943 resultados para 73-522
Purpose Optical blur and ageing are known to affect driving performance but their effects on drivers' eye movements are poorly understood. This study examined the effects of optical blur and age on eye movement patterns and performance on the DriveSafe slide recognition test which is purported to predict fitness to drive. Methods Twenty young (27.1 ± 4.6 years) and 20 older (73.3 ± 5.7 years) visually normal drivers performed the DriveSafe under two visual conditions: best-corrected vision and with +2.00 DS blur. The DriveSafe is a Visual Recognition Slide Test that consists of brief presentations of static, real-world driving scenes containing different road users (pedestrians, bicycles and vehicles). Participants reported the types, relative positions and direction of travel of the road users in each image; the score was the number of correctly reported items (maximum score of 128). Eye movements were recorded while participants performed the DriveSafe test using a Tobii TX300 eye tracking system. Results There was a significant main effect of blur on DriveSafe scores (best-corrected: 114.9 vs blur: 93.2; p < 0.001). There was also a significant age and blur interaction on the DriveSafe scores (p < 0.001) such that the young drivers were more negatively affected by blur than the older drivers (reductions of 22% and 13% respectively; p < 0.001): with best-corrected vision, the young drivers performed better than the older drivers (DriveSafe scores: 118.4 vs 111.5; p = 0.001), while with blur, the young drivers performed worse than the older drivers (88.6 vs 95.9; p = 0.009). For the eye movement patterns, blur significantly reduced the number of fixations on road users (best-corrected: 5.1 vs blur: 4.5; p < 0.001), fixation duration on road users (2.0 s vs 1.8 s; p < 0.001) and saccade amplitudes (7.4° vs 6.7°; p < 0.001). A main effect of age on eye movements was also found where older drivers made smaller saccades than the young drivers (6.7° vs 7.4°; p < 0.001). Conclusions Blur reduced DriveSafe scores for both age groups and this effect was greater for the young drivers. The decrease in number of fixations and fixation duration on road users, as well as the reduction in saccade amplitudes under the blurred condition, highlight the difficulty experienced in performing the task in the presence of optical blur, which suggests that uncorrected refractive errors may have a detrimental impact on aspects of driving performance.
In 2015 the QLRC is conducting an inquiry into whether to extend legislative mandatory reporting duties for physical abuse and sexual abuse to early childhood education and care practitioners. The current legislation does not require these practitioners to report suspected cases of significant harm from physical or sexual absue to child welfare agencies. Based on the literature, and a multidisciplinary analysis, our overall recommendation is that we endorse the extension to selected early childhood education and care practitioners of Queensland’s current mandatory reporting duty in the Child Protection Act 1999 s 13E.
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Khaya senegalensis (African mahogany or dry-zone mahogany) is a high-value hardwood timber species with great potential for forest plantations in northern Australia. The species is distributed across the sub-Saharan belt from Senegal to Sudan and Uganda. Because of heavy exploitation and constraints on natural regeneration and sustainable planting, it is now classified as a vulnerable species. Here, we describe the development of microsatellite markers for K. senegalensis using next-generation sequencing to assess its intra-specific diversity across its natural range, which is a key for successful breeding programs and effective conservation management of the species. Next-generation sequencing yielded 93943 sequences with an average read length of 234bp. The assembled sequences contained 1030 simple sequence repeats, with primers designed for 522 microsatellite loci. Twenty-one microsatellite loci were tested with 11 showing reliable amplification and polymorphism in K. senegalensis. The 11 novel microsatellites, together with one previously published, were used to assess 73 accessions belonging to the Australian K. senegalensis domestication program, sampled from across the natural range of the species. STRUCTURE analysis shows two major clusters, one comprising mainly accessions from west Africa (Senegal to Benin) and the second based in the far eastern limits of the range in Sudan and Uganda. Higher levels of genetic diversity were found in material from western Africa. This suggests that new seed collections from this region may yield more diverse genotypes than those originating from Sudan and Uganda in eastern Africa.
Genetic analysis of structural brain connectivity using DICCCOL models of diffusion MRI in 522 twins
Genetic and environmental factors affect white matter connectivity in the normal brain, and they also influence diseases in which brain connectivity is altered. Little is known about genetic influences on brain connectivity, despite wide variations in the brain's neural pathways. Here we applied the 'DICCCOL' framework to analyze structural connectivity, in 261 twin pairs (522 participants, mean age: 21.8 y ± 2.7SD). We encoded connectivity patterns by projecting the white matter (WM) bundles of all 'DICCCOLs' as a tracemap (TM). Next we fitted an A/C/E structural equation model to estimate additive genetic (A), common environmental (C), and unique environmental/error (E) components of the observed variations in brain connectivity. We found 44 'heritable DICCCOLs' whose connectivity was genetically influenced (α2>1%); half of them showed significant heritability (α2>20%). Our analysis of genetic influences on WM structural connectivity suggests high heritability for some WM projection patterns, yielding new targets for genome-wide association studies.
