984 resultados para 2-DIMENSIONAL ELECTRON GASES


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5 We employ the circular-polarization-resolved magnetophotoluminescence technique to probe the spin character of electron and hole states in a GaAs/AlGaAs strongly coupled double-quantum-well system. The photoluminescence (PL) intensities of the lines associated with symmetric and antisymmetric electron states present clear out-of-phase oscillations between integer values of the filling factor. and are caused by magnetic-field-induced changes in the population of occupied Landau levels near to the Fermi level of the system. Moreover, the degree of circular polarization of these emissions also exhibits the oscillatory behavior with increasing magnetic field. Both quantum oscillations observed in the PL intensities and in the degree of polarizations may be understood in terms of a simple single-particle approach model. The k . p method was used to calculate the photoluminescence peak energies and the degree of circular polarizations in the double-quantum-well structure as a function of the magnetic field. These calculations prove that the character of valence band states plays an important role in the determination of the degree of circular polarization and, thus, resulting in a magnetic-field-induced change of the polarization sign.


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The pH response of GaN/AlInN/AlN/GaN ion-sensitive field effect transistor (ISFET) on Si substrates has been characterized. We analyzed the variation of the surface potential (ΔVsp/ΔpH) and current (ΔIds/ΔpH) with solution pH in devices with the same indium content (17%, in-plane lattice-matched to GaN) and different AlInN thickness (6 nm and 10 nm), and compared with the literature. The shrinkage of the barrier, that has the effect to increase the transconductance of the device, makes the 2-dimensional electron density (2DEG) at the interface very sensitive to changes in the surface. Although the surface potential sensitivity to pH is similar in the two devices, the current change with pH (ΔIds/ΔpH), when biasing the ISFET by a Ag/AgCl reference electrode, is almost 50% higher in the device with 6 nm AlInN barrier, compared to the device with 10 nm barrier. When measuring the current response (ΔIds/ΔpH) without reference electrode, the device with thinner AlInN layer has a larger response than the thicker one, of a factor of 140%, and that current response without reference electrode is only 22% lower than its maximum response obtained using reference electrode.


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We report a comprehensive study of weak-localization and electron-electron interaction effects in a GaAs/InGaAs two-dimensional electron system with nearby InAs quantum dots, using measurements of the electrical conductivity with and without magnetic field. Although both the effects introduce temperature dependent corrections to the zero magnetic field conductivity at low temperatures, the magnetic field dependence of conductivity is dominated by the weak-localization correction. We observed that the electron dephasing scattering rate tau(-1)(phi), obtained from the magnetoconductivity data, is enhanced by introducing quantum dots in the structure, as expected, and obeys a linear dependence on the temperature and elastic mean free path, which is against the Fermi-liquid model. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.2996034]


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A series of oligo-phenylene dendronised conjugated polymers was prepared. The divergent synthetic approach adopted allowed for the facile synthesis of a range of dendronised monomers from a common intermediate, e.g. first and second generation fluorene. Only the polymerisation of the first generation and alkylarylamine substituted dendronised fluorene monomers yielded high molecular weight materials, attributed to the low solubility of the remaining dendronised monomers. The alkylarylamine substituted dendronised poly(fluorene) was incorporated into an organic light emitting diode (OLED) and exhibited an increased colour stability in air compared to other poly(fluorenes). The concept of dendronisation was extended to poly(fluorenone), a previously insoluble material. The synthesis of the first soluble poly(fluorenone) was achieved by the incorporation of oligo-phenylene dendrons at the 4-position of fluorenone. The dendronisation of fluorenone allowed for a polymer with an Mn of 4.1 x 104 gmol-1 to be prepared. Cyclic voltammetry of the dendronised poly(fluorenone) showed that the electron affinity of the polymer was high and that the polymer is a promising n-type material. A dimer and trimer of indenofluorene (IF) were prepared from the monobromo IF. These oligomers were investigated by 2-dimensional wide angle x-ray spectroscopy (2D-WAXS), polarised optical microscopy (POM) and dielectric spectroscopy, and found to form highly ordered smetic phases. By attaching perylene dye as the end-capper on the IF oligomers, molecules that exhibited efficient Förster energy transfer were obtained. Indenofluorene monoketone, a potential defect structure for IF based OLED’s, was synthesised. The synthesis of this model defect structure allowed for the long wavelength emission in OLED’s to be identified as ketone defects. The long wavelength emission from the indenofluorene monoketone was found to be concentration dependent, and suggests that aggregate formation is occurring. An IF linked hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene (HBC) dimer was synthesised. The 2D-WAXS images of this HBC dimer demonstrate that the molecule exhibits intercolumnar organisation perpendicular to the extrusion direction. POM images of mixtures of the HBC dimer mixed with an HBC with a low isotropic temperature demonstrated that the HBC dimer is mixing with the isotropic HBC.


