1000 resultados para marcadores dominantes e co-dominantes
The efficiency of co-expression and linkage of distinct T-DNAs present in separate Agrobacterium tumefaciens was analysed in Arabidopsis thaliana transformed by the vacuum infiltration method. Co-expression was monitored by the synthesis of three bacterial proteins involved in the production of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) in the plastids. Out of 80 kanamycin-resistant transgenic plants analysed, 13 plants were co-transformed with the two distinct T-DNAs and produced PHB. Of those, 7 lines had a kanamycin-resistance segregation ratio consistent with the presence of a single functional insert. Genetic linkage between the distinct T-DNAs was demonstrated for all 13 PHB-producing lines, while physical linkage between the distinct T-DNAs was shown for 12 out of 13 lines. T-DNAs were frequently linked in an inverted orientation about the left borders. Transformation of A. thaliana by the co-infiltration of two A. tumefaciens containing distinct T-DNAs is, thus, an efficient approach for the integration and expression of several transgenes at a single locus. This approach will facilitate the creation and study of novel metabolic pathways requiring the expression of numerous transgenes.
It is often thought that the coexistence of plants and plant diversity is determined by resource heterogeneity of the abiotic environment. However, the presence and heterogeneity of biotic plant resources, such as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), could also affect plant species coexistence. In this study, Brachypodium pinnatum and Prunella vulgaris were grown together in pots and biotic resource heterogeneity was simulated by inoculating these pots with one of three different AMF taxa, with a mixture of these three taxa, or pots remained uninoculated. The AMF acted as biotic plant resources since the biomass of plants in pots inoculated with AMF was on average 11.8 times higher than uninoculated pots. The way in which the two plant species coexisted, and the distribution of phosphorus and nitrogen between the plant species, varied strongly depending on which AMF were present. The results showed that the composition of AMF communities determines how plant species coexist and to which plant species nutrients are allocated. Biotic plant resources such as AMF should therefore be considered as one of the factors that determine how plant species coexist and how soil resources are distributed among co-occurring plant species.
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) plays a major role in liver pathology. Similar to other members of the herpesvirus family, EBV establishes a persistent infection in more than 90% of adults. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of EBV and chronic hepatitis C co-infection (HCV) on biochemical and immunological responses in patients. The study was conducted in 62 patients and 33 apparently healthy controls. Patients were divided into three groups: group I, consisting of 31 patients with chronic hepatitis C infection (CHC), group II, consisting of eight patients with EBV infection and without HCV infection and group III, consisting of 23 patients with EBV and chronic HCV. The percentage of CD3+ cells, helper CD4+ cells and CD19+ B-cells was measured by flow cytometry. Human interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and interleukin (IL)-15 levels were measured by an ELISA. The levels of liver alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase enzymes were higher in EBV/HCV patients compared to that in EBV and HCV mono-infected patients. EBV/HCV patients had significantly reduced percentages of CD3+ and CD4+ cells compared to EBV patients. Serum IFN-γ levels were significantly reduced in EBV/HCV patients (3.86 pg/mL) compared to CHC patients (6.76 pg/mL) and normal controls (4.69 pg/mL). A significant increase in serum IL-15 levels was observed in EBV/HCV patients (67.7 pg/mL) compared to EBV patients (29.3 pg/mL). Taken together, these observations suggest that HCV and EBV co-infection can potentiate immune response dampening in patients.
