906 resultados para role stress
Le stress oxydatif peut provenir de sources exogènes comme les UVA ou de sources endogènes comme la chaîne respiratoire (OXPHOS). L’oxydation des composants cellulaires a été associée avec la dégénération, des phénotypes de vieillissement et des pertes de fonctionnalités des tissus. Les UVA sont les plus efficaces des rayons UV à induire de l’oxydation, tel que démontré par la formation de dommages oxydatifs à l’ADN et par l’apparition de délétions mitochondriales qui en résultent. La délétion mitochondriale de 4977 pb (ADNmtCD4977), la plus commune, et celle de 3895 pb (ADNmt3895) sont deux délétions reliées au photovieillissement cutané et à l’exposition au stress oxydant. Le phénomène de vieillissement dans la peau est bien documenté et se traduit par une dégradation de la matrice extracellulaire, une perte d’élasticité et la formation de rides. Toutefois, peu d’études portent sur la cornée humaine alors qu’elle est un tissu exposé directement aux rayonnements UV au même titre que la peau. Nous avons donc tenté mieux comprendre l’effet de l’oxydation exogène et endogène sur cette structure. L’analyse de la localisation des délétions ADNmtCD4977 et ADNmtCD4977 dans l’oeil humain a permis de révéler qu’elles se concentrent principalement dans le stroma cornéen et s’accumule avec l’âge. Le stroma cornéen est la couche cellulaire qui confère la transparence et la rigidité à la cornée humaine. Ces résultats nous ont suggéré une implication des UVA dans le photovieillissement de la cornée. Nous avons donc entrepris de vérifier les changements liés à l’exposition aux UVA dans le stroma cornéen puisque les UVA sont connus pour causer des altérations à la matrice extracellulaire (ECM) au niveau cutané. Nous avons donc créé un modèle de photovieillisement par une exposition chronique aux UVA sur des kératocytes avec lesquels nous avons fait sécréter une ECM. Nos résultats nous ont démontré qu’une exposition chronique aux UVA cause des altérations à l’ECM cornéen semblable à des phénotypes de photvieillissement. En effet, nous avons dénoté des changements transcriptomiques et protéomiques pour certains collagènes et protéoglycans. Une atteinte aux collagènes par le vieillissement cornéen se traduit entre autres par une rigidification, une opacification et un changement dans son pouvoir réfractif qui mène à une perte de la vision. Par ailleurs, notre avons également investigué l’implication du stress oxydatif dans la dystrophie cornéenne endothéliale de Fuchs (FECD), une maladie dégénérative de l’endothélium cornéen, qui mène à une perte de vision et est une cause principale de greffe cornéenne. L’étiologie de la maladie est encore inconnue, mais le stress oxydatif est soupçonné de jouer un rôle important dans la pathogenèse. Nos résultats ont amené de nouvelles évidences de l’implication de l’oxydation dans la maladie par l’augmentation de la quantité d’ADN mitochondrial et un raccourcissement des télomères dans des explants de cornées pathologiques. Nos résultats nous ont également démontré que la mise en culture de cellules FECD permettait la sélection de cellules fonctionnelles et comparables à des cellules saines en termes de quantité d’ADN mitochondrial et de son intégrité, de sensibilité à l’oxydation et de longueur télomérique. Les résultats obtenus soutiennent ainsi la possibilité d’employer les cellules FECD fonctionnelles sélectionnées pour utilisation en génie tissulaire afin de créer des cornées autologues pour pallier aux manques de greffes cornéennes. Enfin, nos résultats apportent de nouvelles évidences quant à l’implication du stress oxydatif dans le photovieillissement cornéen et dans l’étiologie de la FECD.
