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F. 1-52v. Recueil de textes de piété, en italien sauf le premier. « Confiteor Deo omnipotenti Patri et Filio et Spiritui sancto (...) martiribus tuis Grisanto et Darie, confessoribus tuis Prospero et Venerio atque beato Francisco... - ... eternam amen » (1). — [Rubrique :] « Quisti son li X comandam. de la leze ». « Primo non adorare altro che uno solo dio et per questo commandamento se veta le idole... - ... non e » (1v-3v). — [Rubrique :] « Quisti son li XII articoli de la fede ». « Credo in Dio padre omnipotente creatore del celo et de la terra. 1. S. Petro. Et in Yesu... - ... alli boni. 11. S. Thadeo. 12. S. Mathia » (3v). — [Rubrique :] « Quisti son li septe peccati mortali. Lo primo Elatio ». « Superbia cio e reputare de havere bene per propria virtu et non da Dio... - ... tante fiade pecca mortalmente » (3v-10). — [Rubriques :] « Quisti son li dexe comandamenti soto brevita » (...) « Quisti sono li septe sacramenti » (...) « Que son le VII opere de la misericordia temporale » (...) « Queste son le spirituale » (...) « Questi son li setti peccati mortali » (...) « Circha de sopra in li dexe comandamenti. Quista sun li V sentimenti de lo corpo » (...) « Quisti sono li septi doni del Spirito sancto che sono contra li VII peccati mortali » (...) « Queste sono le III virtu theologie » (...) « Quatuor sono le cardinale » (...) « Queste son le conditione de la confessione » (...) « Quisti son li casi de la papa sive papali » (...) « Casus exclusi » (...) « Quisti sun li cassi de lo episcopo sive episcopali » (...) (10-12). — [NICOLAUS DE AUXIMO, O. F. M. (Nicolò da Osimo), Compendio de salute], cf. Umberto Picciafuoco, Fr. Nicolò da Osimo: vita, opera, spiritualità, 1980 ; « Per dare breve introductione delle cose necessarie ad la salute ad ciaschuno simplice lo quale desidera de salvarse, me sono studiato de redirre le dicte cose sotto breve compendio, retracto de uno libro dicto Quadriga spirituale... - ... molto cose secondo li doctori » (12-52v).F. 53-139v. Actes pontificaux et varia. EUGENIUS IV papa, Bulla [ad Jacobum de Primadiciis de Bononia, O. F. M. (Giacomo Primadizzi) ?], de communione pascali, [07/07/1446], cf. Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 21, 1928, p. 270 n. 1, 282-283 « Eugenius papa IIIIus. Dilecte fili salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Fidedigna relatione percepimus in civitate Licii non parvam... - ... VIII kal. julii 1446, po. no. anno XVI° » (éd. ibid., p. 282-283, avec une date corrigée) (53-54). — [PAULUS II papa], Bulla, 14/04/1469 « I ». [Rubrique :] « Bulla que quotannis in cena Domini publicari per summum pontificem consuevit ». « Dilecti filii salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Consueverunt predecessores nostri romani pontifices annis singulis in die cene Domini sedentes...-... die XIIII° aprilis 1469 p. n. anno quinto. L. Dathus » (55-56). — PAULUS II papa, Bulla, 30/03/1469 « 2. Bulla. Paulus (...). Consueverunt sancte memorie romani pontifices predecessoris [sic] nostri ad retinendam puritatem... - ... tertio kal. aprilis, p. n. anno quinto. De curia. Signata A. Ingherannus, L. Dathus » (56v-64). — PAULUS II papa, Bulla, 06/06/1469 « 3. Paulus (...). Decet romanum pontificem sic in suis fore gratiis liberalem quod in ecclesiarum... - ... octavo id. junii, p. n. anno quinto. De curia, B. Lunensis » (64v-67). — PAULUS II papa, Bulla, 02/07/1469 « Paulus papa II. 4. [Rubrique :] Presidenti monasteriorum Sancte Justine de Padua ». « Dilecte fili salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Bullam presentibus alligatam constitutionis et decreti nostri circa annexa et juncta beneficia... - ... die IIa julii M° CCCC LXVIIII p. n. anno quinto. L. Dathus » (67v-68). — PAULUS II papa, Bulla, de