881 resultados para lexical semantics
La literatura de expresión francesa constituye una herramienta pedagógica muy útil en clase FLE. Extractos de novelas magrebís de Tahar Ben Jelloun y africanas (senegalesas y camerunesas), han permitido obtener excelentes proporcionan notables resultados por sus características y por la oralidad. La literatura contribuye al enriquecimiento lexical y al estudio de la alteridad cultural. El análisis de la estructura narrativa muestra la estructura mental de los pueblos, así como una comprensión de sus reacciones y de su identidad.La littérature francophone constitue un outil pédagogique très utile en classe FLE. Des extraits de romans maghrébins de Tahar Ben Jelloun et africains (sénégalais et camerounais) se révelent très performants de par leurs caractéristiques propres et I'oralité. Elle contribue également a l'enrichissement du vocabulaire et a l'étude de l'altérité cuIturelle. L'analyse de la structure narrative permet de découvrir autant la structure mentale des peuples que de mieux comprendre leurs réactions et leur identité.
Thanks to the advanced technologies and social networks that allow the data to be widely shared among the Internet, there is an explosion of pervasive multimedia data, generating high demands of multimedia services and applications in various areas for people to easily access and manage multimedia data. Towards such demands, multimedia big data analysis has become an emerging hot topic in both industry and academia, which ranges from basic infrastructure, management, search, and mining to security, privacy, and applications. Within the scope of this dissertation, a multimedia big data analysis framework is proposed for semantic information management and retrieval with a focus on rare event detection in videos. The proposed framework is able to explore hidden semantic feature groups in multimedia data and incorporate temporal semantics, especially for video event detection. First, a hierarchical semantic data representation is presented to alleviate the semantic gap issue, and the Hidden Coherent Feature Group (HCFG) analysis method is proposed to capture the correlation between features and separate the original feature set into semantic groups, seamlessly integrating multimedia data in multiple modalities. Next, an Importance Factor based Temporal Multiple Correspondence Analysis (i.e., IF-TMCA) approach is presented for effective event detection. Specifically, the HCFG algorithm is integrated with the Hierarchical Information Gain Analysis (HIGA) method to generate the Importance Factor (IF) for producing the initial detection results. Then, the TMCA algorithm is proposed to efficiently incorporate temporal semantics for re-ranking and improving the final performance. At last, a sampling-based ensemble learning mechanism is applied to further accommodate the imbalanced datasets. In addition to the multimedia semantic representation and class imbalance problems, lack of organization is another critical issue for multimedia big data analysis. In this framework, an affinity propagation-based summarization method is also proposed to transform the unorganized data into a better structure with clean and well-organized information. The whole framework has been thoroughly evaluated across multiple domains, such as soccer goal event detection and disaster information management.
Semantics, knowledge and Grids represent three spaces where people interact, understand, learn and create. Grids represent the advanced cyber-infrastructures and evolution. Big data influence the evolution of semantics, knowledge and Grids. Exploring semantics, knowledge and Grids on big data helps accelerate the shift of scientific paradigm, the fourth industrial revolution, and the transformational innovation of technologies.
The work of Jorge Amado collects and processes relevant aspects of Brazilian miscegenation and allows discussion on various issues relating to the cultural productions of the country. If on the one hand the racial mixture can be seen as the result of an harmonious process, as is traditional Brazilian thought that comes from XVIII century, on the other hand it portrays the customs of Bahian society at different times, mixing the humorous tone to the optimistic view of the world. As for the miscegenation, reality of the Bahian people, as of all Brazil, can also be analyzed in their heterogeneity, for whom observes that, in the end, the crossing of economic, social and cultural boundaries have been, in many cases, quite problematic. The aim of this work is to make a journey into reality, past and present in Brazil, to understand the lexical regionalisms present in each work; it is important to understand the history of slavery, indigenous groups and the relation that the white man had with this world. All that enormous database of spoken language (a true linguistic laboratory) served and is serving to describe the Portuguese in Brazil in its regional, ethnic and social varieties. (Bagno, 2011: 104-105) I analyze here two works by Jorge Amado, Gabriela, Clove and Cinnamon: Chronicle of an Inner City and Tieta of Agreste, which constitute the corpus of this work, which will consist in detecting an extensive glossary and the collection thereof as well as paremiological regionalisms; phrases or expressions corresponding to a region and time of Brazil...
Examines the limitations of the dynamic theory of classification in accommodating the changes and rapid growth of new topics in the universe of knowledge. Change in an analytico-synthetic scheme for classification is much more a web of connections and mapping these changes is a complex process. Suggests that there is need for exploration of this complexity for both improving systems, and revisiting our theory.
