870 resultados para (Na ,K )-ATPase activity


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The Rep protein of geminiviruses is the sole viral protein required for their DNA replication. The amino acid sequence of Rep protein contains an NTP binding consensus motif (P-loop). Here we show that purified Rep protein of tomato yellow leaf curl virus expressed in Escherichia coli exhibits an ATPase activity in vitro. Amino acid exchanges in the P-loop sequence of Rep causes a substantial decrease or loss of the ATPase activity. In vivo, mutant viruses carrying these Rep mutations do not replicate in plant cells. These results show that ATP binding by the Rep protein of geminiviruses is required for its function in viral DNA replication.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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La grossesse s’accompagne d’importantes modifications hormonales et hémodynamiques. Parmi celles-ci, le système rénine-angiotensine-aldostérone (SRAA) est activé très tôt durant la grossesse. De plus, cette augmentation du SRAA est accompagnée d’élévations du débit cardiaque et du volume plasmatique ainsi que des baisses paradoxales de la pression artérielle et de la résistance vasculaire périphérique. Ceci suggère que la grossesse induit un remaniement des réponses physiologiques normales au SRAA. Une résistance vasculaire à l’action des vasopresseurs est également observée durant la gestation. Ce phénomène serait causé par la modification de la fonction des canaux calciques et potassiques. De plus, il serait possiblement dû à la participation de la Na+/K+-ATPase, par son influence sur le potentiel membranaire des cellules des muscles lisses vasculaires (VSMC). La présence des récepteurs minéralocorticoïdes (MR) dans les VSMC laisse croire que l’aldostérone peut influencer le tonus vasculaire par des effets génomiques et non-génomiques. Compte tenu des connaissances actuelles, nous avons émis l’hypothèse que l’augmentation des taux sériques d’aldostérone durant la grossesse est responsable des changements hémodynamiques observés et que ces effets sont causés par l’activation des MR. Des rates gestantes ont été traitées avec du canrénoate de potassium (20 mg/kg•jr), un antagoniste des MR, durant la dernière semaine de gestation (sur 3). Sur des anneaux aortiques dénudés de leur endothélium, nous avons mesuré les réponses contractiles à la phényléphrine (PhE) et au KCl en présence d’un bloqueur des canaux calciques dépendants du voltage (VDCC), la nifédipine, et d’activateurs des canaux potassiques à large conductance (BKCa) et ceux dépendants de l’ATP (KATP), respectivement le NS-1619 et la cromakalim. Les réponses à la PhE et au KCl sont réduites à partir du 17e jour de gestation et le traitement au canrénoate augmente ces réponses dans tous les groupes. Les modulateurs de canaux ioniques atténuent les réponses à la PhE et au KCl. Cependant, le canrénoate modifie aussi les effets des modulateurs sur les aortes. Aucun effet ou une baisse des réponses est observable chez les rates non gestantes, tandis qu’une hausse de leur effet inhibiteur est notée chez les rates gestantes. Ces effets du canrénoate font croire que l’aldostérone participe à l’adaptation de la réactivité vasculaire durant la grossesse. Par ailleurs, le potentiel membranaire des VSMC pourrait être affecté dans la gestation. Pour vérifier cette hypothèse, nous avons évalué l’activité de la Na+/K+-ATPase, impliquée dans le contrôle du potentiel membranaire. Nos résultats démontrent que l’activité de la pompe est inhibée à partir du 19e jour de gestation. Cet effet est renversé par le canrénoate. Toutefois, comme le renversement de l’inhibition de la pompe est également présent chez les rates gestantes traitées avec du PST 2238, un antagoniste de l’ouabaïne sur la Na+/K+-ATPase, et que le canrénoate agit également comme agoniste partiel de la pompe, nous croyons que la diminution d’activité associée à la gestation est liée à une