962 resultados para marketing, prescription, medicines, samples, influence


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The distribution, biomass, and diversity of living (Rose Bengal stained) deep-sea benthic foraminifera (>30 µm) were investigated with multicorer samples from seven stations in the Arabian Sea during the intermonsoonal periods in March and in September/October, 1995. Water depths of the stations ranged between 1916 and 4425 m. The distribution of benthic foraminifera was compared with dissolved oxygen, % organic carbon, % calcium carbonate, ammonium, % silica, chloroplastic pigment equivalents, sand content, pore water content of the sediment, and organic carbon flux to explain the foraminiferal patterns and depositional environments. A total of six species-communities comprising 178 living species were identified by principal component analysis. The seasonal comparison shows that at the western stations foraminiferal abundance and biomass were higher during the Spring Intermonsoon than during the Fall Intermonsoon. The regional comparison indicates a distinct gradient in abundance, biomass, and diversity from west to east, and for biomass from north to south. Highest values are recorded in the western part of the Arabian Sea, where the influence of coastal and offshore upwelling are responsible for high carbon fluxes. Estimated total biomass of living benthic foraminifera integrated for the upper 5 cm of the sediment ranged between 11 mg Corg m**-2 at the southern station and 420 mg Corg m**-2 at the western station. Foraminifera in the size range from 30 to 125 ?m, the so-called microforaminifera, contributed between 20 and 65% to the abundance, but only 3% to 28% to the biomass of the fauna. Highest values were found in the central and southern Arabian Sea, indicating their importance in oligotrophic deep-sea areas. The overall abundance of benthic foraminifera is positively correlated with oxygen content and pore volume, and partly with carbon content and chloroplastic pigment equivalents of the sediment. The distributional patterns of the communities seem to be controlled by sand fraction, dissolved oxygen, calcium carbonate and organic carbon content of the sediment, but the critical variables are of different significance for each community.


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This paper presents a new fossil pollen record from Tso Moriri (32°54'N, 78°19'E, 4512 m a.s.l.) and seeks to reconstruct changes in mean annual precipitation (MAP) during the last 12,000 years. This high-alpine lake occupies an area of 140 km**2 in a glacial-tectonic valley in the northwestern Himalaya. The region has a cold climate, with a MAP <300 mm, and open vegetation. The hydrology is controlled by the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM), but winter westerly-associated precipitation also affects the regional water balance. Results indicate that precipitation levels varied significantly during the Holocene. After a rapid increase in MAP, a phase of maximum humidity was reached between ca. 11 to 9.6 cal ka BP, followed by a gradual decline in MAP. This trend parallels the reduction in the Northern Hemisphere summer insolation. Comparison of different palaeoclimate proxy records reveal evidence for a stronger Holocene decrease in precipitation in the northern versus the southern parts of the ISM domain. The long-term trend of ISM weakening is overlaid with several short periods of greater dryness, which are broadly synchronous with the North Atlantic cold spells, suggesting reduced amounts of westerly-associated winter precipitation. Compared to the mid and late Holocene, it appears that westerlies had a greater influence on the western parts of the ISM domain during the early Holocene. During this period, the westerly-associated summer precipitation belt was positioned at Mediterranean latitudes and amplified the ISM-derived precipitation. The Tso Moriri pollen record and moisture reconstructions also suggest that changes in climatic conditions affected the ancient Harappan Civilisation, which flourished in the greater Indus Valley from approximately 5.2 to 3 cal ka BP. The prolonged Holocene trend towards aridity, punctuated by an interval of increased dryness (between ca. 4.5 to 4.3 cal ka BP), may have pushed the Mature Harappan urban settlements (between ca. 4.5 to 3.9 cal ka BP) to develop more efficient agricultural practices to deal with the increasingly acute water shortages. The amplified aridity associated with North Atlantic cooling between ca. 4 to 3.6 and around 3.2 cal ka BP further hindered local agriculture, possibly causing the deurbanisation that occurred from ca. 3.9 cal ka BP and eventual collapse of the Harappan Civilisation between ca. 3.5 to 3 cal ka BP.


