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氢化物发生-感耦等离子体原子发射光谱分析法具有灵敏度高和多元素同时测定等特点。近年来日益受到人们的重视,并得到了愈来愈广泛地应用。本文对氢化物发生-ICP-AES的原理、发展现状及存在的问题作了较详细的回顾和总结,并参照有关文献,对目前人们普遍感兴趣的氢化物元素和非氢化物元素同时测定以及铅的氢化物发生等问题作了进一步地研究。本文在黄本立等设计的旋流雾室-雾化氢化物发生装置的基础上作了改进。除样品溶液同样经气动雾化,其废液与硼氢化钠溶液混合发生氢化物形成反应外,增加了预混通道,即另一部分样品溶液与硼氢化钠溶液在泵送过程中,于管道中预混,从而使氢化物形成反应效率提高,氢化物元素的检出限进一步得到改善。砷、锑、铋、硒、碲、锡和锗的检出限分别为:1.1、1.6、0.28、0.75、1.7、2.6和6.1(ns/ml)。若和非预混氢化物发生法相比较,氢化物元素的检出限改善2-6倍,非氢化物元素的检出限改善约1倍。如果和双简雾室气动雾化(非氢化物发生法)相比较,氢化物元素的检出限改善20倍以上,其中砷、锑、硒和铋的检出限改善近两个数量级。另外,由于样品和硼氢化钢溶液接触时间延长且较充分,硼氢化钠分解较完全,从而免去了用水冲洗废液的麻烦。等离子体正向功率、观察高度和载气流量对分析元素、IL/Ib和D、L 的影响在本工作中得到了较详细的考察。对于氢化物发生-ICP-AES应当同时考察分析元素线背比和检出限的变化规律,以综合考察分析元素灵敏度和信噪比的影响情况。本工作对共存元素的干扰及消除作了进一步的研究,比较了混合干扰掩蔽剂和单一掩蔽剂在消除共存元素干扰等方面的差异。结果表明,使用混合干扰掩蔽剂消除共存元素的干扰效果更为理想。本文法已用于地质样品中多元素的同时分析。我们并比较了地质样品中采用HF-HNO_3-HClO_4和王水两种消解方法对氢化物元素的影响情况。结果表明,样品用王水消解,氢化物元素砷、锑、铋、硒、碲和锡的浸出率在80-95%之内,锗在70%左右。另外,对样品最终溶液中含有的少量高氯酸、硝酸对氢化物元素谱线强度的影响作了考察。试验结果表明,5%(v/v)以内的高氯酸对几种氢化物元素的谱线强度无明显的影响,而1%(v/v)左右的硝酸则对硒、碲和锑的谱线线强度有抑制。本文还对铅氢化物的生成条件以及铅和其它氢化物元素(硒、碲除外)、非氢化物元素同时测定等问题作了初步探讨。氧化剂是铅氢化物形成的必要条件,但它对其余几种变价氢化物元素的影响也比较明显,其中尤以砷、硒、碲为最。其谱线强度分别下降70%、98%和99%。另外,铅氢化物形成过程中共存离子的干扰是相当严重的。我们采用混合干扰抑制剂硫氰酸钾-草酸对消除铜、铁等共存离子的干扰具有一定作用。通过对河流沉积物GSD-7标样中铅和其它氢化物元素、非氢化物元素的分析测定,结果表明,其分析值和标准值(或参考值)基本吻合。
Interfacial formation processes and reactions between Au and hydrogenated amorphous Si have been studied by photoemission spectroscopy and Auger electron spectroscopy. A three-dimensional growth of Au metal cluster occurs at initial formation of the Au/a-Si:H interface. When Au deposition exceeds a critical time, Au and Si begin interdiffusing and react to create an Au-Si alloy region. Annealing enhances interdiffusion and a Si-rich region exists on the topmost surface of Au films on a-Si:H.
Major, minor and trace elemental contents in northeast China soybeans were determined by using inductively, coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Three different sample digestion methods including two wet digestions, HNO3-HClO4 and HNO3-H2SO4 and a dry ash method were compared. Owing to the high oil content in soybeans, long time is needed and access acid should be added, with mixed acid digestion methods, which may result in higher sample blank. Therefore, the dry ask method would be more proper for the pre-treatment of soybean samples. Potassium and phosphorus are major elements in soybeans, so the effect of potassium and phosphorus on the other elements was investigated. Results showed that the potassium and phosphorus did not affect the determination. of other trace elements. There are not significant differences in trace elemental contents for the eleven northeast China soybeans.
The inductively coupled plasma atomic emission, spectrometry (ICP-AES) and its signal characteristics were discussed using modem spectral estimation technique. The power spectra density (PSD) was calculated using the auto-regression (AR) model of modem spectra estimation. The Levinson-Durbin recursion method was used to estimate the model parameters which were used for the PSD computation. The results obtained with actual ICP-AES spectra and measurements showed that the spectral estimation technique was helpful for the better understanding about spectral composition and signal characteristics.
本文对电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱分析 (ICP AES)中电荷注入检测器 (CID)得到的二维光谱的频率特性作了研究。测量光谱经过傅里叶变换得到其光谱的频域分布。结果表明 ,测量光谱在频域中的信号可被分为两部分 :即低频信号和高频信号。前者代表有用的分析信号而后者代表背景和噪声。然而 ,不能采用简单滤除高频信号的方法来去除噪声 ,因为这样虽然高频信号没有明显改变但会使背景变形。
An information system for inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (TCP-BES) in MS Windows environment was developed based on the previous work in the laboratory. The system contains the data of about 28 000 spectral lines and a function of ICP spectral simulation,so it would be very helpful for line selection. The system also contains the Kalman filter and factor analysis programmes written with MS Visual Basic(version 4.0), which can be used for spectral interference correction and peak position optimization. A large amount of real spectral scanning data of rare earth elements were included in the system for user's references. All these characteristics made the system more useful and practical.