984 resultados para investigative interviewers


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This research investigated the impact of different types of leading questions on the memory and recall abilities of mainstream children and children with an intellectual disability. The results of this research have applications for investigative interview training and other professionals who interview children about their experiences.


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Anthology is a site sympathetic theatrical journey through Westlake, now known as Stirling Park – Ngunawal land, a traditional pathway and the site of one of the camps created to house the workers building the new city of Canberra. These families lived at Westlake for 50 years until the 1960’s when the families were relocated, the houses sold and removed. Westlake is now parkland (and prime real estate), nestled between the lake and the Embassies of Yarralumla. Central to the interconnected web of my PhD research, the opportunity to collaborate with Pip Buining to devise and install Anthology provides a rich, investigative environment to examine post-traumatic representation in contemporary Australian culture. The project, even in its early stages, promises to allude to the power of immersive, site-sympathetic performance as a regenerative force in the 21st century.

This paper draws upon Mary Zimmerman’s notion of An Archeology of Performance. What lies in wait for artists in sites, in places…to be uncovered…with its final form revealed through careful excavation? The Anthology Project aims to centralise memory, rituals of remembrance and the importance of place as vital to the restoration and regeneration of community through processing and transcending both personal and cultural trauma.

Ex-resident Ann Gugler, moved to Westlake with her family when she was 4 and has worked tirelessly to collect the stories of the Westlake children and document the existence of the ‘vanished suburb’. In Ann Gugler’s own words, “When one is forgotten, one ceases to exist” and the act of restorative remembering through contemporary performance strives to return some balance to the lives of the past residents as well as a new perspective for the current community and their relationship to the imprint of history embedded in the site.


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The purpose of this paper is to explore police officers’ perceptions of the challenges and work stressors of working in Internet Child Exploitation (ICE) investigation.

Participants were a heterogeneous sample of 32 ICE investigators across nine Australian jurisdictions. Officers’ perceptions of ICE work were elicited via individual, open-ended, anonymous, telephone interviews, which focused on both the nature and impact of work-related stressors and challenges.

Thematic analysis revealed that viewing ICE material was not perceived to be a major stressor or particularly traumatic facet of ICE investigation. Rather, the challenges related to three areas; work relationships, workload and resources and the physical environment. Participants also suggested some improvements to their work environment which could reduce the impact of these challenges.

Practical implications
The stressors identified by ICE investigators in this study place physical, psychological and social restrictions on investigative capacity. Modifications to the workplace environment that facilitate more effective professional collaboration, reduce workload and enhance investigator efficiency and functionality of the physical work environment would likely reduce the potential for harm associated with ICE investigation and improve ICE investigators’ capacity to perform their role.


This is the first study to use a broad research framework to examine the full range of stressors that ICE investigators face (both organisational and operational). The findings are important for developing comprehensive theories regarding workplace traumatisation as well as holistic intervention models to assist the prevention and management of stress related to ICE investigation.


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 Child sexual abuse cases are often not prosecuted because of poor evidential quality of the visually recorded investigative interview. This thesis examined prosecutors’ perceptions of interviews and took a constructive approach to determine how the evidential quality and usefulness of interviews could be improved.


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This edited volume reviews the latest research on investigative interviewing in order to provide insights on the psychological processes of the person being interviewed as well as to offer guidelines for conducting credible and useful ...


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Ground rules, also called interview instructions, are included in investigative interviews with children around the world. These rules aim to manage the expectations of children who are typically unaccustomed to being questioned by adults who are naïve to the children's experiences. Although analog research has examined the efficacy of ground rules instruction, a systematic analysis of children's ability to respond appropriately to each of the rules has not been reported. In the current study, we scored the accuracy of children's (N = 501, 4 to 12 years) responses to 5 ground rules practice questions (e.g., "What is my dog's name?") and 2 questions that asked whether they would follow the rules, and then assigned inaccurate responses to 1 of several error categories. Few children answered every question correctly, but their performance on individual questions was encouraging. As expected, there were marked differences in children's understanding across ground rules questions (especially among the younger children), with "Don't guess" and "Tell the truth" rules being the easiest to comprehend. Together with evidence that ground rules instruction takes little time to deliver (typically 2 to 4 min) and is associated with improved accuracy in previous research, these findings support the use of ground rules in investigative interviews of children 4 years and older.


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In this illustrative case study we examine the three forensic interviews of a girl who experienced repeated sexual abuse from ages 7 to 11. She disclosed the abuse after watching a serialized television show that contained a storyline similar to her own experience. This triggered an investigation that ended in successful prosecution of the offender. Because this case involved abuse that was repeated on a weekly basis for 4 years we thus investigated the degree to which the child's narrative reflected specific episodes or generic accounts, and both the interviewer's and child's attempts to elicit and provide, respectively, specific details across the 3 interviews collected in a 1 month period. Across the 3 interviews, the child's account was largely generic, yet on a number of occasions she provided details specific to individual incidents (episodic leads) that could have been probed further. As predicted: earlier interviews were characterized more by episodic than generic prompts and the reverse was true for the third interview; the child often responded using the same style of language (episodic or generic) as the interviewer; and open questions yielded narrative information. We discuss the importance of adopting children's words to specify occurrences, and the potential benefits of permitting generic recall in investigative interviews on children's ability to provide episodic leads. Despite the fact that the testimony was characterized by generic information about what usually happened, rather than specific episodic details about individual occurrences, this case resulted in successful prosecution.