This study examined whether temperamental traits and sex moderate the effects of peer victimization on children’s adjustment over a year to identify factors that put victimized children at heightened risk for adjustment difficulties. Children (N = 282; M age = 7.94 years, SD = 0.32) and teachers reported on exposure to peer victimization. Parents provided ratings of children’s temperament (i.e., inhibitory control and negative emotionality) and depressive symptoms, and teachers provided ratings of children’s aggression. Results revealed that overt victimization predicted aggression in girls with low levels of inhibitory control. Results also revealed that total victimization predicted depressive symptoms in girls with high levels of negative emotionality and in boys with low levels of negative emotionality. This research identifies temperament and sex as contributors to individual differences in children’s reactions to peer victimization. The findings are discussed in the context of temperament x environment and diathesis-stress frameworks.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a neuromuscular disease caused by mutations in the dystrophin gene. DMD is clinically characterized by severe, progressive and irreversible loss of muscle function, in which most patients lose the ability to walk by their early teens and die by their early 20’s. Impaired intracellular calcium (Ca2+) regulation and activation of cell degradation pathways have been proposed as key contributors to DMD disease progression. This dissertation research consists of three studies investigating the role of intracellular Ca2+ in skeletal muscle dysfunction in different mouse models of DMD. Study one evaluated the role of Ca2+-activated enzymes (proteases) that activate protein degradation in excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling failure following repeated contractions in mdx and dystrophin-utrophin null (mdx/utr-/-) mice. Single muscle fibers from mdx/utr-/- mice had greater E-C coupling failure following repeated contractions compared to fibers from mdx mice. Moreover, protease inhibition during these contractions was sufficient to attenuate E-C coupling failure in muscle fibers from both mdx and mdx/utr-/- mice. Study two evaluated the effects of overexpressing the Ca2+ buffering protein sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase 1 (SERCA1) in skeletal muscles from mdx and mdx/utr-/- mice. Overall, SERCA1 overexpression decreased muscle damage and protected the muscle from contraction-induced injury in mdx and mdx/utr-/- mice. In study three, the cellular mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of SERCA1 overexpression in mdx and mdx/utr-/- mice were investigated. SERCA1 overexpression attenuated calpain activation in mdx muscle only, while partially attenuating the degradation of the calpain target desmin in mdx/utr-/- mice. Additionally, SERCA1 overexpression decreased the SERCA-inhibitory protein sarcolipin in mdx muscle but did not alter levels of Ca2+ regulatory proteins (parvalbumin and calsequestrin) in either dystrophic model. Lastly, SERCA1 overexpression blunted the increase in endoplasmic reticulum stress markers Grp78/BiP in mdx mice and C/EBP homologous protein (CHOP) in mdx and mdx/utr-/- mice. Overall, findings from the studies presented in this dissertation provide new insight into the role of Ca2+ in muscle dysfunction and damage in different dystrophic mouse models. Further, these findings support the overall strategy for improving intracellular Ca2+ control for the development of novel therapies for DMD.
Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation (FAO) plays a pivotal role in energy homeostasis, namely during periods of fasting or metabolic stress. FAO defects are a group of inherited metabolic disorders that encompass at least twelve distinct enzyme or transporter deficiencies, and can present with a wide range of clinical symptoms with various degrees of severity. Besides recent advances, many doubts still remain on the degree and characteristics of mitochondrial dysfunction on FAOD and its contribution to the clinical phenotype.
