777 resultados para graduate knowledge and skills


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The needs of students engaged in enterprise education programs are of ever growing importance. This paper considers the pedagogical challenges that confront the designers of such-programs. It is argued that it is the designer's mindset that will most likely determine the program's outcomes. That, regardless of where such programs reside, their development should be guided by a learner-centred approach. The recently developed hic et nunc framework, provides an example of such a student-centred approach. The process through which student learning outcomes occur is argued to be essentially Darwinian in nature. Taking into account both knowledge and skills, it is also argued that assessment of desirable learning outcomes should occur in visible interaction spaces. That the failure to eliminate invisible interaction spaces from such programs is an invitation for criticism from those who favour a more traditional lecturer-centred approach to teaching and learning.


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This commentary was stimulated by Yeping Li's first editorial (2014) citing one of the journal's goals as adding multidisciplinary perspectives to current studies of single disciplines comprising the focus of other journals. In this commentary I argue for a greater focus on STEM integration, with a more equitable representation of the four disciplines in studies purporting to advance STEM learning. The STEM acronym is often used in reference to just one of the disciplines, commonly science. Although the integration of STEM disciplines is increasingly advocated in the literature, studies that address multiple disciplines appear scant with mixed findings and inadequate directions for STEM advancement. Perspectives on how discipline integration can be achieved are varied, with reference to multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary approaches adding to the debates. Such approaches include core concepts and skills being taught separately in each discipline but housed within a common theme; the introduction of closely linked concepts and skills from two or more disciplines with the aim of deepening understanding and skills; and the adoption of a transdisciplinary approach, where knowledge and skills from two or more disciplines are applied to real-world problems and projects with the aim of shaping the total learning experience. Research that targets STEM integration is an embryonic field with respect to advancing curriculum development and various student outcomes. For example, we still need more studies on how student learning outcomes arise not only from different forms of STEM integration but also from the particular disciplines that are being integrated. As noted in this commentary, it seems that mathematics learning benefits less than the other disciplines in programs claiming to focus on STEM integration. Factors contributing to this finding warrant more scrutiny. Likewise, learning outcomes for engineering within K-12 integrated STEM programs appear under-researched. This commentary advocates a greater focus on these two disciplines within integrated STEM education research. Drawing on recommendations from the literature, suggestions are offered for addressing the challenges of integrating multiple disciplines faced by the STEM community.


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Field placements provide social work students with the opportunity to integrate their classroom learning with the knowledge and skills used in various human service programs. The supervision structure that has most commonly been used is the intensive one-to-one, clinical teaching model. However, this model is being challenged by significant changes in educational and industry sectors, which have led to an increased use of alternative fieldwork structures and supervision arrangements, including task supervision, group supervision, external supervision, and shared supervisory arrangements. This study focuses on identifying models of supervision and student satisfaction with their learning experiences and the supervision received on placement. The study analysed responses to a questionnaire administered to 263 undergraduate social work students enrolled in three different campuses in Australia after they had completed their first or final field placement. The study identified that just over half of the placements used the traditional one student to one social work supervisor model. A number of “emerging” models were also identified, where two or more social workers were involved in the professional supervision of the student. High levels of dissatisfaction were reported by those students who received external social work supervision. Results suggest that students are more satisfied across all aspects of the placement where there is a strong on-site social work presence.


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Field placements provide social work students with the opportunity to integrate their classroom learning with the knowledge and skills used in various human service programs. The supervision structure that has most commonly been used is the intensive one-to-one, clinical teaching model. However, this model is being challenged by significant changes in educational and industry sectors, which have led to an increased use of alternative fieldwork structures and supervision arrangements, including task supervision, group supervision, external supervision, and shared supervisory arrangements. This study focuses on identifying models of supervision and student satisfaction with their learning experiences and the supervision received on placement. The study analysed responses to a questionnaire administered to 263 undergraduate social work students enrolled in three different campuses in Australia after they had completed their first or final field placement. The study identified that just over half of the placements used the traditional one student to one social work supervisor model. A number of “emerging” models were also identified, where two or more social workers were involved in the professional supervision of the student. High levels of dissatisfaction were reported by those students who received external social work supervision. Results suggest that students are more satisfied across all aspects of the placement where there is a strong on-site social work presence.


