995 resultados para total war
Ever since Siad Barre’s regime was toppled in the beginning of the 1990’s Somalia has been without an effective central government. As a result Somalia has remained in an anarchic condition of state collapse for nearly two decades. This anarchy has often been put forward as a potential breeding ground for terrorism. As a response to this threat the United States has undertaken several policies, initiatives, and operations in the Horn of Africa generally and in Somalia specifically. In this descriptive study a twofold analysis has been undertaken. First, conditions in present day Somalia as well as Somali history have been analyzed to evaluate the potential Somalia holds as a terrorist base of operations or a recruiting- or staging area. Second, US strategies and actions have been analyzed to evaluate the adequacy of the US response to the threat Somalia poses in terms of terrorism. Material for the analyses have been derived from anthropological, political, and security studies dealing with Somalia. This material has been augmented by a wide range of news coverage, western and non-western. Certain different US policy documents from different levels have been chosen to represent US strategies for the Global War on Terrorism. Because Somali social institutions, such as the clan system, hold great weight in Somali society, Somalia is a difficult area of operations for terrorist networks. In addition the changing nature of Somali alliances and the tangled webs of conflict that characterize present day Somalia aggravate the difficulties that foreign terrorist networks would encounter in Somalia, would they choose to try to utilize it in any great extent. The US has taken potential terrorism threats in Africa and specifically Somalia very seriously. US actions in Somalia have mainly focused on apprehending or neutralizing terror suspects. Such policies, coupled with backing the Ethiopian invasion of Somalia may have actually turned out increasing Somalia’s terror potential.
De protestantiska prästernas hustrur, prästfruarna, inom Landeskirche Hannover utgör en liten grupp konfessionellt bundna och troende kvinnor som jag undersökt ur kvinnohistoriskt och kulturvetenskapligt perspektiv. Jag belyser förändringarna i synen på prästgård, prästfruns värv och församling under mitten av 1900-talet då prästfruarna förlorade sin ställning i samhälle och församling. Prästfruarna framstår som vittnen över slutet på en epok som började med reformationen och som visat sig vara grundläggande för utformningen av moderniteten liksom också för övergången till senmoderna makt- och socialtekniker som lett till dagens emancipatoriska krav på självförverkligande med jaget som expert. Förändringarna ledde till kvinnopolitiska segrar, som bättre tillgång till arbetsmarknaden, men också till en hittills inte undersökt tragisk sida av denna modernisering, nämligen hur det självständiga handlingsutrymme försvann som prästfruarna hade i prästgård och församling just som kvinnor. Den protestantiska kyrkan bidrog så till en revolutionerande strukturomvandling för att referera till historikerna Lutz Raphael och Anselm Doering-Manteuffel.
This study was carried out to investigate the efficiency of several herbicides under field conditions, by post-emergence application onto the entire area, their effect on the control of weeds in young coffee plantations and commercial coffee and bean intercropping system, as well as on both crops. Seedlings of Coffea arabica cv. Red Catuaí with four to six leaf pairs were transplanted to the field and treated according to conventional agronomic practices. A bean and coffee intercropping system was established by sowing three lines of beans in the coffee inter-rows. At the time the herbicides were sprayed, the coffee plants had six to ten leaf pairs; the bean plants, three leaflets; and the weeds were at an early development stage. Fluazifop-p-butyl and clethodim were selective for coffee plants and controlled only Brachiaria plantaginea and Digitaria horizontalis efficiently. Broad-leaved weeds (Amaranthus retroflexus, Bidens pilosa, Coronopus didymus, Emilia sonchifolia, Galinsoga parviflora, Ipomoea grandifolia, Lepidium virginicum, and Raphanus raphanistrum) were controlled with high efficiency by sole applications of fomesafen, flazasulfuron, and oxyfluorfen, except B. pilosa, C. didymus, and R. raphanistrum for oxyfluorfen. Sequential applications in seven-day intervals of fomesafen + fluazifop-p-butyl, or clethodim, and two commercial mixtures of fomesafen + fluazifop-p-butyl simultaneously controlled both types of weed. Cyperus rotundus was only controlled by flazasulfuron. Except for fluazifop-p-butyl and clethodim, all herbicide treatments caused only slight injuries on younger coffee leaves. However, further plant growth was not impaired and coffee plant height and stem diameter were therefore similar in the treatments, as evaluated four months later. Fomesafen, fluazifop-p-butyl, and clethodim, at sole or sequential application, and the commercial mixtures of fomesafen + fluazifop-p-butyl were also highly selective for bean crop; thus at doses recommended for bean crop, these herbicides may be applied to control weeds in coffee and bean intercropping systems by spraying the entire area.