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Silicon isotopes are a powerful tool to investigate the cycling of dissolved silicon (Si). In this study the distribution of the Si isotope composition of dissolved silicic acid (d30Si(OH)4) was analyzed in the water column of the Eastern Equatorial Pacific (EEP) where one of the globally largest Oxygen Minimum Zones (OMZs) is located. Samples were collected at 7 stations along two meridional transects from the equator to 14°S at 85°50'W and 82°00'W off the Ecuadorian and Peruvian coast. Surface waters show a large range in isotope compositions d30Si(OH)4 (+2.2 per mil to +4.4 per mil) with the highest values found at the southernmost station at 14°S. This station also revealed the most depleted silicic acid concentrations (0.2 µmol/kg), which is a function of the high degree of Si utilization by diatoms and admixture with waters from highly productive areas. Samples within the upper water column and the OMZ at oxygen concentrations below 10 µmol/kg are characterized by a large range in d30Si(OH)4, which mainly reflects advection and mixing of different water masses, even though the highly dynamic hydrographic system of the upwelling area off Peru does not allow the identification of clear Si isotope signals for distinct water masses. Therefore we cannot rule out that also dissolution processes have an influence on the d30Si(OH)4 signature in the subsurface water column. Deep water masses (>2000 m) in the study area show a mean d30Si(OH)4 of +1.2±0.2 per mil, which is in agreement with previous studies from the eastern and central Pacific. Comparison of the new deep water data of this study and previously published data from the central Pacific and Southern Ocean reveal substantially higher d30Si(OH)4 values than deep water signatures from the North Pacific. As there is no clear correlation between d30Si(OH)4 and silicic acid concentrations in the entire data set the distribution of d30Si(OH)4 signatures in deep waters of the Pacific is considered to be mainly a consequence of the mixing of several end member water masses with distinct Si isotope signatures including Lower Circumpolar Deep Water (LCDW) and North Pacific Deep Water (NPDW).


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The source rock potential of Cretaceous organic rich whole rock samples from deep sea drilling project (DSDP) wells offshore southwestern Africa was investigated using bulk and quantitative pyrolysis techniques. The sample material was taken from organic rich intervals of Aptian, Albian and Turonian aged core samples from DSDP site 364 offshore Angola, DSDP well 530A north of the Walvis Ridge offshore Namibia, and DSDP well 361 offshore South Africa. The analytical program included TOC, Rock-Eval, pyrolysis GC, bulk kinetics and micro-scale sealed vessel pyrolysis (MSSV) experiments. The results were used to determine differences in the source rock petroleum type organofacies, petroleum composition, gas/oil ratio (GOR) and pressure-volume-temperature (PVT) behavior of hydrocarbons generated from these black shales for petroleum system modeling purposes. The investigated Aptian and Albian organic rich shales proved to contain excellent quality marine kerogens. The highest source rock potential was identified in sapropelic shales in DSDP well 364, containing very homogeneous Type II and organic sulfur rich Type IIS kerogen. They generate P-N-A low wax oils and low GOR sulfur rich oils, whereas Type III kerogen rich silty sandstones of DSDP well 361 show a potential for gas/condensate generation. Bulk kinetic experiments on these samples indicate that the organic sulfur contents influence kerogen transformation rates, Type IIS kerogen being the least stable. South of the Walvis Ridge, the Turonian contains predominantly a Type III kerogen. North of the Walvis Ridge, the Turonian black shales contain Type II kerogen and have the potential to generate P-N-A low and high wax oils, the latter with a high GOR at high maturity. Our results provide the first compositional kinetic description of Cretaceous organic rich black shales, and demonstrate the excellent source rock potential, especially of the Aptian-aged source rock, that has been recognized in a number of the South Atlantic offshore basins.


