557 resultados para Élise Turcotte


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Esta tese versa sobre a análise de um dos grandes projetos tecnológicos do Estado nacional, o PEB, com o intuito de verificar em que medida o Brasil, enquanto País em desenvolvimento e inserido no processo de globalização econômica, tem a possibilidade de autodeterminar um projeto nacional de desenvolvimento relativamente soberano e sustentável, mediante sua capacitação tecnológica em áreas de ponta, como as tecnologias espaciais. Neste ínterim, é discutido o processo de institucionalização da ciência no País e a implantação de um moderno sistema de C&T no Brasil através de uma aliança entre cientistas e militares, culminando com a criação do CNPq em 1951. Apresentamos uma releitura da nossa recente história política e os projetos nacionais de desenvolvimento de que foi alvo o País, formulados pelos grupos sociais mais representativos da sociedade na época estudada, recuperando uma discussão que, estendendo-se por décadas, reservou à questão científica um lugar privilegiado no planejamento do Estado. O período da ditadura militar é especialmente contemplado, considerando-se ter sido esta a fase em que realmente o Programa Espacial Brasileiro sofreu maiores investimentos, conferindo aos militares um papel de destaque no quadro de atores sociais coletivos empenhados no projeto de desenvolvimento do País, destacando as diversas correntes ideológicas em ação dentro das Forças Armadas. Foi analisado o processo de globalização devido ao seu nexo interno e externo com as políticas científicas implantadas ou preconizadas no País. Esse processo, alavancado pela nova dinâmica tecnológica internacional iniciada nos anos 1980, estabeleceu profundos impactos e mudanças na constituição atual da esfera do político. Este é o cenário onde, de nosso ponto de vista, inscreve-se a questão da capacitação científico-tecnológica como variável estratégica em todos os níveis das relações internacionais. A compreensão desta problemática deve ser entendida como parte do cenário mundial que se configurou nas últimas décadas do século XX, tendo no entrelaçamento das dinâmicas científico-tecnológica e a soberania nacional dos Estados uma sinergia diferenciada na reordenação geopolítica contemporânea.


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利用实验测量和Monte Carlo模拟的方法,研究了RIBLL的传输效率。分析了影响传输效率的主要因素,发现碎片的动量分布形式对传输效率的模拟结果有重要的影响。另外通过比较,发现大部分碎片传输效率的模拟结果稍大于实验测量结果,两者最大相差约几十倍,这可以帮助估算次级束流强度,指导实验设计。


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本论文通过在兰州放射性束流线(RIBLL)上进行的6He同Si靶和Pb靶反应实验测量得到了6He与Si靶、Pb靶反应总截面和去除双中子截面以及6He与Si靶、Pb靶反应弹核碎裂产生4He碎片的纵向动量分布。采用能够很好描述正常核反应总截面的半经验的Shen公式计算了4,6 He同Be,C,Al,Si靶的反应总截面。对于4He,从低能到高能理论计算和实验数据符合很好。但是对于6He,理论计算和实验数据符合不好。通过SHF理论、RMF理论、RDDH理论、各种核子密度分布形式(2PHO-tyPe,HO-tyPe,2PFM-tyPe及新提出的修正的费米密度分布MFM-type)计算出6He的各种密度分布(包括晕核密度、皮核密度及正常核密度),带入Glotlber模型计算了6He同Be,C,Al,Si靶的反应总截面以及双中子去除截面,只有使用晕核密度理论计算才能够很好地符合实验数据,进一步证实6He具有双中子晕核结构,确定其基本构型。比较了轻靶(Si革巴)和重靶(Pb靶)电磁离解效应刘一反应总截面和去除双中子截面的影响,重靶电磁离解效应明显。采用能够很好描述稳定核的动量分布宽度的Goldllaber理论、Morrissey经验公式、W.A.Friedman的重离子弹核碎裂模型,以及Lise小组发展的Lise程序,计算了6He与Si靶和Pb靶反应弹核碎裂产生的4He碎片的纵向动量分布,也同样证实了6He具有双中子晕核结构。论文最后,利用同位旋相关的Boltzmann-Langevin方程(IBLE)计算稳定核4He和奇异核6He同c靶的反应系统来研究6He反应动力学特性,研究反应产生的核素产生截面,以及4,5 He产生截面随碰撞参数的变化。