casibus reservatis, [03/03/1470] cf. Cesare Censi, Manoscritti francescani della Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli, 2 vol., 1971 (Spicilegium bonaventurianum, VII-VIII), t. I, p. 222, qui renvoie au ms. Napoli, Biblioteca Nazionale, V H 33 (n° 125 a de la liste de Cenci) ; incomplet de la fin « 5. [Rubrique :] Bulla pro casibus reservatis ». « Paulus (...). Etsi dominici gregis saluti semper intenti singulis cum humilitate poscentibus ea benigne... - ... omnipotentis Dei et beatorum » [Petri et Pauli...] (68v-70). — PAULUS II papa, Bulla, 23/11/1464 « 6. [Rubrique :] Contra symoniacos ». « Paulus (...). Cum detestabile scelus simoniace pravitates tam divinorum quam sacrorum canonum... - ... nono kal. decembres, p. n. anno primo » (70v-72). — PAULUS II papa, Bulla, [01/03/1468], cf. C. Censi, op. cit., ms. Napoli, Bibl. Naz., I H 43 et V H 33 (n° 50 ap et 125 d) « 7. [Rubrique :] Bulla prohibens ne bona ecclesiarum et Dei alienari possint ultra triennium ». « Paulus (...). Ambitiose perversorum cupiditati illorum precipue qui divinis et humanis legibus affectata... - ... M° CCCC LXVII kalendis martii p. n. anno quarto » (72v-74). — PAULUS II papa, Bulla, 31/01/1468 « 8. [Rubrique :] De celebratione dierum festorum in terris ecclesie ». « Paulus (...). Perniciosa consuetudo aut verius corruptela que in gravem divine majestatis ac sanctorum... - ... M° CCCC LXVII pridie kal. febr. anno p. n. IIII° » (74v-76v). — Exemplum de Raymundo cardinale nepote Honorii pape et beata Maria virgine et Annunciatione ejus. [Rubrique :] « Pro jejunio domine nostre ». « Honorius summus pontifex habuit ex sorore nepotem Raymundum nomine tituli sanctorum Johannis et Pauli cardinalem libidini ita deditum... - ... regna migravit » (77-79). — PAULUS II papa, Bulla, de jubilaeo, 19/04/1470 « 10 ( ?). [Rubrique :] De publicatione anni jubilei redacti ad M CCCC LXXV ». « Paulus (...). Ineffabilis providentia summi patris qui pro redemptione humani generis ejusque reconcilianda natura... - ... tertiodecimo kalendas maii p. n. anno sexto » (79-85). — PAULUS II papa, Breve, ad episcopum Cumanensem, 22/04/1471 « Breve pontificis ad episcopum Cumanensem. Paulus II. Venerabilis frater (...). Expositum fuit nobis nonnullos istius civitatis Cumane ejusque diocesis existere qui contra libertatem... - ... XXII aprilis 1471 p. n. anno septimo » (86-86v). — PAULUS II papa, Breve, ad episcopum Cumanensem, 07/06/1471 « Suprascriptum breve non habuit locum sed reformatum fuit in formam infrascriptam : Paulus II. Ven. (...). Expositum nobis fuit pro parte dilecti filii nobilis viri Galeaz Marie ducis Mediolani nonnullos istius civitatis Cumane... - ... 7° junii 1471 p. n. anno 7° » (86v-87v). — PAULUS II papa, Breve, [ad Galeazzum Mariam Sforza ducem Mediolanensem], 31/05/1471 « Dilecte fili (...). Diligenter exposuit nobis dilectus filius Augustinus de Rubeis eques et doctor Parmensis consiliarius et orator ad nos tuus... - ... ultimo maii 1471, p. n. anno septimo » (87v-88v). — NICODEMUS [TRANCHEDINI], Littera ad Galeazzum Mariam Sforza ducem Mediolanensem, 13/05/1471, cf. Paola Sverzelatti, « Per la biografia di Nicodemo Tranchedini [1413-1481] di Pontremoli, ambasciatore sforzesco », Aevum, 1998, LXII, 485-557 [4° Z 4794] « Littere Nicodemi ad illustrissimum d. ducem. El papa me ha dicto questa sera che heri sera deputo et immediate hebbe ad se li inferri... - ... Johachinus et Franciscus de Padua advocati consistoriales ». « Suprascriptis videnda commissa fuit bulla pontificis » (89-89v). — AUGUSTINUS DE RUBEIS (Agostino de’Rossi) et NICODEMUS [TRANCHEDINI], Littera ad Galeazzum Mariam Sforza ducem Mediolanensem, 25/05/1471 « Littere d. Augustini et Nicodemi ad principem. Illustrissimo (...). Questi xi sonno mo stati piu volte insieme et col papa anchora