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Nanotechnology has revolutionised humanity's capability in building microscopic systems by manipulating materials on a molecular and atomic scale. Nan-osystems are becoming increasingly smaller and more complex from the chemical perspective which increases the demand for microscopic characterisation techniques. Among others, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is an indispensable tool that is increasingly used to study the structures of nanosystems down to the molecular and atomic scale. However, despite the effectivity of this tool, it can only provide 2-dimensional projection (shadow) images of the 3D structure, leaving the 3-dimensional information hidden which can lead to incomplete or erroneous characterization. One very promising inspection method is Electron Tomography (ET), which is rapidly becoming an important tool to explore the 3D nano-world. ET provides (sub-)nanometer resolution in all three dimensions of the sample under investigation. However, the fidelity of the ET tomogram that is achieved by current ET reconstruction procedures remains a major challenge. This thesis addresses the assessment and advancement of electron tomographic methods to enable high-fidelity three-dimensional investigations. A quality assessment investigation was conducted to provide a quality quantitative analysis of the main established ET reconstruction algorithms and to study the influence of the experimental conditions on the quality of the reconstructed ET tomogram. Regular shaped nanoparticles were used as a ground-truth for this study. It is concluded that the fidelity of the post-reconstruction quantitative analysis and segmentation is limited, mainly by the fidelity of the reconstructed ET tomogram. This motivates the development of an improved tomographic reconstruction process. In this thesis, a novel ET method was proposed, named dictionary learning electron tomography (DLET). DLET is based on the recent mathematical theorem of compressed sensing (CS) which employs the sparsity of ET tomograms to enable accurate reconstruction from undersampled (S)TEM tilt series. DLET learns the sparsifying transform (dictionary) in an adaptive way and reconstructs the tomogram simultaneously from highly undersampled tilt series. In this method, the sparsity is applied on overlapping image patches favouring local structures. Furthermore, the dictionary is adapted to the specific tomogram instance, thereby favouring better sparsity and consequently higher quality reconstructions. The reconstruction algorithm is based on an alternating procedure that learns the sparsifying dictionary and employs it to remove artifacts and noise in one step, and then restores the tomogram data in the other step. Simulation and real ET experiments of several morphologies are performed with a variety of setups. Reconstruction results validate its efficiency in both noiseless and noisy cases and show that it yields an improved reconstruction quality with fast convergence. The proposed method enables the recovery of high-fidelity information without the need to worry about what sparsifying transform to select or whether the images used strictly follow the pre-conditions of a certain transform (e.g. strictly piecewise constant for Total Variation minimisation). This can also avoid artifacts that can be introduced by specific sparsifying transforms (e.g. the staircase artifacts the may result when using Total Variation minimisation). Moreover, this thesis shows how reliable elementally sensitive tomography using EELS is possible with the aid of both appropriate use of Dual electron energy loss spectroscopy (DualEELS) and the DLET compressed sensing algorithm to make the best use of the limited data volume and signal to noise inherent in core-loss electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) from nanoparticles of an industrially important material. Taken together, the results presented in this thesis demonstrates how high-fidelity ET reconstructions can be achieved using a compressed sensing approach.


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The results on the measurement of electrical conductivity and magnetoconductivity of a GaAs double quantum well between 0.5 and 1.1 K are reported. The zero magnetic-field conductivity is well described from the point of view of contributions made by both the weak localization and electron-electron interaction. At low field and low temperature, the magnetoconductivity is dominated by the weak localization effect only. Using the weak localization method, we have determined the electron dephasing times tau(phi) and tunneling times tau(t). Concerning tunneling, we concluded that tau(t) presents a minimum around the balance point; concerning dephasing, we observed an anomalous dependence on temperature and conductivity (or elastic mean free path) of tau(phi). This anomalous behavior cannot be explained in terms of the prevailing concepts for the electron-electron interaction in high-mobility two-dimensional electron systems.