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As powerful tools to study the lithosphere dynamics, the effective elastic thickness (Te) as well as the envelope of yielding stress of lithosphere have been attracted great attention of geoscientists in the past thirty years. The oceanic lithosphere, contrary to the continental lithosphere, has more fruits for its simple structures and evolution process. In continent, the lithosphere commonly is complex and variable in the rheological, thermal structures, and has a complicated history. Therefore, the application of the effective elastic thickness in continent is still a subject to learn in a long time. Te, with the definition of the thickness of an elastic plate in theory flexured by the equal benging of the real stress in the lithosphere plate (Turcotte, 1982), marks the depth of transition between elastic and fluid behaviors of rocks subjected to stress exceeding 100 MPa over the geological timescales (McNutt, 1990). There are three methods often adapted: admittance or isostatic response function, coherence and forwarding. In principle, the models of Te consist of thermal-rheological, non-linear Maxwell, non-linear work hardening and rheological layered models. There is a tentative knowledge of Te that it is affected by the following factors: crustal thickness, crust-mantle decoupling, plate bending, boundary conditions of plate (end forces and bending moments), stress state, sedimentary layer, faulting effect, variation in the mountain belts' strike, foreland basin, inheritance of tectonic evolution, convection of mantle, seismic depth and lithosphere strength. In this thesis, the author introduces the geological sketch of the Dabie collisional orogenic belt and the Hefei Basin. The Dabie Mts. is famous for the ultra-high pressure metamorphism. The crustal materials subducted down to the depth of at least 100 km and exhumed. So that the front subjects arise such as the deeply subduction of continent, and the post-collisional crust-mantle interaction. In a geological journey at June of 1999, the author found the rarely variolitic basaltic andesite in the Dabie Mts. It occurs in Susong Group, near Zhifenghe Countryside, Susong County, Anhui Province. It is just to the south of the boundary between the high-grade Susong melange and the ultra-high grade South Dabie melange. It has a noticeable knobby or pitted appearance in the surface. The size of the varioles is about 1-4 mm. In hand-specimen and under microscope, there are distinct contacts between the varioles and the matrice. The mineralogy of the varioles is primarily radiate plagioclase, with little pyroxene, hornblende and quartz. The pyroxene, hornblende and quartz are in the interstices between plagioclase. The matrix is consisted of glass, and micro-crystals of chlorite, epidote and zoisite. It is clearly subjected and extensive alteration. The andesite has an uncommon chemical composition. The SiO_2 content is about 56.8%, TiO_2 = 0.9%, MgO = 6.4%, (Fe_2O_3)_(Total) = 6.7% ~ 7.6%, 100 Mg/(Mg+Fe) = 64.1 ~ 66.2. Mg# is significantly high. The andesite has higher abundances of large-lithophile trace elements (e.g. K, Ba, Sr, LREE), e.g. La/Nd = 5.56-6.07, low abundances of high-strength-field elements (HFSE, e.g. Ta, Nb, P, Ti), particularly Ta and Nb strongly depleted. These are consistent with the characteristics of subducted-related magmas (Pearcce, 1982; Sun and McDonaugh, 1989). In the spider diagram of trace elements, from Ce to right hand, the abundances of elements decrease quickly, showing a characteristic of the continental margins (Pearce, 1982). There has a strongly enrichment of light-rare-earth elements, with a significant diffraction of REEs (the mean value of (La/Yb)_N is 32.84). No Eu anomaly, but there are anomaly high (La/Yb)_N = 28.63-36.74, (La/Y)_N = 70.33 - 82.84. The elements Y and Yb depleted greatly, Y < 20 ppm, Y_N = 2.74-2.84, Yb_N = 2.18 - 2.35. From the La-(La/Sm) diagram, the andesite is derived from partial melting. But the epsilone value of Nd is -18.7 ~ -19.2, so that the material source may be the mantle materials affected by the crustal materials. The Nd model age is 1.9 Ga indicating that the basaltic andesite was resulted from the post-collisional crust-mantle interaction between the subducted Yangze carton and the mantle of Sino-Korea carton. To obtain the Te of the lithosphere beneath the Dabie Mts. and the Hefei Basin, the author applies the coherence method in this thesis. The author makes two topography-gravity profiles (profiles 7~(th) and 9~(th)) across the Dabie Mts. and the Hefei Basin, and calculates the auto-coherence, across coherence, power spectrum, across power spectrum of the topography and gravity of the two profiles. From the relationships between the coherence and the wave-number of profiles. From the relationships between the coherence and the wave-number of profiles 7~(th) and 9~(th), it is obtained that the characteristic wavelengths respectively are 157 km and 126 km. Consequently the values of effective elastic thickness are 6.5 km and 4.8 km, respectively. However, the Te values merely are the minimum value of the lithosphere because the coherencemethod in a relative small region will generate a systemic underestimation. Why there is a so low Te value? In order to check the strength of the lithosphere beneath the Dabie Mts., the authore tries to outline the yielding-stress envelope of the lithosphere. It is suggested that the elastic layers in the crust and upper mantle are 18 km and 35 km, respectively. Since there exist a low viscosity layer about 3-5 km thickness, so it is reasonable that the decoupling between the crust and mantle occurred. So the effective thickness of the lithosphere can be estimated from the two elastic layers. Te is about 34 km. This is the maximum strength of the lithosphere. We can make an approximately estimation about the strength of the lithosphere beneath the Dabie Mts.: Te is about 20-30 km. The author believes that the following factors should be responsible for the low Te value: (1) the Dabie Mts. has elevated strongly since K_3-J_1. The north part of the Dabie Mts. elevates faster than the south part today; (2) there occur large active striking faults in this area. And in the east, the huge Tan-Lu striking fault anyway tends to decrease the lithosphere strength; (3) the lithosphere beneath the Dabie Mts. is heter-homogeneous in spatio-temporal; (4) the study area just locates in the adjacent region between the eastern China where the lithosphere thickness is significantly reduced and the normal western China. These factors will decrease the lithosphere strength.


