998 resultados para 784


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杜仲抗真菌蛋白(Eucommiaantifungalprotein,EAFP)的单晶体具有在几小时内就可长大的快速生长特性.用原子力显微成像(atomicforcemicroscope,AFM)技术,原位实时观测了EAFP单斜晶体生长过程中的{10 0}表面形貌动态变化,并分别在不同的过饱和度下测量了其生长速率.结果表明,EAFP晶体生长的速率与蛋白质溶液的过饱和度相关,在过饱和度高时(σ =1 78)晶面生长极快;在中等过饱和度(σ =1 5)下,其晶面台阶的生长速率沿b,c方向分别为 12nm/s和 2 4 2nm/s,比溶菌酶生长速率(6~ 7nm/s)快很多;在蛋白质浓度很低的情况下,其生长速率仍与其他蛋白质相当.EAFP晶体快速生长可能与该分子尺寸较小,内部结构紧凑,分子骨架呈刚性和分子表面性质等其固有特性密切相关.沉淀剂浓度对EAFP晶体生长也有影响.过饱和度很低时,提高沉淀剂浓度会干扰晶体生长.


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A set of new formula of energy functions for ferroelectrics was proposed, and then the new basic equations were derived in this paper. The finite element formulation based on the new basic equations was improved to avoid the equivalent nodal load produced by remnant polarization. With regard to the fundamentals of mathematics and physics, the new energy functions and basic equations are reasonable for the material element of ferroelectrics in finite element analysis.


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We propose a highly efficient content-lossless compression scheme for Chinese document images. The scheme combines morphologic analysis with pattern matching to cluster patterns. In order to achieve the error maps with minimal error numbers, the morphologic analysis is applied to decomposing and recomposing the Chinese character patterns. In the pattern matching, the criteria are adapted to the characteristics of Chinese characters. Since small-size components sometimes can be inserted into the blank spaces of large-size components, we can achieve small-size pattern library images. Arithmetic coding is applied to the final compression. Our method achieves much better compression performance than most alternative methods, and assures content-lossless reconstruction. (c) 2006 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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Infrared-to-visible upconversion fluorescence property of Er3+/Yb3+ codoped novel bismuth-germanium glass under 975 nm LD excitation has been studied. Intense green and red emissions centered at 525, 546 and 657 nm, corresponding to the transitions H-2(11/2) -> I-4(15/2), S-4(3/2) -> I-4(15/2), and F-4(9/2) -> I-4(15/2), respectively, were observed at room temperature. The quadratic dependence of the 525, 546 and 657 nm emissions on excitation power indicates that a two-photon absorption process occurs. The structure of the bismuth-germanium glass has been investigated by peak-deconvolution of FT-Raman spectrum, and the structural information was obtained from the peak wavenumbers. This novel bismuth-germanium glass with low maximum phonon energy (similar to 750 cm(-1)) can be used as potential host material for upconversion lasers. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A discussão jurídica versa acerca da proteção ou não dos dados clínicos e informações não divulgadas Data Package, obtidos através de pesquisas clinicas, a partir do desenvolvimento de um novo medicamento. È importante realizar-se uma investigação prévia para descobrir se o novo medicamento a ser comercializado, possui efeitos benéficos ou adversos, que possam afetar os seres humanos, garantindo assim a eficácia e a segurança de sua utilização. O dossiê contendo os dados clínicos é submetido à Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária que, no uso de sua atribuição específica, e em função da avaliação do cumprimento de caráter jurídico-administrativo e técnico-científico relacionado com a eficácia, segurança e qualidade do medicamento conforme a Lei 6360/76 e o Decreto 79.094/77 determina o registro sanitário. A tese defendida pelas sociedades farmacêuticas de pesquisa é a de que seria vedado à ANVISA deferir registros de medicamentos genéricos e similares de mesmo princípio ativo, com base nas pesquisas clinicas realizada, enquanto vigente o período de exclusividade, com fundamento no artigo 5, inciso XXIX da Constituição Federal, artigos 39.1, 39.2, 39.3 do Acordo sobre Aspectos dos Direitos de Propriedade Intelectual Acordo TRIPS, artigo 195, XIV da Lei n 9.279/96 (Lei da Propriedade Industrial), artigo 421, 884, 885 e 886 do CC, artigo 37, caput, da CF e artigo 2, da Lei 9.784/99 e aplicação analógica da Lei 10.603/2002. A ANVISA ao permitir aos fabricantes dos medicamentos genéricos e similares a utilização do pacote de dados clínicos, fornecido pelo titular do medicamento de referencia, estaria promovendo a concorrência desleal e parasitária, ao permitir que as versões genéricas e similares, ingressem no mercado, sob custos de produção e comerciais substancialmente menores, do que os praticadas pelos medicamentos de referencia. Este argumento tem fulcro na norma do artigo 39.3 do Acordo TRIPS firmado entre os membros da Organização Mundial do Comércio OMC, em 1994, no qual o Brasil é signatário, e que se comprometeram a adotar providências no sentido de manter em sigilo e protegidos contra o uso comercial desleal os dados clínicos relativos à pesquisa clínica, necessários à aprovação da comercialização de produtos farmacêuticos. A divulgação, exploração ou a utilização dos dados clínicos, sem a autorização do respectivo titular, o qual demandou recursos materiais e humanos consideráveis e desde que estas informações tenham sido apresentadas a entidades governamentais como condição para aprovação da comercialização de um medicamento, devem ser protegidas. Os Estados membros da OMC e subscritores do acordo internacional devem assegurar que os concorrentes não tenham acesso às informações recebidas pelo ente estatal, que não as explorarem ou delas possam aferir indevidamente tanto direta quanto indiretamente de vantagens que as beneficiem do conhecimento técnico-cientifico, investimentos e esforços realizados pelo titular daquela pesquisa clínica. Dentro deste cenário, faz-se necessário que o Estado produza um marco regulatório capaz de prover uma segurança jurídica, que permita as sociedades farmacêuticas disponibilizar elevado investimento, viabilizando a realização de pesquisa clinica e introdução de novos medicamentos.