Cellular senescence is a stable arrest of cell proliferation induced by several factors such as activated oncogenes, oxidative stress and shortening of telomeres. Senescence acts as a tumour suppression mechanism to halt the progression of cancer. However, senescence may also impact negatively upon tissue regeneration, thus contributing to the effects of ageing. The eukaryotic genome is controlled by various modes of transcriptional and translational regulation. Focus has therefore centred on the role of long non- coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in regulating the genome. Accordingly, understanding how lncRNAs function to regulate the senescent genome is integral to improving our knowledge and understanding of tumour suppression and ageing. Within this study, I set out to investigate the expression of lncRNAs’ expression within models of senescence. Through a custom expression array, I have shown that expression of multiple different lncRNAs is up-regulated and down regulated in IMR90 replicative senescent fibroblasts and oncogene-induced senescent melanocytes. LncRNA expression was determined to be specific to stable senescence-associated cell arrest and predominantly within the nucleus of senescent cells. In order to examine the function of lncRNA expression in senescence, I selected lncRNA transcript ENST0000430998 (lncRNA_98) to focus my investigations upon. LncRNA_98 was robustly upregulated within multiple models of senescence and efficiently depleted using anti-sense oligonucleotide technology. Characterisation and unbiased RNA-sequencing of lncRNA_98 deficient senescent cells highlighted a list of genes that are regulated by lncRNA_98 expression in senescent cells and may regulate aspects of the senescence program. Specifically, the formation of SAHF was impeded upon depletion of lncRNA_98 expression and levels of total pRB protein expression severely decreased. Validation and recapitulation of consequences of pRB depletion was confirmed through lncRNA_98 knock-out cells generated using CRISPR technology. Surprisingly, inhibition of ATM kinase functions permitted the restoration of pRB protein levels within lncRNA_98 deficient cells. I propose that lncRNA_98 antagonizes the ability of ATM kinase to downregulate pRB expression at a post-transcriptional level, thereby potentiating senescence. Furthermore, lncRNA expression was detected within fibroblasts of old individuals and visualised within senescent melanocytes in human benign nevi, a barrier to melanoma progression. Conversely, mining of 337 TCGA primary melanoma data sets highlighted that the lncRNA_98 gene and its expression was lost from a significant proportion of melanoma samples, consistent with lncRNA_98 having a tumour suppressor functions. The data presented in this study illustrates that lncRNA_98 expression has a regulatory role over pRB expression in senescence and may regulate aspects of tumourigenesis and ageing.
Entrepreneurship attracts people with high job satisfaction and financial independence. Unfortunately, being deceived by this image, people do not pay attention to side effects of entrepreneurship. This ignorance usually turns into devastating results for entrepreneur’s health and venture performance. Therefore, it is required to seek ways to avoid these situations. The interest of the study lies in understanding of stress influence on international entrepreneurs by considering stress as a negative side effect of international entrepreneurship. To cover the concept of entrepreneurial stress completely, the study was divided into three section presented by following research questions: 1. What are the antecedents of entrepreneurial stress? 2. What are the consequences of entrepreneurial stress? 3. What coping strategies are applied to address entrepreneurial stress? Systematic literature review has been chosen as scientific approach to answer above questions due to the reason that it enables to minimise inconsistencies of both concepts of international entrepreneurship and stress. This method has afforded an opportunity to distinguish such stress causes as role conflict, overload, and ambiguity. Additionally, the study has covered the notion of stress moderators. The author argues that entrepreneurial traits, venture environment, and social support can have influence on degree of stress perception. Further, it has been proven that unaddressed stress could lead to reduction of entrepreneur’s psychological and physiological health. It should be taken into consideration that degree of both job satisfaction and performance would depend on the level of perceived stress. The last part of study emphasises the coping strategies. The author argues that it is important for an international entrepreneur to comprehend his or her and others’ emotions in order to overcome negative consequences of stress. In addition, the author suggests that an international entrepreneur needs to practise job sharing to reduce the amount of work to be completed. Moreover, it is believed that job sharing can help to overcome work-family conflict that prevails among entrepreneurs. The author anticipates that results of study can be beneficial for entrepreneurs who aim to achieve great results.
Previous studies have shown that polyethylene glycol (PEG)-induced osmotic stress (OS) reduces cell-wall (CW) porosity and limits aluminium (Al) uptake by root tips of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). A subsequent transcriptomic study suggested that genes related to CW processes are involved in adjustment to OS. In this study, a proteomic and phosphoproteomic approach was applied to identify OS-induced protein regulation to further improve our understanding of how OS affects Al accumulation. Analysis of total soluble proteins in root tips indicated that, in total, 22 proteins were differentially regulated by OS; these proteins were functionally categorized. Seventy-seven per- cent of the total expressed proteins were involved in metabolic pathways, particularly of carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism. An analysis of the apoplastic proteome revealed that OS reduced the level of five proteins and increased that of seven proteins. Investigation of the total soluble phosphoproteome suggested that dehydrin responded to OS with an enhanced phosphorylation state without a change in abundance. A cellular immunolocalization analysis indicated that dehydrin was localized mainly in the CW. This suggests that dehydrin may play a major protective role in the OS-induced physical breakdown of the CW structure and thus maintenance of the reversibility of CW extensibility during recovery from OS. The proteomic and phosphoproteomic analyses provided novel insights into the complex mechanisms of OS-induced reduction of Al accumulation in the root tips of common bean and highlight a key role for modification of CW structure.
