991 resultados para simultaneous registration


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Full validation of the electrochemical mechanisms so far postulated as driving force of electric field-assisted non-spontaneous crystallization development in given glasses has suffered experimental restrictions. In this work, we looked into origin of this phenomenon in lead oxyfluoroborate glasses, resulting in beta-PbF2 growth even below the corresponding glass transition temperatures, through achieving a systematic study of not only Pt,Ag/Glass/Ag,Pt- but also Pt,Ag/Glass/YSZ:PbF2/Ag,Pt-type cells, where YSZ:PbF2 represents a two-phase system (formed by Y2O3-doped ZrO2 and PbF2). It is demonstrated that crystallization induction in these glasses involves Pb2+ ions reduction at the cathode, the phenomenon being, however, confirmed only when the F- ions were simultaneously also able to reach the anode for oxidation, after assuring either a direct glass-anode contact or percolation pathways for free fluoride migration across the YSZ:PbF2 mixtures. A further support of this account is that the electrochemically induced beta-PbF2 phase crystallizes showing ramified-like microstructure morphology that arises, accordingly, from development of electroconvective diffusion processes under electric field action.


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Urea has been considered as a promising alternative nitrogen source for the cultivation of Arthrospira platensis if it is possible to avoid ammonia toxicity; however, this procedure can lead to periods of nitrogen shortage. This study shows that the addition of potassium nitrate, which acts as a nitrogen reservoir, to cultivations carried out with urea in a fed-batch process can increase the maximum cell concentration (Xm) and also cell productivity (PX). Using response surface methodology, the model indicates that the estimated optimum Xm can be achieved with 17.3 mM potassium nitrate and 8.9 mM urea. Under this condition an Xm of 6077 +/- 199 mg/L and a PX of 341.5 +/- 19.1 mg L1day1 were obtained.


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Abstract Background Tobacco and cannabis use are strongly interrelated, but current national and international cessation programs typically focus on one substance, and address the other substance either only marginally or not at all. This study aimed to identify the demand for, and describe the development and content of, the first integrative group cessation program for co-smokers of cigarettes and cannabis. Methods First, a preliminary study using expert interviews, user focus groups with (ex-)smokers, and an online survey was conducted to investigate the demand for, and potential content of, an integrative smoking cessation program (ISCP) for tobacco and cannabis co-smokers. This study revealed that both experts and co-smokers considered an ISCP to be useful but expected only modest levels of readiness for participation.Based on the findings of the preliminary study, an interdisciplinary expert team developed a course concept and a recruitment strategy. The developed group cessation program is based on current treatment techniques (such as motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioural therapy, and self-control training) and structured into six course sessions.The program was evaluated regarding its acceptability among participants and course instructors. Results Both the participants and course instructors evaluated the course positively. Participants and instructors especially appreciated the group discussions and the modules that were aimed at developing personal strategies that could be applied during simultaneous cessation of tobacco and cannabis, such as dealing with craving, withdrawal, and high-risk situations. Conclusions There is a clear demand for a double cessation program for co-users of cigarettes and cannabis, and the first group cessation program tailored for these users has been developed and evaluated for acceptability. In the near future, the feasibility of the program will be evaluated. Trial registration Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN15248397


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence of the urinary excretion of BKV and JCV in HIV-infected patients without neurological symptoms. METHODS: Urine samples from HIV-infected patients without neurological symptoms were tested for JC virus and BK virus by PCR. Samples were screened for the presence of polyomavirus with sets of primers complementary to the early region of JCV and BKV genome (AgT). The presence of JC virus or BK virus were confirmed by two other PCR assays using sets of primers complementary to the VP1 gene of each virus. Analysis of the data was performed by the Kruskal-Wallis test for numerical data and Pearson or Yates for categorical variables. RESULTS: A total of 75 patients were included in the study. The overall prevalence of polyomavirus DNA urinary shedding was 67/75 (89.3%). Only BKV DNA was detected in 14/75 (18.7%) urine samples, and only JCV DNA was detected in 11/75 (14.7%) samples. Both BKV and JCV DNA were present in 42/75 (56.0%) samples. CONCLUSION: In this study we found high rates of excretion of JCV, BKV, and simultaneous excretion in HIV+ patients. Also these results differ from the others available on the literature.


