991 resultados para thin plate spine


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Bonding a fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composite or metallic plate to the soffit of a reinforced concrete (RC), timber or metallic beam can significantly increase its strength and other aspects of structural performance. These hybrid beams are often found to fail due to premature debonding of the plate from the original beam in a brittle manner. This has led to the development of many analytical solutions over the last two decades to quantify the interfacial shear and normal stresses between the adherends. The adherends are subjected to axial, bending and shear deformations. However, most analytical solutions have neglected the influence of shear deformation of the adherends. For the few solutions which consider this effect in an approximate manner, their applicability is limited to one or two specific load cases. This paper presents a general analytical solution for the interfacial stresses in plated beams under an arbitrary loading with the shear deformation of the adherends duly considered. The shear stress distribution is assumed to be parabolic through the depth of the adherends in predicting the interfacial shear stress and Timoshenko's beam theory is adopted in predicting interfacial normal stress to account for the shear deformation. The solution is applicable to a beam of arbitrary prismatic cross-section bonded symmetrically or asymmetrically with a thin or thick plate, both having linear elastic material properties. The effect of shear deformation is illustrated through an example beam. The influence of material and geometric parameters of the adherends and adhesive on the interfacial stress concentrations at the plate end is discussed. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The effect of an applied electric field on the magnetic properties of L1(0)-ordered CoPd thin films is investigated by first-principle calculations. Both the magnetic moment and the magnetocrystalline anisotropy of the surface atoms are changed by the electric field, but the net effect depends on the surface termination. The magnetocrystalline anisotropy switches from in-plane to perpendicular in the presence of external electric field. Typical magnetic-moment changes are 0.1 mu(B) per eV/angstrom The main mechanism is the shift of the Fermi level, but the anisotropy change also reflects a crystal-field change due to incomplete screening.


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Titanium dioxide (TiO(2)) films have been deposited on glass and p-silicon (1 0 0) substrates by DC magnetron sputtering technique to investigate their structural, electrical and optical properties. The surface composition of the TiO(2) films has been analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The TiO(2) films formed on unbiased substrates were amorphous. Application of negative bias voltage to the substrate transformed the amorphous TiO(2) into polycrystalline as confirmed by Raman spectroscopic studies. Thin film capacitors with configuration of Al/TiO(2)/p-Si have been fabricated. The leakage current density of unbiased films was 1 x10(-6) A/cm(2) at a gate bias voltage of 1.5 V and it was decreased to 1.41 x 10(-7) A/cm(2) with the increase of substrate bias voltage to -150 V owing to the increase in thickness of interfacial layer of SiO(2). Dielectric properties and AC electrical conductivity of the films were studied at various frequencies for unbiased and biased at -150 V. The capacitance at 1 MHz for unbiased films was 2.42 x 10(-10) F and it increased to 5.8 x 10(-10) F in the films formed at substrate bias voltage of -150 V. Dielectric constant of TiO(2) films were calculated from capacitance-voltage measurements at 1 MHz frequency. The dielectric constant of unbiased films was 6.2 while those formed at -150 V it increased to 19. The optical band gap of the films decreased from 3.50 to 3.42 eV with the increase of substrate bias voltage from 0 to -150 V. (C) 2011 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Bi-layered Aurivillius compounds prove to be efficient candidates of nonvolatile memories. SrBi2Nb2O9 thin films were deposited by excimer laser ablation at low substrate temperature (400 °C) followed by an ex situ annealing at 750 °C. The polarization hysteresis behavior was confirmed by variation of polarization with the external applied electric field and also verified with capacitance versus voltage characteristics. The measured values of spontaneous and remnant polarizations were, respectively, 9 and 6 μC/cm2 with a coercive field of 90 kV/cm. The measured dielectric constant and dissipation factors at 100 kHz were 220 and 0.02, respectively. The frequency analysis of dielectric and ac conduction properties showed a distribution of relaxation times due to the presence of multiple grain boundaries in the films. The values of activation energies from the dissipation factor and grain interior resistance were found to be 0.9 and 1.3 eV, respectively. The deviation in these values was attributed to the energetic conditions of the grain boundaries and bulk grains. The macroscopic relaxation phenomenon is controlled by the higher resistive component in a film, such as grain boundaries at lower temperatures, which was highlighted in the present article in close relation to interior grain relaxation and conduction properties.


