weeds were higher in organic farms. My second objective was to study how landscape structure shapes farmland butterfly communities. I found that the percentage of habitat specialists and species with poor dispersal abilities in butterfly assemblages decreased with increasing arable field cover, leading to a dramatic decrease in butterfly beta diversity. In field boundaries local species richness of butterflies was linearly related to landscape species richness in geographic regions with high arable field cover, indicating that butterfly species richness in field boundaries is more limited by landscape factors than local habitat factors. In study landscapes containing semi-natural grasslands the relationship decelerated at high landscape species richness, suggesting that local species richness of butterflies in field boundaries is limited by habitat factors (demanding habitat specialists that occurred in semi-natural grasslands were absent in field margins). My results suggest that management options in field margins will affect mainly generalists, and species with good dispersal abilities, in landscapes with high arable field cover. Habitat specialists and species with poor dispersal abilities may benefit of management options if these are applied in the vicinity of source populations.


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The assessment of the potential landscape impacts of the latest Common Agricultural Policy reforms constitutes a challenge for policy makers and it requires the development of models that can reliably project the likely spatial distribution of land uses. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of 2003 CAP reforms to land uses and rural landscapes across England. For this purpose we modified an existing economic model of agriculture, the Land-Use Allocation Model (LUAM) to provide outputs at a scale appropriate for informing a semi-quantitative landscape assessment at the level of ‘Joint Character Areas’ (JCAs). Overall a decline in the cereal and oilseed production area is projected but intensive arable production will persist in specific locations (East of England, East Midlands and South East), having ongoing negative effects on the character of many JCAs. The impacts of de-coupling will be far more profound on the livestock sector; extensification of production will occur in traditional mixed farming regions (e.g. the South West), a partial displacement of cattle by sheep in the upland regions and an increase in the sheep numbers is expected in the lowlands (South East, Eastern and East Midlands). This extensification process will affect positively those JCAs of mixed farming conditions, but it will have negative impacts on the JCAs of historically low intensity farming (e.g. the uplands of north-west) because they will suffer from under-management and land idling. Our analysis shows that the territorialisation between intensively and extensively agricultural landscapes will continue.


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Current European Union regulatory risk assessment allows application of pesticides provided that recovery of nontarget arthropods in-crop occurs within a year. Despite the long-established theory of source-sink dynamics, risk assessment ignores depletion of surrounding populations and typical field trials are restricted to plot-scale experiments. In the present study, the authors used agent-based modeling of 2 contrasting invertebrates, a spider and a beetle, to assess how the area of pesticide application and environmental half-life affect the assessment of recovery at the plot scale and impact the population at the landscape scale. Small-scale plot experiments were simulated for pesticides with different application rates and environmental half-lives. The same pesticides were then evaluated at the landscape scale (10 km × 10 km) assuming continuous year-on-year usage. The authors' results show that recovery time estimated from plot experiments is a poor indicator of long-term population impact at the landscape level and that the spatial scale of pesticide application strongly determines population-level impact. This raises serious doubts as to the utility of plot-recovery experiments in pesticide regulatory risk assessment for population-level protection. Predictions from the model are supported by empirical evidence from a series of studies carried out in the decade starting in 1988. The issues raised then can now be addressed using simulation. Prediction of impacts at landscape scales should be more widely used in assessing the risks posed by environmental stressors.


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Landscape scale habitat restoration has the potential to reconnect habitats in fragmented landscapes. This study investigates landscape connectivity as a key to effective habitat restoration in lowland agricultural landscapes and applies these findings to transferable management recommendations. The study area is the Stonehenge World Heritage Site, UK, where landscape scale chalk grassland restoration has been implemented. Here, the ecological benefits of landscape restoration and the species, habitat and landscape characteristics that facilitate or impede the enhancement of biodiversity and landscape connectivity were investigated. Lepidoptera were used as indictors of restoration success and results showed restoration grasslands approaching the ecological conditions of the target chalk grassland habitat and increasing in biodiversity values within a decade. Restoration success is apparent for four species with a broad range of grass larval host plants (e.g. Melanargia galathea, Maniola jurtina) or with intermediate mobility (Polyommatus icarus). However, two species with specialist larval host plants and low mobility (Lysandra bellargus), are restricted to chalk grassland fragments. Studies of restoration grassland of different ages show that recent grassland restoration (1 or 2 years old) may reduce the functional isolation of chalk grassland fragments. A management experiment showed that mowing increases boundary following behaviour in two species of grassland Lepidoptera; Maniola jurtina and Zygaena filipendulae. Analysis of the landscape scale implications of the grassland restoration illustrates an increase in grassland habitat network size and in landscape connectivity, which is likely to benefit the majority of grassland associated Lepidoptera. Landscape and habitat variables can be managed to increase the success of restoration projects including the spatial targeting of receptor sites, vegetation structure and selection of seed source and management recommendations are provided that are transferrable to other species-rich grassland landscape scale restoration projects. Overall results show restoration success for some habitats and species within a decade. However, additional management is required to assist the re-colonisation of specialist species. Despite this, habitat restoration at the landscape scale can be an effective, long term approach to enhance butterfly biodiversity and landscape connectivity.


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1. Studies of landscape change are seldom conducted at scales commensurate with the processes they purport to investigate. Landscape change is a landscape-level process, yet most studies focus on patches. Even when landscape context is considered, inference remains at the patch-level. The unit of investigation must be extended beyond individual patches to whole mosaics in order to advance understanding of faunal responses to landscape change.