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Vulnerable witnesses (e.g. children and adults with communication impairment) face many barriers to testifying and achieving justice when participating in the criminal justice system. To date, reforms have been implemented in Australia to address these, yet the barriers remain. Several other countries have implemented an intermediary scheme, whereby an independent third party assists vulnerable witnesses to understand the questions and processes encountered during interviews and trials, and helps witnesses to be understood. This study provides a qualitative analysis of stakeholders' (N = 25 professionals) perceptions regarding the potential benefits of implementing an intermediary scheme in Australia. While all participants demonstrated an open-minded attitude to new reform in this area, their perspectives did not support the introduction of an intermediary scheme at this time. Stakeholders highlighted the need for improved use and effectiveness of current measures, and expressed concern about adding further complication to the system.


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Between 1999 and 2002, the Australian Wheat Board (AWB) was involved in an elaborate bribery, or 'kickback', scheme involving the illicit payment of A$300 million to the Iraq government for supposed 'transportation fees' that were funnelled to the Saddam Hussein regime. This was clearly in breach of the United Nations trade sanctions and was apparently perpetrated by the AWB to secure continued sales with the lucrative Iraqi market. This paper aims to gain further insight into how a corporate culture can lead to greed, corruption and deception. Specifically, this study aims to add to the literature by analysing, using Schein's (1997, 2004) theoretical framework, a case on the development of a corrupt corporate culture. Content analysis of official investigative reports and other published documents is used to determine the extent to which the AWB's corporate culture and leadership may have influenced the behaviour of senior managers. The findings indicate that the culture within the AWB fostered an environment in which senior managers placed sales and profits above the sanctions clearly enunciated by the United Nations.


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Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI) is a type of nodular, ductile cast iron subjected to heat treatments-austenitising and austempering. Whilst machining is conducted prior to heat treatment and offers no significant difficulty, machining post heat treatment is demanding and often avoided. Phase transformation of retained austenite to martensite leading to poor machinability characteristics is a common problem experienced during machining. Study of phase transformations is an investigative study on the factors-plastic strain (εp) and thermal energy (Q) which effect phase transformations during machining. The experimental design consists of face milling grade 1200 at variable Depth of Cut (DoC) range from 1 to 4 mm, coolant on/off, at constant speed, 1992 rpm and feed rate, 0.1 mm/tooth. Plastic strain (εp) and martensite content (M) at fracture point for each grade was evaluated by tensile testing. The effect of thermal energy (Q) on phase transformations was also verified through temperature measurements at DoC 3 and 1 mm using thermocouples embedded into the workpiece. Finally, the amount of plastic strain (εp) and thermal energy (Q) responsible for a given martensite increase (M) during milling was related and calculated using a mathematical function, M=f (εp, Q). The future work of the thesis involves an in-depth study on the new link discovered through this research: mathematical model relating the role of plastic strain and thermal energy in martensite formation.


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Limited evidence in domestic violence prosecutions is a persistent problem. Focus groups with 13 prosecutors from across Australia and New Zealand were used to explore how to improve the quality of evidence collected and presented in these cases. A thematic analysis identified three main strategies: improving the quality of investigations by initial police responders, supporting the complainant and tailoring the trial process to the domestic violence context. The most discussed strategy within these categories has previously received little attention– police video recording the complainant's initial account and using that video as the basis for the complainant's courtroom testimony.


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Esta dissertação discute a leitura de textos imagéticos a partir da perspectiva da educação e da semiótica visual, tratando das articulações e relações entre os elementos constitutivos da imagem em livros de literatura infantil sem texto verbal. A investigação busca revelar, na complexidade das relações existentes entre elementos estruturantes das imagens nos livros O caminho do caracol e Cena de rua, o sentido que se inscreve no texto e a possibilidade da sua leitura no meio escolar. As obras literárias para a infância veiculam a linguagem visual em junção com a verbal e propiciam experiências sensíveis e inteligíveis. A partir da teoria semiótica greimasiana, aplicando instrumentos de análise do percurso gerativo de sentido, a pesquisa demonstra que o texto imagético é estruturado por diferentes níveis de complexidade, impondo um modo de ler específico. A identificação, descrição, classificação, bem como as relações entre as categorias, nas suas dimensões cromática, eidética e topológica, levam à constatação que as qualidades plásticas da imagem organizam sistemas de linguagem, reunindo solidariamente o plano da expressão e do conteúdo, criam estruturas e geram efeitos de sentido. A imagem, então, constitui-se como objeto de significação e a ilustração presente no livro de literatura infantil, ao ser tratada como texto lisível, torna-se objeto de leitura. A complexidade desse tipo de texto aponta a necessidade da formação específica de professores para explorar a leitura escolar das linguagens visuais.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar como vivem os executivos expatriados e suas famílias no Brasil. Desenvolvemos: a) um arcabouço teórico baseado em Administração Intercultural, especialmente estudos europeus; b) pesquisa empírica com franceses em São Paulo. Utilizamos a etnometodologia como referência básica para investigação do cotidiano e buscamos verificar os aspectos da cultura brasileira que são mais fáceis e mais difíceis de serem vividos; também discutimos de que forma as empresas poderiam ter facilitado o processo de adaptação dessas pessoas no Brasil.