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The prevalence of variegate porphyria (VP) (2.1:100 000, in 2006 n=108) was higher in Finland than elsewhere in European countries due to a founder effect (R152C). The incidence of VP was estimated at 0.2:1 000 000 based on the number of new symptomatic patients yearly. The prevalence of porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) was 1.2:100 000 (in 2006 n=63), which is only one fourth of the numbers reported from other European countries. The estimated incidence of PCT was 0.5:1 000 000. Based on measurements of the uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase activity in erythrocytes, the proportion of familial PCT was 49% of the cases. The prevalence of erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP) was at 0.8:100 000 (in 2006 n=39) including asymptomatic carriers of a mutation in the ferrochelatase (FECH) gene. The incidence of EPP was estimated at 0.1:1 000 000. After 1980 the penetrance was 37% among patients with VP. Of the mutation carriers (n=57) 30% manifested with skin symptoms. Frequency of skin symptom as only clinical sign was stable before or after 1980 (22% vs. 21%), but acute attacks became infrequent (29% vs. 7%). Of the symptomatic patients 30% had both acute attacks and skin symptoms and 80% had skin symptoms. Fragility (95%) and blistering (46%) of the skin in the backs of the hands were the most common skin symptoms. Transient correction of porphyrin metabolism using eight haem arginate infusions within five weeks had no effect on the skin symptoms in three of four patients with VP. In one case skin symptoms disappeared transiently. One patient with homozygous VP had severe photosensitivity since birth. Sensory polyneuropathy, glaucoma and renal failure developed during the 25-year follow-up without the presence of acute attacks. The I12T mutation was detected in both of his alleles in the protoporphyrinogen oxidase gene. Lack of skin symptoms and infrequency of acute attacks (1/9) in the patients with I12T mutation at the heterozygous stage indicate a mild phenotype (the penetrance 11%). Four mutations (751delGAGAA, 1122delT, C286T, C343T) in the FECH gene were characterised in four of 15 families with EPP. Burning pain (96%) and swelling (92%) of the sun-exposed skin were the major skin symptoms. Hepatopathy appeared in one of 25 symptomatic patients (4%). Clinical manifestations and associated factors of PCT were similar in the sporadic and familial types of PCT. The majority of the patients with PCT had one to three precipitating factors: alcohol intake (78%), mutations in hemochromatosis associated gene (50%), use of oestrogen (25% of women) and hepatitis B or C infections (25 %). Fatty liver disease (67%) and siderosis (67%) were commonly found in their liver biopsies. The major histopathological change of the sun-exposed skin in the patients with VP (n=20), EPP (n=8) and PCT (n=5) was thickening of the vessel walls of the upper dermis suggesting that the vessel wall is the primary site of the phototoxic reaction in each type of porphyria. The fine structure of the vessel walls was similar in VP, EPP and PCT consisting of the multilayered basement membrane and excess of finely granular substance between the layers which were surrounded by the band of homogenous material. EPP was characterised by amorphous perivascular deposits extending also to the extravascular space. In direct immunofluorescence study homogenous IgG deposits in the vessel walls of the upper dermis of the sun-exposed skin were demonstrated in each type of porphyria. In EPP the excess material around vessel walls consisted of other proteins such as serum amyloid protein, and kappa and lambda light chains in addition to the basement membrane constituents such as collagen IV and laminin. These results suggest that the alterations of the vessel walls are a consequence of the repeated damage and the repairing process in the vessel wall. The microscopic alterations could be demonstrated even in the normal looking but sun-exposed skin of the patients with EPP during the symptom-free phase suggesting that vascular change can be chronic. The stability of vascular changes in the patients with PCT after treatment indicates that circulating porphyrins are not important for the maintenance of the changes.