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Arabidopsis halleri is a model plant for Zn and Cd hyperaccumulation. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between the chemical forms of Cd, its distribution in leaves, and Cd accumulation and tolerance. An interspecific cross was carried out between A. halleri and the non-tolerant and non-hyperaccumulating relative A. lyrata providing progenies segregating for Cd tolerance and accumulation. Cd speciation and distribution were investigated using X-ray absorption spectroscopy and microfocused X-ray fluorescence. In A. lyrata and non-tolerant progenies, Cd was coordinated by S atoms only or with a small contribution of O groups. Interestingly, the proportion of O ligands increased in A. halleri and tolerant progenies, and they were predominant in most of them, while S ligands were still present. Therefore, the binding of Cd with O ligands was associated with Cd tolerance. In A. halleri, Cd was mainly located in the xylem, phloem, and mesophyll tissue, suggesting a reallocation process for Cd within the plant. The distribution of the metal at the cell level was further discussed. In A. lyrata, the vascular bundles were also Cd enriched, but the epidermis was richer in Cd as compared with the mesophyll. Cd was identified in trichomes of both species. This work demonstrated that both Cd speciation and localization were related to the tolerance character of the plant.


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Professionals on both international and national levels who work with children with autism are expressing the need for graduate-level training in applied behaviour analysis. The implementation of effective instruction in higher education for professionals working with children with autism and their families is a complex undertaking: the learner needs to acquire an understanding of the principles and procedures of applied behaviour analysis and also adapt this knowledge to the learning prerequisites of individuals with autism. In this paper we outline some current thinking about adult education and blended learning technologies and then describe and illustrate with examples emerging possibilities of multimedia technology in the development of teaching materials. We conclude that synergies between graduate-level curriculum requirements, knowledge of adult learning, and communication technology are necessary to establish comprehensive learning environments for professionals who specialize in autism intervention.