El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar la existencia de la relación entre la atrofia cortical difusa objetivada por neuroimagenes cerebrales y desempeños cognitivos determinados mediante la aplicación de pruebas neuropsicológicas que evalúan memoria de trabajo, razonamiento simbólico verbal y memoria anterógrada declarativa. Participaron 114 sujetos reclutados en el Hospital Universitario Mayor Méderi de la ciudad de Bogotá mediante muestreo de conveniencia. Los resultados arrojaron diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos (pacientes con diagnóstico de atrofia cortical difusa y pacientes con neuroimagenes interpretadas como dentro de los límites normales) en todas las pruebas neuropsicológicas aplicadas. Respecto a las variables demográficas se pudo observar que el grado de escolaridad contribuye como factor neuroprotector de un posible deterioro cognitivo. Tales hallazgos son importantes para determinar protocoles tempranos de detección de posible instalación de enfermedades neurodegenerativas primarias.
Nesse artigo pretendemos demonstrar a maneira como o viajante italiano Antonio Pigafetta descreveu as coisas e as realidades com as quais se deparou na primeira viagem ao redor do mundo, acompanhando a armada de Fernão de Magalhães. O diário da viagem de Pigafetta contém a descrição de objetos, fauna, flora, culturas que eram até então desconhecidas ao europeu: desse modo a descrição da coisa contém especificações tais que constituem por si só um enunciado enciclopédico. Para o viajante italiano não importa o referente linguístico, a palavra, mas sim todos os processos discursivos que a contém: a forma, o sabor, o aspecto, o uso, etc., de modo que o seu leitor possa visualizar, comparar, e até mesmo sentir a ‘coisa’ descrita. Como afirma Nunes (1997, p.16): “Nos relatos dos viajantes [...] temos um desencadeamento de processos de referências, dos quais resulta uma espécie de sintonização da relação entre palavras e coisas, incluindo-se aí mecanismos de nomeação, de tradução, de identificação, que se inserem nas formas narrativas, descritivas e dialogais dos relatos.” Percebe-se que o significado da unidade lexical é explicitado mediante um percurso semasiológico que marca uma forte relação entre o conhecimento de mundo do viajante e o sujeito que o interpreta.
this paper discusses the interpretation of expressions ‘pouco’ (‘few’) and ‘um pouco’ (‘a few/little’) from a referential approach of meaning (CHIERCHIA, 2003; among others). First, we aim to describe their syntactic and semantic behavior. After that, we search for the appropriate semantics to be attributed to ‘pouco’, which operates both on the domain of individuals and on the degree domain. In spite of this, there is a general operation that this modifier does (GUIMARÃES, 2007). We propose a semantics for ‘pouco’ which incorporates two aspects already seen in the literature: the value judgment, and the intuition that it means something like ‘less than a contextual standard’. To ‘um pouco’ we advocate a compositional approach.
It is a fact that the study and the correct application of the rules of Portuguese grammar are necessary for the issuer to communicate adequately in most discursive genres. However this same grammar imposes certain rules that now left to be used due to historical developments that pervade any language, now began to be employed so not always equal to those advocated by the normative grammar. Wherefore to understand situations which are not justified by traditional grammar, theories that are sought to assist this understanding. The current adopted will be the Functionalism, which promotes linguistic analysis beyond established by normative grammar, it covers other aspects not considered by her. Looking enlarger the discussions about the different uses, this study is aimed at ascertaining what is mentioned by the normative and functionalists studies with respect to the word logo, traditionally defined as a coordinating conjunction conclusive. Furthermore, we seek to show the process of grammaticalization whereby the term came and expose the different semantic relations that he can express in language use. To prove this, was used everyday examples, took out from media texts, such as magazine Isto É and the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo.
This article focuses on one of the aspects treated in the project Linguistic Atlas of Brazil (ALiB Project) – the teaching of Brazilian Portuguese language. Therefore, this paper investigates how individuals’ language presents specific linguistic marks that construct, maintain and project the diversity in the questionnaire of the ALiB Project, based on the use of the linguistic variation. Thereby, it deals with the importance of linguistic atlas for the education process, highlighting the publication of some Brazilian regional atlas and the linguistic atlas of Brazil. Thus, it discusses the relevant contribution of these works to the knowledge of the linguistic reality in Brazil, as the atlas can optimize and motivate classroom activities and they can also be explored by other subjects of school curriculum. The methodology used was based on the performance of the following stages: 1) reading of the theoretical texts related to the proposed theme; 2) choice and formation of the corpus, made up of inquests of the ALiB Project in different capitals; 3) analysis of the corpus in order to verify linguistic marks that transmit the construction, projection and maintenance of the linguistic variation. The analyses of the selected inquiries try to study variation and its relationship to education by the informers from different age-groups in the different capitals of the country. The analysis of the corpus enabled the realization of register and documentation of lexical diversity of Portuguese language spoken in Brazil, according to the principles of the modern Pluridimensional Geolinguistics, in which the register follows specific parameters.