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The prefrontal cortex (PFC), located in the anterior region of the frontal lobe, is considered to have several key roles in higher cognitive and executive functions. In general, the PFC can be seen as a coordinator of thought and action allowing subjects to behave in a goal-directed manner. Due to its anatomical connections with a variety of cortical and subcortical structures, several neurotransmitters, including dopamine, are involved in the regulation of PFC activity. In general, the majority of released dopamine is cleared by the dopamine transporter (DAT). In the PFC however, the number of presynaptic DAT is diminished, emphasizing the relative importance of catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) in dopamine metabolism. As a result, the role of COMT in the etiology of psychotic disorders is under constant debate. The present study investigated the role of COMT in prefrontal cortical dopamine metabolism by different neurochemical methods in COMT knockout (COMT-KO) mice. Pharmacological tools to inhibit other dopamine clearing mechanisms were also used for a more comprehensive and collective picture. In addition, this study investigated how a lack of the soluble (S-) COMT isoform affects the total COMT activity as well as the pharmacokinetics of orally administered L-dopa using mutant mice expressing only the membrane-bound (MB-) COMT isoform. Also the role of COMT in striatal and accumbal dopamine turnover during Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) challenge was studied. We found markedly increased basal dopamine concentrations in the PFC, but not the striatum or nucleus accumbens (NAcc), of mice lacking COMT. Pharmacological inhibition of the noradrenaline transporter (NET) and monoamine oxidase (MAO) elevated prefrontal cortical dopamine levels several-fold, whereas inhibition of DAT did not. The lack of COMT doubled the dopamine raising effects of NET and MAO inhibition. No compensatory expression of either DAT or NET was found in the COMT-KO mice. The lack of S-COMT decreased the total COMT activity by 50-70 % and modified dopamine transmission and the pharmacokinetics of exogenous Ldopa in a sex and tissue specific manner. Finally, we found that subsequent tolcapone and THC increased dopamine levels in the NAcc, but not in the striatum. Conclusively, this study presents neurochemical evidence for the important role of COMT in the PFC and shows that COMT is responsible for about half of prefrontal cortical dopamine metabolism. This study also highlights the previously underestimated proportional role of MB-COMT and supports the clinical evidence of a gene x environment interaction between COMT and cannabis.


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Extract of Ginkgo biloba is used to alleviate age-related decline in cognitive function, which may be associated with the loss of catecholamines in the prefrontal cortex. The purpose of this study was to verify whether alpha-2 adrenergic activity is involved in the facilitative effects of extract of Ginkgo biloba on prefrontal cognitive function. Male Wistar rats were trained to reach criterion in the delayed alternation task (0, 25, and 50-s delay intervals). A pilot study found that 3 or 4 mg/kg of yohimbine (intraperitoneal) reduced the choice accuracy of the delayed alternation task in a dose and delay-dependent manner, without influencing motor ability or perseverative behaviour. Acute oral pre-treatment with doses of 50, 100, or 200 mg/kg (but not 25 mg/kg) of extract of Ginkgo biloba prevented the reduction in choice accuracy induced by 4 mg/kg yohimbine. These data suggest that the prefrontal cognition-enhancing effects of extract of Ginkgo biloba are related to its actions on alpha-2-adrenoceptors.


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水分利用效率反映了环境养分资源对植物生理状况的影响。在C3 植物中 ,碳同位素分辨率 (Δ)可用来反映植物水分利用效率 (WUE)状况[1,2 ] ,(已被用作衡量C3 植物叶片气体交换对环境变化的指标 ,如土壤水分亏缺[3 ] 、光辐射[4] 、湿度[5 ] 、高CO2 [6] 和盐渍[7] 。植物Δ与WUE或干物质产量间呈负相关[8] ,但Wrightetal认为正常水分条件下Δ和WUE为负相关 ,而干旱条件下Δ和WUE无相关性[9] ,但就Δ和WUE关系在氮素和水分互作条件下的变化至今研究较少。由于不同资源胁迫预处理会使植物产生一系列生理适应机制[10 ] ,所以 ,我们对不同氮素溶液下培养的小麦幼苗通过添加不同量PEG( 6 0 0 0 )来模拟水分亏缺条件 ,利用稳定性碳同位素技术探讨不同氮素营养和水分亏缺条件下小麦Δ和WUE的关系。1 材料与方法小偃 6号小麦 (TriticumaestivumL .cv .xiaoyanNo .6 )在 2 5℃恒温、黑暗条件下于吸湿滤纸上萌发 5d后 ,选长势均一的幼苗移至装蛭石和炭沙 (1∶1,v/v)的塑料盒中 ,每周用改良的半强度Hoagland营养液灌...


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Fatty acid desaturases are enzymes that introduce double bonds into the hydrocarbon chains of fatty acids. The fatty acid desaturases from 37 cyanobacterial genomes were identified and classified based upon their conserved histidine-rich motifs and phylogenetic analysis, which help to determine the amounts and distributions of desaturases in cyanobacterial species. The filamentous or N-2-fixing cyanobacteria usually possess more types of fatty acid desaturases than that of unicellular species. The pathway of acyl-lipid desaturation for unicellular marine cyanobacteria Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus differs from that of other cyanobacteria, indicating different phylogenetic histories of the two genera from other cyanobacteria isolated from freshwater, soil, or symbiont. Strain Gloeobacter violaceus PCC 7421 was isolated from calcareous rock and lacks thylakoid membranes. The types and amounts of desaturases of this strain are distinct to those of other cyanobacteria, reflecting the earliest divergence of it from the cyanobacterial line. Three thermophilic unicellular strains, Thermosynechococcus elongatus BP-1 and two Synechococcus Yellowstone species, lack highly unsaturated fatty acids in lipids and contain only one Delta 9 desaturase in contrast with mesophilic strains, which is probably due to their thermic habitats. Thus, the amounts and types of fatty acid desaturases are various among different cyanobacterial species, which may result from the adaption to environments in evolution. Copyright (c) 2008 Xiaoyuan Chi et al.


