993 resultados para 313.1


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2 Briefe und 1 Lebenslauf von Max Horkheimer an Arthur Rosenberg, 1939, 1941; 2 Briefe zwischen Kurt Rosenfeld und Karl Brandt, 22.04.1937, 27.04.1937; 5 Briefe von Kurt Rosenfeld an Max Horkheimer, 1937-19378; 4 Brief und Beilage an Kurt Rosenfeld, 1937-1943; 11 Briefe zwischen Hans W. Rosenhaupt und Max Horkheimer, 1935, 1941, 1942, 1947; 4 Briefe zwischen Samuel I. Roseman und Max Horkheimer, 1939, 03.01.1940; 2 Briefe zwischen J. Rosenstock und Max Horkheimer, 15.07.1946; 2 Briefe zwischen Joseph Adolphe Rosenthal und Max Horkheimer, 09.04.1941, 08.05.1941, sowie Briefwechsel mit Sophie Ries; 2 Briefe zwischen Sophie Ries und Max Horkheimer, 08.05.1941, 11.05.1941; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Lore Woedthke, 08.05.1941; 2 Briefe zwischen Morris Rosenthal und Max Horkheimer, 01.10.1935, 04.10.1935; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an das Rosenwald Capital Outlay Fund New York, 30.01.1940; 1 Brief B. Lifschitz an Marthe Roth, 21.04.1937; 1 Brief von Chamorel et Simond an Marthe Roth, 11.06.1937; 1 Brief von F.K. Sung an Marthe Roth, 24.06.1937; 12 Briefe zwischen Marthe Roth und Max Horkheimer, Juli 1937-1938, sowie Briefwechsel mit Louis Vogt; 4 Briefe zwischen Louis Vogt und Max Horkheimer, 10.08.1937, 1937; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Dr. Rothen, 31.01.1935; 1 Umzugsmitteilung von Hans Rothmann; 2 Briefe zwischen Richard C. Rothschild und Max Horkheimer, 11.05.1940, 13.05.1940; 4 Briefe zwischen Ludwig Rothschild, Hilde Rothschild und Max Horkheimer, 1936-15.09.1939; 2 Briefe zwischen S. Rothschildt und Max Horkheimer, 23.11.1940, 29.11.1940; 4 Brief zwischen J. S. Roucek und Max Horkheimer, 1941; 1 Brief von Joseph Rovan an Max Horkheimer, 11.05.1948; 2 Brief zwischen Wilmina Rowland und Max Horkheimer, 13.03.1949, 11.04.1949; 2 Briefe zwischen dem Royal Automobile Club und Max Horkheimer, 26.08.1937, 22.09.1937; 2 Briefe zwischen Royal Motors Inc. und Max Horkheimer, 05.02.1940, 06.03.1940; 1 Beitrag von Nina Rubinstein zur Soziologie des Fremden; 1 Brief von Theodor W. Adorno an Rudd, 09.09.1940; 1 Brief von Jay Rumney an Goldstein, 18.06.1936; 20 Briefe und Beilage zwischen Jay Rumney und Max Horkheimer, 1934- 1937, 1949 sowie Briefwechsel mit D. Mitrany; 3 Briefe zwischen D. Mitrany und Max Horkheimer, 01.12.1937, 1937; 3 Briefe von Theodor W. Adorno an Dagobert D. Runes, 1941; 1 Brief und 1 Beilage von N. Waterman an Georg Rusche, 03.05.1939; 12 Briefe und Beilage zwischen Georg Rusche und Max Horkheimer, 1939-1942 sowie Briefwechsel mit N. Waterman; 1 Brief von N. Waterman an Georg Rusche, 03.04.1939; 2 Briefe zwischen N. Waterman und Max Horkheimer, 21.04.1939, 05.05.1939; 1 Brief von Ruth an Max Horkheimer;