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The pulsed-laser ablation technique has been employed to deposit polycrystalline thin films of layered-structure ferroelectric BaBi2Nb2O9 (BBN). Low-substrate-temperature growth (Ts = 400 °C) followed by ex situ annealing at 800 °C for 30 min was performed to obtain a preferred orientation. Ferroelectricity in the films was verified by examining the polarization with the applied electric field and was also confirmed from the capacitance–voltage characteristics. The films exhibited well-defined hysteresis loops, and the values of saturation (Ps) and remanent (Pr) polarization were 4.0 and 1.2 μC/cm2, respectively. The room-temperature dielectric constant and dissipation factor were 214 and 0.04, respectively, at a frequency of 100 kHz. A phase transition from a ferroelectric to paraelectric state of the BBN thin film was observed at 220 °C. The dissipation factor of the film was observed to increase after the phase transition due to a probable influence of dc conduction at high temperatures. The real and imaginary part of the dielectric constant also exhibited strong frequency dispersion at high temperatures.


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An optimal composition of La0.67Cd0.33MnO3 was synthesized by ceramic route. The compound crystallized in a rhombohedral structure with lattice parameters a = 5.473(4) Å and α = 60°37′. Resistivity measurement showed an insulator-to-metal transition coupled with a ferromagnetic transition of around 255 K. Epitaxial thin films were fabricated on the LaAlO3 (100) substrate by a pulsed laser deposition technique. The psuedocubic lattice parameter a of the film is 3.873(4) Å. The insulator-to-metal transition of the film was observed at 250 K which is comparable with the bulk value. The film was ferromagnetic below this temperature. Magnetoresistance defined as ΔR/R0 = (RH−R0)/R0 was over −86% near the insulator-to-metal transition temperature of 240 K at 6 T magnetic field and over-30% at relatively low fields of 1 T. No magnetoresistance was observed at low temperatures in the film unlike in the polycrystalline sample, where about a 40% decrease in resistance was observed on applying 6 T magnetic field due to the spin dependent scattering at the grain boundaries.


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Epitaxial films of La4BaCu5O13+δ and La4BaCu4NiO13+δ oxides are grown with a-b plane parallel to (100) of LaAlO3 and SrTiO3 by pulsed-laser deposition. The conductivity measurements performed along the c direction using LaNiO3 as the electrode show metallic behavior whereas they show semiconducting behavior in the a-b plane. Anisotropic transport property of these thin films is explained on the basis of nearly 180° connected Cu–O–Cu chains with an average Cu–O distance of 1.94 Å along the c direction and nearly 180° and 90° connected Cu–O–Cu chains in the a-b plane with short and long Cu–O distances ranging from 1.863 to 2.303 Å. YBa2Cu3O7−x has been grown along (00l) on La4BaCu5O13+δ and shows a Tc of 88 K.


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Antiferroelectric materials (example: lead zirconate and modified lead zirconate stannate), in which a field-induced ferroelectric phase transition is feasible due to a small free energy difference between the ferroelectric and the antiferroelectric phases, are proven to be very good candidates for applications involving actuation and high charge storage devices. The property of reverse switching from the field-induced ferroelectric to antiferroelectric phases is studied as a function of temperature, applied electric field, and sample thickness in antiferroelectric lead zirconate thin films deposited by pulsed excimer laser ablation. The maximum released charge density was 22 μC/cm2 from a stored charge density of 36 μC/cm2 in a 0.55 μ thick lead zirconate thin film. This indicated that more than 60% of the stored charge could be released in less than 7 ns at room temperature for a field of 200 kV/cm. The content of net released charge was found to increase with increasing field strength, whereas with increasing temperature the released charge was found to decrease. Thickness-dependent studies on lead zirconate thin films showed that size effects relating to extrinsic and intrinsic pinning mechanisms controlled the released and induced charges through the intrinsic switching time. These results proved that antiferroelectric PZ thin films could be utilized in high-speed charge decoupling capacitors in microelectronics applications.


