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Independent studies have demonstrated that flagella are associated with the invasive process of Salmonella enterica serotypes, and aflagellate derivatives of Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis are attenuated in murine and avian models of infection. One widely held view is that the motility afforded by flagella, probably aided by chemotactic responses, mediates the initial interaction between bacterium and host cell. The adherence and invasion properties of two S. Enteritidis wild-type strains and isogenic aflagellate mutants were assessed on HEp-2 and Div-1 cells that are of human and avian epithelial origin, respectively. Both aflagellate derivatives showed a significant reduction of invasion compared with wild type over the three hours of the assays. Complementation of the defective fliC allele recovered partially the wild-type phenotype. Examination of the bacterium-host cell interaction by electron and confocal microscopy approaches showed that wild-type bacteria induced ruffle formation and significant cytoskeletal rearrangements on HEp-2 cells within 5 minutes of contact. The aflagellate derivatives induced fewer ruffles than wild type. Ruffle formation on the Div-1 cell line was less pronounced than for HEp-2 cells for wild-type S. Enteritidis. Collectively, these data support the hypothesis that flagella play an active role in the early events of the invasive process.
Ruminants are regarded as a primary reservoir for Escherichia coli O157:H7, an important human pathogen. Intimin, encoded by the Locus of Enterocyte Effacement by E. coli O157:H7 organisms, has been cited as one bacterial mechanism of colonisation of the gastrointestinal tract. To confirm this and to test whether a non-toxigenic E. coli O157:H7 strain would colonise and persist in a sheep model, E. coli O157:H7 strain NCTC12900, that lacks Shiga toxin (stx) genes, was evaluated for use in a sheep model of persistence. Following oral inoculation of six-week-old sheep, persistent excretion of NCTC12900 was observed for up to 48 days. E. coli O157-associated attaching-effacing (AE) lesions were detected in the caecum and rectum of one six-week-old lamb, one day after inoculation. This is the first recorded observation of AE lesions in orally inoculated weaned sheep. Also, mean faecal excretion scores of NCTC12900 and an isogenic intimin (eae)-deficient mutant were determined from twenty-four six-week-old orally inoculated sheep. The eae mutant was cleared within 20 days and had lower mean excretion scores at all time points after day one post inoculation compared with the parental strain that was still being excreted at 48 days. Tissues were collected post mortem from animals selected at random from the study groups over the time course of the experiment. The eae mutant was detected in only 1/43 samples but the parental strain was recovered from 64/140 samples primarily from the large bowel although rumen, duodenum, jejunum, and ileum were culture positive especially from animals that were still excreting at and beyond 27 days after inoculation.
The ability of Escherichia coli O157:H7 to colonize the intestinal epithelia is dependent on the expression of intimin and other adhesins. The chromosome of E. coli O157:H7 carries two loci encoding long polar fimbriae (LPF). These fimbriae mediate adherence to epithelial cells and are associated with colonization of the intestine. In order to increase our knowledge about the conditions controlling their expression and their role in colonization of an animal model, the environmental cues that promote expression of lpf genes and the role of E. coli O157:H7 LPF in intestinal colonization of lambs were investigated. We found that expression of lpf1 was regulated in response to growth phase, osmolarity, and pH; that lpf2 transcription was stimulated during late exponential growth and iron depletion; and that LPF impacts the ability of E. coli O157:H7 to persist in the intestine of infected 6-week-old lambs.