2. In this study, we aggregated data from multiple sites per landscape such that both the response and explanatory variables characterized 'whole' landscapes, allowing for landscape-level inference about factors influencing species' incidence.

3. We used hierarchical partitioning and Bayesian variable selection methods to develop species-specific models that examined the influence of four categories of landscape properties – habitat extent, habitat configuration, landscape composition and geographical location – on the incidence of 58 species of woodland-dependent birds in 24 agricultural landscapes (each 100 km2) in south-eastern Australia.

4. There was strong evidence for a positive effect of habitat extent for 27 species. Thirty species were related to at least one of the four landscape composition variables, and geographical location was important for 19 species. Habitat configuration was influential for 13 species and where important, the impacts of fragmentation per se were detrimental.

5. Variation among species in the influential landscape variables indicates that different species respond to different sets of cues in land mosaics. Thus, although all species were grouped a priori as 'woodland-dependent', expectations based on general ecological characteristics may prove unreliable.

6. Synthesis and applications. These results underscore the value of moving beyond the fragmentation paradigm focused on the spatial pattern of habitat vs. non-habitat, to a greater appreciation of the composition and heterogeneity of land mosaics. Landscape-level inference will enable improved conservation outcomes by recognizing the influence of landscape properties on biota and devising strategies at this scale to complement patch-based management. We provide strong empirical evidence that biodiversity management in agricultural landscapes must focus on habitat extent. Complementary management of other landscape attributes, such as habitat aggregation and intensity of agricultural land-use, will also enhance the value of agricultural landscapes for woodland birds.


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Agricultural environments are critical to the conservation of biota throughout the world. Efforts to identify key influences on the conservation status of fauna in such environments have taken complementary approaches. Many studies have focused on the role of remnant or seminatural vegetation and emphasized the influence on biota of spatial patterns in the landscape. Others have recognized that many species use diverse ‘‘countryside’’ elements within farmland, and emphasize the benefits of landscape heterogeneity for conservation. Here, we investigated the effect of independent measures of both the spatial pattern (extent and configuration) and heterogeneity of elements (i.e., land uses/vegetation types) on bird occurrence in farm-scale agricultural mosaics in southeastern Australia. Birds were sampled in all types of elements in 27 mosaics (each 1 3 1 km) selected to incorporate variation in cover of native vegetation and the number of different element types in the mosaic. We used an information-theoretic approach to identify the mosaic properties that most strongly influenced bird species richness. Subgroups of birds based on habitat requirements responded most strongly to the extent of preferred elements in mosaics. Woodland birds were richer in mosaics with higher cover of native vegetation while open-tolerant species responded to the extent of scattered trees. In contrast, for total species richness, mosaic heterogeneity (richness of element types) and landscape context (cover of native vegetation in surrounding area) had the greatest influence. These results showed that up to 76% of landscape-level variation in richness of bird groups is attributable to mosaic properties directly amenable to management by landowners. Key implications include (1) conservation goals for farm landscapes must be carefully defined because the richness of different faunal components is influenced by different mosaic properties; (2) the extent of native vegetation is a critical influence in agricultural environments because it drives the farmscale richness of woodland birds and has a broader context effect on total bird richness in mosaics; (3) land-use practices that enhance the heterogeneity of farmland mosaics are beneficial for native birds; and (4) the cumulative effect of even small elements in farm mosaics contribute to the structural properties of entire landscapes.


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This study confirms the valuable contribution that agricultural landscapes make to bird conservation in Australia. While native vegetation is critical to conservation efforts, careful management of production land-use types may provide additional benefits. Results show that productive farm enterprises can make real contributions to the success of broader conservation goals.


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Ecological processes such as plant–animal interactions have a critical role in shaping the structure and function of ecosystems, but little is known of how such processes are modified by changes in landscape structure. We investigated the effect of landscape change on mistletoe parasitism in fragmented agricultural environments by surveying mistletoes on eucalypt host trees in 24 landscapes, each 100 km2 in size, in south-eastern Australia. Landscapes were selected to represent a gradient in extent (from 60% to 2% cover) and spatial pattern of remnant wooded vegetation. Mistletoes were surveyed at 15 sites in each landscape, stratified to sample five types of wooded elements in proportion to their relative cover. The incidence per landscape of box mistletoe (Amyema miquelii), the most common species, was best explained by the extent of wooded cover (non-linear relationship) and mean annual rainfall. Higher incidence occurred in landscapes with intermediate levels of cover (15–30%) and higher rainfall (>500 mm). Importantly, a marked non-linear decline in the incidence of A. miquelii in low-cover landscapes implies a disproportionate loss of this species in remaining wooded vegetation, greater than that attributable to decreasing forest cover. The most likely mechanism is the effect of landscape change on the mistletoebird (Dicaeum hirundinaceum), the primary seed-dispersal vector for A. miquelii. Our results are consistent with observations that habitat fragmentation initially enhances mistletoe occurrence in agricultural environments; but in this region, when wooded vegetation fell below a threshold of ~15% landscape cover, the incidence of A. miquelii declined precipitously. Conservation management will benefit from greater understanding of the components of landscape structure that most influence ecological processes, such as mistletoe parasitism and other plant–animal mutualisms, and the critical stages in such relationships. This will facilitate action before critical thresholds are crossed and cascading effects extend to other aspects of ecosystem function.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)