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Production responsiveness refers to the ability of a production system to achieve its operational goals in the presence of supplier, internal and customer disturbances, where disturbances are those sources of change which occur independently of the system's intentions. A set of audit tools for assessing the responsiveness of production operations is being prepared as part of an EPSRC funded investigation. These tools are based on the idea that the ability to respond is linked to: the nature of the disturbances or changes requiring a response; their impact on production goals; and the inherent response capabilities of the operation. These response capabilities include information gathering and processing (to detect disturbances and production conditions), decision processes (which initiate system responses to disturbances) and various types of process flexibilities and buffers (which provide the physical means of dealing with disturbances). The paper discusses concepts and issues associated with production responsiveness, describes the audit tools that have been developed and illustrates their use in the context of a steel manufacturing plant.


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NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS)-Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment’s (CCMA) Biogeography Branch, National Park Service (NPS), US Geological Survey, and the University of Hawaii used acoustic telemetry to quantify spatial patterns and habitat affinities of reef fishes around the island of St. John, US Virgin Islands. The objective of the study was to define the movements of reef fishes among habitats within and between the Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument (VICRNM), the Virgin Islands National Park (VIIS), and Territorial waters surrounding St. John. In order to better understand species’ habitat utilization patterns among management regimes, we deployed an array of hydroacoustic receivers and acoustically tagged reef fishes. Thirty six receivers were deployed in shallow near-shore bays and across the shelf to depths of approximately 30 m. One hundred eighty four individual fishes were tagged representing 19 species from 10 different families with VEMCO V9-2L-R64K transmitters. The array provides fish movement information at fine (e.g., day-night and 100s meters within a bay) to broad spatial and temporal scales (multiple years and 1000s meters across the shelf). The long term multi-year tracking project provides direct evidence of connectivity across habitat types in the seascape and among management units. An important finding for management was that a number of individuals moved among management units (VICRNM, VINP, Territorial waters) and several snapper moved from near-shore protected areas to offshore shelf-edge spawning aggregations. However, most individuals spent the majority of their time with VIIS and VICRNM, with only a few wide-ranging species moving outside the management units. Five species of snappers (Lutjanidae) accounted for 31% of all individuals tagged, followed by three species of grunts (Haemulidae) accounting for an additional 23% of the total. No other family had more than a single species represented in the study. Bluestripe grunt (Haemulon sciurus) comprised 22% of all individuals tagged, followed by lane snappers (Lutjanus synagris) at 21%, bar jack (Carangoides ruber) at 11%, and saucereye porgy (Calamus calamus) at 10%. The largest individual tagged was a 70 cm TL nurse shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum), followed by a 65 cm mutton snapper (Lutjanus analis), a 47 cm bar jack, and a 41 cm dog snapper (Lutjanus jocu). The smallest individuals tagged were a 19 cm blue tang (Acanthurus coeruleus) and a 19.2 cm doctorfish (Acanthurus chirurgus). Of the 40 bluestriped grunt acoustically tagged, 73% were detected on the receiver array. The average days at large (DAL) was 249 (just over 8 months), with one individual detected for 930 days (over two and a half years). Lane snapper were the next most abundant species tagged (N = 38) with 89% detected on the array. The average days at large (DAL) was 221 with one individual detected for 351 days. Seventy-one percent of the bar jacks (N = 21) were detected on the array with the average DALs at 47 days. All of the mutton snapper (N = 12) were detected on the array with an average DAL of 273 and the longest at 784. The average maximum distance travelled (MDT) was ca. 2 km with large variations among species. Grunts, snappers, jacks, and porgies showed the greatest movements. Among all individuals across species, there was a positive and significant correlation between size of individuals and MDT and between DAL and MDT.