859 resultados para saw line


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Data from 58 strong-lensing events surveyed by the Sloan Lens ACS Survey are used to estimate the projected galaxy mass inside their Einstein radii by two independent methods: stellar dynamics and strong gravitational lensing. We perform a joint analysis of these two estimates inside models with up to three degrees of freedom with respect to the lens density profile, stellar velocity anisotropy, and line-of-sight (LOS) external convergence, which incorporates the effect of the large-scale structure on strong lensing. A Bayesian analysis is employed to estimate the model parameters, evaluate their significance, and compare models. We find that the data favor Jaffe`s light profile over Hernquist`s, but that any particular choice between these two does not change the qualitative conclusions with respect to the features of the system that we investigate. The density profile is compatible with an isothermal, being sightly steeper and having an uncertainty in the logarithmic slope of the order of 5% in models that take into account a prior ignorance on anisotropy and external convergence. We identify a considerable degeneracy between the density profile slope and the anisotropy parameter, which largely increases the uncertainties in the estimates of these parameters, but we encounter no evidence in favor of an anisotropic velocity distribution on average for the whole sample. An LOS external convergence following a prior probability distribution given by cosmology has a small effect on the estimation of the lens density profile, but can increase the dispersion of its value by nearly 40%.


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A numerous population of weak line galaxies (WLGs) is often left out of statistical studies on emission-line galaxies (ELGs) due to the absence of an adequate classification scheme, since classical diagnostic diagrams, such as [O iii]/H beta versus [N ii]/H alpha (the BPT diagram), require the measurement of at least four emission lines. This paper aims to remedy this situation by transposing the usual divisory lines between star-forming (SF) galaxies and active galactic nuclei (AGN) hosts and between Seyferts and LINERs to diagrams that are more economical in terms of line quality requirements. By doing this, we rescue from the classification limbo a substantial number of sources and modify the global census of ELGs. More specifically, (1) we use the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 to constitute a suitable sample of 280 000 ELGs, one-third of which are WLGs. (2) Galaxies with strong emission lines are classified using the widely applied criteria of Kewley et al., Kauffmann et al. and Stasinska et al. to distinguish SF galaxies and AGN hosts and Kewley et al. to distinguish Seyferts from LINERs. (3) We transpose these classification schemes to alternative diagrams keeping [N ii]/H alpha as a horizontal axis, but replacing H beta by a stronger line (H alpha or [O ii]), or substituting the ionization-level sensitive [O iii]/H beta ratio with the equivalent width of H alpha (W(H alpha)). Optimized equations for the transposed divisory lines are provided. (4) We show that nothing significant is lost in the translation, but that the new diagrams allow one to classify up to 50 per cent more ELGs. (5) Introducing WLGs in the census of galaxies in the local Universe increases the proportion of metal-rich SF galaxies and especially LINERs. In the course of this analysis, we were led to make the following points. (i) The Kewley et al. BPT line for galaxy classification is generally ill-used. (ii) Replacing [O iii]/H beta by W(H alpha) in the classification introduces a change in the philosophy of the distinction between LINERs and Seyferts, but not in its results. Because the W(H alpha) versus [N ii]/H alpha diagram can be applied to the largest sample of ELGs without loss of discriminating power between Seyferts and LINERs, we recommend its use in further studies. (iii) The dichotomy between Seyferts and LINERs is washed out by WLGs in the BPT plane, but it subsists in other diagnostic diagrams. This suggests that the right wing in the BPT diagram is indeed populated by at least two classes, tentatively identified with bona fide AGN and `retired` galaxies that have stopped forming stars and are ionized by their old stellar populations.


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Flickering is a phenomenon related to mass accretion observed among many classes of astrophysical objects. In this paper we present a study of flickering emission lines and the continuum of the cataclysmic variable V3885 Sgr. The flickering behavior was first analyzed through statistical analysis and the power spectra of lightcurves. Autocorrelation techniques were then employed to estimate the flickering timescale of flares. A cross-correlation study between the line and its underlying continuum variability is presented. The cross-correlation between the photometric and spectroscopic data is also discussed. Periodograms, calculated using emission-line data, show a behavior that is similar to those obtained from photometric datasets found in the literature, with a plateau at lower frequencies and a power-law at higher frequencies. The power-law index is consistent with stochastic events. The cross-correlation study indicates the presence of a correlation between the variability on Ha and its underlying continuum. Flickering timescales derived from the photometric data were estimated to be 25 min for two lightcurves and 10 min for one of them. The average timescales of the line flickering is 40 min, while for its underlying continuum it drops to 20 min.