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Thin films of tin dioxide (SnO2) are deposited by the sol-gel-dip-coating technique, along with GaAs layers, deposited by the resistive evaporation technique. The as-built heterojunction has potential application in optoelectronic devices, combining the emission from the rare-earth doped transparent oxide (Eu3+-doped SnO2 presents very efficient red emission) with a high mobility semiconductor. The advantage of this structure is the possibility of separation of the rare-earth emission centers from the electron scattering, leading to a strongly indicated combination for electroluminescence. Electrical characterization of the heterojunction SnO2:Eu/GaAs shows a significant conductivity increase when compared to the conductivity of the individual films, and the monochromatic light irradiation (266 nm) at low temperature of the heterojunction GaAs/SnO2:Eu leads to intense conductivity increase. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the heterojunction cross section shows high adherence and good morphological quality of the interfaces substrate/SnO2 and SnO2/GaAs, even though the atomic force microscopy (AFM) image of the GaAs surface shows disordered particles, which increases with sample thickness. On the other hand, the good morphology of the SnO2:Eu surface, shown by AFM, assures the good electrical performance of the heterojunction. The observed improvement on the electrical transport properties is probably related to the formation of short conduction channels at the semiconductors interface, which may exhibit two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) behavior. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The classical magnetoresistance of a two-dimensional electron gas constrained to non-planar topographies, in antidot lattices, and under the influence of tilted magnetic field in arbitrary direction is numerically studied. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report on the observation of microwave-induced resistance oscillations associated with the fractional ratio n/m of the microwave irradiation frequency to the cyclotron frequency for m up to 8 in a two-dimensional electron system with high electron density. The features are quenched at high microwave frequencies independent of the fractional order m. We analyze temperature, power, and frequency dependencies of the magnetoresistance oscillations and discuss them in connection with existing theories.


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Motivated by the quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnet CaV(2)O(4), we explore spin-orbital systems in which the spin modes are gapped but orbitals are near a macroscopically degenerate classical transition. Within a simplified model we show that gapless orbital liquid phases possessing power-law correlations may occur without the strict condition of a continuous orbital symmetry. For the model proposed for CaV(2)O(4), we find that an orbital phase with coexisting order parameters emerges from a multicritical point. The effective orbital model consists of zigzag-coupled transverse field Ising chains. The corresponding global phase diagram is constructed using field theory methods and analyzed near the multicritical point with the aid of an exact solution of a zigzag XXZ model.


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Background: There is a paucity of information describing the real-time 3-dimensional echocardiography (RT3DE) and dyssynchrony indexes (DIs) of a normal population. We evaluate the RT3DE DIs in a population with normal electrocardiograms and 2- and 3-dimensional echocardiographic analyses. This information is relevant for cardiac resynchronization therapy. Methods: We evaluated 131 healthy volunteers (73 were male, aged 46 +/- 14 years) who were referred for routine echocardiography; who presented normal cardiac structure on electrocardiography, 2-dimensional echocardiography, and RT3DE; and who had no history of cardiac diseases. We analyzed 3-dimensional left ventricular ejection fraction, left ventricle end-diastolic volume, left ventricle end-systolic volume, and left ventricular systolic DI% (6-, 12-, and 16-segment models). RT3DE data were analyzed by quantifying the statistical distribution (mean, median, standard deviation [SD], relative SD, coefficient of skewness, coefficient of kurtosis, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, D`Agostino-Pearson test, percentiles, and 95% confidence interval). Results: Left ventricular ejection fraction ranged from 50% to 80% (66.1% +/- 7.1%); left ventricle end-diastolic volume ranged from 39.8 to 145 mL (79.1 +/- 24.9 mL); left ventricle end-systolic volume ranged from 12.9 to 66 mL (27 +/- 12.1 mL); 6-segment DI% ranged from 0.20% to 3.80% (1.21% +/- 0.66%), median: 1.06, relative SD: 0.5482, coefficient of skewness: 1.2620 (P < .0001), coefficient of Kurtosis: 1.9956 (P = .0039); percentile 2.5%: 0.2900, percentile 97.5%: 2.8300; 12-segment DI% ranged from 0.22% to 4.01% (1.29% +/- 0.71%), median: 1.14, relative SD: 0.95, coefficient of skewness: 1.1089 (P < .0001), coefficient of Kurtosis: 1.6372 (P = .0100), percentile 2.5%: 0.2850, percentile 97.5%: 3.0700; and 16-segment DI% ranged from 0.29% to 4.88% (1.59 +/- 0.99), median: 1.39, relative SD: 0.56, coefficient of skewness: 1.0792 (P < .0001), coefficient of Kurtosis: 0.9248 (P = .07), percentile 2.5%: 0.3750, percentile 97.5%: 3.750. Conclusion: This study allows for the quantification of RT3DE DIs in normal subjects, providing a comparison for patients with heart failure who may be candidates for cardiac resynchronization therapy. (J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2008; 21: 1229-1235)