De flesta prematura barn behöver sondmatas de första veckorna eller månaderna på grund av deras omogna sugbeteende. Hur man på bästa sätt stödjer barnet i övergången från sondmatning till amning är inte klart samt att vården kring övergången från sondmatning till amning är reglerad med icke evidensbaserade riktlinjer och vårdrutiner. Syftet med studien var att utvärdera effekter av och följsamhet till en ny vårdrutin, ’viktfri amning’, vid en neonatalavdelning i Sverige. Vidare avsågs att beskriva mammors upplevelse av amning på neonatalavdelningen då vårdrutinen ’viktfri amning’ användes. Tre designer och metoder användes: 1) en komparativ journalgranskning av barn som vårdas på neonatalavdelning före och efter implementeringen av ’viktfri amning’. De två studerade grupperna var a) grupp 1 amningsvägningsgrupp (n=196) och b) grupp 2 ’viktfri amning’ (n=169). 2) en deskriptiv tvärsnittstudie och 3) en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av personal (n=60) och mammor (n=80), både mammor och personal erhöll ett frågeformulär som undersökte deras syn på, erfarenheter och följsamhet till den nya vårdrutinen ’viktfri amning’. Resultatet av journalgranskningen visade att det inte fanns några statistiskt signifikanta skillnader avseende sondtidens längd, vårdtidens längd, postmenstruell ålder vid utskrivning, viktökning, utskrivningsvikt och uppfödningssätt mellan grupp 1 och grupp 2. Däremot var andelen delvis ammade barn större i grupp 2. Vidare visar resultatet att vårdrutinen ’viktfri amning’ inte tillämpades så som det beskrevs i riktlinjerna då barn amningsvägdes vid enstaka tillfällen. Bland personalen anser 56 % att mammorna som initierar amningsvägningen och bland mammorna angav 31 % att de initierade amningsvägningen. Av fynden från mammornas och personalens synpunkter visar att de flesta ammar för att det är det bästa för barnet, men att det finns områden kring vården runt amning som kan förbättras. Personalen bör vara försiktig med att ge nya råd till mammorna och se till att amningsstunden blir ostörd och kravlös. Urpumpning av bröstmjölken upplevdes stressig, besvärlig och onaturlig av många mammor, där kan det vara lämpligt att se över miljön och rutiner, för att minska stressen. Denna studie visar att det inte har blivit några stora negativa effekter på barnen av den nya vårdrutinen bortsett från den ökade risken att amma delvis. Följsamheten till riktlinjerna vare sig det är amningsvägning eller ’viktfri amning’ är tveksam och några klara evidens kunde inte hittas. Att designa randomiserade kontrollerade studier på effekten av vårdrutiner relaterade till amning är viktigt. Sådan kunskap och förbättringar ger förhoppningsvis fler mammorna möjlighet att amma exklusivt.
Esse trabalho traz a análise dos impactos das mudanças organizacionais na Telet/Claro Digital advindas do processo de consolidação operacional com outras empresas de telecomunicações e os conseqüentes impactos sobre o clima da organização. Para a realização dessa análise foram usados dados secundários das pesquisas de clima dos anos 2000 e 2001 da empresa e da área financeira, bem como foi analisada a eficácia dos planos de ação definidos pelos colaboradores da área e adotados para gerenciamento do clima da área financeira a partir das pesquisas de clima realizadas. O resultado desse trabalho mostra que o clima organizacional da empresa e da área financeira foram negativamente afetados pelas mudanças organizacionais, mas, no caso da área financeira, esses impactos negativos foram minimizados pela implementação dos planos de ação que visaram o gerenciamento do clima na área, ficando, dessa forma respondida a questão básica de pesquisa sobre “Como as mudanças da Telet/Claro Digital vêm afetando o clima organizacional?”, bem como atingidos os objetivos geral e específicos, conforme apresentado nas considerações finais.
A partir da Constituição de 1988, houve crescimento expressivo na busca pela prestação jurisdicional, mas sem acréscimo proporcional na estrutura judiciária e sem a adequada alteração do sistema processual. O descompasso provocou o congestionamento da maioria dos órgãos judiciais. Atualmente, a morosidade é o problema mais grave enfrentado pelo Poder Judiciário brasileiro. Dentre as suas várias causas, somente as que têm relação com o modo de prestação do serviço podem ser enfrentadas internamente. Nesse contexto, a modernização da administração judiciária, baseada em informação estatística de qualidade, é a solução que se mostra viável. No Rio Grande do Sul, o aprimoramento do sistema de coleta de dados é condição indispensável para que o Tribunal de Justiça disponha de estatísticas adequadas de medição da produtividade individual e de indicadores de desempenho da instituição. A capacitação dos magistrados em técnicas estatísticas básicas também se faz necessária, a fim de que as informações fornecidas pelo sistema possam ser interpretadas corretamente, em benefício da administração do Poder Judiciário.