et heri se fece el consistorio... - ... XXV maii 1471. Augustinus et Nicodemus » (89v-91). — Iidem ad eumdem, 27/05/1471 « Eorundem. Illustrissimo (...). Credace la vestra signoria per cosa se havesse ad agitar. qua postquam questo nostro sancto patre fu facto papa... - ... XXVII maii 1471 » (91-94v). — [EUGENIUS IV papa, Gratiae concessae Francisco de Platea de Bononia, O. F. M., 01/1440], cf. Cesare Censi, Manoscritti francescani della Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli, 2 vol., 1971 (Spicilegium bonaventurianum, VII-VIII), t. II, p. 1060, qui renvoie à deux exemplaires du texte, mss. Napoli, Biblioteca Nazionale, cod. VII G 50 et VII G 66 [n° 371 et 383 de la liste de Cenci] « Copia. Ego frater Franciscus de Bononia frater venerabilis viri fratris Jacobi de Primidiciis de Bononia Florentiam accessi... - ... M CCCC XL die III et die decima januarii » (95-98v). — PAULUS II papa, Breve ( ?), ad Julium Cesari de Varano domicellum, incomplet de la fin « Paulus episcopus (...) dilecto filio nobili viro Julio Cesari de Varano domicello civitatis nostre Camerini et pro nobis (...) gubernatori (...). Inter cura multiplices quibus assidue permimur illa precipue sollicitat mentem nostram... - ... merito commendari » (100-106v). — NICOLAUS V papa, Breve ( ?), ad Franciscum Sforza, 24/07/1447 « Nicolaus (...) dilecto filio nobili viro Francisco Sfortie vicecomiti, comiti et marchioni (...). Sedes apostolica pia mater recurrentibus ad eam cum humilitate filiis post excessum libenter... - ... nono kal. augusti, p. n. anno primo. Pe. de Noxeto » (107-111v). — FRANCISCUS PHILELPHUS ( ?), [De Sacerdotio Christi (extractum et translatum e graeco Souda), versio italica], cf. Giovanni Mercati, Ultimi contributi alla storia degli Umanistici, 1939, I, p. 74-76 (4° Z 1722 (90)) « Tractatello traducto per messere Francescho Philelpho singularissimo poetha de greco in latino per luy trovato presso autentici et antiqui autori, reducto in volgare ad contemplatione d’alcuni devoti cortesani del illustrissimo signiore duca di Milano, ad confirmatione de la fede nostra et confusione de Judei. Regnando Justiniano imperatore clementissimo fo uno homo principe de Judei chiamato Theodosio... - ... teneva occulto » (112-118v). — « Electi beneficii et superni doni data ad quella anima che oldira la sancta messa integramente monifestati per li sancti doctori... - ... ligno de la vita » (118v-119). — MARTINUS V papa, Bulla, de excommunicatione hereticorum, [28/03/1426 ?], incomplète de la fin ; cf. C. Censi, op. cit., I, p. 501-502 (n° 304 f) « 1. Excommunicationes plures contente in processu qui fit annuatim in curia in cena Domini. Martinus (...). Excommunicamus et anathematizamus ex parte omnipotentis Dei Patris et Filii et Spiritus sancti auctoritate Petri... - ... incursurum. Datum Rome etc » (120-122v). — « Item excommunicamus et anathematizamus omnes illos qui per se vel per alium vel alios directe vel indirecte... - ... cautione prestitis » (122v-123v). — PAULUS II papa, Bulla, 11/04/1471 « 2. Paulus (...). Consueverunt sancte memorie romani pontifices predecessores nostri ad retinendam puritatem... - ... tertio idus aprilis, p. n. anno VII° » (124-130v). — SIXTUS IV papa, Bulla, de excommunicatione hereticorum, 26/03/1472 « 2. Sixtus (...). Excommunicamus et anathematizamus ex parte omnipotentis Dei Patris et Filii et Spiritus sancti auctoritate quoque beatorum... - ... septimo kal. aprilis etc. anno primo » (131-134v). — SIXTUS IV papa, Breve ( ?), ad Ferdinandum I regem Sicilie, 01/03/1472 « 4. Sixtus (...) carissimo in Christo filio Ferdinando regi Sicilie illustri (...). Dum eximie fidelitatis devotionis atque prudentie tue ceterasque tibi a Domino traditas virtutes...-... kalendis martiis [sic] p. n. anno primo. M. Milinus » (135-139v).