Com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da aplicação em jato dirigido com e sem proteção do bico de pulverização através de chapéu-de-napoleão para misturas de herbicidas de ação total na cultura da mamoneira de porte anão, na safra 2004/2005, um experimento foi conduzido no município de Garça-SP, utilizando-se o híbrido Lyra e espaçamento de 1,0 x 0,5 m. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com tratamentos em esquema fatorial 2 x 10, com quatro repetições, em que o primeiro fator representou a forma de aplicação de jato dirigido com e sem uso de chapéu-de-napoleão e o segundo os herbicidas: glyphosate (0,72 kg ha-1); glyphosate + 2,4-D (0,72 + 0,35 kg ha-1); glyphosate + flumioxazin (0,72 + 0,025 kg ha-1); glyphosate + carfentrazone-ethyl (0,72 + 0,016 kg ha-1); glyphosate + diuron (0,72 + 0,75 kg ha-1); MSMA + diuron (1,44+ 0,75 kg ha-1); paraquat + diuron (0,9 kg ha-1); paraquat + diquat (0,20 + 0,20 kg ha-1); paraquat + bentazon (0,40 + 0,48 kg ha-1); e testemunha capinada. A aplicação dos herbicidas foi feita em pós-emergência das plantas daninhas, nas entrelinhas da cultura, utilizando-se pulverizador costal pressurizado com CO2, com uma ponta XR 8002-VS para o uso de chapéu-de-napoleão e duas pontas XR 11002-VS, espaçadas de 50 cm, para condição sem proteção, ambas com consumo de calda equivalente a 200 L ha-1. O herbicida glyphosate e as misturas de paraquat + bentazon, glyphosate + 2,4-D e paraquat + diquat proporcionaram os maiores níveis de produtividade da mamoneira Lyra quando aplicados em jato dirigido e com auxílio de chapéu-de-napoleão. As misturas paraquat + bentazon (0,40 + 0,48 kg ha-1) e paraquat + diquat (0,20 + 0,20 kg ha-1) demonstraram ser as mais indicadas para aplicação em jato dirigido com proteção do bico de pulverização.
Soitinnus: lauluääni (tenori), orkesteri.
Low and high molecular weight kininogens (LK and HK), containing 409 and 626 amino acids with masses of ~65 and 120 kDa after glycosylation, respectively, are coded by a single gene mapped to the human chromosome 3 by alternative splicing of the transcribed mRNA. The NH2-termini Glu1-Thr383 region, identical in LK and HK, contains bradykinin (BK) moieties Arg363-Arg371. LK, HK and their kinin products Lys-BK and BK are involved in several biologic processes. They are evolutionarily conserved and only 7 patients, all apparently normal, have been reported to lack them. In one of these patients (Williams' trait), a codon mutation (Arg178 ® stop) has been blamed for the absence of LK and HK. However, using Western blots with 2 monoclonal anti-HK antibodies, one that recognizes the region common to LK and HK and the other that recognizes only HK, I detected ~110-kDa bands in the plasma of this LK/HK-deficient patient vs ~120-kDa bands in normal human and ape plasmas. With polyclonal anti-Lys-BK antibody, which strongly detects BK cleaved at its COOH-terminus in purified HK, I detected ~110-kDa bands in the normal and the deficient plasmas. Western blots with a monoclonal anti-prekallikrein (PK) antibody showed that surface activation of PK and distribution of PK activation products, both dependent on HK, were similar in these plasmas. These findings suggest that a mutant gene yielded a kininogen-like species possibly involving aberrant mRNA splicing - structurally different from normal HK, but apparently with the capacity to carry out seemingly vital HK functions.