inhibition de la Na+/K+-ATPase par des stéroïdes cardiotoniques plutôt qu’à un effet des minéralocorticoïdes. L’augmention d’activité de la pompe liée au canrénoate s’accompagne d’une diminution de l’expression de la sous-unité α1, suggérant que la sous-unité α2 est responsable des variations de contractilité de l’aorte, puisque son expression n’est pas modifiée par le canrénoate. Les effets de la diminution de l’expression de la sous-unité α1, influencée par la signalisation du MR, restent à être déterminés. Néanmoins, nos résultats montrent que les modifications d’activité de la Na+/K+-ATPase influencent l’activité des canaux potassiques et que la pompe pourraient être un des éléments primordiaux dans le contrôle de la réactivité vasculaire durant la grossesse. Comme le canrénoate modifie la réactivité vasculaire, nous voulions déterminer ses impacts sur la pression artérielle. Des rates gestantes ont été traitées avec du canrénoate (20 ou 60 mg/kg•jr) et les paramètres hémodynamiques ont été évalués par radiotélémétrie. Aucune modification de la pression artérielle, du rythme cardiaque et de la pression pulsée ne sont mesurées chez les rates recevant le traitement. Toutefois, des augmentations de l’osmolalité, des taux sériques d’aldostérone et de corticostérone ainsi que de l’activité rénine plasmatique sont observées chez les animaux recevant 60 mg/kg•jr. Le canrénoate bloque donc le rétrocontrôle du SRAA. Par contre, les MR ne sont pas les principaux responsables du contrôle de la pression artérielle durant la grossesse. En conclusion, nous avons démontré que le traitement des rates au canrénoate influence la réactivité vasculaire de l’aorte durant la gestation. Cet effet est causé par la modification de l’activité de certains canaux ioniques (VDCC, BKCa et KATP). De plus, le canrénoate renverse l’inhibition de la Na+/K+-ATPase observée durant la gestation. Finalement, les actions locales de cet antagoniste des MR sur les vaisseaux sanguins ne se répercutent pas sur l’effet systémique global et aucune modification de la pression artérielle n’est observée. D’autres études seront toutefois nécessaires pour déterminer les voies de signalisation par lesquelles l’aldostérone module les réponses des canaux ioniques dans les VSMC.


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Copper sulfate is widely used in aquaculture. Exposure to this compound can be harmful to fish, resulting in oxidative metabolism alterations and gill tissue damage. Pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus, (wt = 43.4 +/- A 3.35 g) were distributed in experimental tanks (n = 10; 180 l) and exposed for 48 h to control (without copper addition), 0.4Cu (0.4 mg l(-1)), 0CupH (without copper addition, pH = 5.0) and 0.4CupH (0.4 mg l(-1), pH = 5.0). In liver and red muscle, the superoxide dismutase (SOD) was responsive to the increases in the aquatic copper. The plasmatic intermediary metabolites and hematological variables in the fish of group 0.4Cu were similar to those of the control group. Conversely, the exposure to 0.4CupH caused an increase in the plasmatic lactate, number of red blood cells (RBC) and hemoglobin (Hb). Plasmatic copper concentration [Cu(p)] increased in group 0.4Cu and 0.4CupH, which is higher in group 0.4CupH, suggests an effect of water pH on the absorbed copper. Exposure to 0.4Cu and 0.4CupH resulted in a reduction in the Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity and an increase in metallothionein (MT) in the gills. Exposure to 0CupH caused a decrease in glucose and pyruvate concentrations and an increase in RBC, Hb, and the branchial Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity. These responses suggest that the fish triggered mechanisms to revert the blood acidosis, save energy and increase the oxygen uptake. MT was an effective biomarker, responding to copper in different pHs and dissolved oxygen. Combined-factors caused more significant disturbance in the biomarkers than single-factors.