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Le monde de l'action humanitaire a connu des développements importants durant les dernières décennies. Sur les terrains d'interventions, les crises et les conflits se sont fortement complexifiés, nécessitant la participation de spécialistes de nombreux domaines. Par ailleurs, les volumes financiers générés par les campagnes de dons et mis à disposition par les bailleurs de fonds ont considérablement augmenté. En corollaire de cette croissance financière, les exigences de contrôle et de traçabilité des fonds se sont renforcées. En lien avec ces éléments, le nombre de salariés dans les grandes organisations non gouvernementales a augmenté de manière exponentielle. Une littérature spécifique sur les modalités d'évaluation des performances, le management et le « leadership » des organisations dites du « tiers secteur » a d'ailleurs vu le jour, comme l'illustre la naissance, en 1990, de la revue « Nonprofit Management and Leadership ». Les pays bénéficiaires de l'aide ont également développé des exigences spécifiques envers les projets mis en oeuvre par les ONG. Par des phénomènes de « socialisation des standards occidentaux », ces derniers attendent des acteurs internationaux un certain niveau de qualité des programmes.Pour s'adapter à ces évolutions et répondre aux exigences d'efficacité auxquelles elles sont soumises, les organisations d'aide ont dû se transformer. Les grandes organisations ont ainsi connu durant les dernières décennies un mouvement de professionnalisation de leur structure, les conduisant à se rapprocher d'un modèle de fonctionnement que nous nommerons ici « institutionnel », à savoir formalisé et organisé. Nous employons ici le terme de professionnalisation dans l'appréciation qu'en font les acteurs du milieu humanitaire, à savoir en ce qu'il désigne « les restructurations internes auxquelles leurs organisations font face depuis la fin des années 1980 ». Différents indicateurs de cette professionnalisation au sein des ONG peuvent être identifiés, notamment une plus forte division du travail, le développement de statuts spécifiques, la salarisation croissante des métiers de l'humanitaire ou encore le recours aux fonds publics.Une conséquence également de cette évolution est l'entrée de nouveaux métiers sur la scène humanitaire. À côté des professions traditionnellement à l'origine des ONG (médecins, ingénieurs, juristes, etc.), la complexification et la diversification des tâches a rendu nécessaire de faire appel à des compétences professionnelles spécifiques dans des domaines tels que la communication, l'informatique ou la finance, pour ne citer que quelques exemples. Des connaissances et des pratiques spécifiques en matière de management des ONG se sont développées depuis la fin des années 1990. Le métier de logisticien est apparu, lequel est enseigné dans des structures spécialisées (par exemple par l'association Bioforce en France). Des formations académiques spécialisées dans le domaine de l'humanitaire et de la coopération ont également vu le jour, avec le but affiché de former des professionnels spécialistes de l'humanitaire. On peut par exemple citer le PIAH en Suisse (Programme interdisciniplinaire en action humanitaire, 2011), ou encore les formations dispensées par le CIHC aux États-Unis. [auteur]


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BACKGROUND: The risk of osteoporosis and fracture influences the selection of adjuvant endocrine therapy. We analyzed bone mineral density (BMD) in Swiss patients of the Breast International Group (BIG) 1-98 trial [treatment arms: A, tamoxifen (T) for 5 years; B, letrozole (L) for 5 years; C, 2 years of T followed by 3 years of L; D, 2 years of L followed by 3 years of T]. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) results were retrospectively collected. Patients without DXA served as control group. Repeated measures models using covariance structures allowing for different times between DXA were used to estimate changes in BMD. Prospectively defined covariates were considered as fixed effects in the multivariable models. RESULTS: Two hundred and sixty-one of 546 patients had one or more DXA with 577 lumbar and 550 hip measurements. Weight, height, prior hormone replacement therapy, and hysterectomy were positively correlated with BMD; the correlation was negative for letrozole arms (B/C/D versus A), known osteoporosis, time on trial, age, chemotherapy, and smoking. Treatment did not influence the occurrence of osteoporosis (T score < -2.5 standard deviation). CONCLUSIONS: All aromatase inhibitor regimens reduced BMD. The sequential schedules were as detrimental for bone density as L monotherapy.