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Marijuana smokers and animals treated with ?9-tetrahydrocannabinol, THC, the principal component of marijuana, show alterations of sperm morphology suggesting a role for cannabinoids in sperm differentiation and/or maturation. Since the cannabinoid receptor 1 (CNR1) activation appears to play a pivotal role in spermiogenesis, the developmental stage where DNA is remodeled, we hypothesized that CNR1 receptors might also influence chromatin quality in sperm. We used Cnr1 null mutant (Cnr1-/-) mice to study the possible role of endocannabinoids on sperm chromatin during spermiogenesis. We demonstrated that CNR1 activation regulated chromatin remodeling of spermatids by either increasing Tnp2 levels or enhancing histone displacement. Comparative analysis of WT, Cnr1+/- and Cnr1-/- animals suggested the possible occurrence of haploinsufficiency for Tnp2 turnover control by CNR1, while histone displacement was disrupted to a lesser extent. Further, flow cytometry analysis demonstrated that the genetic loss of Cnr1 decreased sperm chromatin quality and was associated with sperm DNA fragmentation. This damage increased during epididymal transit, from caput to cauda. Collectively, our results show that the expression/activity of CNR1 controls the physiological alterations of DNA structure during spermiogenic maturation and epididymal transit. Given the deleterious effects of sperm DNA damage on male fertility, we suggest that the reproductive function of marijuana users may also be impaired by deregulation of the endogenous endocannabinoid system.


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Recent societal acceptance of cannabinoids as recreational and therapeutic drugs has posed a potential hazard to male reproductive health. Mammals have a highly sophisticated endogenous cannabinoid (ECS) system that regulates male (and female) reproduction and exo-cannabinoids may influence it adversely. Therefore it is imperative to determine their effects on male reproduction so that men can make informed choices as to their use. Here, an animal model was used to administer HU210, a synthetic analogue of ?9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and potent cannabinoid receptor (CB) agonist to determine its effects on reproductive organ weights, spermatogenesis, testicular histology and sperm motility. Its effects on the physiological endocannabinoid system were also investigated. Spermatogenesis was markedly impaired with reductions in total sperm count after 2 weeks of exposure. Spermatogenic efficiency was depleted, and Sertoli cell number decreased as exposure time increased with seminiferous tubules showing germ cell depletion developing into atrophy in some cases. Sperm motility was also adversely affected with marked reductions from 2 weeks on. HU210 also acted on the sperm’s endocannabinoid system. Long term use of exo-cannabinoids has adverse effects on both spermatogenesis and sperm function. These findings highlight the urgent need for studies evaluating the fertility potential of male recreational drug users.


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Fluctuations in ammonium (NH4+), measured as NH4-N loads using an ion-selective electrode installed at the inlet of a sewage treatment plant, showed a distinctive pattern which was associated to weekly (i.e., commuters) and seasonal (i.e., holidays) fluctuations of the population. Moreover, population size estimates based on NH4-N loads were lower compared to census data. Diurnal profiles of benzoylecgonine (BE) and 11-nor-9-carboxy-Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC-COOH) were shown to be strongly correlated to NH4-N. Characteristic patterns, which reflect the prolonged nocturnal activity of people during the weekend, could be observed for BE, cocaine, and a major metabolite of MDMA (i.e., 4-hydroxy-3-methoxymethamphetamine). Additional 24 h composite samples were collected between February and September 2013. Per-capita loads (i.e., grams per day per 1000 inhabitants) were computed using census data and NH4-N measurements. Normalization with NH4-N did not modify the overall pattern, suggesting that the magnitude of fluctuations in the size of the population is negligible compared to those of illicit drug loads. Results show that fluctuations in the size of the population over longer periods of time or during major events can be monitored using NH4-N loads: either using raw NH4-N loads or population size estimates based on NH4-N loads, if information about site-specific NH4-N population equivalents is available.