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Aims: In the present work we investigated the in vitro effect of cis-4-decenoic acid, the pathognomonic metabolite of medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency, on various parameters of bioenergetic homeostasis in rat brain mitochondria. Main methods: Respiratory parameters determined by oxygen consumption were evaluated, as well as membrane potential, NAD(P)H content, swelling and cytochrome c release in mitochondrial preparations from rat brain, using glutamate plus malate or succinate as substrates. The activities of citric acid cycle enzymes were also assessed. Key findings: cis-4-decenoic acid markedly increased state 4 respiration, whereas state 3 respiration and the respiratory control ratio were decreased. The ADP/O ratio, the mitochondrial membrane potential, the matrix NAD(P)H levels and aconitase activity were also diminished by cis-4-decenoic acid. These data indicate that this fatty acid acts as an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation and as a metabolic inhibitor. cis-4-decenoic acid also provoked a marked mitochondrial swelling when either KCl or sucrose was used in the incubation medium and also induced cytochrome c release from mitochondria, suggesting a non-selective permeabilization of the inner mitochondria! membrane. Significance: It is therefore presumed that impairment of mitochondrial homeostasis provoked by cis-4-decenoic acid may be involved in the brain dysfunction observed in medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficient patients. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This study investigated the potentially detrimental effects of copper and elevated aquatic CO2 (hypercarbia), alone or in combination, on pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus. Fish were exposed for 48 h to control (no copper addition in normocarbia), to 400 mu g Cu2+L-1, to hypercarbic (1% CO2; PCO2=6.9 mm Hg) water and to 400 mu g Cu2+L-1+ hypercarbia. In liver the single factors caused an increase in lipid hydroperoxide concentration that was not observed when the factors were combined. Copper exposure elicited increased hepatic superoxide dismutase activity, irrespective of aquatic CO2 level. On the other hand, the effects of copper on hepatic glutathione peroxidase activity were dependent on water CO2 levels. The two stressors combined did not affect hepatic catalase activity. Hypercarbic water caused a decline in plasma glucose concentration, but this was not observed when hypercarbia was combined with copper exposure. Copper caused a decrease in branchial Na+/K+-ATPase activity that was independent of water CO2 level. Copper caused an increase in branchial metallothionein concentration that was independent of water CO2 level. Thus, branchial metallothionein and Na+/K+-ATPase were effective biomarkers of copper exposure that were not affected by water CO2 level. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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AIMS: We evaluated the mechanisms involved in insulin-induced vasodilatation after acute resistance exercise in healthy rats. MAIN METHODS: Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups: control (CT), electrically stimulated (ES) and resistance exercise (RE). Immediately after acute RE (15 sets with 10 repetitions at 70% of maximal intensity), the animals were sacrificed and rings of mesenteric artery were mounted in an isometric system. After this, concentration-response curves to insulin were performed in control condition and in the presence of LY294002 (PI3K inhibitor), L-NAME (NOS inhibitor), L-NAME+TEA (K(+) channels inhibitor), LY294002+BQ123 (ET-A antagonist) or ouabain (Na(+)/K(+) ATPase inhibitor). KEY FINDINGS: Acute RE increased insulin-induced vasorelaxation as compared to control (CT: Rmax=7.3 ± 0.4% and RE: Rmax=15.8 ± 0.8%; p<0.001). NOS inhibition reduced (p<0.001) this vasorelaxation from both groups (CT: Rmax=2.0 ± 0.3%, and RE: Rmax=-1.2 ± 0.1%), while PI3K inhibition abolished the vasorelaxation in CT (Rmax=-0.1±0.3%, p<0.001), and caused vasoconstriction in RE (Rmax=-6.5 ± 0.6%). That insulin-induced vasoconstriction on PI3K inhibition was abolished (p<0.001) by the ET-A antagonist (Rmax=2.9 ± 0.4%). Additionally, acute RE enhanced (p<0.001) the functional activity of the ouabain-sensitive Na(+)/K(+) ATPase activity (Rmax=10.7 ± 0.4%) and of the K(+) channels (Rmax=-6.1±0.5%; p<0.001) in the insulin-induced vasorelaxation as compared to CT. SIGNIFICANCE: Such results suggest that acute RE promotes enhanced insulin-induced vasodilatation, which could act as a fine tuning to vascular tone.


