456 resultados para 1206


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High spin states in Re-174 are investigated via the Sm-152(Al-27, 5n gamma)Re-174 reaction and gamma-gamma coincidence relationships are analysed carefully. A new band is identified due to its spectroscopic connection with the known pi 1/2(-)[541] circle times nu 1/2(-)[521] band. This band is proposed to be the ground-state band built on the pi 1/2(-)[541] circle times nu 5/2(-)[512] configuration in view of the low-lying intrinsic states in the neighbouring odd-mass nuclei. It is of particular interesting that the new band exhibits a phenomenon of low-spin signature inversion, providing a new situation for theoretical investigations.


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趋势分析结果显示 ,河源涧区、风沙区、丘陵区各代表流域年径流量均在 1970年前后发生一致性改变 ,即从 1970年以来开始有明显的减少趋势 ,平均减流幅度 (与 195 9~ 196 9年径流相比 )以河源涧区 (大理河 )和丘陵区 (小理河 )最大 ,分别为 36 .33%和 36 .2 1% ,风沙区 (海流兔河 )最小 (2 0 .6 1% )。减流幅度的大小是各类型区下垫面状况、水土保持措施和治理程度、降雨量变化等多种因素综合作用的结果。借助适合于黄土高原降雨 -产流特性的月水量平衡改进模型 ,计算天然状态下降雨应有的产流量与同期实测径流量求得减水效果。结果表明 ,3个地貌类型区 70年代的减水效益没有明显差异 ,而在 80年代减水效果差异显著 ,丘陵区 (小理河 ,2 4.99% ) >风沙区 (海流兔河 ,17.2 8% ) >河源涧区 (大理河 ,13.13% )。上述结论为定量评价黄土高原生态环境建设对黄河水资源及水环境演变的影响提供了数据基础。


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We investigated how the high small-scale species richness of an alpine meadow on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China, is maintained. This area is characterized by strong wind and severe cold during long winters. In winter, most livestock is grazed on dead leaves in small pastures near farmers' residences, whereas in the short summer, livestock is grazed in mountainous areas far from farmers' residences. The number of plant species and the aboveground biomass were surveyed for three adjacent pastures differing in grazing management: a late-winter grazing pasture grazed moderately from 1 February to 30 April, an early-winter grazing pasture grazed lightly from 20 September to late October, and a whole-year grazing pasture grazed intensively throughout the entire year. In each pasture, we harvested the aboveground biomass from 80 or 100 quadrats of 0.01 m(2) along a transect and classified the contents by species. We observed 15.5-19.7 species per 0.01 m(2), which is high richness per 0.01 m(2) on a worldwide scale. The species richness in the two winter grazing pastures was higher than that in the whole-year grazing pasture. The spatial variation in species richness and species composition in the two winter grazing pastures in which species richness was high was greater than that in the whole-year grazing pasture in which species richness was lower. Most of the leaves that are preserved on the winter grazing pastures during summer are blown away by strong winds during winter, and the remaining leaves are completely exhausted in winter by livestock grazing. A pasture with a high richess is accompanied by a high spatial variation in species richness and species composition. There is a high possibility that the characteristic of spatial variation is also caused by traditional grazing practices in this area.


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The topic of Dynamic reservoir model and the distribution of remaining oil after polymer injection of Shengtuo oilfield is a front problem of "the 11th Five-Year Plan" scientific and technological disciplines of Sinopec Corporation. Reservoirs in study area is distributary channel sandstone. After 34 years of water-injection exploitation and 7 years of polymer injection pilot experiments, a highly complex heterogeneous dynamic evolution has been occurred in macro and micro parameters of reservoir model, together with its flow field. Therefore, it’s essential to construct completed reservoir dynamic model for a successfully prediction of the distribution of remaining oil. With a comprehensive application of multidisciplinary theory and technique, using a variety of data and information to maximize the use of computer technology, combining a static and dynamic, macro and micro and 1~4D integration, the research reveals main features, evolution and mechanism, types of geological disasters and their destructivity of reservoir flow field, the macro field, the micro field, the flow field and reservoir development hydrodynamic geological function in different development periods after a long term of polymer injection in Es2 in Shengtuo oilfield. The principle innovation achievements obtained are: 1. Established A, B, C, D four flow units in target formations, revealed the various features and distribution of flow units. 2. Stated environmental pollution and geological disasters induced during oilfield exploitation in study area, and also explained their formation mechanism, controlling factors, destructivity and approaches to disaster reduction. 3. Established dynamic evolution of the macro parameter model, micro-matrix field, pore network field, clay minerals field, seepage dynamic evolution model of six different exploitation stages in study area, also revealed reservoir flow evolution, the law of evolution mechanism after polymer injection. 4. Established macro and micro distribution model of remaining oil after three mining polymer injection during different water cut periods in study area, revealed the formation mechanism and distribution of remaining oil. 5. Established remaining oilforecasting model in study area, and forecasted the formation and distribution of remaining oil in the following six years. 6. It is proposed that reservoir fluid dynamic geological processes are major driving forces for the evolution of different water cut periods, reservoir macro field after the polymer injection and micro seepage field. 7. Established a dynamic reservoir model, proposed matching theory, methods and technology for the description of the remaining oil characterization and prediction, which can deepen the theory and techniques of continental rift basin development geology. Key words: Polymer reservoir; Geological disasters; Dynamic model; Residual oil forecast