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Process variations are a major bottleneck for digital CMOS integrated circuits manufacturability and yield. That iswhy regular techniques with different degrees of regularity are emerging as possible solutions. Our proposal is a new regular layout design technique called Via-Configurable Transistors Array (VCTA) that pushes to the limit circuit layout regularity for devices and interconnects in order to maximize regularity benefits. VCTA is predicted to perform worse than the Standard Cell approach designs for a certain technology node but it will allow the use of a future technology on an earlier time. Ourobjective is to optimize VCTA for it to be comparable to the Standard Cell design in an older technology. Simulations for the first unoptimized version of our VCTA of delay and energy consumption for a Full Adder circuit in the 90 nm technology node are presented and also the extrapolation for Carry-RippleAdders from 4 bits to 64 bits.


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Neuropsychological and neuroimaging data suggest that the self-memory system can be fractionated into three functionally independent systems processing personal information at several levels of abstraction, including episodic memories of one's life (episodic autobiographical memory, EAM), semantic knowledge of facts about one's life (semantic autobiographical memory, SAM), and semantic knowledge of one's personality [conceptual self, (CS)]. Through the study of two developmental amnesic patients suffering of neonatal brain injuries, we explored how the different facets of the self-memory system develop when growing up with bilateral hippocampal atrophy. Neuropsychological evaluations showed that both of them suffered from dramatic episodic learning disability with no sense of recollection (Remember/Know procedure), whereas their semantic abilities differed, being completely preserved (Valentine) or not (Jocelyn). Magnetic resonance imaging, including quantitative volumetric measurements of the hippocampus and adjacent (entorhinal, perirhinal, and temporopolar) cortex, showed severe bilateral atrophy of the hippocampus in both patients, with additional atrophy of adjacent cortex in Jocelyn. Exploration of EAM and SAM according to lifetime periods covering the entire lifespan (TEMPAu task, Piolino et al., 2009) showed that both patients had marked impairments in EAM, as they lacked specificity, details and sense of recollection, whereas SAM was completely normal in Valentine, but impaired in Jocelyn. Finally, measures of patients' CS (Tennessee Self-Concept Scale, Fitts and Warren, 1996), checked by their mothers, were generally within normal range, but both patients showed a more positive self-concept than healthy controls. These two new cases support a modular account of the medial-temporal lobe with episodic memory and recollection depending on the hippocampus, and semantic memory and familiarity on adjacent cortices. Furthermore, they highlight developmental episodic and semantic functional independence within the self-memory system suggesting that SAM and CS may be acquired without episodic memories.