Manometric and pharmacological tests have shown that motor abnormalities may occur in the non-dilated colons of chagasic patients. In order to investigate the presence of abnormalities of colonic function in constipated patients with Chagas disease (ChC) without megaesophagus or megacolon, studies of total and segmental colonic transit time with radiopaque markers were performed on 15 ChC patients, 27 healthy volunteers and 17 patients with idiopathic constipation (IC). The values obtained for the control group were similar to those reported in the literature (total colonic time: 34.1 ± 15.6 h; right colon: 9.9 ± 7.3 h; left colon: 10.8 ± 10 h, and rectosigmoid: 12.6 ± 9.9 h). Colonic transit time data permitted us to divide both IC and ChC patients into groups with normal transit and those with slow colonic transit. Colonic inertia was detected in 41% of IC patients and in 13% of ChC patients; left colon isolated stasis (hindgut dysfunction) was detected in 12% of IC patients and 7% of ChC patients, and outlet obstruction was detected in 6% of IC patients and 7% of ChC patients. There were no significant differences in total or segmental colonic transit times between slow transit IC and slow transit ChC patients. In conclusion, an impairment of colonic motility was detected in about 30% of constipated patients with Chagas disease without megaesophagus or megacolon. This subgroup of patients presented no distinctive clinical feature or pattern of colonic dysmotility when compared to patients with slow transit idiopathic constipation.
The recent emergence of a new generation of mobile application marketplaces has changed the business in the mobile ecosystems. The marketplaces have gathered over a million applications by hundreds of thousands of application developers and publishers. Thus, software ecosystems—consisting of developers, consumers and the orchestrator—have emerged as a part of the mobile ecosystem. This dissertation addresses the new challenges faced by mobile application developers in the new ecosystems through empirical methods. By using the theories of two-sided markets and business ecosystems as the basis, the thesis assesses monetization and value creation in the market as well as the impact of electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) and developer multihoming— i. e. contributing for more than one platform—in the ecosystems. The data for the study was collected with web crawling from the three biggest marketplaces: Apple App Store, Google Play and Windows Phone Store. The dissertation consists of six individual articles. The results of the studies show a gap in monetization among the studied applications, while a majority of applications are produced by small or micro-enterprises. The study finds only weak support for the impact of eWOM on the sales of an application in the studied ecosystem. Finally, the study reveals a clear difference in the multi-homing rates between the top application developers and the rest. This has, as discussed in the thesis, an impact on the future market analyses—it seems that the smart device market can sustain several parallel application marketplaces.
Tämän tutkielman tarkoitus on selvittää, miten epäsymmetrinen sodankäynti Irakissa vuosina 2003–2008 vaikutti Yhdysvaltain armeijaan ja merijalkaväkeen. Päätutkimuskysymykseen vas-tataan selvittämällä historian kokemuksien vaikutus siihen miten Irakin sotaan valmistauduttiin. Tarkoituksena on myös selvittää miten epäsymmetrinen sota ilmeni vuosien kuluessa ja miten amerikkalaiset kehittivät varusteita, koulutusta, organisaatioita ja doktriiniaan sodan kuluessa. Lähdeaineistona on käytetty englanninkielistä kirjallisuutta. Suurin osa aineistosta on operaati-oon osallistuneiden sotilaiden ja siviilien kirjoittamia. He ovat kirjoittaneet joko omien koke-muksien pohjalta tai sitten teoksissa on haastateltu tapahtumia todistaneita avainhenkilöitä. Li-säksi on käytetty sotilasammatillisissa lehdissä julkaistuja artikkeleita, asevoimien ohjesääntöjä ja eri puolustushallinnon sekä riippumattomien tutkimuslaitoksien tekemiä raportteja. Opinnäyt-teiden osuus on vähäinen ja haastatteluja ei ole käytetty. Tutkimusmenetelmä on aineistoanalyy-siin perustuva kirjallisuustutkimus. Työssä korostuu lähdekritiikki ja lähteiden vertailu, koska ajoittain lähteissä esitetyt tiedot ovat kirjoittajien omia näkemyksiä historiallisista tapahtumista. Vuonna 2003 alkanut Irakin sota kehittyi vuosia kestäneeksi taisteluksi epäsymmetrisesti toimi-vaa vihollista vastaan. Irakin sodan kynnyksellä operaation suunnittelussa ei huomioitu hyökkä-yksen jälkeistä vakauttamisvaihetta