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Concentrations of dissolved (0.2 µm filtered) aluminium (Al) have been determined for the first time in the Eurasian part of the Arctic Ocean over the entire water column during expedition ARK XXII/2 aboard R.V. Polarstern (2007). An unprecedented number of 666 samples was analysed for 44 stations along 5 ocean transects. Dissolved Al in surface layer water (SLW) was very low, close to 1 nM, with lowest SLW concentrations towards the Canadian part of the Arctic Ocean and higher values adjacent to and in the shelf seas. The low SLW concentrations indicate no or little influence from aeolian dust input. Dissolved Al showed a nutrient-type increase with depth up to 28 nM, but large differences existed between the different deep Arctic basins. The differences in concentrations of Al between water masses and basins could largely be related to the different origins of the water masses. In the SLW and intermediate water layers, Atlantic and Pacific inflows were of importance. Deep shelf convection appeared to influence the Al distribution in the deep Eurasian Basin. The Al distribution of the deep Makarov Basin provides evidence for Eurasian Basin water inflow into the deep Makarov Basin. A strong correlation between Al and Silicon (Si) was observed in all basins. This correlation and the nutrient-like profile indicate a strong biological influence on the cycling and distribution of Al. The biological influence can be direct by the incorporation of Al in biogenic silica, indirect by preferential scavenging of Al onto biogenic siliceous particles, or by a combination of both processes. From the slope of the overall Al-Si relationship in the intermediate water layer (AIDW; ~ 200-2000 m depth), an Al/Si ratio of 2.2 atoms Al per 1000 atoms Si was derived. This ratio is consistent with the range of previously reported Al/Si uptake ratio in biogenic opal frustules of diatoms. In the deepest waters (>2000 m depth) a steeper slope of the Al-Si relationship of 7.4 to 13 atoms Al per 1000 atoms Si likely results from entrainment of cold shelf water into the deep basins, carrying the signal of dissolution of terrigenous particles with a much higher Al:Si ratio of crustal abundance. Only a small enrichment with such crustal Al and Si component may readily account for the higher Al:Si slope in the deepest waters.


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The lipid composition of particulate matter in oceanic environments can provide informations on the nature and origin of the organic matter as well as on their transformation processes. Molecular characteristics for lipids in the Arctic environment have been used as indicators of the sources and transformation of organic particulate matter (Smith et al., 1997; Fahl and Stein, 1997, 1999). However, the features of the lipid composition of particulate matter in the Arctic with its high seasonality of ice Cover and primary productivity has been studied insufficiently. Lipids are one of the most important compounds of organic matter. On the one hand, the composition of lipids is a result of the variability of biological sources (phyto- and zooplankton, higher plants, bacteria etc.). On the other hand, the lipid composition of particulate matter is undergone significant alteration during vertical transport. The organic matter balance in the Arctic marginal seas, such as the Kara and Laptev seas, is characterized by the significant supply of dissolved and particulate material by the major Eurasian rivers - Ob, Yenisei and Lena (Cauwet and Sidorov, 1996; Gordeev et al., 1996, Martin et al., 1993). In relation to the world's ocean the primary productivity values are lower in the Arctic seas due to the ice-cover. However local increased values of primary productivity can be connected with the melting processes inducing increased phytoplankton growth near ice-edge (Nelson et al., 1989; Fahl and Stein, 1997) and enhanced river supply of nutrients, These features can influence the proportion of allochtonous and autochtonous components of the organic matter in the Arctic marginal seas (Fahl and Stein, 1997; Stein and Fahl, 1999). Furthermore, increased lipid contents in aquatic environments were found near density discontinuities (Parish et al., 1988). Although being less informative than lipid studies on the molecular level the character of lipid composition analysis on the group could also be used for studying of particulate organic matter and its transformation in sedimentation processes in the Arctic. In this paper the investigation of the characteristics of lipid composition performed by Alexandrova and Shevchenko (1997) in Arctic seas was continued.