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A method using Liquid Phase Microextraction for simultaneous detection of citalopram (CIT), paroxetine (PAR) and fluoxetine (FLU), using venlafaxine as internal standard, in plasma by high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection was developed. The linearity was evaluated between 5.0 and 500 ng mL-1 (r > 0.99) and the limit of quantification was 2.0, 3.0 and 5.0 ng mL-1 for CIT, PAR and FLU, respectively. Therefore, it can be applied to therapeutic drug monitoring, pharmacokinetics or bioavailability studies and its advantages are that it necessary relatively inexpensive equipment and sample preparation techniques.


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A method for the simultaneous quantification of lycopene, β-carotene, retinol and α-tocopherol by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with Vis/fluorescence detection with isocratic elution was optimized and validated. The method consists of a rapid and simple liquid-liquid extraction procedure and a posterior quantification of extracted supernatants by HPLC. Aliquots of plasma were stored at -20°C for three months for stability study. The methodology was applied to samples from painters and individuals not exposed to paints (n = 75). The assay was linear for all vitamins (r > 0.99). Intra- and inter-run precisions were obtained with coefficient of variation smaller than 5%. The accuracies ranged from 0.29 to -5.80% and recoveries between 92.73 and 101.97%. Plasma samples and extracted supernatants were stable for 60 days at -20°C. A significant decrease of lycopene, β-carotene and retinol concentrations in plasma from exposed individuals compared to non-exposed individuals (p < 0.05) was observed. The method is simple, reproducible, precise, accurate and sensitive, and can be routinely utilized in clinical laboratories.


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The development of an electroanalytical method for simultaneous determination of copper and lead ions in sugar cane spirit (cachaça) using carbon paste electrode modified with ascorbic acid and carbon nanotubes (CPE-AaCNT) is described. Squarewave voltammetry (SWV) with anodic stripping was employed, and this technique was optimized with respect to the following parameters: frequency (50 Hz), amplitude (100 mV) and scan increment (9 mV). The analytical curves were linear in the range from 0.0900 to 7.00 mg L- 1 for lead and copper. The limits of detection were 48.5 and 23.9 µg L- 1 for lead and copper, respectively. The developed method was applied to the simultaneous determination of copper and lead in five commercial samples of sugar cane spirit. The results were in good agreement with those obtained by F AAS/GF AAS (flame atomic absorption spectrometry/graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry) and showed that CPE-AaCNT can be successfully employed in the simultaneous determination of these metals in real sugar cane spirit samples.


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Reactive Sputter Magnetron (RSM) is a widely used technique to thin films growing of compounds both, in research laboratories and in industrial processes. The nature of the deposited compound will depend then on the nature of the magnetron target and the nature of the ions generated in the plasma. One important aspect of the problem is the knowledge of the evolution of the film during the process of growing itself. In this work, we present the design, construction of a chamber to be installed in the Huber goniometer in the XRD2 line of LNLS in Campinas, which allows in situ growing kinetic studies of thin films.


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[EN]Isobaric vapor–liquid equilibria at p = 101.32 kPa (iso-p VLE) and the mixing properties, hE and vE, are determined for a set of twelve binary solutions: HCOOCuH2u+1(1)+CnH2n+2(2) with u = (1–4) and n = (7– 9). The (iso-p VLE) present deviations from the ideal behavior, which augment as u diminishes and n increases. Systems with [u = 2,3 n = 7] and [u =4 , n = 7,8] present a minimum-boiling azeotrope. The nonideality is also reflected in high endothermic values, hE > 0, and expansive effects, vE > 0, for all the binaries, which increase regularly with n


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[EN]In this work we develop a procedure to deform a given surface triangulation to obtain its alignment with interior curves. These curves are defined by splines in a parametric space and, subsequently, mapped to the surface triangulation. We have restricted our study to orthogonal mapping, so we require the curves to be included in a patch of the surface that can be orthogonally projected onto a plane (our parametric space). For example, the curves can represent interfaces between different materials or boundary conditions, internal boundaries or feature lines. Another setting in which this procedure can be used is the adaption of a reference mesh to changing curves in the course of an evolutionary process...


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[EN]The meccano method is a novel and promising mesh generation method for simultaneously creating adaptive tetrahedral meshes and volume parametrizations of a complex solid. We highlight the fact that the method requires minimum user intervention and has a low computational cost. The method builds a 3-D triangulation of the solid as a deformation of an appropriate tetrahedral mesh of the meccano. The new mesh generator combines an automatic parametrization of surface triangulations, a local refinement algorithm for 3-D nested triangulations and a simultaneous untangling and smoothing procedure. At present, the procedure is fully automatic for a genus-zero solid. In this case, the meccano can be a single cube. The efficiency of the proposed technique is shown with several applications...