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Emission line ratios have been essential for determining physical parameters such as gas temperature and density in astrophysical gaseous nebulae. With the advent of panoramic spectroscopic devices, images of regions with emission lines related to these physical parameters can, in principle, also be produced. We show that, with observations from modern instruments, it is possible to transform images taken from density-sensitive forbidden lines into images of emission from high- and low-density clouds by applying a transformation matrix. In order to achieve this, images of the pairs of density-sensitive lines as well as the adjacent continuum have to be observed and combined. We have computed the critical densities for a series of pairs of lines in the infrared, optical, ultraviolet and X-rays bands, and calculated the pair line intensity ratios in the high- and low-density limit using a four- and five-level atom approximation. In order to illustrate the method, we applied it to Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph (GMOS) Integral Field Unit (GMOS-IFU) data of two galactic nuclei. We conclude that this method provides new information of astrophysical interest, especially for mapping low- and high-density clouds; for this reason, we call it `the ld/hd imaging method`.


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It is well known that clocks are present in brain regions other than the suprachiasmatic nucleus and in many peripheral tissues. In the teleost, Danio rerio, peripheral oscillators can be directly synchronized by light. Danio rerio ZEM-2S embryonic cells respond to light with differential growth: cells kept in constant light exhibited a strong inhibition of proliferation, whereas in cells kept in light:dark (LD) cycles (14L:10D and 10L:14D) or in constant darkness (DD), the doubling times were not statistically different. We demonstrated by RT-PCR followed by PCR that ZEM-2S cells express two melanopsins, Opn4x and Opn4m, and the six Cry genes. The presence of the protein OPN4x was demonstrated by immunocytochemistry. The pattern of temporal expression of the genes Opn4x, Per1, Cry1b, and Clock was studied in ZEM-2S cells kept for five days in 12L:12D or DD. In 12L:12D, the clock genes Per 1 and Cry1b exhibited robust circadian expression, while Opn4x and Clock expression seemed to vary in an ultradian pattern. Both Per1 and Cry1b genes had higher expression during the L phase; Clock gene had an increase in expression coincident with the D phase, and during the subjective night. In DD, the temporal variation of Per1 and Cry1b genes was greatly attenuated but not extinguished, and the higher expressions were shifted to the transition times between subjective day and night, demonstrating that Per and Cry1b were synchronized by the LD cycle. Clock and Opn4x kept the ultradian oscillation, but the rhythm was not statistically significant. As endothelins (ET) have been reported to be a potent stimulator of Per genes in rodents, we investigated the effect of endothelin on ZEM-2S cells, which express ETA receptors. Cells were kept in 12D:12L for five days, and then treated with 10-11 to 10-8M ET-1 for 24h. ET-1 exhibited a biphasic effect on Opn4x expression. At 10-11M, the hormone exerted a highly significant stimulation of Opn4x expression during the L phase and introduced a circadian oscillatory pattern. At 10-10M, a significant increase was seen at ZT21 and ZT0 (i.e., at the end of the D phase and beginning of the L phase), whereas 10-9 and 10-8M ET-1 inhibited the expression of Opn4x at most ZTs. Clock expression was unaffected by 10-8M ET-1; however, in the presence of lower concentrations, the expression was enhanced at some ZTs, strengthening the ultradian oscillation. ET-1 at 10-11 and 10-10M had no effect on Per1 circadian expression; however, 10-9 and 10-8M ET-1 reduced the amplitude of Per1 expression in the beginning of the L phase. ET-1 effects were less evident on Cry 1b. For both genes, the reduction in expression was not sufficient to abolish the circadian oscillatory pattern. Based on these results and data in the literature, a link between ET-1 stimulation of ETA receptors may be established by E4BP4 binding to the promoters and consequent inhibition of gene expression.


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Pluripotent human embryonic stem (hES) cells are an important experimental tool for basic and applied research, and a potential source of different tissues for transplantation. However, one important challenge for the clinical use of these cells is the issue of immunocompatibility, which may be dealt with by the establishment of hES cell banks to attend different populations. Here we describe the derivation and characterization of a line of hES cells from the Brazilian population, named BR-I, in commercial defined medium. In contrast to the other hES cell lines established in defined medium, BR-I maintained a stable normal karyotype as determined by genomic array analysis after 6 months in continuous culture (passage 29). To our knowledge, this is the first reported line of hES cells derived in South America. We have determined its genomic ancestry and compared the HLA-profile of BR-I and another 22 hES cell lines established elsewhere with those of the Brazilian population, finding they would match only 0.011% of those individuals. Our results highlight the challenges involved in hES cell banking for populations with a high degree of ethnic admixture.


