900 resultados para polynomial identities
Quin hauria de ser el paper de les pràctiques artístiques i la cultura contemporània a la societat? I les institucions artístiques, quin rol haurien d’assolir? Aquest treball final de màster és una indagació entorn els fets més significatius al llarg de la història del món occidental pel que fa a la cultura que s’ha desenvolupat al marge dels poders. Una anàlisi de les relacions que s’estableixen entre aquests diversos àmbits, on es planteja un projecte que compleix les característiques de ser un laboratori per a les pràctiques artístiques contemporànies i la seva recerca. Partint, a més a més, de la base teòrica de la historia cultural que ens porta fins on som ara i com a conformadora de les identitats
The equilibria, the spectra and the identities of the species of Cr(VI) that are present in aqueous solution have long been an active subject of discussion in the literature. In this paper, three different chemometric methodologies are applied to sets of UV/Visible spectra of aqueous Cr(VI) solutions, in order to solve a chemical system where there is no available information concerning the composition of the samples nor spectral information about the pure species. Imbrie Q-mode factor analysis, followed by varimax rotation and Imbrie oblique projection, were used to estimate the composition of Cr(VI) equilibrium solutions and, by combining these results with the k-matrix method, to obtain the pure spectra of the species. Evolving factor analysis and self modeling curve resolution were used to confirm the number of the species and the resolution of the system, respectively. Sets of 3.3×10-4 and 3.3×10-5 mol L-1 Cr(VI) solutions, respectively, were analyzed in the pH range from 1 to 12. Two factors were identified, which were related to the chromate ion (CrO4(2-)) and bichromate ion (HCrO4-). The pK of the equilibrium was estimated as 5.8.
Turun yliopiston arkeologian oppiaine tutki Raision Ihalan historiallisella kylätontilla, ns. Mullin eduspellolla, asuinpaikan, josta löydettiin maamme oloissa harvinaisen hyvin säilyneitä rakennusten puuosien jäännöksiä. Löytö on ainutlaatuinen Suomen oloissa ja sillä on kansainvälistäkin merkitystä, koska hyvin säilyneet myöhemmän rautakauden ja varhaisen keskiajan maaseutuasuinpaikat, joista tavataan puujäännöksiä, ovat harvinaisia erityisesti itäisen Itämeren piirissä. Rakennukset on ennallistettu käyttäen tiukkaa paikallisen analogian (’Tight Local Analogy’) metodia, erityisesti suoraa historiallista analogista lähestymistapaa. Tätä tarkoitusta varten muodostettiin aluksi arkeologinen, historiallinen ja etnografinen lähdemalli. Tämä valittiin maantieteellisesti ja ajallisesti relevantista tutkimusaineistosta pohjoisen Itämeren piiristä. Tiedot lounaisen Suomen rakennuksista ja rakennusteknologiasta katsottiin olevan tärkein osa mallia johtuen historiallisesta ja spatiaalisesta jatkuvuudesta. Lähdemalli yhdistettiin sitten Mullin arkeologiseen aineistoon ja analyysin tuloksena saatiin rakennusten ennallistukset. Mullista on voitu ennallistaa ainakin kuusi eri rakennusta neljässä eri rakennuspaikassa. Rakennusteknologia perustui kattoa kannattaviin horisontaalisiin pitkiin seinähirsiin, jotka oli nurkissa yhdistetty joko salvoksella tai varhopatsaalla. Kaikissa rakennuksissa ulkoseinän pituus oli 5 – 7 metriä. Löydettiin lisäksi savi- ja puulattioita sekä kaksi tulisijaa, savikupoliuuni ja avoin liesi. Runsaan palaneen saven perusteella on mahdollista päätellä, että katto oli mitä todennäköisimmin kaksilappeinen vuoliaiskatto, joka oli katettu puulla ja/tai turpeella. Kaikki rakennukset olivat samaa tyyppiä ja ne käsittivät isomman huoneen ja kapean eteisen. Kaikki analysoitu puu oli mäntyä. Ulkoalueelta tavattiin lisäksi tunkioita, ojia, aitoja ja erilaisia varastokuoppia. Rakennukset on ajoitettu 900-luvun lopulta 1200-luvun lopulle (cal AD). Lopuksi tutkittiin rakennuksia yhteisöllisessä ympäristössään, niiden ajallista asemaa sekä asukkaiden erilaisia spatiaalisia kokemuksia ja yhteyksiä. Raision Ihalaa analysoidaan sosiaalisen identiteetin ja sen materiaalisten ilmenemismuotojen kautta. Nämä sosiaaliset identiteetit muodostuvat kommunikaatioverkostoista eri spatiaalisilla ja yhteisöllisillä ta¬soilla. Näitä eri tasoja ovat: 1) kotitalous arjen toimintoineen, perhe ja sukulaisuussuhteet traditioineen; 2) paikallinen identiteetti, rakennus, rakennuspaikka, asuinpaikan ympäristö ja sen käyttö, (maa)talo ja kylä; 3) Raision Ihalan kylä laajemmassa alueellisessa kontekstissaan pohjoisen Itämeren piirissä: kauppiaiden ja käsityöläisten kontaktiverkostot, uskonnollinen identiteetti ja sen muutokset.