riittävällä tarkkuudella. Seurauksena oli se että Irakin ajau-tumista sekasortoon Baghdadin valtauksen jälkeen ei voitu estää. Liittouman päätös lakkauttaa Irakin omat turvallisuuskoneistot vaikeutti tilannetta entisestään. Vuoden 2003 lopulla Irak oli ajautumassa etnisten ja uskonnollisten ristiriitojen vaikuttamaan kumoukselliseen sotaan. Seu-raavat vuodet Yhdysvallat pyrki viholliskeskeisellä strategialla kukistamaan epäsymmetrisesti toimivat kumoukselliset taistelijat. Keskeisinä tutkielman havaintoina on, että Yhdysvalloilla on paljon kokemusta epäsymmetri-sestä sodankäynnistä. Historian kokemuksista johtuvien asenteiden ja vuonna 2003 vaikuttaneen poliittisen ilmapiirin vuoksi Irakin sodan miehitysvaihetta ei suunniteltu kunnolla. Yhtenäisen strategian puute aiheutti ongelmia sodan alkuvuosina. Tänäkin aikana osa joukoista toteutti on-nistuneesti vastakumouksellisen sodan operaatioita, jotka vaikuttivat uuden doktriinin syntyyn. Doktriinin avaintekijä oli uusi ohjesääntö FM 3-24, jonka opit olivat keskeisessä asemassa vuonna 2007 alkaneissa operaatioissa. Näiden operaatioiden menestyksen taustalla oli monia tekijöitä, mutta myös amerikkalaisten uudenlainen ymmärrys siitä miten taistella epäsymmetri-sesti toimivaa vihollista vastaan. Sotakokemukset synnyttivät uusia varusteita, koulutusta ja organisaatiomuutoksia. Suurin vaikutus on kuitenkin siinä, miten vuoteen 2008 mennessä epä-tavanomaisen sodankäynnin merkitys asevoimien tehtävissä oli noussut aiempaa tärkeämmäksi.
We sought to examine the possible participation of dopaminergic receptors in the phasic events that occur during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, known as sawtooth waves (STW). These phasic phenomena of REM sleep exhibit a unique morphology and, although they represent a characteristic feature of REM sleep, little is known about the mechanisms which generate them and which are apparently different from rapid eye movements. STW behavior was studied in 10 male volunteers aged 20 to 35 years, who were submitted to polysomnographic monitoring (PSG). On the adaptation night they were submitted to the first PSG and on the second night, to the basal PSG. On the third night the volunteers received placebo or haloperidol and spent the whole night awake. On the fourth night they were submitted to the third PSG. After a 15-day rest period, the volunteers returned to the sleep laboratory and, according to a double-blind crossover randomized design, received haloperidol or placebo and spent the whole night awake, after which they were submitted to the fourth PSG. The volunteers who were given haloperidol combined with sleep deprivation exhibited an elevation of the duration and density of the STW, without significant alterations of the other REM sleep phasic phenomena such as rapid eye movement. These findings suggest that sawtooth waves must have their own generating mechanisms and that the dopaminergic receptors must exert a modulating role since REM sleep deprivation, as well as administration of neuroleptics, produces supersensitivity of dopaminergic receptors.
Free and total carnitine quantification is important as a complementary test for the diagnosis of unusual metabolic diseases, including fatty acid degradation disorders. The present study reports a new method for the quantification of free and total carnitine in dried plasma specimens by isotope dilution electrospray tandem mass spectrometry with sample derivatization. Carnitine is determined by looking for the precursor of ions of m/z = 103 of N-butylester derivative, and the method is validated by comparison with radioenzymatic assay. We obtained an inter- and intra-day assay coefficient of variation of 4.3 and 2.3, respectively. Free and total carnitine was analyzed in 309 dried plasma spot samples from children ranging in age from newborn to 14 years using the new method, which was found to be suitable for calculating reference age-related values for free and total carnitine (less than one month: 19.3 ± 2.4 and 23.5 ± 2.9; one to twelve months: 28.8 ± 10.2 and 35.9 ± 11.4; one to seven years: 30.7 ± 10.3 and 38.1 ± 11.9; seven to 14 years: 33.7 ± 11.6, and 43.1 ± 13.8 µM, respectively). No difference was found between males and females. A significant difference was observed between neonates and the other age groups. We compare our data with reference values in the literature, most of them obtained by radioenzymatic assay. However, this method is laborious and time consuming. The electrospray tandem mass spectrometry method presented here is a reliable, rapid and automated procedure for carnitine quantitation.