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Evolutionary change in New World Monkey (NWM) skulls occurred primarily along the line of least resistance defined by size (including allometric) variation (g(max)). Although the direction of evolution was aligned with this axis, it was not clear whether this macroevolutionary pattern results from the conservation of within population genetic covariance patterns (long-term constraint) or long-term selection along a size dimension, or whether both, constraints and selection, were inextricably involved. Furthermore, G-matrix stability can also be a consequence of selection, which implies that both, constraints embodied in g(max) and evolutionary changes observed on the trait averages, would be influenced by selection Here, we describe a combination of approaches that allows one to test whether any particular instance of size evolution is a correlated by-product due to constraints (g(max)) or is due to direct selection on size and apply it to NWM lineages as a case study. The approach is based on comparing the direction and amount of evolutionary change produced by two different simulated sets of net-selection gradients (beta), a size (isometric and allometric size) and a nonsize set. Using this approach it is possible to distinguish between the two hypotheses (indirect size evolution due to constraints or direct selection on size), because although both may produce an evolutionary response aligned with g(max), the amount of change produced by random selection operating through the variance/covariance patterns (constraints hypothesis) will be much smaller than that produced by selection on size (selection hypothesis). Furthermore, the alignment of simulated evolutionary changes with g(max) when selection is not on size is not as tight as when selection is actually on size, allowing a statistical test of whether a particular observed case of evolution along the line of least resistance is the result of selection along it or not. Also, with matrix diagonalization (principal components [PC]) it is possible to calculate directly the net-selection gradient on size alone (first PC [PC1]) by dividing the amount of phenotypic difference between any two populations by the amount of variation in PC1, which allows one to benchmark whether selection was on size or not


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Chronic exposure of pancreatic beta-cells to saturated non-esterified fatty acids can lead to inhibition of insulin secretion and apoptosis. Several previous studies have demonstrated that saturated fatty acids such as PA (palmitic acid) are detrimental to beta-cell function compared with unsaturated fatty acids. In the present study, we describe the effect of the polyunsaturated AA (arachidonic acid) on the function of the clonal pancreatic beta-cell line BRIN-BD11 and demonstrate AA-dependent attenuation of PA effects. When added to beta-cell incubations at 100 mu M, AA can stimulate cell proliferation and chronic (24 h) basal insulin secretion. Microarray analysis and/or real-time PCR indicated significant AA-dependent up-regulation of genes involved in proliferation and fatty acid metabolism [e.g. Angptl (angiopoietin-like protein 4), Ech1 (peroxisomal Delta(3.5),Delta(2.4)-dienoyl-CoA isomerase), Cox-1 (cyclo-oxygenase-1) and Cox-2, P < 0.05]. Experiments using specific COX and LOX (lipoxygenase) inhibitors demonstrated the importance of COX-1 activity for acute (20 min) stimulation of insulin secretion, suggesting that AA metabolites may be responsible for the insulinotropic effects. Moreover, concomitant incubation of AA with PA dose-dependently attenuated the detrimental effects of the saturated fatty acid, so reducing apoptosis and decreasing parameters of oxidative stress [ROS (reactive oxygen species) and NO levels] while improving the GSH/GSSG ratio. AA decreased the protein expression of iNOS (inducible NO synthase), the p65 subunit of NF-kappa B (nuclear factor kappa B) and the p47 subunit of NADPH oxidase in PA-treated cells. These findings indicate that AA has an important regulatory and protective beta-cell action, which may be beneficial to function and survival in the `lipotoxic` environment commonly associated with Type 2 diabetes mellitus.