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This case-control study involved a total of 29 autistic children (Au) aged 6 to 12 years, and 28 gender and age-matched typically developing children (TD). We evaluated a high number of peripheral oxidative stress parameters, erythrocyte and lymphocyte membrane functional features and membrane lipid composition of erythrocyte. Erythrocyte TBARS, Peroxiredoxin II, Protein Carbonyl Groups and urinary HEL and isoprostane levels were elevated in AU (confirming an imbalance of the redox status of Au); other oxidative stress markers or associated parameters (urinary 8-oxo-dG, plasma Total antioxidant capacity and plasma carbonyl groups, erythrocyte SOD and catalase activities) were unchanged, whilst peroxiredoxin I showed a trend of elevated levels in red blood cells of Au children. A very significant reduction of both erythrocyte and lymphocyte Na+, K+-ATPase activity (NKA), a reduction of erythrocyte membrane fluidity, a reduction of phospatydyl serine exposition on erythrocyte membranes, an alteration in erythrocyte fatty acid membrane profile (increase in MUFA and in ω6/ω3 ratio due to decrease in EPA and DHA) and a reduction of cholesterol content of erythrocyte membrane were found in Au compared to TD, without change in erythrocyte membrane sialic acid content and in lymphocyte membrane fluidity. Some Au clinical features appear to be correlated with these findings; in particular, hyperactivity score appears to be related with some parameters of the lipidomic profile and membrane fluidity, and ADOS and CARS score are inversely related to peroxiredoxin II levels. Oxidative stress and erythrocyte structural and functional alterations may play a role in the pathogenesis of Autism Spectrum Disorders and could be potentially utilized as peripheral biomarkers.


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The effect of descaling injury on the osmoregulatory ability of hatchery Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts in seawater was investigated. Experimental series were initiated during early, middle, and late periods of the spring smolt migration (April 25, May 11, and May 31, respectively). For each time series, descaled smolts (subjected to descaling on 10% of the body surface area) and control smolts (held out of water for 15 s) were transferred to seawater at 0, 1, 3, or 7 d posttreatment. After fish were held in 35% seawater for 24 h, gill and blood samples were collected and analyzed for Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity and plasma osmolyte levels. Based on gill Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity, the three series spanned the period from early smolting (increasing activity) to de-smolting (decreasing activity). In each series, descaled fish transferred to seawater at 0 and 1 d posttreatment had greater plasma osmolality than control fish; descaled fish transferred to seawater at 3 d posttreatment did not differ from controls. The greatest perturbation in osmolality (70 milliosmoles) was observed at the peak of smolting (middle series), whereas lesser increases were seen for early and late-series smolts. The observed osmotic perturbations in descaled fish would probably reduce performance and decrease survival during smolt migration.


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Cardiac glycoside compounds have traditionally been used to treat congestive heart failure. Recently, reports have suggested that cardiac glycosides may also be useful for treatment of malignant disease. Our research with oleandrin, a cardiac glycoside component of Nerium oleander, has shown it to be a potent inducer of human but not murine tumor cell apoptosis. Determinants of tumor sensitivity to cardiac glycosides were therefore studied in order to understand the species selective cytotoxic effects as well as explore differential sensitivity amongst a variety of human tumor cell lines. ^ An initial model system involved a comparison of human (BRO) to murine (B16) melanoma cells. Human BRO cells were found to express both the sensitive α3 as well as the less sensitive α1 isoform subunits of Na+,K +-ATPase while mouse B16 cells expressed only the α1 isoform. Drug uptake and inhibition of Na+,K+-ATPase activity were also different between BRO and B16 cells. Partially purified human Na+,K+-ATPase enzyme was inhibited by cardiac glycosides at a concentration that was 1000-fold less than that required to inhibit mouse B16 enzyme to the same extent. In addition, uptake of oleandrin and ouabain was 3–4 fold greater in human than murine cells. These data indicate that differential expression of Na+,K+-ATPase isoform composition in BRO and B16 cells as well as drug uptake and total enzyme activity may all be important determinants of tumor cell sensitivity to cardiac glycosides. ^ In a second model system, two in vitro cell culture model systems were investigated. The first consisted of HFU251 (low expression of Na+,K+-ATPase) and U251 (high Na+ ,K+-ATPase expression) cell lines. Also investigated were human BRO cells that had undergone stable