929 resultados para prism-waveguide coupler
Neste trabalho, é apresentada uma formulação apropriada à análise de guias de ondas eletromagnéticos, cobrindo do espectro de microondas até o da óptica. Nas regiões a partir do ultravioleta, os comprimentos de onda são equivalentes às dimensões atômicas e a formulação necessita de uma abordagem quântica, que não é considerada neste estudo. A formulação é fundamentada nos métodos vetorial magnético e dos elementos finitos (MEF), em meios não homogêneos, anisotrópicos e não dissipativos, embora a dissipação possa ser facilmente introduzida na análise. Deu-se preferência à formulação com o campo magnético em vez do elétrico, pelo fato do campo magnético ignorar descontinuidades elétricas. Ele é contínuo em regiões de permeabilidade homogênea, propriedade dos meios dielétricos em geral ( = 0), independente da permissividade dos respectivos meios, conquanto os campos elétricos sejam descontínuos entre regiões de permissividades diferentes.
An exciting frontier in quantum information science is the integration of otherwise "simple'' quantum elements into complex quantum networks. The laboratory realization of even small quantum networks enables the exploration of physical systems that have not heretofore existed in the natural world. Within this context, there is active research to achieve nanoscale quantum optical circuits, for which atoms are trapped near nano-scopic dielectric structures and "wired'' together by photons propagating through the circuit elements. Single atoms and atomic ensembles endow quantum functionality for otherwise linear optical circuits and thereby enable the capability of building quantum networks component by component. Toward these goals, we have experimentally investigated three different systems, from conventional to rather exotic systems : free-space atomic ensembles, optical nano fibers, and photonics crystal waveguides. First, we demonstrate measurement-induced quadripartite entanglement among four quantum memories. Next, following the landmark realization of a nanofiber trap, we demonstrate the implementation of a state-insensitive, compensated nanofiber trap. Finally, we reach more exotic systems based on photonics crystal devices. Beyond conventional topologies of resonators and waveguides, new opportunities emerge from the powerful capabilities of dispersion and modal engineering in photonic crystal waveguides. We have implemented an integrated optical circuit with a photonics crystal waveguide capable of both trapping and interfacing atoms with guided photons, and have observed the collective effect, superradiance, mediated by the guided photons. These advances provide an important capability for engineered light-matter interactions, enabling explorations of novel quantum transport and quantum many-body phenomena.
采用溶胶-凝胶法制作波导环形谐振腔, 讨论了环形谐振腔器件的传输特性。测量了在不同物质、不同体积分数的挥发性有机化合物(VOC)蒸气气氛下器件的传输光谱的敏感性。结果表明, 谐振波长随甲醇、乙醇、丙醇等醇类化合物, 以及丙酮、甲醛等蒸气体积分数的上升而向长波方向移动, 具有高的灵敏度, 且两者基本呈线性关系。其中, 对丙醇最敏感, 灵敏度达到1.403 pm/10-6。对甲烷和二甲苯也有微弱反应, 但是其灵敏度很低。也测量了水蒸气对传输谱特性的影响。观察到传输谱衬比度对不同挥发性有机化合物物质蒸气的不同敏
采用有机/无机混合溶胶-凝胶法制作条形光波导,并将条波导接入光纤Sagnac 环中,测量了输出光功率随环境气氛中乙醇蒸气体积分数变化的特性,表明在实验研究的范围内,输出信号与乙醇蒸气体积分数呈正弦变化。根据Sagnac环结构输出特性的基本关系,反映了溶胶-凝胶条波导在乙醇蒸气气氛下产生了双折射效应。观察到双折射相移与乙醇体积分数的亚线性关系。对实验数据拟合,计算了偏振相移的线性项和二次项系数,得到所制备的条波导的双折射对乙醇体积分数的响应为Δn≈4.4×10-2。测量了信号变化的时间演变特性,典型的上升和
反射式光栅对是一种具有负色散性质的器件,可用于飞秒激光脉冲的压缩和展宽,具有无材料色散的优点。给出了一种基于多台阶反射光栅的脉冲压缩装置。该装置为倍密度光栅结构,由两个周期分别为40μm和20μm的四台阶反射式光栅组成。实验得到的衍射效率可以达到70%以上,输入脉冲经过两个光栅的衍射后会按原路返回,从而达到色散补偿的效果。利用此压缩装置,脉冲宽度为66.8 fs的输入脉冲压缩至接近傅里叶变换极限脉冲,即46.6 fs,由此证明只要多台阶光栅效率足够高,此装置就有可能成为不同于棱镜对进行飞秒脉冲腔内和腔外压缩的另一种途径。
After artificial activation or fertilization of non-nucleate fragments or eggs of the sea urchin, the mitochondria actively synthesize RNA. The RNA made in non-nucleate fragments is shown to be mostly single stranded and to be associated primarily with the low speed pellet of centrifuged cellular homogenates.