International audience
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Social e das Organizações.
Picornaviruses are a group of human and animal pathogens capable of inflicting serious public health diseases and economic burdens. Treatments options through vaccines for prevention or antivirals to cure infection are not available for the vast majority of these viruses. These shortcomings, in the development of vaccines or antivirals therapeutic, are linked to the genetic diversity and to an incomplete understanding of the biology of these viruses. Despite the diverse host range, this group of positive-strand RNA viruses shares the same replication mechanisms, including the development of membranous structures (replication organelles) in the cytoplasm of infected cells. The development of these membranous structures, which serve as sites for the replication of the viral RNA genome, has been linked to the hijacking of elements of the cellular membrane metabolism pathways. Here we show that upon picornavirus infection, there is a specific activation of acyl-CoA synthetase enzymes resulting in strong import and accumulation of long chain fatty acids in the cytoplasm of infected cells. We show that the newly imported fatty acids serve as a substrate for the upregulation of phosphatidylcholine synthesis required for the structural development of replication organelles. In this work, we identified that acyl-CoA synthetase long chain 3 (ACSL3) is required for the upregulation of lipids syntheses and the replication of poliovirus. We have shown that the poliovirus protein 2A was required but not sufficient for the activation of import of long chain fatty acids in infected cells. We demonstrated that the fatty acid import is upregulated upon infection by diverse picornaviruses and that such upregulation is not dependent on activation of ER stress response or the autophagy pathways. In this work, we have demonstrated that phosphatidylcholine was required for the structural development of replication organelles. Phosphatidylcholine synthesis was dispensable for the production of infectious particles at high MOI but required at a low MOI for the protection of the replication complexes from the cellular innate immunity mechanisms.
A presente tese explora a hipótese de utilização dos genes da oxidase alternativa (AOX) e da oxidase terminal da plastoquinona (PTOX) como genes-alvo para o desenvolvimento de marcadores funcionais (MF) para avaliar a performance do crescimento em cenoura, fator determinante da produtividade. Para avaliar se os referidos genes estão associados com o crescimento da cenoura procedeu—se ao seu isolamento e posterior análise dos seus perfis de transcrição em diversos sistemas biológicos. O sistema in vitro selecionado, denominado sistema de culturas primárias, permitiu avaliar alterações na quantidade de transcritos desses genes durante os processos de reprogramação celular e crescimento. Ao nível da planta foi também estudado o efeito do frio na expressão precoce dos genes AOX. Ambos os genes DcAOX1 e DcAOX2a revelaram uma resposta rápida e um padrão semelhante apos stresse (inoculação in vitro e resposta ao frio). Foi igualmente verificado um incremento na expressão do gene DcPTOX durante a fase inicial do processo de reprogramação celular. Estudos de expressão dos genes AOX durante o desenvolvimento da raiz da cenoura revelaram que o gene DcAOX2a será potencialmente o gene mais envolvido neste processo. De modo a avaliar a hipótese de envolvimento do gene DcPTOX no crescimento da raíz procederam—se a estudos de expressão ao nível do tecido meristemático. Todavia, para um mais completo entendimento da ligação entre DcPTOX e o crescimento secundário e/ou acumulação de carotenos, a expressão do gene DcPTOX foi também avaliada em raízes de cenoura durante o desenvolvimento, utilizando cultivares caracterizadas por distintos conteúdos de carotenos. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram a associação do gene DcPTOX a ambos os processos. O envolvimento da PTOX no crescimento adaptativo da raiz foi analisado com um ensaio que permitiu identificar, no tecido meristemático, uma resposta precoce do gene DcPTOX face a uma diminuição da temperatura. Adicionalmente, foi efetuada a seleção de genes de referência para uma analise precisa da expressão génica por RT-qPCR em diversos sistemas biológicos de cenoura, e a importância do seu estudo ao nível do sistema biológico foi realçada. Os resultados desta tese são encorajadores para prosseguir os estudos de utilização dos genes AOX e PTOX como MF no melhoramento da performance do crescimento adaptativo em cenoura, fator determinante para a produtividade; ABSTRACT: This thesis explores the hypothesis of using the alternative oxidase (AOX) and theplastid terminal oxidase (PTOX) as target genes for functional marker (FM) development for yield-determining growth performance in carrot. To understand if these genes are associated to growth, different AOX gene family members and the single PTOX gene were isolated, and their expression patterns evaluated in diverse carrot plant systems. An in-vitro primary culture system was selected to study AOX and PTOX transcript changes during cell reprogramming and growth performance. At plant level, a putative early response of AOX to chilling was also evaluated. In fact, both DcAOXl and DcAOXZa were early responsive and showed similar patterns under stress conditions (in vitro inoculation and chilling). A role for DcPTOX during earliest events of cell reprogramming was also suggested. Next, the expression profiles of AOX gene family members during carrot tap root development were investigated. DcAOXZa was identified as the most responsive gene to root development. In order to evaluate if DcPTOX is associated with carrot tap root growth performance, DcPTOX transcript levels were measured in the central root meristem. To further understand whether DcPTOX is associated with secondary growth and/or carotenoids accumulation, DcPTOX expression was also studied in deveIOping carrot tap roots in cultivars with different carotenoids contents. The results indicated that DcPTOX associates to both carotenoid biosynthesis and secondary growth during storage root development. To obtain further insights into the involvement of PTOX on adaptive growth, the early effects of temperature decrease were explored in the root meristem, where a short—term early response in DcPTOX was found, probably associated with adaptive growth. Furthermore, a selection of the most suitable reference genes for accurate RT—qPCR analysis in several carrot experimental systems was performed and discussed. The present research provides the necessary toolbox for continuing studies in carrot AOX and PTOX genes as promising resources for FM candidates in order to assist breeding on yield—determining adaptive growth performance.
Introduction. Epidemiological evidence for the association between job-related stress and sexual difficulties in men is largely lacking. Little is known about the factors that may mediate or moderate this relationship. Aim. This study analyzes the association between job-related difficulties and men’s sexual difficulties. Main Outcome Measures. Job-related difficulties were measured by 10 yes/no questions that addressed a range of adverse workplace situations. The experience of sexual difficulties in the past 12 months was assessed by using seven dichotomous indicators developed in the National Study of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (NATSAL) 2000. Method. Analyses were carried out using data from a 2011 online study of Portuguese, Croatian, and Norwegian men (N = 2,112). Multivariate logistic regression and mediation analysis were used to test the hypothesized association. Results. Men with job-related concerns reported lower sexual satisfaction than men without such concerns did (F = 7.53, P < 0.001). Multivariate analysis confirmed the association between job-related and sexual health concerns. The odds of experiencing one or more sexual health difficulties in the past 12 months were about 1.8 times higher among men who reported the highest levels of workplace difficulties than among men who experienced no such difficulties. The odds of reporting sexual health difficulties were significantly reduced by a higher income (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 0.87, P < 0.01), emotional intimacy with one’s partner (AOR = 0.93, P < 0.001), having children (AOR = 0.62–0.66, P < 0.01), and country-specific effects (AOR = 1.98–2.22, P < 0.001). In all three countries, the relationship between job-related and sexual health difficulties was mediated by anxiety and depression. Conclusions. The findings suggest that negative mood is the mechanism behind the association between workplace strain and sexual difficulties. Emotional support, such as couple intimacy and fatherhood, can reduce—independently from sociocultural and socioeconomic factors—the risk of sexual health concerns.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.