In this article, a new technique for grooming low-speed traffic demands into high-speed optical routes is proposed. This enhancement allows a transparent wavelength-routing switch (WRS) to aggregate traffic en route over existing optical routes without incurring expensive optical-electrical-optical (OEO) conversions. This implies that: a) an optical route may be considered as having more than one ingress node (all inline) and, b) traffic demands can partially use optical routes to reach their destination. The proposed optical routes are named "lighttours" since the traffic originating from different sources can be forwarded together in a single optical route, i.e., as taking a "tour" over different sources towards the same destination. The possibility of creating lighttours is the consequence of a novel WRS architecture proposed in this article, named "enhanced grooming" (G+). The ability to groom more traffic in the middle of a lighttour is achieved with the support of a simple optical device named lambda-monitor (previously introduced in the RingO project). In this article, we present the new WRS architecture and its advantages. To compare the advantages of lighttours with respect to classical lightpaths, an integer linear programming (ILP) model is proposed for the well-known multilayer problem: traffic grooming, routing and wavelength assignment The ILP model may be used for several objectives. However, this article focuses on two objectives: maximizing the network throughput, and minimizing the number of optical-electro-optical conversions used. Experiments show that G+ can route all the traffic using only half of the total OEO conversions needed by classical grooming. An heuristic is also proposed, aiming at achieving near optimal results in polynomial time
The study of the communicative implications related to landscapes opens a wide range of possibilities concerning the treatment of the communication and landscape relationship. Issues such as the effects of the landscape on the processes of human communication (intrapersonal and interpersonal communication), the follow-up of the communicative processes by means of which the landscape becomes an object of trade (mass communication), the construction of individual and collective imaginaries arising from the citizenship and landscape exchange and, recently, the construction of territorial identities through the production of a brand image of a city or country (i. e., tourist promotion, city marketing and branding). All of them have important implications in the contemporary societies. For that reason, it appears almost essential to progress towards a communicative landscape model, a target which becomes possible if we interrelate geography and communication studies, two fields apparently unrelated one another concerning their origins and practice, although they are very close if we look at the recent evolution of their paradigms and the approach to certain concepts, such as space and landscape.
En aquest treball es discuteix l’afirmació de Kripke de que certes identitats teòriques són exemples de veritats necessàries a posteriori
The fusion of knowledge, the interrelationship of disciplines and, finally, the interaction of learning fields, provides new challenges for an auto denominated global society. The contemporary value of landscape, linked to the patent commodification of culture, the commercial construction of identities, the triumph of inauthenticity, of the induced representation or the economy of symbolism, open up great prospects for studying the symbolic value of landscape. The rapprochement of geographical praxis to the study of space intangibles, linked to the discovery of emotional geographies, besides the growing interest of communicational sciences on the territorial discourse, allow us to envisage a communicative study of landscape based on a fusion of geographical and communicational knowledge. The balancing of the variables: geography, landscape, emotion and communication, enables the progress towards analysing the emotionalisation of space to discern its intangible value, which emerges from the application of different communication techniques.
The need to decode landscape meanings, the society- landscape interaction (intra- and inter-personal communication) and, more recently, the uses of landscape as a territorial sight linked to advertising communication, citymarketing or place branding (mass communication) highlights the study of landscape persuasion, which includes clear emotional, symbolic and, therefore, communicative aspects. The landscape, as a territory image or face, gathers the essence of the implicit message in the space, thus working as a great metaphor for city communication. Regarding the foregoing, specific communication research with intangible landscapes —together with the recent emergence of emotional geographies— suggests a new territorial message theory based on the union of geographical, landscape, emotional and communicational variables. Landscape has historically been studied by geographers, architects, historians or sociologists, among others researchers, but it has not been analysed from communicational viewpoints. In this sense, the proliferation of analyses highlighting the role played by the territory as a communication mediator in the interaction process between society and its spaces (cognition and/or perception) is also remarkable. Current sales of territorial identities lead to increases in the production of territory brands, which have gathered a noticeable relevance within the last years.