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Many studies based on either an experimental or an epidemiological approach, have shown that the ability to drive is impaired when the driver is under the influence of cannabis. Baseline performances of heavy users remain impaired even after several weeks of abstinence. Symptoms of cannabis abuse and dependence are generally considered incompatible with safe driving. Recently, it has been shown that traffic safety can be increased by reporting the long-term unfit drivers to the driver licensing authorities and referring the cases for further medical assessment. Evaluation of the frequency of cannabis use is a prerequisite for a reliable medical assessment of the fitness to drive. In a previous paper we advocated the use of two thresholds based on 11-nor-9-carboxy-Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THCCOOH) concentration in whole blood to help to distinguish occasional cannabis users (≤3μg/L) from heavy regular smokers (≥40μg/L). These criteria were established on the basis of results obtained in a controlled cannabis smoking study with placebo, carried out with two groups of young male volunteers; the first group was characterized by a heavy use (≥10 joints/month) while the second group was made up of occasional users smoking at most 1 joint/week. However, to date, these cutoffs have not been adequately assessed under real conditions. Their validity can now be evaluated and confirmed with 146 traffic offenders' real cases in which the whole blood cannabinoid concentrations and the frequency of cannabis use are known. The two thresholds were not challenged by the presence of ethanol (40% of cases) and of other therapeutic and illegal drugs (24%). Thus, we propose the following procedure that can be very useful in the Swiss context but also in other countries with similar traffic policies: if the whole blood THCCOOH concentration is higher than 40μg/L, traffic offenders must be directed first and foremost toward medical assessment of their fitness to drive. This evaluation is not recommended if the THCCOOH concentration is lower than 3μg/L and if the self-rated frequency of cannabis use is less than 1 time/week. A THCCOOH level between these two thresholds cannot be reliably interpreted. In such a case, further medical assessment and follow-up of the fitness to drive are also suggested, but with lower priority.


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El estado nutricional es un indicador de calidad de vida de los individuos; la malnutrición se ha constituido en una problemática de la población infantil de países en vía de desarrollo cuya reducción se ha incluido en los objetivos del Milenio; para su abordaje, Colombia implementó el Sistema de Vigilancia Epidemiológica Alimentaria y Nutricional –SISVAN- que desde 1998, ha recopilado información del estado nutricional de niños y niñas. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo longitudinal con un análisis evolutivo (pruebas ANOVA y Bonferoni) de la malnutrición en infantes de Bogotá, con base en los reportes del SISVAN desde 1998 al 2009. La clasificación nutricional se determinó mediante gráficas de la NCHS. Empleamos software SPSS 15. Resultados: 1’836.903 registros totales depurados (895638 niñas y 941265 niños), pertenecientes a 20 localidades de Bogotá. La prevalencia de malnutrición encontrada varía según el indicador antropométrico utilizado (Peso/Edad, Talla/Edad y Peso/Talla), así: desnutrición global varía de 2.6%(1998) a 2.8%(2009); de 1.5%(1998) a 1.6%(2009) para sobrepeso y para obesidad 0.8% según el indicador Peso/Edad para ambos géneros. Indicador Talla/Edad: prevalencias de 5.1%(1998) a 4.8%(2009) para desnutrición crónica y retraso de crecimiento de 11.7%(1998) a 11.1% (2009). Indicador Peso/Talla se encuentra: 12.7%(1998) a 12.6%(2009) para desnutrición aguda, 4.9%(1998) a 4.2%(2009) para sobrepeso y para obesidad de 4.8%(1998) a 4.0%(2009). Conclusiones: Existen diferencias significativas entre las prevalencias de desnutrición, sobrepeso y obesidad durante los años de reporte del SISVAN, observándose una tendencia al decrecimiento en obesidad, desnutrición aguda y crónica, y a un comportamiento sin variaciones para sobrepeso.


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Este estudio de caso analiza la influencia del Crimen Organizado Transnacional en la formulación de Políticas Públicas de seguridad en Argentina entre 2001 y 2013. En contraste con otros estudios, se considera que la relación de estos dos fenómenos debe recoger aspectos fundamentales de un enfoque de seguridad integral y multidimensional. En el caso de Argentina, durante 2001 el Crimen Organizado Transnacional ocupó el primer lugar en la agenda pública, lo cual derivó en una serie de acciones públicas llevadas a cabo por los distintos gobiernos. Sin embargo, los casos de Santa Fe en 2012 y Córdoba en 2013 demostraron la debilidad institucional en la formulación de Políticas Públicas de este país. Por lo tanto, este trabajo pretende demostrar con los casos anteriormente mencionados que debilidades estatales como la corrupción estatal y la indiferencia ciudadana son obstáculos para la formulación de políticas públicas.