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Farmaseuttisilla palveluilla tarkoitetaan apteekkien palveluita, joissa hyödynnetään apteekin farmaseuttisen henkilökunnan tietoja ja taitoja. Farmaseuttiset palvelut voidaan jakaa farmaseuttisiin perus- ja erityispalveluihin. Farmaseuttiset peruspalvelut kattavat apteekkien lakisääteiset tehtävät, kun taas farmaseuttisilla erityispalveluilla pyritään ottamaan aktiivisempi rooli asiakkaan terveyden edistämisessä. Koneellinen annosjakelupalvelu on farmaseuttinen erityispalvelu. Koneellisessa annosjakelupalvelussa lääkkeet jaetaan kerta-annospusseihin annostusajankohdan mukaan. Kun uusi asiakas aloittaa koneellinen annosjakelupalvelun, tarkistetaan asiakkaan lääkitys yhteensopimattomien ja turhien lääkkeiden osalta. Palvelun aloitushetkellä huomioidaan myös lääkevalmisteiden sopivuus koneelliseen annosjakeluun sekä tarkistetaan valmisteiden annosteluajankohdat. Koneellisessa annosjakelupalvelussa asiakkaan lääkehoidosta muodostetaan lääkityskortti, josta kokonaislääkehoito on helppo tarkistaa. Erikoistyön tavoitteena oli selvittää millainen lääkehoidon arviointi tai tarkistus koneellisen annosjakelupalvelun aloittamisen yhteydessä tehdään ja miten palvelun aloittavien asiakkaiden kokonaislääkehoitotieto saadaan selvitettyä. Lisäksi selvitettiin millaisia muutoksia lääkehoitoihin tehdään palvelun aloittamisen yhteydessä, mitkä ovat muutosten syyt sekä millainen on asiakkaan kokonaislääkehoito. Kyselylomake lähetettiin kaikkiin apteekkeihin, jotka tilasivat koneellista annosjakelua sopimusvalmistuksena Espoonlahden apteekilta syyskuussa 2010. Tutkimus suoritettiin semistrukturoidulla kirjallisella kyselyllä, joka sisälsi sekä avoimia kysymyksiä että monivalintakysymyksiä. Kyselyyn saatiin 147 vastausta ja vastausprosentiksi muodostui 45. Vastauksia kyselyyn saatiin koko Mannersuomen alueelta ja kaikkien kokoluokkien apteekeilta. Koneellisen annosjakelupalvelun aloittavat henkilöt ovat pääasiassa iäkkäitä, jotka ovat kotihoidon piirissä, asuvat hoitokodissa tai palveluasumisen yksikössä. Asiakkaiden lääkitystietojen keräämisessä hyödynnetään lääkityskorttia, mutta lääkityskortin tietoja päivitetään myös muista lähteistä. Asiakkaiden lääkityksille tehdään useimmiten lääkehoidon tarkistus moniammatillisena yhteistyönä. Lääkehoidolle tehdyt muutokset johtuvat pääasiassa lääkevaihdosta, annosjakelukoneen lääkevalikoimasta tai puolittamisen välttämisestä. Lääkehoidoissa on vain vähän yhteisvaikutuksia, jotka johtavat lääkevalmisteen käytön lopettamiseen. Lääkehoidon tarkistuksella ei ollut suurta vaikutusta asiakkaiden käyttämien lääkevalmisteiden määrään. Palvelun aloittamisen jälkeen asiakkaalla on käytössään keskimäärin 11 lääkevalmistetta, joista seitsemää jaellaan koneellisesti. Lääkeaineryhmistä eniten käytettyjä ovat hermostoon vaikuttavat sekä sydän- ja verisuonisairauksien lääkkeet, joita kumpaakin on käytössä keskimäärin kolme jokaisella uudella koneellisen annosjakelupalvelun asiakkaalla sekä palvelun aloittamista ennen että sen jälkeen.