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan
Two variants (A and B) of the widely employed Walker 256 rat tumor cells are known. When inoculated sc, the A variant produces solid, invasive, highly metastasizing tumors that cause severe systemic effects and death. We have obtained a regressive variant (AR) whose sc growth is slower, resulting in 70-80% regression followed by development of immunity against A and AR variants. Simultaneously with the beginning of tumor regression, a temporary anemia developed (~8 days duration), accompanied by marked splenomegaly (~300%) and changes in red blood cell osmotic fragility, with mean corpuscular fragility increasing from 4.1 to 6.5 g/l NaCl. The possibility was raised that plasma factors associated with the immune response induced these changes. In the present study, we identify and compare the osmotic fragility increasing activity of plasma fractions obtained from A and AR tumor bearers at different stages of tumor development. The results showed that by day 4 compounds precipitating in 60% (NH4)2SO4 and able to increase red blood cell osmotic fragility appeared in the plasma of A and AR tumor bearers. Later, these compounds disappeared from the plasma of A tumor bearers but slightly increased in the plasma of AR tumor bearers. Furthermore, by day 10, compounds precipitating between 60 and 80% (NH4)2SO4 and with similar effects appeared only in plasma of AR tumor bearers. The salt solubility, production kinetics and hemolytic activity of these compounds resemble those of the immunoglobulins. This, together with their preferential increase in rats bearing the AR variant, suggest their association with an immune response against this tumor.
Exposure to stress induces a cluster of physiological and behavioral changes in an effort to maintain the homeostasis of the organism. Long-term exposure to stress, however, has detrimental effects on several cell functions such as the impairment of antioxidant defenses leading to oxidative damage. Oxidative stress is a central feature of many diseases. The lungs are particularly susceptible to lesions by free radicals and pulmonary antioxidant defenses are extensively distributed and include both enzymatic and non-enzymatic systems. The aim of the present study was to determine lipid peroxidation and total radical-trapping potential (TRAP) changes in lungs of rats submitted to different models of chronic stress. Adult male Wistar rats weighing 180-230 g were submitted to different stressors (variable stress, N = 7) or repeated restraint stress for 15 (N = 10) or 40 days (N = 6) and compared to control groups (N = 10 each). Lipid peroxidation levels were assessed by thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), and TRAP was measured by the decrease in luminescence using the 2-2'-azo-bis(2-amidinopropane)-luminol system. Chronic variable stress induced a 51% increase in oxidative stress in lungs (control group: 0.037 ± 0.002; variable stress: 0.056 ± 0.007, P < 0.01). No difference in TBARS was observed after chronic restraint stress, but a significant 57% increase in TRAP was presented by the group repeatedly restrained for 15 days (control group: 2.48 ± 0.42; stressed: 3.65 ± 0.16, P < 0.05). We conclude that different stressors induce different effects on the oxidative status of the organism.
Verbal fluency tests are used as a measure of executive functions and language, and can also be used to evaluate semantic memory. We analyzed the influence of education, gender and age on scores in a verbal fluency test using the animal category, and on number of categories, clustering and switching. We examined 257 healthy participants (152 females and 105 males) with a mean age of 49.42 years (SD = 15.75) and having a mean educational level of 5.58 (SD = 4.25) years. We asked them to name as many animals as they could. Analysis of variance was performed to determine the effect of demographic variables. No significant effect of gender was observed for any of the measures. However, age seemed to influence the number of category changes, as expected for a sensitive frontal measure, after being controlled for the effect of education. Educational level had a statistically significant effect on all measures, except for clustering. Subject performance (mean number of animals named) according to schooling was: illiterates, 12.1; 1 to 4 years, 12.3; 5 to 8 years, 14.0; 9 to 11 years, 16.7, and more than 11 years, 17.8. We observed a decrease in performance in these five educational groups over time (more items recalled during the first 15 s, followed by a progressive reduction until the fourth interval). We conclude that education had the greatest effect on the category fluency test in this Brazilian sample. Therefore, we must take care in evaluating performance in lower educational subjects.