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of erbium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Er:YAG) laser (2.94 mu m) irradiation on the removal of root surface smear layer of extracted human teeth and to compare its efficacy with that of citric acid, ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA), or a gel containing a mixture of tetracycline hydrochloride (HCl) and citric acid, using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Thirty human dentin specimens were randomly divided into six groups: G1 (control group), irrigated with 10 ml of physiologic saline solution; G2, conditioned with 24% citric acid gel; G3, conditioned with 24% EDTA gel; G4, conditioned with a 50% citric acid and tetracycline gel; G5, irradiated with Er:YAG laser (47 mJ/10 Hz/5.8 J/cm(2)/pulse); G6, irradiated with Er:YAG laser (83 mJ/10 Hz/10.3 J/cm(2)/pulse). Electron micrographs were obtained and analyzed according to a rating system. Statistical analysis was conducted with Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests (P < 0.05). G1 was statistically different from all the other groups; no statistically significant differences were observed between the Er:YAG laser groups and those undergoing the other treatment modalities. When the two Er:YAG laser groups were compared, the fluency of G6 was statistically more effective in smear layer removal than the one used in G5 (Mann-Whitney test, P < 0.01). Root surfaces irradiated by Er:YAG laser had more irregular contours than those treated by chemical agents. It can be concluded that all treatment modalities were effective in smear layer removal. The results of our study suggest that the Er:YAG laser can be safely used to condition diseased root surfaces effectively. Furthermore, the effect of Er:YAG laser irradiation on root surfaces should be evaluated in vivo so that its potential to enhance the healing of periodontal tissues can be assessed.


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We propose new theoretical models, which generalize the classical Avrami-Nakamura models. These models are suitable to describe the kinetics of nucleation and growth in transient regime, and/or with overlapping of nucleation and growth. Simulations and predictions were performed for lithium disilicate based on data reported in the literature. One re-examined the limitations of the models currently used to interpret DTA or DSC results, and to extract the relevant kinetic parameters. Glasses and glass-ceramics with molar formulation 0.45SiO2? (0.45-x)MgO?xK2O?0.1(3CaO.P2O5) (0?x?0.090) were prepared, crystallized and studied as potential materials for biomedical applications. Substitution of K+ for Mg2+ were used to prevent devritification on cooling, to adjust the kinetics of crystallization and to modify the in vitro behaviour of resulting biomaterials. The crystallization of the glass frits was studied by DTA, XRD and SEM. Exothermic peaks were detected corresponding to bulk crystallization of whitlockite-type phosphate, Ca9MgK(PO4)7, at approximately 900ºC, and surface crystallization of a predominant forsterite phase (Mg2SiO4) at higher temperatures. XRD also revealed the presence of diopside (CaMgSi2O6 in some samples. The predominant microstructure of the phosphate phase is of the plate-type, seemingly crystallizing by a 2-dimensional growth mechanism. Impedance spectroscopy revealed significant changes in electrical behaviour, associated to crystallization of the phosphate phase. This showed that electrical measurements can be used to study the kinetics of crystallization for cases when DTA or DSC experiments reveal limitations, and to extract estimates of relevant parameters from the dependence of crystallization peak temperature, and its width at half height. In vitro studies of glasses and glass-ceramics in acelular SBF media showed bioactivity and the development of apatite layers The morphology, composition and adhesion of the apatite layer could be changed by substitution of Mg2+ by K+. Apatite layers were deposited on the surface of glass-ceramics of the nominal compositions with x=0 and 0.09, in contact with SBF at 37ºC. The adhesion of the apatite layer was quantified by the scratch test technique, having been related with SBF?s immersion time, with composition and structure of the glass phase, and with the morphology of the crystalline phase of the glass-ceramics. The structure of three glasses (x=0, 0.045 and 0.090) were investigated by MAS-NMR ( 29Si and 31P), showing that the fraction of Q3 structural units increases with the contents of Mg, and that the structure of these glasses includes orthophosphate groups (PO43-) preferentially connected to Ca2+ ions. Mg2+ ions show preference towards the silicate network. Substitution of Mg2+ by K+ allowed one to change the bioactivity. FTIR data revealed octacalcium phosphate precipitation (Ca8H2(PO4)6.5H2O) in the glass without K, while the morphology of the layer acquires the shape of partially superimposed hemispheres, spread over the surface. The glasses with K present a layer of acicular hidroxyapatite, whose crystallinity and needles thickness tend to increase along with K content.