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Conservation of natural resources through sustainable ecosystem management and development is the key to our secured future. The management of ecosystem involves inventorying and monitoring, and applying integrated technologies, methodologies and interdisciplinary approaches for its conservation. Hence, now it is even more critical than ever before for the humans to be environmentally literate. To realise this vision, both ecological and environmental education must become a fundamental part of the education system at all levels of education. Currently, it is even more critical than ever before for the humankind as a whole to have a clear understanding of environmental concerns and to follow sustainable development practices. The degradation of our environment is linked to continuing problems of pollution, loss of forest, solid waste disposal, and issues related to economic productivity and national as well as ecological security. Environmental management has gained momentum in the recent years with the initiatives focussing on managing environmental hazards and preventing possible disasters. Environmental issues make better sense, when one can understand them in the context of one’s own cognitive sphere. Environmental education focusing on real-world contexts and issues often begins close to home, encouraging learners to understand and forge connections with their immediate surroundings. The awareness, knowledge, and skills needed for these local connections and understandings provide a base for moving out into larger systems, broader issues, and a more sophisticated comprehension of causes, connections, and consequences. Environmental Education Programme at CES in collaboration with Karnataka Environment Research Foundation (KERF) referred as ‘Know your Ecosystem’ focuses on the importance of investigating the ecosystems within the context of human influences, incorporating an examination of ecology, economics, culture, political structure, and social equity as well as natural processes and systems. The ultimate goal of environment education is to develop an environmentally literate public. It needs to address the connection between our conception and practice of education and our relationship as human cultures to life-sustaining ecological systems. For each environmental issue there are many perspectives and much uncertainty. Environmental education cultivates the ability to recognise uncertainty, envision alternative scenarios, and adapt to changing conditions and information. These knowledge, skills, and mindset translate into a citizenry who is better equipped to address its common problems and take advantage of opportunities, whether environmental concerns are involved or not.


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Conservation of natural resources through sustainable ecosystem management and development is the key to our secured future. The management of ecosystem involves inventorying and monitoring, and applying integrated technologies, methodologies and interdisciplinary approaches for its conservation. Hence, now it is even more critical than ever before for the humans to be environmentally literate. To realise this vision, both ecological and environmental education must become a fundamental part of the education system at all levels of education. Currently, it is even more critical than ever before for the humankind as a whole to have a clear understanding of environmental concerns and to follow sustainable development practices. The degradation of our environment is linked to continuing problems of pollution, loss of forest, solid waste disposal, and issues related to economic productivity and national as well as ecological security. Environmental management has gained momentum in the recent years with the initiatives focussing on managing environmental hazards and preventing possible disasters. Environmental issues make better sense, when one can understand them in the context of one’s own cognitive sphere. Environmental education focusing on real-world contexts and issues often begins close to home, encouraging learners to understand and forge connections with their immediate surroundings. The awareness, knowledge, and skills needed for these local connections and understandings provide a base for moving out into larger systems, broader issues, and a more sophisticated comprehension of causes, connections, and consequences. Environmental Education Programme at CES in collaboration with Karnataka Environment Research Foundation (KERF) referred as ‘Know your Ecosystem’ focuses on the importance of investigating the ecosystems within the context of human influences, incorporating an examination of ecology, economics, culture, political structure, and social equity as well as natural processes and systems. The ultimate goal of environment education is to develop an environmentally literate public. It needs to address the connection between our conception and practice of education and our relationship as human cultures to life-sustaining ecological systems. For each environmental issue there are many perspectives and much uncertainty. Environmental education cultivates the ability to recognise uncertainty, envision alternative scenarios, and adapt to changing conditions and information. These knowledge, skills, and mindset translate into a citizenry who is better equipped to address its common problems and take advantage of opportunities, whether environmental concerns are involved or not.