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Recently, considerable efforts have been made in the attempt to map quick clay areas using electrical resistivity measurements. However there is a lack of understanding regarding which soil parameters control the measured resistivity values. To address this issue, inverted resistivity values from 15 marine clay sites in Norway have been compared with basic geotechnical index properties. It was found that the resistivity value is strongly controlled by the salt content of the pore fluid. Resistivity decreases rapidly with increasing salt content. There is also a relatively clear trend of decreasing resistivity with increasing clay content and plasticity index. Resistivity values become very low (˜5 O·m) for high clay content (>50%), medium- to high-plasticity (Ip ˜ 20%) materials with salt content values greater than about 8 g/L (or corresponding remoulded shear strength values greater than 4 kPa). For the range of values studied, there is poor correlation between resistivity and bulk density and between resistivity and water content. The data studied suggest that the range of resistivity values corresponding to quick clay is 10 to 100 O·m, which is consistent with other published limits. A comparison is made between two-dimensional electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and resistivity cone penetration test (RCPTU) data for two of the sites and the two sets of data show similar trends and values irrespective of scale effect.


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Diabetic kidney disease, or diabetic nephropathy (DN), is a major complication of diabetes and the leading cause of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) that requires dialysis treatment or kidney transplantation. In addition to the decrease in the quality of life, DN accounts for a large proportion of the excess mortality associated with type 1 diabetes (T1D). Whereas the degree of glycemia plays a pivotal role in DN, a subset of individuals with poorly controlled T1D do not develop DN. Furthermore, strong familial aggregation supports genetic susceptibility to DN. However, the genes and the molecular mechanisms behind the disease remain poorly understood, and current therapeutic strategies rarely result in reversal of DN. In the GEnetics of Nephropathy: an International Effort (GENIE) consortium, we have undertaken a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of T1D DN comprising ~2.4 million single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) imputed in 6,691 individuals. After additional genotyping of 41 top ranked SNPs representing 24 independent signals in 5,873 individuals, combined meta-analysis revealed association of two SNPs with ESRD: rs7583877 in the AFF3 gene (P?=?1.2×10(-8)) and an intergenic SNP on chromosome 15q26 between the genes RGMA and MCTP2, rs12437854 (P?=?2.0×10(-9)). Functional data suggest that AFF3 influences renal tubule fibrosis via the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-ß1) pathway. The strongest association with DN as a primary phenotype was seen for an intronic SNP in the ERBB4 gene (rs7588550, P?=?2.1×10(-7)), a gene with type 2 diabetes DN differential expression and in the same intron as a variant with cis-eQTL expression of ERBB4. All these detected associations represent new signals in the pathogenesis of DN.


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Diabetic nephropathy (DN) affects about 30% of patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and contributes to serious morbidity and mortality. So far only the 3q21-q25 region has repeatedly been indicated as a susceptibility region for DN. The aim of this study was to search for new DN susceptibility loci in Finnish, Danish and French T1D families.


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CD2-associated protein (CD2AP) is essential for podocyte function. CD2AP mutations have been found in patients with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, a disease histologically resembling diabetic nephropathy and often progressing to end-stage renal disease (ESRD). We hypothesised that variations in the CD2AP gene may contribute to susceptibility to glomerular injury in diabetes and investigated if single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in CD2AP are associated with diabetic nephropathy in patients with type 1 diabetes. The discovery cohort consisted of 2,251 Finnish patients with type 1 diabetes. SNPs were selected from the HapMap database to cover the CD2AP gene. The associations between genotyped SNPs and diabetic nephropathy or ESRD were analysed with the chi-squared test and logistic regression. Three SNPs were selected for replication in cohorts from Denmark, Italy, the United Kingdom and Ireland. None of the 15 successfully genotyped SNPs were associated with diabetic nephropathy when compared to patients with normal albumin excretion rate. However, when genotype frequencies in patients with ESRD were compared with all other patients, two CD2AP SNPs, rs9369717 and rs9349417, were found to be associated with ESRD. The meta-analysis of the original and two additional European cohorts resulted in significant p values