El DGQA per a Equipaments Culturals és un distintiu per a la certificació ambiental de biblioteques i museus. L’objectiu del projecte és avaluar el distintiu mitjançant una aplicació pilot en 26 biblioteques de la província de Barcelona, i proposar millores tant per al distintiu com per a les biblioteques. També es pretén fer recerca sobre l’ecoetiquetatge de serveis, ja que és un àmbit poc desenvolupat, i sobre el sistema d’estudi, les biblioteques. Una anàlisi de les ecoetiquetes a nivell mundial, considerant 4 macroregions, ha permès caracteritzar les ecoetiquetes i determinar la situació actual dels serveis en l’ecoetiquetatge. Hi han variacions en el nombre de categories entre ecoetiquetes, i el percentatge de categories de serveis és, en general, reduït (8% de mitjana). Els subsectors serveis dominants són els d’Hosteleria, serveis de neteja i comerç. No hi ha cap experiència de certificació ambiental de serveis culturals, per tant, l’ecoetiquetatge de serveis culturals és un àmbit nou. El sistema d’estudi són 26 biblioteques de la província de Barcelona. L’aplicació del distintiu a aquestes s’ha dut a terme realitzant treball de camp a cadascuna per tal de determinar el seu estat ambiental. Posteriorment, s’han analitzat les dades per establir el grau de compliment de cadascuna. La majoria de les biblioteques (85%) compleixen més de la meitat dels criteris bàsics, i un 60% superen la puntuació mínima de compliment dels criteris opcionals. Els resultats obtinguts han permès avaluar la viabilitat de la implantació del distintiu, a través de l’anàlisi de cadascun dels seus criteris. Per tal de millorar les possibilitats d’èxit en la implantació del distintiu, s’han aportat un seguit de propostes a nivell individual i col·lectiu. S’ha realitzat una fitxa per a cadascuna de les 26 biblioteques, per tal d’orientar els gestors de les biblioteques en l’adopció de mesures per a l’acompliment dels criteris. També s’han inclòs propostes a l’avaluació dels criteris, dirigides als gestors del distintiu.
Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are frequently associated with epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT).The objective of this study was to detect EMT phenotype through Vimentin (VIM) and Slug expression in cytokeratin (CK)-negative CTCs in non-metastatic breast cancer patients and to determine the importance of EGFR in the EMT phenomenon. In CK-negative CTCs samples, both VIM and Slug markers were co-expressed in the most of patients. Among patients EGFR+, half of them were positive for these EMT markers. Furthermore, after a systemic treatment 68% of patients switched from CK- to CK+ CTCs. In our experimental model we found that activation of EGFR signaling by its ligand on MCF-7 cells is sufficient to increase EMT phenotypes, to inhibit apoptotic events and to induce the loss of CK expression. The simultaneous detection of both EGFR and EMT markers in CTCs may improve prognostic or predictive information in patients with operable breast cancer.
Si les particularités du haut potentiel intellectuel (HPI) et du trouble déficit d'attention avec/sans hyperactivité (TDA/H) sont largement décrites dans la littérature, les liens entre ces deux profils sont moins connus. Il est pourtant établi que HPI et TDA/H partagent des manifestations communes comme l'agitation, les difficultés scolaires ou les troubles du comportement. Cette similitude sémiologique est responsable de confusions, d'errance diagnostique, voire de choix thérapeutiques discutables. Et la mission du médecin devient même particulièrement délicate lorsqu'il s'agit d'envisager une éventuelle « co-morbidité ». La clinique nous apprend en effet que le HPI et le TDA/H peuvent cohabiter chez le même enfant. Ainsi, les identifier et les prendre en charge devient un exercice complexe mais indispensable, car l'approche et le soutien de ces enfants aux besoins particuliers est très différente selon les cas de figure.
Aquest article resumeix el desenvolupament del programa INTERREG i la cooperació a la frontera franc-britànica en els últims vint anys. Això és seguit per una anàlisi de la forma transfronterera cooperació pot entendre recorrent a les discussions conceptuals de canviar la governança europea i les relacions de poder entre els diferents nivells de govern. Aquestes idees conceptuals proporcionen un context per a un examen en profunditat de la iniciativa INTERREG IIIA, a la frontera franc-britànica que es destaquen alguns dels principals problemes i les contradiccions de la cooperació transfronterera.