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The fixed-dose procedure (FDP) was introduced as OECD Test Guideline 420 in 1992, as an alternative to the conventional median lethal dose (LD50) test for the assessment of acute oral toxicity (OECD Test Guideline 401). The FDP uses fewer animals and causes less suffering than the conventional test, while providing information on the acute toxicity to allow substances to be ranked according to the EU hazard classification system. Recently the FDP has been revised, with the aim of providing further reductions and refinements, and classification according to the criteria of the Globally Harmonized Hazard Classification and Labelling scheme (GHS). This paper describes the revised FDP and analyses its properties, as determined by a statistical modelling approach. The analysis shows that the revised FDP classifies substances for acute oral toxicity generally in the same, or a more stringent, hazard class as that based on the LD50 value, according to either the GHS or the EU classification scheme. The likelihood of achieving the same classification is greatest for substances with a steep dose-response curve and median toxic dose (TD50) close to the LD50. The revised FDP usually requires five or six animals with two or fewer dying as a result of treatment in most cases.


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The Cannabis sativa herb contains over 100 phytocannabinoid (pCB) compounds and has been used for thousands of years for both recreational and medicinal purposes. In the past two decades, characterisation of the body's endogenous cannabinoid (CB) (endocannabinoid, eCB) system (ECS) has highlighted activation of central CB1 receptors by the major pCB, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC) as the primary mediator of the psychoactive, hyperphagic and some of the potentially therapeutic properties of ingested cannabis. Whilst Δ9-THC is the most prevalent and widely studied pCB, it is also the predominant psychotropic component of cannabis, a property that likely limits its widespread therapeutic use as an isolated agent. In this regard, research focus has recently widened to include other pCBs including cannabidiol (CBD), cannabigerol (CBG), Δ9tetrahydrocannabivarin (Δ9-THCV) and cannabidivarin (CBDV), some of which show potential as therapeutic agents in preclinical models of CNS disease. Moreover, it is becoming evident that these non-Δ9-THC pCBs act at a wide range of pharmacological targets, not solely limited to CB receptors. Disorders that could be targeted include epilepsy, neurodegenerative diseases, affective disorders and the central modulation of feeding behaviour. Here, we review pCB effects in preclinical models of CNS disease and, where available, clinical trial data that support therapeutic effects. Such developments may soon yield the first non-Δ9-THC pCB-based medicines.


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Rationale: Increased food consumption following Δ9- tetrahydrocannabinol-induced cannabinoid type 1 receptor agonism is well documented. However, possible non-Δ9- tetrahydrocannabinol phytocannabinoid-induced feeding effects have yet to be fully investigated. Therefore, we have assessed the effects of the individual phytocannabinoids, cannabigerol, cannabidiol and cannabinol, upon feeding behaviors. Methods: Adult male rats were treated (p.o.) with cannabigerol, cannabidiol, cannabinol or cannabinol plus the CB1R antagonist, SR141716A. Prior to treatment, rats were satiated and food intake recorded following drug administration. Data were analyzed for hourly intake and meal microstructure. Results: Cannabinol induced a CB1R-mediated increase in appetitive behaviors via significant reductions in the latency to feed and increases in consummatory behaviors via increases in meal 1 size and duration. Cannabinol also significantly increased the intake during hour 1 and total chow consumed during the test. Conversely, cannabidiol significantly reduced total chow consumption over the test period. Cannabigerol administration induced no changes to feeding behavior. Conclusion: This is the first time cannabinol has been shown to increase feeding. Therefore, cannabinol could, in the future, provide an alternative to the currently used and psychotropic Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol-based medicines since cannabinol is currently considered to be non-psychotropic. Furthermore, cannabidiol reduced food intake in line with some existing reports, supporting the need for further mechanistic and behavioral work examining possible anti-obesity effects of cannabidiol.


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Cannabis has been used for centuries to treat seizures. Recent anecdotal reports, accumulating animal model data, and mechanistic insights have raised interest in cannabis-based antiepileptic therapies. In this study, we review current understanding of the endocannabinoid system, characterize the pro- and anticonvulsive effects of cannabinoids [e.g., Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol (CBD)], and high-light scientific evidence from pre-clinical and clinical trials of cannabinoids in epilepsy. These studies suggest that CBD avoids the psychoactive effects of the endocannabinoid system to provide a well-tolerated, promising therapeutic for the treatment of seizures, while whole-plant cannabis can both contribute to and reduce seizures. Finally, we discuss results from a new multicenter, open-label study using CBD in a population with treatment-resistant epilepsy. In all, we seek to evaluate our current understanding of cannabinoids in epilepsy and guide future basic science and clinical studies.