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为了重建东亚季风区域2.5MaB.P.前后植被和气候变化的历史,更好地了解低纬度地区植被变化及其对全球变化的响应,本研究选择了南海南部ODP1143站深海沉积物中的孢粉样品进行研究。通过高分辨率(7ka)的孢粉样品的分析研究,建立起3.0~2.0MaB.P.时段南海深海沉积孢粉组合序列,系统建立了这一时段植被演替序列。在此基础上,重点研究了2.5MaB.P.前后气候变化在南海周边地区植被演替中的响应,为探索和揭示东亚古季风及古环境演变提供了孢粉学依据。 ODP 1143站位于南沙海区,北纬9º22´,东经113º17´,深海柱状样采于水深2772m的大陆坡。本研究以生物地层学和氧同位素年代学为依据建立了年龄框架,对1143站135~95m(3.0~2.6 Ma B. P.)深海沉积中的孢粉样品进行了分析,建立了3.0~2.0MaB.P.时段南海深海沉积孢粉组合序列。孢粉样品处理方法主要是用盐酸去掉钙质和氢氟酸浸泡溶解硅质后,再用筛子将样品在超声波发生器中震荡过滤。孢粉的鉴定和统计在光学透视显微镜下完成。研究结果表明: 1、孢粉谱的主要特征是沉积率变化显著。与3.0~2.6 Ma B. P. 相比,2.6~2.0 Ma B. P.各类型花粉及孢子沉积率均有显著提高。该结果表明2.6 Ma B. P.南海海平面有显著下降,可与北半球冰盖形成、东亚季风增强相对应。 2、2.6 Ma B. P.以来,各类型孢粉沉积率变化与深海氧同位素分期相对应,代表了多次冰期-间冰期旋回。该结果表明南海海平面曾有多次上升和下降。 3、频谱分析结果表明,3.0~2.0 Ma B. P.存在0.1 Ma(偏心率)和46.9ka(斜率)的周期。


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Wasp is an important venomous animal that can induce human fatalities. Coagulopathy is a clinical symptom after massive wasp stings, but the reason leading to the envenomation manifestation is still not known. In this paper, a toxin protein is purified and characterized by Sephadex G-75 gel filtration, CM-Sephadex C-25 cationic exchange and fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) from the venom of the wasp, Vespa magnifica (Smith). This protein, named magnvesin. contains serine protease-like activity and inhibits blood coagulation. The cDNA encoding magnvesin is cloned from the venom sac cDNA library of the wasp. The deduced protein from the cDNA is composed of 305 amino acid residues. Magnvesin shares 52% identity with allergen serine protease from the wasp Polistes dominulus. Magnvesin exerted its anti-coagulant function by hydrolyzing coagulant factors TF, VII, VIII, IX and X. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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在榕树与其传粉小蜂组成的互利阿共生系统中,理解传粉小蜂与各种非传粉小蜂如何共存是解决这一系统稳定性维持机制问题的关键之一.生态位分化被普遍认为是传粉小蜂与各种非传粉小蜂共存的最主要动力.而作为生态位分化中最基础的食性分化在这一系统中如何具体实现尚小清楚.2006年12月至2007年6月.我们以聚果榕(Ficus racemosa)为材料,通过对果内6种榕小蜂进行独立放蜂及两两组合定最放蜂,并对传粉小蜂分别进行不携带花粉和不能产卵的技术处理,研究了寄生在聚果榕果内的5种非传粉小蜂的食性及相互关系,分析了在不同季节下寄生蜂与寄主间的相关系数.研究结果表明:在5种非传粉小蜂中,Platyneura testacea和P mayri是造瘿者,能独立刺激子房发育成瘿花,并使果实发育成熟;而 Apocrypta sp、A.westwoodi和P.agraensis只能寄生于某些已发育的虫瘿,为拟寄生者,它们各自分别与P.testacea,P.mayri和传粉小蜂Ceratosolen fusciceps存在着一对一的寄生关系.拟寄生者与寄主间的相关性在不同季节下会显示出不同的结果,这表明过去文献中用物种间的相关系数推理而确定的食性关系可能是不可靠的.对自然采集榕果内的小蜂群落分析表明,传粉小蜂处于优势地位,这说明在自然情况下非传粉小蜂的种群维持在一个较低水平,对榕树-传粉小蜂系统稳定性影响较小,故能与之长期共存.


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It has been shown that during arm movement, humans selectively change the endpoint stiffness of their arm to compensate for the instability in an unstable environment. When the direction of the instability is rotated with respect to the direction of movement, it was found that humans modify the antisymmetric component of their endpoint stiffness. The antisymmetric component of stiffness arises due to reflex responses suggesting that the subjects may have tuned their reflex responses as part of the feedforward adaptive control. The goal of this study was to examine whether the CNS modulates the gain of the reflex response for selective tuning of endpoint impedance. Subjects performed reaching movements in three unstable force fields produced by a robotic manipulandum, each field differing only in the rotational component. After subjects had learned to compensate for the field, allowing them to make unperturbed movements to the target, the endpoint stiffness of the arm was estimated in the middle of the movements. At the same time electromyographic activity (EMG) of six arm muscles was recorded. Analysis of the EMG revealed differences across force fields in the reflex gain of these muscles consistent with stiffness changes. This study suggests that the CNS modulates the reflex gain as part of the adaptive feedforward command in which the endpoint impedance is selectively tuned to overcome environmental instability. © 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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国家自然科学基金项目资助(No.30170112;30500068); 中国科学院知识创新工程项目(220418)资助


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国家攀登B计划(PD- B6 - 7 - 3);国家自然科学基金(39430102 号);国家九五攻关计划(96 - 922 - 02