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Conservation of natural resources through sustainable ecosystem management and development is the key to our secured future. The management of ecosystem involves inventorying and monitoring, and applying integrated technologies, methodologies and interdisciplinary approaches for its conservation. Hence, now it is even more critical than ever before for the humans to be environmentally literate. To realise this vision, both ecological and environmental education must become a fundamental part of the education system at all levels of education. Currently, it is even more critical than ever before for the humankind as a whole to have a clear understanding of environmental concerns and to follow sustainable development practices. The degradation of our environment is linked to continuing problems of pollution, loss of forest, solid waste disposal, and issues related to economic productivity and national as well as ecological security. Environmental management has gained momentum in the recent years with the initiatives focussing on managing environmental hazards and preventing possible disasters. Environmental issues make better sense, when one can understand them in the context of one’s own cognitive sphere. Environmental education focusing on real-world contexts and issues often begins close to home, encouraging learners to understand and forge connections with their immediate surroundings. The awareness, knowledge, and skills needed for these local connections and understandings provide a base for moving out into larger systems, broader issues, and a more sophisticated comprehension of causes, connections, and consequences. Environmental Education Programme at CES in collaboration with Karnataka Environment Research Foundation (KERF) referred as ‘Know your Ecosystem’ focuses on the importance of investigating the ecosystems within the context of human influences, incorporating an examination of ecology, economics, culture, political structure, and social equity as well as natural processes and systems. The ultimate goal of environment education is to develop an environmentally literate public. It needs to address the connection between our conception and practice of education and our relationship as human cultures to life-sustaining ecological systems. For each environmental issue there are many perspectives and much uncertainty. Environmental education cultivates the ability to recognise uncertainty, envision alternative scenarios, and adapt to changing conditions and information. These knowledge, skills, and mindset translate into a citizenry who is better equipped to address its common problems and take advantage of opportunities, whether environmental concerns are involved or not.


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[Es]Introducción: actualmente, en servicios como UCIs, quirófanos y Urgencias cada vez es más común el empleo de CVCS y PICC. Ambos están asociados a graves complicaciones como CLABSI, TVP, EP, arritmia, etc. Dado que la enfermería juega un papel importante tanto en la inserción de estos dispositivos, como en el mantenimiento y prevención de las adversidades, es necesario poseer los conocimientos y habilidades adecuados para su afrontamiento. Objetivo y metodología: determinar cuál de los dos supone menor riesgo de complicaciones en pacientes críticos mediante la evidencia científica y utilizando la EBE. Para ello se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica de estudios encontrados en bases de datos como Pubmed, Cochrane y Cinhal mediante la combinación de términos MeSH y palabras clave con operadores booleanos. Resultados y discusión: se han incluido en total 13 publicaciones (6 RS, 4 estudios de cohorte, 1 ECA y 2 GPC), de las cuales 3 poseen calidad alta, 3 media y 5 baja. Tanto los PICC como los CVCS implican diversas complicaciones, divididas en infecciosas, trombo-embolicas y mecánicas/otras. Existe insuficiente evidencia científica y gran heterogeneidad entre los artículos, lo que dificulta su extrapolación. Conclusiones: en pacientes críticos los PICC poseen mayor riesgo de TVP, los CVCS de complicaciones mecánicas, y ambos presentan tasas similares de CLABSI. Es importante escoger de forma individualizada el catéter a implantar, estimando los riesgos-beneficios de cada uno. Los cuidados preventivos son fundamentales en la reducción de estas contingencias. Son necesarios más estudios prospectivos comparativos.


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A teoria do capital humano preconiza que o conjunto de habilidades, conhecimento e aptidões contribuem para o aumento da produtividade, que por sua vez, aumenta a renda dos indivíduos, possibilitando uma melhora no nível de qualidade de vida e nas oportunidades profissionais e sociais. Uma forma de potencializar os investimentos realizados em desenvolvimento humano é o próprio investimento em desenvolvimento infantil. Devido ao reconhecimento da importância que a educação e saúde infantil têm para o crescimento econômico dos países, a literatura que trata desses temas já é bastante ampla. Com base nesse reconhecimento, buscamos avaliar o impacto que o desenvolvimento infantil tem na educação primária. Para tanto, foram utilizados modelos de fronteira estocástica com o auxílio do programa R, no qual as variáveis independentes representam o desenvolvimento infantil, as variáveis dependentes, a educação primária e as unidades tomadoras de decisão são os Estados brasileiros.


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The state of Assam in northeastern India has an excellent sub-tropical climate for the development of fresh water fish culture in a variety of aquatic bodies. Aquaculture not only plays an important role in nutrition but also in the rural economy of the State. A pilot project conducted with a group of resource poor tribal farmers revealed that a production of about 1 800 kg/ha/yr could be achieved from small seasonal homestead ponds through integrated use of locally available biological resources. This implies an excellent opportunity for improving the rural economy through the development of small-scale fish culture enterprises. In this project, a greater emphasis was placed on improving the knowledge and skills of the farmers and their farming practices so that in the future they would be in a position to expand their activities with financial assistance made available locally. Aquaculture being a new activity in the area, this pilot project was only a start in acquainting the farmers with the practice and potential of aquaculture.