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The inhibitory effect of supraphysiological iodide concentrations on thyroid hormone synthesis (Wolff - Chaikoff effect) and on thyrocyte proliferation is largely known as iodine autoregulation. However, the molecular mechanisms by which iodide modulates thyroid function remain unclear. In this paper, we analyze the transcriptome profile of the rat follicular cell lineage PCCl3 under untreated and treated conditions with 10 (- 3) M sodium iodide (NaI). Serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) revealed 84 transcripts differentially expressed in response to iodide (p <= 0.001). We also showed that iodide excess inhibits the expression of essential genes for thyroid differentiation: Tshr, Nis, Tg, and Tpo. Relative expression of 14 of 20 transcripts selected by SAGE was confirmed by real-time PCR. Considering the key role of iodide organification in thyroid physiology, we also observed that both the oxidized form of iodide and iodide per se are responsible for gene expression modulation in response to iodide excess. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Scavenger or Fc gamma receptors are important for capture and clearance of modified LDL particles by monocytes/macrophages. Uptake via scavenger receptors is not regulated by intracellular levels of cholesterol and in consequence, macrophages develop into foam cells in the arterial intima. The levels of scavenger receptor CD36 are increased in atherosclerotic lesions and there is evidence that some components of oxLDL auto-regulate the expression of this receptor. Fc gamma receptor expression is increased in cardiovascular diseases but it is not known weather their expression is regulated by oxLDL. The biological properties of oxLDLs vary depending on the degree of oxidation. In the present study we investigated the effect of LDL particles showing extensive or low oxidation (HoxLDL and LoxLDL) on the expression of CD36 and Fc gamma RII in a human monocytic cell line (THP-1), differentiated or not to macrophage, and the involvement of PPAR gamma. It was found that both forms of oxLDL are able to increase the expression of CD36 and Fc gamma RII and that this effect is dependent on the degree of oxidation and of the stage of cell differentiation ( monocyte or macrophage). We also showed that the increased expression of Fc gamma RII is dependent on PPAR. whereas that of the CD36 is independent of PPAR gamma. Copyright (c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Ticks are obligatory blood-feeding arthropods and important vectors of both human and animal disease agents. Besides its metabolic role, insulin signaling pathway (ISP) is widely described as crucial for vertebrate and invertebrate embryogenesis, development and cell survival. In such cascade, Phosphatidylinositol 3-OH Kinase (PI3K) is hierarchically located upstream Protein Kinase B (PKB). To study the insulin-triggered pathway and its possible roles during embryogenesis we used a culture of embryonic Rhipicephalus microplus cells (BME26). Exogenous insulin elevated cell glycogen content in the absence of fetal calf serum (FCS) when compared to cells without treatment. Moreover, in the presence of PI3K inhibitors (Wortmannin or LY294002) these effects were blocked. We observed an increase in the relative expression level of PI3K`s regulatory subunit (p85), as determined by qRT-PCR. In the presence of PI3K inhibitors these effects on transcription were also reversed. Additionally, treatment with Wortmannin increased the expression level of the insulin-regulated downstream target glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK3 beta). The p85 subunit showed elevated transcription levels in ovaries from fully engorged females, but was differentially expressed during tick embryogenesis. These results strongly suggest the presence of an insulin responsive machinery in BME26 cells, and its correlation with carbohydrate/glycogen metabolism also during embryogenesis. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Inc.


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Anaplasma marginale is a tick-borne pathogen of cattle responsible for the disease anaplasmosis. Data suggest that Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus and R. annulatus may be the major tick vectors of A. marginale in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. In this work we demonstrated the first infection and propagation of a Brazilian isolate of A. marginale (UFMG1) in the BME26 cell line derived originally from embryos of R. (Boophilus) microplus. The establishment of A. marginale infection in a cell line derived from R. (Boophilus) microplus is relevant for studying the A. marginale/tick interface. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The cellular and molecular characteristics of a cell line (BME26) derived from embryos of the cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus were studied. The cells contained glycogen inclusions, numerous mitochondria, and vesicles with heterogeneous electron densities dispersed throughout the cytoplasm. Vesicles contained lipids and sequestered palladium meso-porphyrin (Pd-mP) and rhodamine-hemoglobin, suggesting their involvement in the autophagic and endocytic pathways. The cells phagocytosed yeast and expressed genes encoding the antimicrobial peptides (microplusin and defensin). A cDNA library was made and 898 unique mRNA sequences were obtained. Among them, 556 sequences were not significantly similar to any sequence found in public databases. Annotation using Gene Ontology revealed transcripts related to several different functional classes. We identified transcripts involved in immune response such as ferritin, serine proteases, protease inhibitors,. antimicrobial peptides, heat shock protein, glutathione S-transferase, peroxidase, and NADPH oxidase. BME26 cells transfected with a plasmid carrying a red fluorescent protein reporter gene (DsRed2) transiently expressed DsRed2 for up to 5 weeks. We conclude that BME26 can be used to experimentally analyze diverse biological processes that occur in R. (B.) microplus such as the innate immune response to tick-borne pathogens. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Let P be a principal S(3)-bundle over a sphere S(n), with n >= 4. Let G(p) be the gauge group of P. The homotopy type of G(p) when n - 4 was studied by A. Kono in [A. Kono, A note on the homotopy type of certain gauge groups, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 117 (1991) 295-297]. In this paper we extend his result anti we study the homotopy type of the gauge group of these bundles for all n <= 25. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.