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The (vapor + liquid), (liquid + liquid) and (vapor + liquid + liquid) equilibria of the ternary system (water + 1-butanol + p-xylene) have been determined. (Water + 1-butanol + p-xylene) is a type 2 heterogeneous ternary system with partially miscible (water + 1-butanol) and (water + p-xylene) pairs. By contrast, (1-butanol + p-xylene) is totally miscible under atmospheric conditions. This paper examines the (vapor + liquid) equilibrium in both heterogeneous and homogeneous regions at 101.3 kPa of pressure. (Liquid + liquid) equilibrium data at T = 313.15 K have also been determined, and for comparison, the obtained experimental data have been calculated by means of several thermodynamic models: UNIQUAC, UNIFAC and NRTL. Some discrepancies were found between the (vapor + liquid + liquid) correlations; however, the models reproduced the (liquid + liquid) equilibrium data well. The obtained data reveal a ternary heterogeneous azeotrope with mole fraction composition: 0.686 water, 0.146 1-butanol and 0.168 p-xylene.


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Description based on: FY 1983.


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C17H19N302, monoclinic, P21, a = 5.382 (1), b = 17.534(4), c = 8.198(1)/L ,8 = 100.46(1) °, Z= 2, d,, = 1.323, dc= 1.299 Mg m-3, F(000) = 316, /~(Cu .Ka) = 0.618 mm -1. R = 0.052 for 1284 significant reflections. The proline-containing cispeptide unit which forms part of a six-membered ring deviates from perfect planarity. The torsion angle about the peptide bond is 3.0 (5) ° and the peptide bond length is 1.313 (5)A. The conformation of the proline ring is Cs-Cf~-endo. The crystal structure is stabilized by C-H... O interactions.


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C17H19N302, monoclinic, P21, a = 5.382 (1), b = 17.534(4), c = 8.198(1)/L ,8 = 100.46(1) °, Z= 2, d,, = 1.323, dc= 1.299 Mg m-3, F(000) = 316, /~(Cu .Ka) = 0.618 mm -1. R = 0.052 for 1284 significant reflections. The proline-containing cispeptide unit which forms part of a six-membered ring deviates from perfect planarity. The torsion angle about the peptide bond is 3.0 (5) ° and the peptide bond length is 1.313 (5)A. The conformation of the proline ring is Cs-Cf~-endo. The crystal structure is stabilized by C-H... O interactions.


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The ethylene biosynthesis inhibitor, 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), has been commercially used to extend the storage life of European pear fruit and to allow shipment to distant markets. However, the influence of 1-MCP on the ability of fruit to ripen to an acceptable sensory quality has not been investigated in 'Bartlett' pear, one of the most aromatic of pear fruit. In the current study, early-, mid- and late-season 'Bartlett' pear fruit were treated with 0.6μLL-1 1-MCP at 0°C for 24h, 100μLL-1 ethylene at 20°C for 24h, or untreated before immediate transfer to 20°C for ripening until eating soft (13N firmness). Fruit from each treatment were subjected to objective and sensory quality evaluation once ripe. Sensory quality showed differences related to harvest maturity; the importance of harvest maturity depended on the treatment. Treatment with 1-MCP effectively slowed fruit ripening and therefore extended postharvest life, but also resulted in fully ripened pears with more desirable sensory traits, as compared with ethylene-treated and untreated pears. The enhanced sensory quality was related to higher sweetness, juiciness and pear aroma and reduced fermented aroma, gritty texture and tart taste. In addition, the sensory profiles of 1-MCP-treated pears were more stable among fruit from the three harvest dates than the ethylene-treated pears, which exhibited very different sensory profiles between early- and late-season fruits. © 2015 Elsevier B.V.