The experiment was carried out in green house with the objective of evaluating the effect of the bauxite mining residue in the rates of macronutrients in sugarcane and soil. Containers of 10 L were used. They received the following rates of bauxite residue: 0; 28; 56; 84; 112 and 140 t ha(-1). The used culture was the sugarcane (SP92 4221). The incorporation of the bauxite residue in the soil provided an increase in the levels of the soil macronutrients, and only for sulphur levels above 83 t ha(-1), it was possible to provide reductions of this nutrient. For rates of determined macronutrients in the leaf, levels above 70, 5; 125; 101; 56 t ha (-1) diminished the rates of nitrogen, phosphorum, potassium and sulphur, respectively. However, for calcium and magnesium the use of the residue provided the reduction of leaf rates. The level of the bauxite residue which had the largest production of dry mass was 64 t ha(-1).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Incluye Bibliografía
Esta dissertação discute a transformação do sistema monetário da Amazônia colonial, região onde a “moeda natural” era ampla e oficialmente utilizada, durante a primeira metade do século XVIII. É baseado em documentação manuscrita do acervo do Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino, bem como em documentos impressos dos Anais da Biblioteca Nacional e dos Anais do Arquivo Público do Pará. A dissertação procura explicar as razões pelas quais as moedas metálicas chegaram e circularam tão tarde na região, e as consequências do uso da “moeda natural” para a sociedade e economia da região.
Este trabalho apresenta um encaminhamento para o ensino da produção de textos dissertativos a alunos que encontram dificuldades relativas às estratégias de interação requeridas por essa tipologia. A análise de alguns problemas detectados no percurso entre a pretensão de dizer e o dito levou-nos a pensar numa prática que diminuísse tais problemas, a partir de um enfoque das habilidades de raciocínio, para o estabelecimento de premissas e das habilidades discursivas, para o engajamento a elas, por meio do trabalho com esquemas marcadores de quadros de interação social diferentes.
Se cultivó alga roja Gratelupia doryphora en agua de mar enriquecida con Provasoli y en glicerol. La incubación en agua de mar condujo a un aumento en el porcentaje de los ácidos grasos polünsaturados, mientras que el glicerol incrementó el contenido de lípidos totales. Por tanto, si la alga está siendo producida como un cultivo heterotrófico, es posible aumentar la biomasa de la misma así como el contenido de ácidos grasos biológicamente activos. The red alga Gratelupia doryphora was cultivated in Provasoli enricher (plain) seawater and in a glycerol media. The incubation in seawater leads to an increase in the percentage of polyunsaturated acids, while the glycerol increase the total lipid content. If the alga is being grown as a heterotrophic culture, it is possible to increase the alga biomass as well as the content of biologically-active fatty acids.
Die Koordination der Zunahme an Zellen (Proliferation) und deren program-mierter Untergang (Apoptose) hat entscheidende Bedeutung für die Entwicklung und das Wachstum von Organen, ist aber bisher weitgehend unverstanden. In dieser Arbeit werden deshalb das Auftreten von Apoptose und Proliferation während der Entwicklung (Morphogenese) und des Wachstums des Haarfollikels (Anagen) untersucht. Der Haarfollikel ist hierfür als Modellorgan besonders gut geeignet, da dessen Stadien der Organogenese und des Anagens histologisch im Detail untersucht sind.Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt, daß Proliferation das Leitmerkmal der Morpho-genese und des Anagens darstellt. In Abhängigkeit des Entwicklungsstadiums des Follikels sind charakteristische Schwerpunkte der Proliferation in Keratino-zyten und Zellen mesenchymaler Herkunft identifizierbar. Haarfollikelmorphogenese und Anagen sind sich dabei in den späten Entwicklungsstadien sehr ähnlich.Darüberhinaus zeigen unsere Untersuchungen erstmals, daß in allen Stadien der Haarfollikelmorphogenese und Anagens, insbesondere in den frühen Phasen und in Regionen mit hoher Proliferationsrate, Apoptose stattfindet. Das läßt schließen, daß Apoptose als Regulativ der Proliferation an der Organformung beteiligt ist. In den späteren Stadien findet sich Apoptose vor allem im Epithel des Haarkanals wo sie zur Gewebshomöostase beiträgt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen erstmals, daß Proliferation und Apoptose beim wachsenden Haarfollikel 1) präzise aufeinander abgestimmt, 2) in spezifischen Arealen und 3) zu genau definierten Zeitpunkten auftreten. Dies legt nahe, daß die streng kontrollierte Interaktion von Proliferation und Apoptose für die normale Entwicklung und das Wachstum von Organen, hier speziell des Haarfollikels, notwendig ist. Auf der Basis dieser Beobachtungen lassen sich nun 1) gezielte funktionelle Untersuchungen anschließen und 2) das Zusammenspiel von Proliferation und Apoptose bei krankhaften Prozessen in der Entwicklung und während des Wachstums von Organen vergleichend charakterisieren.