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This letter investigates the influence of a corrugated gate on the transfer characteristics of thin-film transistors. Corrugations that run parallel to the length of the channel from source to drain are patterned on the gate. The author finds that these corrugations result in higher currents as compared to conventional planar-gate transistors.


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Polycrystalline films of SrBi2Nb2O9 were grown using pulsed-laser ablation. The ferroelectric properties were achieved by low-temperature deposition followed by a subsequent annealing process. The lower switching voltage was obtained by lowering the thickness, which did not affect the insulating nature of the films. The hysteresis results showed an excellent square-shaped loop with results (Pr = 6 μC/cm2, Ec = 100 kV/cm) in good agreement with earlier reports. The films also exhibited a dielectric constant of 250 and a dissipation factor of 0.02. The transport studies indicated an ohmic behavior, while higher voltages induced a bulk space charge.


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A large reduction in the leakage current behavior in (Ba, Sr)TiO3 (BST) thin films was observed by graded-layer donor doping. The graded doping was achieved by introducing La-doped BST layers in the grown BST films. The films showed a large decrease (about six orders of magnitude) in the leakage current in comparison to undoped films at an electric field of 100 kV/cm. The large decrease in leakage current was attributed to the formation of highly resistive layers, originating from compensating defect chemistry involved for La-doped films grown in oxidizing environment. Temperature-dependent leakage-current behavior was studied to investigate the conduction mechanism and explanations of the results were sought from Poole–Frenkel conduction mechanism.


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Niobium-modified lead zirconate stannate titanate antiferroelectric thin films with the chemical composition of (Pb0.99Nb0.02)(Zr0.57Sn0.38Ti0.05)0.98O3 were deposited by pulsed excimer laser ablation technique on Pt-coated Si substrates. Field-induced phase transition from antiferroelectric to ferroelectric properties was studied at different fields as a function of temperature. The field forced ferroelectric phase transition was elucidated by the presence of double-polarization hysteresis and double-butterfly characteristics from polarization versus applied electric field and capacitance and voltage measurements, respectively. The measured forward and reverse switching fields were 25 kV/cm and 77 kV/cm, respectively. The measured dielectric constant and dissipation factor were 540 and 0.001 at 100 kHz, respectively, at room temperature.


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We have synthesized La0.83Na0.11MnO2.93 by heating La2O3 and MnCO3 in NaCl melt at 900 °C. The exact composition was arrived by analyzing each ion by an independent chemical method. The compound crystallized in a rhombohedral structure and showed an insulator-to-metal transition at 290 K. Epitaxial thin films were fabricated on LaAlO3 (100) using a pulsed laser deposition technique. The film also showed an insulator-to-metal transition at 290 K. Magnetoresistance [ΔR/R0 = (RH−R0)/R0] was −71% near the insulator-to-metal transition temperature of 290 K at 6 T magnetic field.


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The effect of Mg doping in ZnO is investigated through structural, electrical, and optical properties. Zn1−xMgxO (0<×<0.3) thin films were deposited on Si (100) and corning glass substrates using multimagnetron sputtering. Investigations on the structural properties of the films revealed that the increase in Mg concentration resulted in phase evolution from hexagonal to cubic phase. The temperature dependent study of dielectric constant at different frequencies exhibited a dielectric anomaly at 110 °C. The Zn0.7Mg0.3O thin films exhibited a well-defined polarization hysteresis loop with a remnant polarization of 0.2 μC/cm2 and coercive field of 8 kV/cm at room temperature. An increase in the band gap with an increase in Mg content was observed in the range of 3.3–3.8 eV for x = 0–0.3. The average transmittance of the films was higher than 90% in the wavelength region λ = 400–900 nm.