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GCTE(全球变化和陆地生态系统),作为IGBP的核心计划之一,其目的是研究陆地生态系统与全球气候变化及人类社会经济和土地利用改变之间相互作用的耦合机理关系,预测生态系统结构、功能的未来变化。其中,植物个体水平的生理生态学模型研究是GCTE中必不可少的重要环节,它不仅可以揭示植物在个体水平上对全球变化的动态响应机制,而且可通过揭示大尺度响应所隐含的微观生物学机理,为大尺度研究提供重要的生理学参数和规律,在全球变化各尺度研究中发挥着不可替代的作用。本文主要围绕植物个体的生理生态学模型开展了如下研究:在开顶式气室CO2倍增大豆生长实验基础上,建立描述植物主要生理过程的生理生态模型,分析植物个体的光合作用、气孔传导度、蒸腾作用以及水分利用效率在全球场变化下的动态响应机制;在此基础上,建立起以统计性天气模型驱动的植物个体生长发育系统动力学模型,通过敏感度分析探讨植物个体的生理生态特性,如光合、呼吸、绿色及非绿色生物量等,对全球变化,特别是对CO2增加,气温升高及降水改变共同作用的响应机制;针对固氮植物的特点,将前一模型发展成为基于共生固氮和同化过程相互作用机制的植物个体生理生态系统动力学模型,模拟不同CO2浓度、气候变化以及固氮与不固氮条件下植物个体生物量的动态响应,并分析CO2浓度、气候条件和是否具固氮能力在对植物生长发育影响方面的相互作用;以中间锦鸡儿为研究材料进行水分控制实验,观测水分对植物同化物分配等过程的影响;将水分利用效率模型应用到NECT样带的主要植物种,得出各植物种的描述其水分利用效率特性的参数,结合样带上各植被类型的结构特征,得到沿样带各植被类型在植物种类组成方面的水分利用效率参数;应用系统聚类分析、因子分析等多元统计方法对样带上锡林河流域122种植物的化学成分与植物类群和所处生境的关系进行了定量分析。结果表明: 1)CO2倍增情况下,净光合速率提高45%,其中光量子效率显著增加,而CO2传导系数略有下降;气孔传导度、蒸腾速率下降约30%;水分利用效率随CO2浓度增加几乎呈线性增长,倍增后提高近一倍。(当气温,水分适宜,光合有效辐射为1000μmol photons m-2 s-1); 2)在北京地区仅CO2倍增而气候条件维持现状的情况下可导致大豆总生物量峰值提高70%,绿色部分提高56%,其中,全生育期内总净光合量增加,而单位干重的暗呼吸速率下降;由于受同化物分配中物候因素的影响,绿色生物量比总生物量提前10日左右到达其峰值。 3)CO2浓度增加和具固氮能力在模拟范围内对植物生长均产生正效应;而在水分为植物生长限制因子的干旱半干旱地区,降水增加对植物生长产生正效应,气温升高则具负效应; 4)随着C供给条件的好转,具固氮能力对植物生长的影响增强;反之随植物吸收N能力的提高,C供给对植物生长的作用加剧。 5)气温、降水在对植物生长发育影响方面,随着一方条件的好转,另一方对植物生长产生的效应增强; 6)具固氮能力对植物生长的正效应随气候条件的好转而增强,气候变化对植物生长的影响随植物具备了固氮能力而加剧; 7)气候条件越恶劣,如在此半干旱区变得更为干旱,CO2浓度增加对植物生长的正效应越加显著;且随CO2浓度的增加,气候因子的效应逐渐减弱。这主要是因CO2增加提高了植物个体的水分利用效率,从而使得CO2的正效应在水分胁迫下更为明显;同时由于水分利用效率的提高,使得植物个体抵御和适应外界环境变化,特别是由气温、降水改变导致的水分条件变化,的能力得到增强。 8)锦鸡儿水分生理生态实验的初步结果表明,土壤水分状况影响着植物的同化物分配,随着水分胁迫的加剧,同化物分配向根部集中,植物的根冠比增加。 9)沿样带水分递减梯度,植被类型在植物种类组成方面的反映水分利用效率特性的参数kv逐渐增加,从而显示出随着水分条件的不足,植被类型中耐旱品种,尤其是C4种增加;人为活动干扰,主要是对草场等的过度利用而导致的盐渍化、沙化,使得退化了的植被类型中k_v值显著提高,表明原有的植物种逐渐被耐旱、耐盐碱的品种,特别是C4植物所代替;在样带动上,这种由于人为活动干扰所引起的植被类型在植物种类组成方面反映水分利用效率特性的参数kv的变化明显大于因样带水分梯度改变而带来的变化。 10)锡林河流域草原植物化学成分一方面与植物类群有关,受自身历史演化的决定,另一方面更受到所处生境条件的极度大影响和制约。其中,禾本科、豆科植物分别具有明显的化学成分特征;撂荒地群落与自然群落中植物、沙质与非沙质生境中植物化学成分差异较显著;因子分析中认为存在大量元素与微量元素两个公共因子,豆科与禾本科相比,豆科植物因其固氮能力,所含大量元素水平较高,而禾本科植物因细胞壁硅质化,含微量元素稍高;沙质生境因其养分贫瘠,植物的大量与微量元素均较非沙质生境中的低;特别是本区地带性土壤-栗钙土与特异性生境沙带中的疏林沙土相比,疏林沙土上植物大量与微量元素含量较栗钙土区植物明显偏低。
A new sulfur-containing guanidino derivative, halichondria sulfonic acid (1) showing anti-HIV-1 activity, and halistanol trisulfate (2) with anti-tumor activity have been isolated from the marine sponge Halichondria rugosa Ridley & Dendy collected in the
Technological investment is a key driver of innovation and the evaluation of technology potential is becoming increasingly important in this context. There is a range of approaches and tools for developing an understanding of the value of technology. However the process of communicating this potential to possible customers is not well documented in terms of theory and practice and falls outside the skill set of many technologists. This paper seeks to integrate the concepts of marketing and consultative selling into making business cases for new technologies. It describes an exploratory study which results in an outline process activity model for technologists wishing to build an effective business case for securing investment internally or when selling a technology externally. Following a review of literature, we suggest that there is potential to learn from market research and consultative sales techniques, and propose a five step process. The work has been industrially validated and forms a novel foundation for further development. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.
