983 resultados para personaje dramático
Armand Robin was a prodigious translator, that is to say: his works were translated into 22 different languages, not to mention his missing texts. During his bulletin on the radio, it was also possible to notice that 18 idioms were fluently received. This poet was notable not only because of his capacity of knowing several languages, but also because of his conception about translation. According to Robin, the meaning was not enough; a target text (TT) must be based on the recreation of the source text (ST), signification by signification; sound by sound, language by language. Since his first book, Ma Vie sans Moi, was released, Robin always wanted his translated texts were presented as works of his own, creating the idea that there was no difference between ST and TT, before giving priority to translation, either in publications or in radio transmissions. In 1942, ÉditionsGallimard published his single “novel”, Le temps qu’ilfait, which was object of studies related to the poet as a translator, emphasizing the pulse of life, which was visible in his TTs. However, in our paper, we are going to observe his production as an author, more specifically his writings, his novel and some of his fragments, in order to deepen the knowledge about his experience and also understand the dramatic and peculiar speech which is present in his writings.
We analyzed here, Lia de Melo Shultz, one of the protagonists of As meninas, Lygia Fagundes Telles. Incarnation of the revolutionary romanticism of 60- 70 years of the century XX, she is the most representative character of a double crisis: the political authoritarianism of the military dictatorship and patriarchy. We highlight of the characteristic features of narrative character, exploring their actions and ideas and their role in the dramatic conflict. To contextualize the fable, we make use of texts Boris Fausto, Nadine Habert, Elio Gaspari and Leonardo Pinheiro.
Giorgio Bassani in his book Una lapide in via Mazzin seeks to show to the readers all the sufferings passed by Italians during the Second World War and emphasized those persists until today. Aiming to make an unprecedented translation of this tale, it is expected that the text provides us great experiences in the language and we could see the actual difficulties and differences with the Portuguese language, despite being considered these languages closed ones. The objective of this work is to produce a translation that allows us to transmit all anxieties and reflections suffered by the main character of the tale. After the war, the survivor of the concentration camp can go back to your city. He appears exactly at the moment is being placed a headstone on the synagogue wall in homage to Jews deported and killed in the camps. Given the gaunt figure of the man with his striped pajamas, the population is driven to rethink their own indifference and , in a way, its share of blame. Thus, the return should be celebrated is rejected and the figure of the survivor becomes a nuisance. The function of the headstone is actually and literally put a stone on the story. To achieve the proposed objective for this work, we analyzed all the chapters of the story Una lapide in via Mazzini and tried to find equivalents in Portuguese. However, we not ignored the traces of meaning that Giorgio Bassani invested in his work. Therefore, it was necessary to use both printed and virtual dictionaries. With the advancement of the translation work, we realized the difficulty of finding appropriate solutions to achieve the desired effect . The fidelity proposed by the author became increasingly difficult as our work progressed. In the course of all the discussions, it was concluded that , in fact , when it comes to translation, maintaining fidelity to the original text in a foreign language is a difficult and laborious process
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
La novela A cidade de Ulisses (2011), de la escritora portuguesa contemporánea Teolinda Gersão, nos presenta una Lisboa envuelta en mitos e historia. Este trabajo pretende inferir las relaciones entre estos dos campos del conocimiento y sus implicaciones para la construcción de los sentidos del texto. Teniendo en cuenta la leyenda que cuenta que la capital portuguesa fue fundada por Ulisses, el héroe homérico, la narrativa se vale de elementos míticos para, junto con el relato del personaje Paulo Vaz acerca de sus relaciones románticas con Cecília Branco y Sara, hacer referencia a cuestiones del pasado y del presente histórico portugueses, siempre de manera crítica. Buscamos, así, indagar, a través del mito, cómo se introduce la historia en el universo del texto.
The objective of this paper is to present a Portuguese translation, with notes and commentary, and the corresponding Greek text of a small excerpt of book I (Onir. I. 56.25 -45), of Artemidorus’ Interpretation of dreams, Oneirokritika, based on Pack’s edition (1963), and on Houlihan’s (1997a,b) reviews and of Bowersock (1994)’s. It is a particular and important passage, focused on dreams about tragedy, comedy, choruses and hymns. To this translation, which serves as the basis for the present study of the onirocritic text, other excerpts were added in order to examine the (re)configuration of the dramatic action or hypokrisis into dream interpretations, within the author’s model of analysis, and its relationship with truth and falseness on physis, ethos and tekhne levels; all on a common denominator, memory. A rhetoric basis for author’s onirocritic vision and the keys to onirocritics in the dramatic scenes are discussed.
Based on Clovis Bevilaqua’s four biographies which present three stigmas of the character - being the son of a priest, engaged in a large grammatical legal controversy with Rui Barbosa in making the Civil Code of 1917 and married to a wife of exotic modes - we discuss the built memory of Amelia Carolina Freitas Bevilaqua, who is marked as a pioneer of the feminist movement in Brazil and also upstart writer who aspired to join the Brazilian Academy of Letters. Among other negative adjectives, she was sloppy, not vain and misaligned in dress, futile or adulterous.