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In order to recognize the distribution of hydrothermal tracers south of the Azores, a series of cores has been sampled during the GEOFAR cruise. The distribution of the Mn concentrations shows that the hydrothermal influence is maximum within and to the north-west of the Lucky Strike segment. North of the East-Azores Fracture Zone the sediments are enriched in Ba which could be derived from different sources. The chemical composition of the interstitial water shows that water advection is limited. Mn, Cu, Ni fluxes evaluated in one site have increased during isotopic stages 4 and 2 and the deglaciation.


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The alpha- and gamma-hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) are being scavenged from the atmosphere by falling snow, with the average total scavenging ratios (WT) of 3.8 x 10**4 and 9.6 x 10**3, respectively. After deposition, HCH snow concentrations can decrease by 40% because of snowpack ventilation and increase by 50% because of upward migration of brine from the ice. HCH vertical distribution in sufficiently cold winter sea ice, which maintains brine volume fractions <5%, reflects the ice growth history. Initially, the entrapment of brine (and HCHs) in ice depends on the rates of ice growth and desalination. However, after approximately the first week of ice formation, ice growth rate becomes dominant. Deviations of HCH concentrations from the values predicted by the ice bulk salinity (rate of brine entrapment) can be explained by spatial variability of HCHs in surface water. HCH burden in the majority of the ice column remains locked throughout most of the season until the early spring when snow meltwater percolates into the ice, delivering HCHs to the upper ocean via desalination by flushing. Percolation can lead to an increase in alpha- and gamma-HCH in the sea ice by up to 2%-18% and 4%-32%, respectively.


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To investigate the geochemistry of trace elements in coals from the Dingji Mine of the Huainan Coalfield, Anhui province, China, 416 borehole samples of coal, one parting, two floor and two roof mudstones were collected from 9 minable coal seams in 24 boreholes drilled during exploration. The abundances of 47 elements in each sample were determined by various instruments. The boron concentration in the coals suggests that marine influence decreased from coal seam 1 to 13-1. The geometric means of the elements Sn, Bi, Sb, and B are higher than the average for the corresponding elements in the coals from China, the U.S., and world. The enrichment of certain elements in the Shanxi or Upper Shihezi Formations is related to their depositional environment. The roof, floor and parting samples have higher contents of some elements than coal seams. The mineral matters in the coals from the Dingji Mine were found to consist mainly of granular quartz, clay minerals, and carbonate minerals. The elements are classified into two groups based on their stratigraphic distribution from coal seam 1 to 13-1, and the characteristics of each group are discussed. Based on the correlation coefficients of elemental concentrations with ash yield, four groups of elements with different affinities were identified.


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Aggregation of algae, mainly diatoms, is an important process in marine systems leading to the settling of particulate organic carbon predominantly in the form of marine snow. Exudation products of phytoplankton form transparent exopolymer particles (TEP), which acts as the glue for particle aggregation. Heterotrophic bacteria interacting with phytoplankton may influence TEP formation and phytoplankton aggregation. This bacterial impact has not been explored in detail. We hypothesized that bacteria attaching to Thalassiosira weissflogii might interact in a yet-to-be determined manner, which could impact TEP formation and aggregate abundance. The role of individual T. weissflogii-attaching and free-living new bacterial isolates for TEP production and diatom aggregation was investigated in vitro. T. weissflogii did not aggregate in axenic culture, and striking differences in aggregation dynamics and TEP abundance were observed when diatom cultures were inoculated with either diatom-attaching or free-living bacteria. The data indicated that free-living bacteria might not influence aggregation whereas bacteria attaching to diatom cells may increase aggregate formation. Interestingly, photosynthetically inactivated T. weissflogii cells did not aggregate regardless of the presence of bacteria. Comparison of aggregate formation, TEP production, aggregate sinking velocity and solid hydrated density revealed remarkable differences. Both, photosynthetically active T. weissflogii and specific diatom-attaching bacteria were required for aggregation. It was concluded that interactions between heterotrophic bacteria and diatoms increased aggregate formation and particle sinking and thus may enhance the efficiency of the biological pump.