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Foram estudados os solos de uma area com 390.000 ha, situada a margem esquerda da Rodovia Santarem-Cuiaba, num trecho compreendido entre a cidade de Santarem e a Ruropolis Presidente Medici, no Estado do Para, com o objetivo de fornecer elementos basicos ao planejamento para ocupacao da area, atraves projetos de colonizacao. O trabalho constou do levantamento pedologico e posterior determinacao da aptidao agricola dos diferentes solos identificados e mapeados. Predominam na area os Latossolos e os podzolicos, ocorrendo em pequenas proporcoes as areias Quartzosas. As principais limitacoes se referem a fertilidade e a deficiencia de agua, enquanto que nos podzolicos, porquanto existam as limitacoes supracitadas, e o relevo que exerce em sua maioria, o principal papel de limitacoes das terras para o aproveitamento agropastoril. De acordo com o sistema de aptidao agricola adotado, os Latossolos, apesar de apresentarem baixa fertilidade e alta saturacao de aluminio, dada as suas propriedades fisicas, podem ser utilizados em empreendimentos agropecuarios com bons resultados, assim como os Podzolicos de relevo forte ondulado, recomenda-se a sua utilizacao para pastagem plantada ou silvicultura, e, para as Areais Quartzosas a melhor indicacao e a silvicultura.


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Edwards, Huw, 'Canu Serch Hywel ab Owain Gwynedd', Ll?n Cymru, (2008) 30 (1), pp. 1-16


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Pryse, Sian; Dewis, K.L.; Middleton, H.R.; Balthazor, R.L., (2005) 'The dayside high-latitude trough under quiet geomagnetic conditions: Radio tomography and the CTIP model', Annales Geophysicae 23(4) pp.1199-1206 RAE2008


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An investigation of 24 buildings in the Greater Boston Area revealed that one-third (8 of 24) contained caulking materials with polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) content exceeding 50 ppm by weight, which is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) specified limit above which this material is considered to be PCB bulk product waste. These buildings included schools and other public buildings. In a university building where similar levels of PCB were found in caulking material, PCB levels in indoor air ranged from 111 to 393 ng/m3; and in dust taken from the building ventilation system, < 1 ppm to 81 ppm. In this building, the U.S. EPA mandated requirements for the removal and disposal of the PCB bulk product waste as well as for confirmatory sampling to ensure that the interior and exterior of the building were decontaminated. Although U.S. EPA regulations under the Toxic Substances Control Act stipulate procedures by which PCB-contaminated materials must be handled and disposed, the regulations apparently do not require that materials such as caulking be tested to determine its PCB content. This limited investigation strongly suggests that were this testing done, many buildings would be found to contain high levels of PCBs in the building materials and potentially in the building environment. The presence of PCBs in schools is of particular concern given evidence suggesting that PCBs are developmental toxins.


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Despite studies demonstrating that inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2)-derived prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) has significant chemotherapeutic benefits in vitro and in vivo, inhibition of COX enzymes is associated with serious gastrointestinal and cardiovascular side effects, limiting the clinical utility of these drugs. PGE2 signals through four different receptors (EP1–EP4) and targeting individual receptor(s) may avoid these side effects, while retaining significant anticancer benefits. Here, we show that targeted inhibition of the EP1 receptor in the tumor cells and the tumor microenvironment resulted in the significant inhibition of tumor growth in vivo. Both dietary administration and direct injection of the EP1 receptor-specific antagonist, ONO-8713, effectively reduced the growth of established CT26 tumors in BALB/c mice, with suppression of the EP1 receptor in the tumor cells alone less effective in reducing tumor growth. This antitumor effect was associated with reduced Fas ligand expression and attenuated tumor-induced immune suppression. In particular, tumor infiltration by CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells was decreased, whereas the cytotoxic activity of isolated splenocytes against CT26 cells was increased. F4/80+ macrophage infiltration was also decreased; however, there was no change in macrophage phenotype. These findings suggest that the EP1 receptor represents a potential target for the treatment of colon cancer.


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Learning multiple tasks across heterogeneous domains is a challenging problem since the feature space may not be the same for different tasks. We assume the data in multiple tasks are generated from a latent common domain via sparse domain transforms and propose a latent probit model (LPM) to jointly learn the domain transforms, and the shared probit classifier in the common domain. To learn meaningful task relatedness and avoid over-fitting in classification, we introduce sparsity in the domain transforms matrices, as well as in the common classifier. We derive theoretical bounds for the estimation error of the classifier in terms of the sparsity of domain transforms. An expectation-maximization algorithm is derived for learning the LPM. The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated on several real datasets.


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En este trabajo se presentan los resultados correspondientes al análisis de contenido sobre la noción de suceso que se refleja en las unidades dedicadas al “Tratamiento del Azar” en una muestra de libros de texto de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Dicho análisis se refiere a cómo es caracterizada teóricamente la idea de suceso, qué actividades se proponen y cómo se organizan e introducen ambos elementos. Se establecen dos tendencias diferenciadas al introducir la noción de suceso, tradicional e innovadora tecnológica.