Protein synthesis is observed in non-nucleate fragments in the presence or absence of the mitochondrial RNA synthesis: it is found to be qualitatively similar but quantitatively less in the absence of the RNA synthesis. The continued syntheses of proteins in the non-nucleate fragments in the absence of mitochondrial RNA synthesis provides additional evidence for the presence of a stable messenger RNA component in the unfertilized sea urchin egg.
Since the uptake or actinomycin D was found to be inhibited by the presence of a fertilization membrane, ethidium bromide, at 10 μgs/ml, is used as an effective inhibitor of RNA synthesis in non-nucleate fragments and in early cleavage stage embryos. However, this same concentration of ethidium bromide is found to be only partially effective in blocking RNA synthesis at the mesenchyme blastula stage of development.
Low concentrations of ethidium bromide (2 and 5 μgs/ml) are found not to be lethal but to be capable of producing moderate developmental defects. In the presence of concentrations of ethidium bromide adequate to inhibit all the mitochondrial RNA synthesis (10 μgs/ml of ethidium bromide), from fertilization on, the embryos do not cleave beyond the 4-8 cell stages. When similar concentrations of ethidium bromide are added at an early mesenchyme blastula stage, the embryos do not gastrulate but continue to swim for more than 24 additional hours (adequate for control embryos to develop to a late prism stage). These results lead to the conclusion that mitochondrial RNA synthesis may be very essential for normal development to occur.
DNA is synthesized in the non-nucleate fragments of sea urchin eggs. None of the newly synthesized DNA is found in the closed circular form. When phenol extracted directly from the fragments, the DNA is found to sediment at approximately 38 and 27s in sucrose gradients but neither of these size classes could be found associated with the isolated mitochondria. The template for the synthesis of DNA in non-nucleate fragments remains unknown.
Experimental study of nonlinear switching characteristics of conventional 2×2 fused tapered couplers
The nonlinear switching characteristics of fused fiber directional couplers were studied experimentally. By using femtosecond laser pulses with pulse width of 100 fs and wavelength of about 1550 nm from a system of Ti:sapphire laser and optical parametric amplifier (OPA), the nonlinear switching properties of a null coupler and a 100% coupler were measured. The experimental results were coincident with the simulations based on nonlinear propagation equations in fiber by using super-mode theory. Nonlinear loss in fiber was also measured to get the injected power at the coupler. After deducting the nonlinear loss and input efficiency, the nonlinear switching critical peak powers for a 100% and a null fused couplers were calculated to be 9410 and 9440 W, respectively. The nonlinear loss parameter P_(N) in an expression of α_(NL)=αP/P_(N) was obtained to be P_(N)=0.23 W.
A novel second-order polarization-independent filter made of a single ring resonator and a Sagnac interferometer (SRRSI) is proposed, and its filtering characteristics are investigated. By using birefringence in waveguide, a single ring resonator can be used to synthesize a filter with second-order response. Analytical formulas are derived for characteristics of the SRRSI varied with waveguide parameters.. such as the coupling coefficient; and the critical condition of a second-order Butterworth filter is given. The influence of loss in the ring resonator is also analyzed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The polarization characteristics of electro-optical (EO) switches using fiber Sagnac interferometer (FSI) structures are theoretically investigated. Analytical solutions of output fields are presented when the twists and birefringence in a Sagnac loop are considered. Numerical calculations show that the twists of fiber, the orientation of the inserted phase retarder, and the splitting ratio of the coupler will influence both the output intensity and the output polarization properties of the proposed switch. A polarization-independent EO switch based on a Sagnac interferometer and a PUT bar was experimentally implemented, which showed good coincidence with the analytical results. The experiment showed a switch with 22 dB extinction ratio and less than 31.1 ns switching time. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.
The original scanner for tilting orthogonal double prisms is studied to test the tracking performance in intersatellite laser communications. With a reduction ratio of more than 100 times from the change rate of the angle of beam deviation to that of the tilting angle of each prism, the theoretical analysis performed, as well as the verification experiment, indicates that the scanner can meet the requirements of the scanning accuracy superior to 0.5 mu rad with the scanning range greater than 500 mu rad and can facilitate the mechanical structure design. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.