This paper examines the perception of the characteristics of a set of Textual Genres based on Linguistic Analysis, drawing on a Textual Linguistics investigation and offering Semantics considerations as support. This is an attempt to show how relevant semantic investigations are to extend a perception on the characteristics of Textual Genres, without excluding pragmatic and discourse elements. The texts analyzed in this study were taken from a questionnaire designed to assess freshman and senior university students from courses of Bachelor of Arts in Language, in terms of knowledge about different Textual Genres and their characteristics. The analyses focus on the semantic elements that act in respect of question and answer in the questionnaire, and which include: A Semantics-Pragmatics interface, the considerations of the propositional calculus, the theories of tense and aspect of verbal and semantic primitives. On these terms, it is set a relationship between the cognitive mechanisms that operate in the production and reception of texts and a look at the functions that organize semantic text processing. The main analysis in this paper will concern the interface of Textual Linguistics, from authors as Beaugrande and Dressler (1981) and Adam (2011), with Semantic investigations in terms of meaning processing.
This article aims at analyzing the lexical maps of three linguistic atlases from Paraná: two related to the city of Londrina (AGUILERA, 1987 and ROMANO, 2012) and one related to the State of Paraná, the Linguistic Atlas of Paraná (AGUILERA, 1994), concerning the variants for espadrilles. As these are popular shoes that are falling out of use in Paraná, with this work our objective is to verify and discuss: (i) by means of real time and apparent time research (LABOV, 1996 [1972]), in two synchronies, the changes and resistances of the lexical units in the speech of people from Londrina; (ii) the lexical collection found in the three atlases and its dicionarization; (iii) how the creation of popular forms to name such popular shoes at the beginning of the colonization in the north of Paraná happens
Some prepositions are in the process of grammaticalization, especially the preposition "de" (of), which, in general, no longer presents its lexical meaning so apparently, showing its grammatical character of connection between words, phrases or clauses. This process involves the metaphorical use of the prepositions, that starts from a spatial imagination scheme and, in many cases, it advances until the original sense of a preposition is not recognized anymore. KEYWORDS: Grammaticalization; Prepositions; Metaphorical use.
ABSTRACT: The “azure jay” and the “pine tree” are among the most acknowledged representative symbols from Parana State in Brazil. They have been referenced by many different kinds of artistic expressions, such as theater, poetry and music. Along the years the tales about these cultural images have inspired regional and nationally recognized poets, writers and composers. In this perspective, considering the importance of these local symbols, this paper aims to verify how distinct kinds of artistic production, such as literary and musical works, depict these acknowledged symbols. So, as corpus to this research we took three texts. The first one is the song Gralha azul (1968), composed by Inami Custódio Pinto, which is considered one of the most outstanding songs of the cultural repertoire from Parana State. The second one is the poem Araucária (1999), by Helena Kolody. The third one is A lenda do pinheiro e a gralha azul (1972), which is in the first publication about blue azure jay’s tales, the book A sombra dos pinheirais (1925), by Eurico Branco Ribeiro. We analyze some lexical units such as “azure jay”, “pine tree” and “pinion”, trying to describe their meanings conveyed by the selected artistic work. The theoretical basis that guides this work are the Lexicology and Lexicography studies (BIDERMAN, 2001a, 2001b, 2001c), discussing the existing relation between lexicon, society and culture. KEYWORDS: Lexicon; Symbols of Parana; Culture of Parana.
No presente estudo investigamos o fenômeno de priming sintático – ou seja, a facilitação do processamento linguístico de uma estrutura sintática pela exposição prévia à estrutura semelhante – nos níveis intra e translinguístico, em bilíngues de português brasileiro (PB)-francês, durante a compreensão de sentenças. Participaram do estudo 15 adultos, falantes nativos do português brasileiro que tinham francês como segunda língua em nível intermediário. Os efeitos de priming sintático foram obtidos através de um experimento comportamental que consistiu em uma tarefa de leitura auto-monitorada. Os resultados apontaram para o aparecimento de efeitos de priming sintático no nível intralinguístico (em francês como L2), mas não no translinguístico. Tais efeitos se mostraram dependentes da repetição do verbo principal da sentença. Esses resultados foram interpretados como evidência de que os efeitos de priming sintático no nível intralinguístico em L2 são lexicalmente dependentes, dando suporte à visão de abordagens lexicalistas, em que a informação necessária para o processamento sintático está localizada nos frames sintáticos armazenados no léxico mental. Quanto ao nível translinguístico, nossos resultados sugerem a separação dos sistemas sintáticos das duas línguas.