979 resultados para optimized


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The effect of laser fluence on the crystallization of amorphous silicon irradiated by a frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser is studied both theoretically and experimentally. An effective numerical model is set up to predict the melting threshold and the optimized laser fluence for the crystallization of 200-nm-thick amorphous silicon. The variation of the temperature distribution with time and the melt depth is analyzed. Besides the model, the Raman spectra of thin films treated with different fluences are measured to confirm the phase transition and to determine the optimized fluence. The calculating results accord well with those obtained from the experimental data in this research. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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[EU]Gradu amaierako lan honetan, baskulatzaile baten orejeten diseinua eta optimizazio erresistentea burutuko dira. Orejeta horien betebeharra, esekidura-triangeluaren eta baskulatzailearen arteko lotura izatea izango da. Diseinua eta optimizazio erresistentea garatzeko egin behar diren elementu finituen analisiak, PTC Creo Parametric softwarearen bidez gauzatuko dira. Proiektu honen abiapuntua, motostudent lehiaketako motozikleta baten baskulatzailea da. Honi aipatutako orejetak gehitu beharko zaizkio, eta horien optimizazio erresistentea lortu. Optimizazioa bilatzeko orejeten lehen bertsio bat diseinatuko da. Behin orejetak baskulatzaileari erantsita, elementu finituen analisiak burutuko dira orejeten bariazio geometriko desberdinekin. Analisi horien helburua, orejetek geometria optimoena izatea da, agertzen diren tentsioak neke-tentsio onargarria baino txikiagoak izanik.


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[ES]Este proyecto busca caracterizar el retardo sufrido por los mensajes de estadísticas en las redes definidas por software cuando la red se encuentra en estado de saturación. Para ello, se utilizarán los paquetes OpenFlow que utiliza el controlador OpenDaylight para comunicarse con los nodos presentes en la red, a través de ellos se podrán monitorizar los recursos consumidos por los servicios instalados. Toda la monitorización se llevará a cabo desde el controlador, el módulo de monitorización optimizado en este proyecto permitirá al controlador conocer el valor promedio del ancho de banda consumido en instantes de tiempo de hasta un segundo en todos los nodos de la red donde se hayan instalado los servicios. Estos valores podrán ser utilizados para controlar el ancho de banda consumido por los distintos servicios dentro de una red, realizando acciones desde el propio controlador sobre aquellos servicios que superen el límite establecido.


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Large ruby with the size of circle divide75 x 45 mm was grown by temperature gradient technique for the first time. Absorption spectrum was carried out in the range of 190-800 nm by spectrophotometer, and the concentration spatial distribution of Cr3+ in ruby was calculated from the absorption coefficient that based on the Beer-Lambert's Law. Cr3+ ions gradually increase alone both the growth axis and the radial direction. The shape and ingredient of the inclusions were measured by means of Leitz ride field microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Lane photos and X-ray omega scan show the good quality of as grown ruby. The optimized growth conditions were pointed out based on the observation. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Thin films of beta barium borate have been prepared by liquid phase epitaxy on Si2+-doped alpha-BaB2O4 (alpha-BBO, the high temperature phase of barium berate) (001) and (110) substrates. The results of X-ray diffraction indicate that the films show highly (001) preferred orientation on (001)-oriented substrates while the films grown on (110) substrates are textured with (140) orientation. The crystallinity of these films was found to depend on growth temperature, rotation rate, dip time and orientation of substrate. Growth conditions were optimized to grow films with (001) orientation on (001) substrates reproducibly. The films show second harmonic generation of 400 nm light upon irradiation with 800 nm Ti: Sapphire femtosecond laser light. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Neste trabalho, foram preparadas resinas contendo o grupo sulfofosforila a partir de copolímeros de estireno e divinilbenzeno (Sty-DVB). O copolímero sintetizado Sty-DVB foi modificado com PCl3 e AlCl3 durante 15 horas de reação em diferentes condições de temperatura e razão molar P/Al. Os copolímeros fosforilados obtidos nas diferentes condições tiveram o teor de fósforo dosado por espectrofotometria para avaliar a extensão da modificação, sendo também caracterizados por espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (FTIR), termogravimetria, microscopia óptica (MO) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). A resina fosforilada otimizada de maior percentual de fósforo incorporado foi obtida empregando-se o tempo de reação de 15 horas, temperatura de 50 C e razão molar P/Al = 1/1,5. Essas condições otimizadas de fosforilação foram empregadas para obtenção da resina fosforilada RMF em larga escala. A resina fosforilada foi modificada com CS2 à temperatura ambiente em diferentes condições de tempo e quantidade molar adicionada do agente de sulforação (CS2). A resina sulfofosforilada otimizada de maior percentual de enxofre incorporado, determinado por análise elementar, foi obtida empregando-se o tempo de reação de 6 dias e adição de 15 mL de CS2, à temperatura ambiente. As resinas sulfofosforiladas foram também caracterizadas por FTIR, termogravimetria, MO e MEV, e tiveram a capacidade biocida avaliada através da determinação do número de células viáveis utilizando a técnica de contagem em placa junto à suspensão de Escherichia coli (ATCC25922TM, tipo selvagem). A maior capacidade biocida foi observada na resina sulfofosforilada com maior teor de enxofre incorporado