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Aims/hypothesis: An abnormal urinary albumin excretion rate (AER) is often the first clinically detectable manifestation of diabetic nephropathy. Our aim was to estimate the heritability and to detect genetic variation associated with elevated AER in patients with type 1 diabetes. 
 Methods: The discovery phase genome-wide association study (GWAS) included 1,925 patients with type 1 diabetes and with data on 24 h AER. AER was analysed as a continuous trait and the analysis was stratified by the use of antihypertensive medication. Signals with a p value <10−4 were followed up in 3,750 additional patients with type 1 diabetes from seven studies. 
 Results: The narrow-sense heritability, captured with our genotyping platform, was estimated to explain 27.3% of the total AER variability, and 37.6% after adjustment for covariates. In the discovery stage, five single nucleotide polymorphisms in the GLRA3 gene were strongly associated with albuminuria (p < 5 × 10−8). In the replication group, a nominally significant association (p = 0.035) was observed between albuminuria and rs1564939 in GLRA3, but this was in the opposite direction. Sequencing of the surrounding genetic region in 48 Finnish and 48 UK individuals supported the possibility that population-specific rare variants contribute to the synthetic association observed at the common variants in GLRA3. The strongest replication (p = 0.026) was obtained for rs2410601 between the PSD3 and SH2D4A genes. Pathway analysis highlighted natural killer cell mediated immunity processes. 
 Conclusions/interpretation: This study suggests novel pathways and molecular mechanisms for the pathogenesis of albuminuria in type 1 diabetes.


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Hyperglycemia plays a pivotal role in the development and progression of vascular complications, which are the major sources of morbidity and mortality in diabetes. Furthermore, these vascular complications often persist and progress despite improved glucose control, possibly as a result of prior episodes of hyperglycemia. Epigenetic modifications mediated by histone methyltransferases are associated with gene-activating events that promote enhanced expression of key proinflammatory molecules implicated in vascular injury. In this study, we investigated genetic polymorphisms of the SETD7, SUV39H1, and SUV39H2 methyltransferases as predictors of risk for micro- and macrovascular complications in type 1 diabetes.


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Aims/hypothesis: Diabetic nephropathy is a major diabetic complication, and diabetes is the leading cause of end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Family studies suggest a hereditary component for diabetic nephropathy. However, only a few genes have been associated with diabetic nephropathy or ESRD in diabetic patients. Our aim was to detect novel genetic variants associated with diabetic nephropathy and ESRD. Methods: We exploited a novel algorithm, ‘Bag of Naive Bayes’, whose marker selection strategy is complementary to that of conventional genome-wide association models based on univariate association tests. The analysis was performed on a genome-wide association study of 3,464 patients with type 1 diabetes from the Finnish Diabetic Nephropathy (FinnDiane) Study and subsequently replicated with 4,263 type 1 diabetes patients from the Steno Diabetes Centre, the All Ireland-Warren 3-Genetics of Kidneys in Diabetes UK collection (UK–Republic of Ireland) and the Genetics of Kidneys in Diabetes US Study (GoKinD US). Results: Five genetic loci (WNT4/ZBTB40-rs12137135, RGMA/MCTP2-rs17709344, MAPRE1P2-rs1670754, SEMA6D/SLC24A5-rs12917114 and SIK1-rs2838302) were associated with ESRD in the FinnDiane study. An association between ESRD and rs17709344, tagging the previously identified rs12437854 and located between the RGMA and MCTP2 genes, was replicated in independent case–control cohorts. rs12917114 near SEMA6D was associated with ESRD in the replication cohorts under the genotypic model (p < 0.05), and rs12137135 upstream of WNT4 was associated with ESRD in Steno. Conclusions/interpretation: This study supports the previously identified findings on the RGMA/MCTP2 region and suggests novel susceptibility loci for ESRD. This highlights the importance of applying complementary statistical methods to detect novel genetic variants in diabetic nephropathy and, in general, in complex diseases.