Strawberry fruits are highly appreciated worldwide due to their pleasant flavor and aroma and to the health benefits associated to their consumption. An important part of these properties is due to their content in secondary metabolites, especially phenolic compounds, of which flavonoids are the most abundant in the strawberry fruit. Although the flavonoid biosynthesis pathway is uncovered, little is known about its regulation. The strawberry Fra a (Fra) genes constitute a large family of homologs of the major birch pollen allergen Bet v 1 and for which no equivalents exist in Arabidopsis. Our group has shown that Fra proteins are involved in the formation of colored compounds in strawberries (Muñoz et al., 2010), which mainly depends on the production of certain flavonoids; that they are structurally homologs to the PYR/PYL/RCAR Arabidopsis ABA receptor, and that they are able to bind flavonoids (Casañal et al., 2013). With these previous results, our working hypothesis is that the Fra proteins are involved in the regulation of the flavonoids pathway. They would mechanistically act as the ABA receptor, binding a protein interactor and a ligand to regulate a signaling cascade and/or act as molecular carriers. The main objective of this research is to characterize the Fra family in strawberry and gain insight into their role in the flavonoid metabolism. By RNAseq expression analysis in ripening fruits we have identified transcripts for 10 members of the Fra family. Although expressed in all tissues analyzed, each family member presents a unique pattern of expression, which suggests functional specialization for each Fra protein. Then, our next approach was to identify the proteins that interact with Fras and their ligands to gain knowledge on the role that these proteins play in the flavonoids pathway. To identify the interacting partners of Fras we have performed a yeast two hybrid (Y2H) screening against cDNA libraries of strawberry fruits at the green and red stages. A protein that shares a 95% homology to the Heat stress transcription factor A-4-C like of Fragaria vesca (HSA4C) interacts specifically with Fra1 and not with other family members, which suggests functional diversification of Fra proteins in specific signaling pathways. The Y2H screening is not yet saturated, so characterization of other interacting proteins with other members of the Fra family will shed light on the functional diversity within this gene family. This research will contribute to gain knowledge on how the flavonoid pathway, and hence, the fruit ripening, is regulated in strawberry; an economically important crop but for which basic research is still very limited. References: Muñoz, C, et al. (2010). The Strawberry Fruit Fra a Allergen Functions in Flavonoid Biosynthesis. Molecular Plant, 3(1): 113–124. Casañal, A, et al (2013). The Strawberry Pathogenesis-related 10 (PR-10) Fra a Proteins Control Flavonoid Biosynthesis by Binding Metabolic Intermediates. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 288(49): 35322–35332.
Background Cerebrospinal fluid accumulation in hydrocephalus produces an elevation of intraventricular pressure with pathological consequences on the periventricular brain parenchyma including ischemia, oedema, oxidative stress, and accumulation of metabolic waste products. Here we studied in the hyh mouse, an animal model of congenital hydrocephalus, the role of reactive astrocytes in this clinical degenerative condition. Materials and Methods Wild type and hydrocephalic hyh mice at 30 days of postnatal age were used. Three metabolites related to the oxidative and neurotoxic conditions were analysed in ex vivo samples (glutathione, glutamine and taurine) using High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning (HR-MAS). Glutathione synthetase and peroxidase, glutamine synthetase, kidney-type glutaminase (KGA), and taurine/taurine transporter were immunolocated in brain sections. Results Levels of the metabolites were remarkably higher in hydrocephalic conditions. Glutathione peroxidase and synthetase were both detected in the periventricular reactive astrocytes and neurons. Taurine was mostly found free in the periventricular parenchyma and in the reactive astrocytes, and the taurine transporter was mainly present in the neurons located in such regions. Glutamine synthetase was found in reactive astrocytes. Glutaminase was also detected in the reactive astrocytes and in periventricular neurons. These results suggest a possible protective response of reactive astrocytes against oxidative stress and neurotoxic conditions. Conclusions Astrocyte reaction seems to trigger an anti-oxidative and anti-neurotoxic response in order to ameliorate pathological damage in periventricular areas of the hydrocephalic mice.