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The titled complex, obtained by co-crystallization (EtOH/25 degrees C),is apparently the only known complex of the free bases. Its crystal structure, as determined by X-ray diffraction at both 90 K and 313 K, showed that one A-T pair involves a Hoogsteen interaction, and the other a Watson-Crick interaction but only with respect to the adenine unit. The absence of a clear-cut Watson-Crick base pair raises intriguing questions about the basis of the DNA double helix. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The crystal structure, thennal expansion and electrical conductivity of the solid solutions YOgCao.2Fel-x MnxOJ+c5 (0 ~ x ~ 1.0) were investigated. All compositions had the GdFeOrtype orthorhombic perovskite structure with trace amounts of a second phase present in case of x = 0.8 and 1.0. The lattice parameters were detennined at room tempe'rature by using X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD). The pseudocubic lattice constant decreased with increasing x. The average I inear thermal expansion coefficient (anv) in the temperature range from 673 to 973 K showed negligible change with x up to x = 0.4. The thennal expansion curve for x = I had a slope approaching zero in the temperature range from 648 to 948 K. The calculated activation energy values for electrical conduction indicate that conduction occurs primarily by the small polaron hopping mechanism. The drastic drop in electrical conductivity for a small addition of Mn (0 ~ x ~ 0.2) is caused by the preferential fonnation of Mn4t ion~ (rather than Fe4 +) which act as carrier traps. This continues till the charge compensation for the divalent ions on the A-site is complete. The results indicate that with further increase in manganese content (beyond x =0.4) in the solid solutions, there is an increase in exc :::ss oxygen and consequently, a small increase in Mn'll il>I1~, which are charge compensated by the formation of cation vancancies.


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The gas-phase infrared spectra of 1,2-ED and 1,4-BD have been, recorded at three different temperatures using a multipass gas cell of 6 m optical path length. DFT calculation has also been carried out using 6-311++G** and aug-cc-pVDZ basis sets to look for the existence of intramolecular hydrogen bonding, in them from the red shift and infrared absorption intensity enhancement of the bonded O-H band compared to that of the free O-H hand. Equilibrium population analysis With 10 conformers of 1,2-ED and 1,4-BD at experimental temperatures were-carried out for the reconstruction of the Observed vibrational spectra at that temperature,using standard statistical relationships. The most abundant conformer at experimental temperatures, was identified. In 1,2-ED a red shift of 45 cm(-1) in the intramolecularly interacting O-H stretching vibrational band position and no significant intensity enhancement compared to that of-the free O-H have been observed. On the contrary, in one of the hydrogen bonded conformers of 1,4-BD, a 124 cm(-1) red shift in the O-H stretching frequency and 8.5 times-intensity enhancement for the ``bonded'' O-H compared to that of the ``free'' O-H is seen. On the basis of this comparative study, we have concluded that strong intramolecular hydrogen bonding exists in 1,4-BD. But there appears, to be weak intramolecular hydrogen bonding in 1,2-ED at temperatures of 303, 313, and 323 Km the gas phase We have found that most stable hydrogen-bonded conformers of 1,4-BD are less populated than some of the non-hydrogen-bonded conformers. Even for the 1,4-BD, the relative population of the g'GG'Gt conformer, which has a strong intramolecular,hydrogen bond, is less than what is predicted. Perhaps the intramolecular hydrogen bond plays a less Significant role in the relative stability,of the various Conformers than what has been predicted from calculations and prevails in the literature.


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The interaction between integrin macrophage differentiation antigen associated with complement three receptor function (Mac-1) and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), which is controlled tightly by the ligand-binding activity of Mac-1, is central to the regulation of neutrophil adhesion in host defense. Several "inside-out" signals and extracellular metal ions or antibodies have been found to activate Mac-1, resulting in an increased adhesiveness of Mac-1 to its ligands. However, the molecular basis for Mac-1 activation is not well understood yet. In this work, we have carried out a single-molecule study of Mac-1/ICAM-1 interaction force in living cells by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Our results showed that the binding probability and adhesion force of Mac-1 with ICAM-1 increased upon Mac-1 activation. Moreover, by comparing the dynamic force spectra of different Mac-1 mutants, we expected that Mac-1 activation is governed by the downward movement of its alpha 7 helix. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This document is a partial translation of taxonomic notes on two Diptera species (Acalcarella Shilova, Acalcarrella nucus) which were abundant in a survey of Tendipedid species (Diptera, Tendipedidae) of the Amu Darya drainage basin. These taxonomic notes of the larva, pupa and adults include drawings of the Acalcarella nucus larva.