The hydrolysis behaviors of polyferric sulfate (PFS) and ferric sulfate (FS) under conditions similar to raw wastewater were investigated and the coagulation of biologically pretreated molasses wastewater using PFS and FS was evaluated by studying coagulation efficiency, zeta potential and microscopic surface morphology of flocs. Experimental results show that the hydrolysis behavior of PFS is different from that of FS on the basis of ferron assay. In the case of FS, fast-reacting Fe(III) polymers were the dominant polynuclear species while large fraction of slow-reacting iron polymers is present in PFS. Despite slightly fewer dosages of PFS required as compared to FS, there is no marked difference in the coagulation of molasses effluent between PFS and FS, especially at the optimum dosages. Both coagulants destabilize organic compounds predominantly through charge neutralization-precipitation mechanism. Hydrolysis rate of PFS in synthetic solution is appreciably different from that in raw wastewater. This may due to the effect of sulfate anion introduced as counter-ion as well as depolymerization of larger polymeric Fe(III) species by the organic ligands present in molasses effluent.
The insecticide dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) is persistent in the environment, and continues to cause health problems. Tetrahymena has potential as a model organism for assaying low levels of DDT and for analysing the mechanisms of its toxicity. We constructed the suppression subtractive hybridization library of T thermophila exposed to DDT, and screened out 90 Expressed Sequence Tags whose expressions were significantly up- or downregulated with DDT treatment. From this, a series of important genes related to the DDT metabolism and detoxification were discovered, such as P450 gene, glutathione S-transferase gene and sterol carrier protein 2 gene. Furthermore, their expressions under different concentrations of DDT treatment were detected by real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR. The results show that Tetrahymena is a relevant and useful model organism for detecting DDT in the environment and for discovering biomarkers that can be used to develop specific bio-reporters at the molecular and genomic levels.
Total and subcellular hepatic Zn, Cu, Se, Mn, V, Hg, Cd, and Ag were determined in a mother-fetus pair of Dall's porpoises (Phocoenoides dalli). Except for higher fetal Cu concentration, all maternal elements were higher. Elements existed mostly in the cytosol of both animals except in the case of maternal Ag in the microsome and fetal Cu and Ag in the nuclei and mitochondria. In the maternal cytosol, Zn, Mn, Hg, and Ag were present in the high-molecular-weight substances (HMW); Se and V were present in the low-molecular-weight substances (LMW); Cu and Cd were mostly sequestered by metallothionein (MT). In the fetal cytosol, Zn, Se, Mn, Hg, Cd, and Ag were present in the HMW and V in the LMW, while Cu and Ag were mostly associated with MT. MT isoforms were characterized using the HPLC/ICP-MS. Two and four obvious peaks appeared in the maternal and fetal MT fractions, respectively. The highest elemental ion intensities were at a retention time of 7.8 min for the mother, and for the fetus the peak elemental ion intensities occurred at a retention time of 4.3 min, suggesting that different MT isoforms may be involved in elemental accumulation in maternal and fetal hepatocytosols. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.