transfection with the α1 subunit resulting in an increase in total Na+,K+-ATPase expression. Data derived from these model systems have indicated that increased expression of Na+,K+-ATPase is associated with an increased resistance to cardiac glycosides. Over-expression of Na +,K+-ATPase in tumor cells resulted in an increase of total Na+,K+-ATPase activity and, in turn, a decreased inhibition of Na+,K+-ATPase activity by cardiac glycosides. However, of interest was the observation that increased enzyme expression was also associated with an elevated basal level of glutathione (GSH) within cells. Both increased Na+,K+-ATPase activity and elevated GSH content appear to contribute to a delayed as well as diminished release of cytochrome c and caspase activation. In addition, we have noted an increased colony forming ability in cells with a high level of Na+,K+-ATPase expression. This suggests that Na+,K+-ATPase is actively involved in tumor cell growth and survival. ^


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In order to evaluate factors regulating substrate metabolism in vivo positron emitting radionuclides were used for the assessment of skeletal muscle blood flow and glucose utilization. The potassium analog, Rb-82 was used to measure skeletal muscle blood flow and the glucose analog, 18-F-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-D-glucose (FDG) was used to examine the kinetics of skeletal muscle transport and phosphorylation.^ New Zealand white rabbits' blood flow ranged from 1.0-70 ml/min/100g with the lowest flows occurring under baseline conditions and the highest flows were measured immediately after exercise. Elevated plasma glucose had no effect on increasing blood flow, whereas high physiologic to pharmacologic levels of insulin doubled flow as measured by the radiolabeled microspheres, but a proportionate increase was not detected by Rb-82. The data suggest that skeletal muscle blood flow can be measured using the positron emitting K+ analog Rb-82 under low flow and high flow conditions but not when insulin levels in the plasma are elevated. This may be due to the fact that insulin induces an increase in the Na+/K+-ATPase activity of the cell indirectly through a direct increase in the Na+/H+pump activity. This suggests that the increased cation pump activity counteracts the normal decrease in extraction seen at higher flows resulting in an underestimation of flow as measured by rubidium-82.^ Glucose uptake as measured by FDG employed a three compartment mathematical model describing the rates of transport, countertransport and phosphorylation of hexose. The absolute values for the metabolic rate of FDG were found to be an order of magnitude higher than those reported by other investigators. Changes noted in the rate constant for transport (k1) were found to disagree with the a priori information on the effects of insulin on skeletal muscle hexose transport. Glucose metabolism was however, found to increase above control levels with administration of insulin and electrical stimulation. The data indicate that valid measurements of skeletal muscle glucose transport and phosphorylation using the positron emitting glucose analog FDG requires further model application and biochemical validation. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.) ^


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Effects of severe hypercapnia have been extensively studied in marine fishes, while knowledge on the impacts of moderately elevated CO2 levels and their combination with warming is scarce. Here we investigate ion regulation mechanisms and energy budget in gills from Atlantic cod acclimated long-term to elevated PCO2 levels (2500 µatm) and temperature (18 °C). Isolated perfused gill preparations established to determine gill thermal plasticity during acute exposures (10-22 °C) and in vivo costs of Na+/K+-ATPase activity, protein and RNA synthesis. Maximum enzyme capacities of F1Fo-ATPase, H+-ATPase and Na+/K+-ATPase were measured in vitro in crude gill homogenates. After whole animal acclimation to elevated PCO2 and/or warming, branchial oxygen consumption responded more strongly to acute temperature change. The fractions of gill respiration allocated to protein and RNA synthesis remained unchanged. In gills of fish CO2-exposed at both temperatures, energy turnover associated with Na+/K+-ATPase activity was reduced by 30% below rates of control fish. This contrasted in vitro capacities of Na+/K+-ATPase, which remained unchanged under elevated CO2 at 10 °C, and earlier studies which had found a strong upregulation under severe hypercapnia. F1Fo-ATPase capacities increased in hypercapnic gills at both temperatures, whereas Na+/K+ATPase and H+-ATPase capacities only increased in response to elevated CO2 and warming indicating the absence of thermal compensation under CO2. We conclude that in vivo ion regulatory energy demand is lowered under moderately elevated CO2 levels despite the stronger thermal response of total gill respiration and the upregulation of F1Fo-ATPase. This effect is maintained at elevated temperature.