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Depuis une cinquantaine d'années, nombreuses sont les études qui s'intéressent aux interactions entre les milieux de vie et leur impact sur la santé. Deux axes principaux se dégagent : l'un focalisé sur le conflit travail-famille en termes de notions liées au stress, et l'autre faisant la promotion du bien-être via l'équilibre travail-vie privée. Cependant, peu de travaux portent sur la dimension contextualisée de ce phénomène, dans son rapport à l'activité quotidienne concrète. Cette étude est consacrée à l'articulation travail - vie privée et son influence sur le bien-être subjectif (corporo-socio-psychologique) chez des femmes cadres en Suisse romande. Cette population est un terrain privilégié pour comprendre le sens donné à l'activité à partir des contraintes, responsabilités, et sollicitations perçues dans des contextes différents. Abordée selon une perspective qualitative en psychologie de la santé, notre approche permet de définir l'expérience plurielle de ces femmes par rapport aux divers groupes d'appartenance et par rapport à leur propre corporéité. Ces résultats ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives de recherche et d'intervention, notamment dans le domaine de la santé au travail.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the iodine status of Swiss population groups and to evaluate the influence of iodized salt as a vector for iodine fortification. DESIGN: The relationship between 24 h urinary iodine and Na excretions was assessed in the general population after correcting for confounders. Single-day intakes were estimated assuming that 92 % of dietary iodine was excreted in 24 h urine. Usual intake distributions were derived for male and female population groups after adjustment for within-subject variability. The estimated average requirement (EAR) cut-point method was applied as guidance to assess the inadequacy of the iodine supply. SETTING: Public health strategies to reduce the dietary salt intake in the general population may affect its iodine supply. SUBJECTS: The study population (1481 volunteers, aged ≥15 years) was randomly selected from three different linguistic regions of Switzerland. RESULTS: The 24 h urine samples from 1420 participants were determined to be properly collected. Mean iodine intakes obtained for men (n 705) and women (n 715) were 179 (sd 68.1) µg/d and 138 (sd 57.8) µg/d, respectively. Urinary Na and Ca, and BMI were significantly and positively associated with higher iodine intake, as were men and non-smokers. Fifty-four per cent of the total iodine intake originated from iodized salt. The prevalence of inadequate iodine intake as estimated by the EAR cut-point method was 2 % for men and 14 % for women. CONCLUSIONS: The estimated prevalence of inadequate iodine intake was within the optimal target range of 2-3 % for men, but not for women.


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Invocatio: Auspice Jehova! - Ded.: Johannes Gezelius, Daniel Starman, Johannes Körning, Ericus Erling, Laurentius Erling, Christ. Pacchalenius, Ericus Erici Erling.


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1871/07/04 (Numéro 1481).


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This study focused on identifying various system boundaries and evaluating methods of estimating energy performance of biogas production. First, the output-input ratio method used for evaluating energy performance from the system boundaries was reviewed. Secondly, ways to assess the efficiency of biogas use and parasitic energy demand were investigated. Thirdly, an approach for comparing biogas production to other energy production methods was evaluated. Data from an existing biogas plant, located in Finland, was used for the evaluation of the methods. The results indicate that calculating and comparing the output-input ratios (Rpr1, Rpr2, Rut, Rpl and Rsy) can be used in evaluating the performance of biogas production system. In addition, the parasitic energy demand calculations (w) and the efficiency of utilizing produced biogas (η) provide detailed information on energy performance of the biogas plant. Furthermore, Rf and energy output in relation to total solid mass of feedstock (FO/TS) are useful in comparing biogas production with other energy recovery technologies. As a conclusion it is essential for the comparability of biogas plants that their energy performance would be calculated in a more consistent manner in the future.


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The objective of the present study was to determine if the combination of alkaloids from Sophora moorcroftiana seeds and albendazole might be effective in the treatment of experimental echinococcosisin female NIH mice (6 weeks old and weighing 18-20 g, N = 8 in each group) infected withprotoscolices of Echinococcus granulosus. Viable protoscolices (N = 6 x 103) were cultured in vitro in 1640 medium and mortality was calculated daily. To determine the in vivo efficacy, mice were inoculated intraperitoneally with viable protoscolices and then treated once daily by gavage for three months with the alkaloids (50 mg kg-1 day-1) and albendazole (50 mg kg-1 day-1), separately and in combination (both alkaloids at 25 mg kg-1 day-1 and albendazole at 25 mg kg-1 day-1). Next, the hydatid cysts collected from the peritoneal cavity of the animals were weighed and serum IL-4, IL-2, and IgE levels were analyzed. Administration of alkaloids to cultured protoscolices showed significant dose- and time-dependent killing effects. The weight of hydatid cysts was significantly decreased upon treatment with each drug (P < 0.01), but the decrease was more prominent and the rate of hydatid cyst growth inhibition was much higher (76.1%) in the group receiving the combined treatments (18.3 ± 4.6 mg). IL-4 and total IgE were decreased (939 ± 447 pg/mL and 2.03 ± 0.42 IU/mL, respectively) in serum from mice treated with alkaloids and albendazole compared with the untreated control (1481 ± 619 pg/mL and 3.31 ± 0.37 IU/mL; P < 0.01). These results indicate that S. moorcroftiana alkaloids have protoscolicidal effects and the combination of alkaloids and albendazole has significant additive effects.