Contenido: Ser y entender / Octavio N. Derisi – Filosofía del indeterminismo cuántico / J. E. Bolzán – Arte y metafísica / José M. de Estrada – Notas y comentarios – Bibliografía
El presente estudio se llevó a cabo en los municipios de San Ramón, Tuma / La Dalia y Pancasán en el departamento de Matagalpa comprendidos en altitudes de entre 600–800 m.s.n.m. con precipitaciones anuales que oscilan entre 1300–1500mm anuales, temperaturas promedios de 23–26 ºC con una humedad relativa aproximada de 80 %, donde se caracterizaron siete sistemas agroforestales con café, bajo diferentes niveles tecnológicos,cafetal a pleno sol y moderado uso de fertilizantes químicos; cafetal con sombra de árboles leguminosos y no leguminosos (moderado uso de fertilizantes químicos); cafetal con sombra de árboles leguminosos y no leguminosos (moderado uso de insumos orgánicos y bajo uso de insumos orgánicos). Tres áreas fueron seleccionadas en cada finca comprendidos unos 20 árboles de cafetos cubiertas por la influencia homogénea de los árboles de sombra. En éstas áreas se realizó la caracterización física y química del suelo y la cuantificación del matillo,todo ello realizado en un marco de 0.25 m2 dispuestos en la hilera y calle de los cafetos.Además se midieron variables correspondientes a los árboles de cafetos y de sombra. Toda la información obtenida fue en dos fincas por sistema agroforestal y nivel tecnológico. Entre los resultados más relevantes están: la variedad Catimor es tradicionalmente la más cultivada por los productores. Se encontró una mayor diversidad de especies de sombra en el moderado orgánico en los sistemas Leguminoso y No leguminoso con valores de 3–8 especies de árboles diferentes con predominancia de guaba y el laurel. La densidad de cafetos en todos los sistemas tu vieron un promedio de 5,404 plantas ha-1 (3797 plantas mz). Mientras que la mayor población de árboles y porcentaje de sombra se obtuvo en los sistemas con especies leguminosas con 522 árboles ha-1 y 73.63 % de sombra respectivamente. Sin embargo el cafetal a pleno sol obtuvo el mejor rendimiento productivo con 2,053.55kg ha-1. Las mayores concentraciones de N y P en la biomasa vegetal se encontraron en los residuos provenientes de los sistemas leguminosos con 2.5% (324.26 kg ha-1) y 0.06 % (8.01 kg ha-1) respectivamente;mientras las mayores concentraciones de K en los sistemas leguminosos y no leguminosos fue de 1.36% (80.92kg ha-1) y 1.35 % (68.43kg ha-1) respectivamente.La profundidad de los suelos varía de 0-42cm con una textura que va de franco- arcillosa a franco-arcillolimosa,con xii colores que van de café oscuros a amarillentos y hasta rojizos, una capacidad de intercambio catiónico alta (23.6-49.95 meq/100g suelo) y una acidez bien marcada.Las mayores concentraciones de materia orgánica se encontraron en los sistemas no leguminosos en la profundidad de 0-5 cm.con un promedio de 11.72 %. Mientras en el caso de N y P en los suelos cafetaleros las mayores cantidades se obtuvieron en la parte superficial del suelo disminuyendo considerablemente a medida que se profundizaba el muestreo.
1962-1972 / La Dirección -- La Teología al servicio de la Palabra de Dios / Carmelo Giaquinta -- El “Padre Nuestro” en el Evangelio según san Mateo / Luis H. Rivas -- La liberación. Aspectos bíblicos: evaluación crítica / José Mejía -- Matrimonio y sacerdocio: sacramento, fidelidad, castidad / Eduardo Briancesco -- Palabras y gestos en la Reconciliación sacramental / Luis Alessio -- El matrimonio en los Sínodos del Obispo Trejo / José M. Arancibia -- Propiedad de los medios de producción y pensamiento social de la Iglesia / Carmelo Giaquinta -- Reflexiones acerca de la pastoral popular desde el interior de un santuario / Guillermo Rodríguez Melgarejo -- Algunos principios para una teología de la pastoral popular / Ernesto Mai -- Nota bibliográficas -- Libros recibidos -- Crónica de la Facultad -- Índice del Tomo X
<正> 眩晕是临床比较常见的一个病症。对于眩晕的病情轻重和治疗效果的评定,主要依靠病人的主诉与医生的判断,目前还没有客观指标。为此,我们住中医辨证治疗眩晕的研究中,用平衡仪对73例眩晕患者进行了平衡试验观察,现将观察结果报告于下。方法和结果一、观察方法眩晕的检测工具为平衡仪(又称重心仪)Gravicorder,由检测平台和放大器二部分组成。检测平台是一块铸铝板(800×800×200毫米~3),它的四角放在四个负荷传感器(BLR-1
No dia do Índio, índios Caiapós e Txucarramães fazem manifestação no plenário pelo seus direitos. Parlamentares já estão preocupados com a redação do texto constitucional. A Comissão de Redação começa a ser instalada. O Plenário vota o título VI da Carta, que trata do sistema tributário. O Senado vai fixar as alíquotas máximas e mínimas dos impostos a serem cobrados pelos estados. Cria um adicional de 5% sobre o ganho de capital.
Sediment samples were taken from Lake Langans in Sweden and fossilised diatoms analysed. Sample methods and environmental factors are discussed. Species with a characteristic occurrence are described. The article discusses diatom-thanatocoenoses as indicators of environment.
A small stream in the French Alps was sampled at regular intervals to determine the size distribution of animals for growth studies. The temperature was also measured. The results obtained for Gammarus fossarum were compared with laboratory cultures and the laboratory animals were physiologically and chemically analysed. Chemical analysis was also carried out on field animals.
This partial translation of the original paper provides morphological observations on the fungus Spirospora paradoxa. Illustrations are included here.