T-cell based vaccines against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) generate specific responses that may limit both transmission and disease progression by controlling viral load. Broad, polyfunctional, and cytotoxic CD4+T-cell responses have been associated with control of simian immunodeficiency virus/HIV-1 replication, supporting the inclusion of CD4+ T-cell epitopes in vaccine formulations. Plasmid-encoded granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (pGM-CSF) co-administration has been shown to induce potent CD4+ T-cell responses and to promote accelerated priming and increased migration of antigen-specific CD4+ T-cells. However, no study has shown whether co-immunisation with pGM-CSF enhances the number of vaccine-induced polyfunctional CD4+ T-cells. Our group has previously developed a DNA vaccine encoding conserved, multiple human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR binding HIV-1 subtype B peptides, which elicited broad, polyfunctional and long-lived CD4+ T-cell responses. Here, we show that pGM-CSF co-immunisation improved both magnitude and quality of vaccine-induced T-cell responses, particularly by increasing proliferating CD4+ T-cells that produce simultaneously interferon-γ, tumour necrosis factor-α and interleukin-2. Thus, we believe that the use of pGM-CSF may be helpful for vaccine strategies focused on the activation of anti-HIV CD4+ T-cell immunity.
This study was conducted to analyse the course and the outcome of the liver disease in the co-infected animals in order to evaluate a possible synergic effect of human parvovirus B19 (B19V) and hepatitis A virus (HAV) co-infection. Nine adult cynomolgus monkeys were inoculated with serum obtained from a fatal case of B19V infection and/or a faecal suspension of acute HAV. The presence of specific antibodies to HAV and B19V, liver enzyme levels, viraemia, haematological changes, and necroinflammatory liver lesions were used for monitoring the infections. Seroconversion was confirmed in all infected groups. A similar pattern of B19V infection to human disease was observed, which was characterised by high and persistent viraemia in association with reticulocytopenia and mild to moderate anaemia during the period of investigation (59 days). Additionally, the intranuclear inclusion bodies were observed in pro-erythroblast cell from an infected cynomolgus and B19V Ag in hepatocytes. The erythroid hypoplasia and decrease in lymphocyte counts were more evident in the co-infected group. The present results demonstrated, for the first time, the susceptibility of cynomolgus to B19V infection, but it did not show a worsening of liver histopathology in the co-infected group.
Background: Protein calorie malnutrition as well as systemic inflammation and metabolic disorders are common among patients with chronic renal failure undergoing renal replacement therapy (haemodialysis), which contributes to its morbidity and mortality. Aims: The aims of this work was to evaluate the nutritional status of patients in a hemodialysis treatment through the assessment of biochemical parameters nutritional as albumin, and anthropometric parameters of body mass index during ten years of follow up. Methods: In this work has been followed 90 patients of both sexes with chronic kidney disease who were treated with hemodialysis regularly on our unit for ten years. All patients were conducted quarterly measurements of plasma albumin (Alb), and other biochemical determinations, and anthropometric measurements of height, weight and body mass index calculated by the formula weight/height², grouped n BMI < 23 kg/m2 and albumin levels <3.8 g/dl according to the consensus of the panel of experts of the International Society for renal Nutrition and metabolism. Results: During the 10 years all patients showed a significant decline in the biochemical parameters and the albumin, change in BMI does not presented significant changes in relation to malnutrition. Conclusions: Malnutrition in patients on dialysis is a fact patent, BMI does not correspond with the biochemical parameters were observed, for what nutritional impairment in these patients is mainly expressed by serum albumin.
Ces études, présentées au colloque qui s'est tenu à l'Université d'Orléans en novembre 2012, explorent l'évolution de la démonologie chrétienne à partir de la période scolastique. Comment cette nouvelle démonologie a-t-elle été adaptée dans des contextes tels que la magie démoniaque, la sorcellerie ou la possession? Peut-on définir les contours d'une anthropologie démoniaque, en prêtant attention aux interactions, psychiques et physiques, entre démons et êtres humains? Le nouveau statut des démons a trouvé sa traduction dans des thèses démonologiques dominantes qui entretiennent des liens étroits avec l'ensemble des traditions littéraires, didactiques, spirituelles et iconographiques du temps, à l'audience souvent plus large. Ce statut répond à des démonologies concurrentes, diffusées notamment dans le cadre de la magie rituelle. Le diable et les démons ont fait l'objet de discours rationnels qui embrassent l'ensemble de leurs actions sur les hommes et dans l'univers.