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The quasi two-dimensional electron gas (q2DEG) hosted in the interface of an epitaxially grown lanthanum aluminate (LaAlO3) thin film with a TiO2-termi-nated strontium titanate (SrTiO3) substrate (001) has been massively studied in the last few years. The confinement of mobile electrons to within a few nanome-ters from the interface, superconductive behavior at low temperatures and elec-tron mobility exceeding 1000 cm2/(V.s) make this system an interesting candi-date to explore the physics of spin injection and transport. However, due to the critical thickness for conduction of 4 unit cells (uc) of LaAlO3, a high tunneling resistance hampers electrical access to the q2DEG, preventing proper injection of spin polarized current. Recently, our group found that depositing a thin overlayer of Co on LaAlO3 reduces the critical thickness, enabling conduction with only 1 uc of LaAlO3. Two scenarios arise to explain this phenomenon: a pinning of the Fermi level in the metal, inducing charge transfer in the SrTiO3; the creation of oxygen vacancies at the interface between LaAlO3 and the metal, leading to an n-type doping of the SrTiO3. In this dissertation, we will report on magnetotransport of metal/LaAlO3/SrTiO3 (metal: Ti, Ta, Co, Py, Au, Pt, Pd) heterostructures with 2 uc of LaAlO3 studied at low temperatures (2 K) and high magnetic fields (9 T). We have analyzed the transport properties of the gas, namely, the carrier concen-tration, mobility and magnetotransport regime and we will discuss the results in the light of the two scenarios mentioned above.


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Objective To determine whether the use of 3-dimensional (3D) imaging translates into a better surgical performance of naïve urologic laparoscopic surgeons during pyeloplasty (PY) and partial nephrectomy (PN) procedures. Materials and Methods Eighteen surgeons without any previous laparoscopic experience were randomly assigned to perform PY and PN in a porcine model using initially 2-dimensional (2D) and 3D laparoscopy. A surgical performance score was rated by an "expert" tutor through a modified 5-item global rating scale contemplating operative field view, bimanual dexterity, efficiency, tissue handling, and autonomy. Overall surgical time, complications, subjective perception of participating surgeons, and inconveniences related to the 3D vision were recorded. Results No difference in terms if operative time was found between 2D or 3D laparoscopy for both the PY (P =.51) and the PN (P =.28) procedures. A better rate in terms of surgical performance score was noted by the tutors when the study participants were using 3D vs 2D, for both PY (3.6 [0.8] vs 3.0 [0.4]; P =.034) and PN (3.6 [0.51] vs 3.15 [0.63]; P =.001). No complications occurred in any of the procedures. Most (77.2%) of the participating na??ve laparoscopic surgeons had the perception that 3D laparoscopy was overall easier than 2D. Headache (18.1%), nausea (18.1%), and visual disturbance (18.1%) were the most common issues reported by the surgeons during 3D procedures. Conclusion Despite the absence of translation in a shorter operative time, the use of 3D technology seems to facilitate the surgical performance of naive surgeons during laparoscopic kidney procedures on a porcine model.