Recent years have produced great advances in the instrumentation technology. The amount of available data has been increasing due to the simplicity, speed and accuracy of current spectroscopic instruments. Most of these data are, however, meaningless without a proper analysis. This has been one of the reasons for the overgrowing success of multivariate handling of such data. Industrial data is commonly not designed data; in other words, there is no exact experimental design, but rather the data have been collected as a routine procedure during an industrial process. This makes certain demands on the multivariate modeling, as the selection of samples and variables can have an enormous effect. Common approaches in the modeling of industrial data are PCA (principal component analysis) and PLS (projection to latent structures or partial least squares) but there are also other methods that should be considered. The more advanced methods include multi block modeling and nonlinear modeling. In this thesis it is shown that the results of data analysis vary according to the modeling approach used, thus making the selection of the modeling approach dependent on the purpose of the model. If the model is intended to provide accurate predictions, the approach should be different than in the case where the purpose of modeling is mostly to obtain information about the variables and the process. For industrial applicability it is essential that the methods are robust and sufficiently simple to apply. In this way the methods and the results can be compared and an approach selected that is suitable for the intended purpose. Differences in data analysis methods are compared with data from different fields of industry in this thesis. In the first two papers, the multi block method is considered for data originating from the oil and fertilizer industries. The results are compared to those from PLS and priority PLS. The third paper considers applicability of multivariate models to process control for a reactive crystallization process. In the fourth paper, nonlinear modeling is examined with a data set from the oil industry. The response has a nonlinear relation to the descriptor matrix, and the results are compared between linear modeling, polynomial PLS and nonlinear modeling using nonlinear score vectors.
The ongoing development of the digital media has brought a new set of challenges with it. As images containing more than three wavelength bands, often called spectral images, are becoming a more integral part of everyday life, problems in the quality of the RGB reproduction from the spectral images have turned into an important area of research. The notion of image quality is often thought to comprise two distinctive areas – image quality itself and image fidelity, both dealing with similar questions, image quality being the degree of excellence of the image, and image fidelity the measure of the match of the image under study to the original. In this thesis, both image fidelity and image quality are considered, with an emphasis on the influence of color and spectral image features on both. There are very few works dedicated to the quality and fidelity of spectral images. Several novel image fidelity measures were developed in this study, which include kernel similarity measures and 3D-SSIM (structural similarity index). The kernel measures incorporate the polynomial, Gaussian radial basis function (RBF) and sigmoid kernels. The 3D-SSIM is an extension of a traditional gray-scale SSIM measure developed to incorporate spectral data. The novel image quality model presented in this study is based on the assumption that the statistical parameters of the spectra of an image influence the overall appearance. The spectral image quality model comprises three parameters of quality: colorfulness, vividness and naturalness. The quality prediction is done by modeling the preference function expressed in JNDs (just noticeable difference). Both image fidelity measures and the image quality model have proven to be effective in the respective experiments.
The thesis or hypothesis of this paper is that the multiple connections of explicit andimplicit life styles foster the construction of hybrid, multiple or complex identities. Wemean by hybrid identities the confluence of multiple identifications in the personalbiography. If the globalization and cultural diversity are the fundamental forms ofglobal life, the mobility is its principal ingredient. We describe different cultural traitsin Chiapas. Internet, migration to United States, or the North American Free TradeAgreement (NAFTA), between North America, Canada, and Mexico, were hybridizedwith the heterogeneity of identity (ethnic, linguistic, and religious). It is discussed thesocial and political consequences of the hybrid contemporary societies
The most widespread literature for the evaluation of uncertainty - GUM and Eurachem - does not describe explicitly how to deal with uncertainty of the concentration coming from non-linear calibration curves. This work had the objective of describing and validating a methodology, as recommended by the recent GUM Supplement approach, to evaluate the uncertainty through polynomial models of the second order. In the uncertainty determination of the concentration of benzatone (C) by chromatography, it is observed that the uncertainty of measurement between the methodology proposed and Monte Carlo Simulation, does not diverge by more than 0.0005 unit, thus validating the model proposed for one significant digit.
Extended Hildebrand Solubility Approach (EHSA) developed by Martin et al. was applied to evaluate the solubility of ketoprofen (KTP) in ethanol + water cosolvent mixtures at 298.15 K. Calculated values of molar volume and solubility parameter for KTP were used. A good predictive capacity of EHSA was found by using a regular polynomial model in order five to correlate the W interaction parameter and the solubility parameters of cosolvent mixtures (δmix). Nevertheless, the deviations obtained in the estimated solubilities with respect to the experimental solubilities were on the same order like those obtained directly by means of an empiric regression of the logarithmic experimental solubilities as a function of δmix values.
In wireless communications the transmitted signals may be affected by noise. The receiver must decode the received message, which can be mathematically modelled as a search for the closest lattice point to a given vector. This problem is known to be NP-hard in general, but for communications applications there exist algorithms that, for a certain range of system parameters, offer polynomial expected complexity. The purpose of the thesis is to study the sphere decoding algorithm introduced in the article On Maximum-Likelihood Detection and the Search for the Closest Lattice Point, which was published by M.O. Damen, H. El Gamal and G. Caire in 2003. We concentrate especially on its computational complexity when used in space–time coding. Computer simulations are used to study how different system parameters affect the computational complexity of the algorithm. The aim is to find ways to improve the algorithm from the complexity point of view. The main contribution of the thesis is the construction of two new modifications to the sphere decoding algorithm, which are shown to perform faster than the original algorithm within a range of system parameters.