The aim of this working paper is to analyze the inclusion of political humor into the set of actions used by opponents to the Syrian regime during the first year of a state-wide uprising in 2011. The research argues that although political humor has traditionally been seen mainly as a concealed voice against dominant elites, it can nevertheless take a confrontational stance and challenge a regime. In this paper we assess the role of political humor in challenging the legitimacy of the Syrian State through the battle for the signification of events. We will work with a theoretical framework that draws its assumptions from social movements’ studies and cultural studies. Through the assessment of the importance of discourse and the role of ideological domination to a regime we will see how the first year of the Syrian uprising included widespread acts of political humor as part of the strategy against the regime.
O objetivo neste artigo é apresentar uma investigação das inter-relações entre as práticas religiosas, econômicas e políticas cunhadas pela Igreja Católica na ocasião da Festa do Jubileu do Bom Jesus, na cidade mineira de Congonhas do Campo. Pretende-se compreender melhor como ocorrem manipulações simbólicas entre o sagrado e o profano no interior das organizações. Assim, a partir de um estudo no contexto da Igreja Católica, visou-se trazer novos insights ao campo dos estudos organizacionais que tratam da esfera simbólica de forma geral. Optou-se por um estudo de caso qualitativo, de cunho exploratório-descritivo usando entrevistas e observações registradas em diário de campo. As entrevistas foram feitas com moradores da cidade, comerciantes e com o padre responsável pela paróquia. Para interpretação dos dados, utilizou-se a análise do discurso, situando o discurso como manifestação objetiva de um arcabouço histórico e ideológico. Nos resultados, aponta-se para uma dualidade entre sagrado e profano, emergindo a flexibilização de concepções religiosas dominantes para absorver práticas econômicas que financiem o capital religioso da referida igreja.
The Guelb Moghrein Fe oxide-Cu-Au-Co deposit is located at the western boundary of the West African craton in NW Mauritania. The wall rocks to the mineralization represent a meta-volcanosedimentary succession typical of Archaean greenstone belts. Two types of meta-volcanic rocks are distinguished: (1) volcanoclastic rocks of rhyodacite-dacite composition (Sainte Barbe volcanic unit), which form the stratigraphic base; (2) tholeiitic andesites-basalts (Akjoujt meta-basalt unit). The trace element signature of both types is characteristic of a volcanic arc setting. A small meta-pelitic division belongs to the Sainte Barbe volcanic unit. A meta-carbonate body, which contains the mineralization, forms a tectonic lens in the Akjoujt meta-basalt unit. It can be defined by the high X(mg) (=36) of Fe-Mg carbonate, the REE pattern and the delta(13)C values of -18 to -17 parts per thousand as a marine precipitate similar to Archaean banded iron formation (BIF). Additionally, small slices of Fe-Mg clinoamphibole-chlorite schist in the meta-carbonate show characteristics of marine shale. This assemblage, therefore, does not represent an alteration product, but represents an iron formation unit deposited on a continental shelf, which probably belongs to the Lembeitih Formation. The hydrothermal mineralization at 2492 Ma was contemporaneous with regional D(2) thrusting of the Sainte Barbe volcanic unit and imbrications of the meta-carbonate in the upper greenschist facies. This resulted in the formation of an ore breccia in the meta-carbonate, which is enriched in Fe, Ni, Co, Cu, Bi, Mo, As and Au. Massive sulphide ore breccia contains up to 20 wt% Cu. The ore fluid was aqueous-carbonic in nature and either changed its composition from a Mg-rich oxidizing to an Fe-rich reducing fluid or the two fluid types mixed at the trap site. All lithologies at Guelb Moghrein were deformed by D(3) thrusting to the east in the lower greenschist facies. The mobility of REE in the retrogressed rocks explains the formation of a second generation of hydrothermal monazite, which was dated at c. 1742 Ma. Archaean rocks of the West African craton extend to the west to Guelb Moghrein. The active continental margin was deformed and mineralized in the Late Archaean-Early Proterozoic and again reactivated in the Mid-Proterozoic and Westphalian, showing that the western boundary of the craton was reactivated several times.