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[EN]A new parallel algorithm for simultaneous untangling and smoothing of tetrahedral meshes is proposed in this paper. We provide a detailed analysis of its performance on shared-memory many-core computer architectures. This performance analysis includes the evaluation of execution time, parallel scalability, load balancing, and parallelism bottlenecks. Additionally, we compare the impact of three previously published graph coloring procedures on the performance of our parallel algorithm. We use six benchmark meshes with a wide range of sizes. Using these experimental data sets, we describe the behavior of the parallel algorithm for different data sizes. We demonstrate that this algorithm is highly scalable when it runs on two different high-performance many-core computers with up to 128 processors...


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Images of a scene, static or dynamic, are generally acquired at different epochs from different viewpoints. They potentially gather information about the whole scene and its relative motion with respect to the acquisition device. Data from different (in the spatial or temporal domain) visual sources can be fused together to provide a unique consistent representation of the whole scene, even recovering the third dimension, permitting a more complete understanding of the scene content. Moreover, the pose of the acquisition device can be achieved by estimating the relative motion parameters linking different views, thus providing localization information for automatic guidance purposes. Image registration is based on the use of pattern recognition techniques to match among corresponding parts of different views of the acquired scene. Depending on hypotheses or prior information about the sensor model, the motion model and/or the scene model, this information can be used to estimate global or local geometrical mapping functions between different images or different parts of them. These mapping functions contain relative motion parameters between the scene and the sensor(s) and can be used to integrate accordingly informations coming from the different sources to build a wider or even augmented representation of the scene. Accordingly, for their scene reconstruction and pose estimation capabilities, nowadays image registration techniques from multiple views are increasingly stirring up the interest of the scientific and industrial community. Depending on the applicative domain, accuracy, robustness, and computational payload of the algorithms represent important issues to be addressed and generally a trade-off among them has to be reached. Moreover, on-line performance is desirable in order to guarantee the direct interaction of the vision device with human actors or control systems. This thesis follows a general research approach to cope with these issues, almost independently from the scene content, under the constraint of rigid motions. This approach has been motivated by the portability to very different domains as a very desirable property to achieve. A general image registration approach suitable for on-line applications has been devised and assessed through two challenging case studies in different applicative domains. The first case study regards scene reconstruction through on-line mosaicing of optical microscopy cell images acquired with non automated equipment, while moving manually the microscope holder. By registering the images the field of view of the microscope can be widened, preserving the resolution while reconstructing the whole cell culture and permitting the microscopist to interactively explore the cell culture. In the second case study, the registration of terrestrial satellite images acquired by a camera integral with the satellite is utilized to estimate its three-dimensional orientation from visual data, for automatic guidance purposes. Critical aspects of these applications are emphasized and the choices adopted are motivated accordingly. Results are discussed in view of promising future developments.


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An accurate and sensitive species-specific GC-ICP-IDMS (gas chromatography inductively coupled plasma isotope dilution mass spectrometry) method for the determination of trimethyllead and a multi-species-specific GC-ICP-IDMS method for the simultaneous determination of trimethyllead, methylmercury, and butyltins in biological and environmental samples were developed. They allow the determination of corresponding elemental species down to the low ng g-1 range. The developed synthesis scheme for the formation of isotopically labeled Me3206Pb+ can be used for future production of this spike. The novel extraction technique, stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE), was applied for the first time in connection with species-specific isotope dilution GC-ICP-MS for the determination of trimethyllead, methylmercury and butyltins. The results were compared with liquid-liquid extraction. The developed methods were validated by the analysis of certified reference materials. The liquid-liquid extraction GC-ICP-IDMS method was applied to seafood samples purchased from a supermarket. The methylated lead fraction in these samples, correlated to total lead, varied in a broad range of 0.01-7.6 %. On the contrary, the fraction of methylmercury is much higher, normally in the range of 80-98 %. The highest methylmercury content of up to 12 µg g-1 has been determined in shark samples, an animal which is at the end of the marine food chain, whereas in other seafood samples a MeHg+ content of less than 0.2 µg g-1 was found. Butyltin species could only be determined in samples, where anthropogenic contaminations must be assumed. This explains the observed broad variation of the butylated tin fraction in the range of <0.3-49 % in different seafood samples. Because all isotope-labelled spike compounds, except trimethyllead, are commercially available, the developed multi-species-specific GC-ICP-IDMS method has a high potential in future for routine analysis.