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Cerium-doped lutetium pyrosilicate crystal, Ce:Lu2Si2O7 (Ce:LPS), was grown by the Czochralski method. The segregation coefficient of Ce3+ ion was studied by the ICP-AES method. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the structure of Ce:LPS crystal was monoclinic symmetry with space group of C2/m. Perfect cleavage planes (110) and imperfect cleavage planes (001) were observed by optical microscope. The reasons why it is difficult to grow crack-free crystals were studied. After optimized growth parameters, a Ce:LPS crystal with dimension of Phi 25 x 30 mm was grown, which is colorless, high optical quality, cracking-free and no inclusions. The transmittance of Ce:LPS crystal from 380 to 800 nm is over 82% and there is no observable absorption. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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为了将β-Ga2O3单晶应用于作为外延生长优质GaN薄膜的衬底材料,本文对β-Ga2O3 (100)进行了氮化处理,并且主要讨论了氮化温度以及β-Ga2O3表面的粗糙程度对GaN形成的影响。我们发现,最理想的氮化温度在900oC。此时,在抛光的β-Ga2O3的表面上生成了一层具有六方结构并且有择优取向的GaN层。本文同时也对氮化的机理进行了讨论。


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The electronic structures and absorption spectra for the perfect PbMoO4 crystal and the crystal containing lead vacancy V-Pb(2-) with lattice structure optimized are calculated using density functional theory code CASTEP. The calculated absorption spectra of the PbMoO4 crystal containing V-Pb(2-) exhibit three absorption bands peaking at 2.0 eV (620 nm), 3.0 eV (413 run) and 3.3 eV (375 nm), which are in good agreement with experimental values. The theory predicts that the 390 nm, 430 nm and 580 run absorption bands are related to the existence of V-Pb(2-) in the PbMoO4 crystal.


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Color filters are key components in an optical engine projection display system. In this paper, a new admittance-matching method for designing and fabricating the high performance filters is described, in which the optimized layers are limited to the interfaces between the stack (each combination of quarter-wave-optical-thickness film layers is called a stack) and stack, or between stack and substrate, or between stack and incident medium. This method works well in designing filters containing multiple stacks such as UV-IR cut and broadband filters. The tolerance and angle sensitivity for the designed film stacks are analyzed. The thermal stability of the sample color filters was measured. A good result in optical performance and thermal stability was obtained through the new design approach. (c) 2006 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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International fisheries regulations which are now being developed will lead the tuna fisheries to improve their fleet management. An optimized fishing strategy is proposed for a tuna fleet, with or without aircraft surveys. 2 extreme situations are discussed: a complete coverage of the fishing area by planes, or no coverage at all.


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阐述了用光学薄膜进行色散补偿的基本原理,介绍了设计的基本过程.根据Ti:Sapphire飞秒激光器中腔内色散补偿的要求,设定了色散补偿目标,通过计算机优化,得到了一种40层的Ta2O5/SiO2介质膜系.该膜系能在720~870am范围获得大于99.5%的反射率,在510~550nm获得大于90%的透射率,在740~850nm提供较平滑的-40fs^2的群延迟色散.这样的结果经过7次反射后,可以补偿5-mm Ti:sapphire晶体产生的绝大部分群延迟色散。


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Multi-layer dielectric (MLD) gratings for pulse compressors in high-energy laser systems should provide high diffraction efficiency as well as high laser induced damage thresholds (LIDT). Nonuniform optical near-field distribution is one of the important factors to limit their damage resistant capabilities. Electric field distributions in the gratings and multi-layer film region are analyzed by using Fourier modal method. Optimization of peak electric field in the gratings ridge is performed with a merit function, including both diffraction efficiency and electric field enhancement when the top layer material is HfO2 and SiO2, respectively. A set of optimized gratings parameters is obtained for each structure, which reduce the peak electric field within the gratings ridge to being respective 1.39 and 1.84 times the value of incident light respectively. Finally, we also discuss the effects of gratings refractive index, gratings sidewall angle and incident angle on peak electric field in the gratings ridge. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We design and experimentally demonstrate some negative dispersion mirrors with optimized Gires-Tournois interferometers. The mirror structure is composed of 38 alternating Ta2O5 and SiO2 layers and could be regarded as two sections: high-reflectivity section consisting of a series of quarter-wavelength optical thickness stacks and negative-dispersion section consisting of only 13 layers. The designed mirrors exhibit the expected performance. These mirrors were fabricated by using ion beam sputtering. By adopting such mirrors, dispersion of a mode-locked femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser has been compensated for mostly. With two series of the mirrors, 32 fs and 15 fs pulses have been obtained respectively.