The legendary Don Juan character inhabits the popular imaginary with such a vibrancy of a myth, despite its slight recognition as such by the scientific literature. The purpose of this article is to verify if Don Juan’s play can be understood, scientifically, as a modern myth, as well as understand its mythical nature and its relation to the modern man. A structural and historical analysis of the two first plays on Don Juan has guided us: the one written by Tirso de Molina in 1630, and the one by Molière, written in 1665. The studies allow us to say that Don Juan is a typical modern myth, once it is constituted by narratives that expose a world looming under the signs of individualism, hedonism, arrogance and audacity forged under the appeals of sexual desire.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
O que seria necessário para que se pudesse dizer que uma partida de futebol semelha de alguma forma a um espetáculo teatral, poético, emocional? O artigo propõe um passeio livre pela história dos diferentes tipos de teatro e pelas mudanças sofridas ao longo dos anos. A autora lembra que existe, da metade do século passado para cá, uma nítida divisão que colocou em campos opostos o teatro dramático e o teatro épico, o drama rigoroso contra o texto quase absolutamente livre, Aristóteles contra Brecht. E volta a apresentar as razões pela qual se pode afirmar que existem certos momentos no futebol que o aproximam ainda mais do espetáculo teatral, da dança, da comédia e do drama
O ensaio procura apontar as linhas de força que compõem o caráter dramático do narrador em Angústia. Estuda, para tanto, o movimento circular da escrita, cuja forma embaralha tempos e espaços de modo a sugerir o desconcerto. Como resultado parcial, centra-se, em termos de análise, nos primeiros fragmentos do romance a fim de compreender o refluxo das imagens que perfazem o enredo.
La acción modificadora del hombre como agente geológico deja su rastro en el sedimento permitiendo así el estudiar las transformaciones del ambiente y el registro de los procesos antrópicos. De esta forma, la determinación de cuando ocurrieron los primeros episodios de contaminación antrópica, y la evaluación de la respuesta del sistema a tales eventos constituye una herramienta potencial para fines de manejo. La Bahía de Montevideo está integrada al sector fluvio‐marino del Río de la Plata y la mayoría de su agua proviene de éste. Este sistema ha sufrido grandes presiones antrópicas en los últimos 100‐150 años lo que ha provocado importantes consecuencias negativas sobre el ecosistema. El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar el registro histórico, analizando las capas más superficiales de sedimento de un testigo de 200 cm para determinar la historia de los cambios recientes causados por la presión humana en la Bahía de Montevideo. En este sentido fue aplicado un análisis integrado de los parámetros geoquímicos y foraminíferos. Fue posible diferenciar tres zonas en la columna sedimentaria. La zona I definida desde la base del testigo hasta los 110 cm de profundidad está constituida por altos porcentajes de arena, bajas concentraciones de materia orgánica y bajos valores de susceptibilidad magnética. Los foraminíferos estuvieron representados por especies generalistas, calcáreas y mixoalinas tales como A. tepida, A. parkinsoniana, E. excavatum y E. gunteri. La zona II (intervalo 110 y 60 cm) caracterizada por una marcada disminución en el tamaño del sedimento (altos porcentajes de limo y arcilla), alto porcentaje de materia orgánica y aumento en la SM. Los foraminíferos presentaron bajos valores de densidad, diversidad y riqueza. Las especies dominantes fueron Psammosphera sp. y H. wilberti (ambas de paredes aglutinantes, características de ambientes oligohalinos y ricos en materia orgánica). La zona III corresponde a los últimos 100 años. Se observó que los cambios ambientales registrados en la región condujeron a la presencia de altas concentraciones de metales pesados en la columna sedimentaria así como a grandes cambios en la distribución de la fauna de foraminíferos. Los valores máximos de Cr, Cu y Pb en la Zona III son 70, 14 y 12 veces mayores que el valor mínimo registrado para cada metal, respectivamente, en el testigo estudiado. Todos los metales analizados ‐ indicadores de polución ‐ presentan una tendencia al aumento desde la base de la tercera zona hacia el tope del testigo. El factor de enriquecimiento (FE) muestra claramente que todos los metales presentan la misma tendencia de aumento en la tercera zona con un incremento marcado en las camadas superiores de la columna sedimentaria. De acuerdo con los valores del FE el Cr presenta un nivel de polución entre significativo y alto. El Pb y el Zn indicaron ambos polución moderada. El incremento en los vertidos industriales en la región de la Bahía de Montevideo provocó un cambio dramático en las características químicas del sedimento (alrededor de 10‐15 cm, 1983 AD) y consecuentemente en la fauna de foraminíferos (disminución en los valores de diversidad, riqueza y densidad) llevándola a un empobrecimiento con momentos casi azoicos.
Reúne esta intervención, someramente expuestas, algunas de las conclusiones de la Tesis doctoral de la autora denominada "Formas y funciones del personaje mujer en el Romancero tradicional (Sobre el ejemplo del Romancero de Gran Canaria)", obra digitalizada, ISBN: 9788469170854 (Repositorio institucional ULPGC). El repertorio romancístico analizado evidencia el enorme interés por plasmar el mundo personal, especialmente desde la óptica sentimental, de las protagonistas femeninas de los relatos.