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Esta tese teve como objetivo a discussão teórica sobre a formação e a transmissão no/pelo/para o trabalho, a partir da confrontação entre dois campos empíricos. Buscou-se estratégias/pistas de efetividade dessa transmissão, de modo a conciliar saúde & segurança com as demandas de incremento de produtividade & qualidade. Investigaram-se as atividades de auxiliares de enfermagem numa UTI neonatal e de mecânicos de aeronave (flights engineers) em um esquadrão de voo militar. As ferramentas teórico-metodológicas utilizadas foram abordagens clínicas sobre o trabalhar (Ergonomia da Atividade, Clínica da Atividade, Psicodinâmica do Trabalho, proposições sobre relações de serviço e o modelo da competência), sob a orientação da perspectiva ergológica. Os resultados apontam encontros e controvérsias entre os campos empíricos. Os encontros seriam: caracterizam-se como ofícios com grande força coletiva interna, tendo desenvolvido maneiras próprias de transmitir conhecimentos e saberes-fazer, especialmente, durante a própria realização do trabalho; apresentam certo fechamento em seus coletivos, dificultando a ampliação da visão de profissão/ofício para uma noção voltada à ideia de profissionalismo e trabalho em rede entre as auxiliares, uma dificuldade principalmente na inserção das mães dos recém-nascidos internados na equipe de cuidados na Unidade Neonatal e, com os flights, o problema parece ser uma dificuldade em expandir seu ofício/ profissão para além daquele que envolve a sua função em risco de extinção; carência do ingrediente da competência referente à qualificação formal. As controvérsias seriam: mesmo invisibilizada, a dimensão relacional da atividade das auxiliares é, apesar de naturalizada no universo feminino, considerada importante neste domínio. Já, para os flights, mesmo se esta dimensão é fundamental não apenas para a operação, mas também para a formação e aprendizagem da profissão, ela parece manter-se velada na aviação militar; sobre a dinâmica de transmissão de saberes-fazer entre os profissionais, encontramos, entre as auxiliares, o dispositivo sombra representando uma forma de inserção minimamente satisfatória que considera a transmissão de saberes ligados aos aspectos relacionais do trabalho e, entre os flights, dificuldades na assunção de fragilidades vivenciadas pelos profissionais em formação; a partir de uma forte auto-valorização em comum - especialmente dos antigos a respeito de seu histórico e sua inserção heróica naqueles meios de trabalho -, a saída encontrada por cada grupo seguiu direções opostas: entre as auxiliares criou-se um dispositivo de formação para as novatas que é mais eficaz do que a formação das antigas, com os flights, parece não se ter criado um dispositivo mais eficaz, mantendo-se os antigões como heróis inalcançáveis. As conclusões indicam que, se ambos os grupos criaram estratégias de auto-valorização e auto-proteção - os flights, pela condição limite do futuro de seu ofício e as auxiliares, pela sua origem, baseada num corte de classe social e na diferenciação da qualidade da formação profissional (entre enfermeiras e auxiliares) em ambos, o fortalecimento da profissão possibilitou conquistar espaços em meio a trajetórias profissionais à margem de itinerários formativos reconhecidos. Aponta-se, assim, a necessidade de dar visibilidade aos saberes e competências transmitidos cotidianamente no trabalho, viabilizando sua sistematização em programas de formação situados sob o ponto de vista da atividade.


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Rationale, aims and objectives Continuing health education is essential but challenged. in 2006, the Brazilian Cochrane Center, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, launched a mass teaching initiative in evidence-based health care (EBH) for public-sector professionals via teleconferencing. This 152-hour, interactive EBH course has enrolled over 4500 professionals. This study aimed to assess the acquisition EBH knowledge and skills, as well as the attitudes and perceptions of a sample of students enrolled in the 2009 course via teleconferencing.Methods This prospective cohort study analyzed three aspects of this 152-hour EBH course that recruited 1040 volunteer participants, all public health sector employees working in 131 different hospitals or health agencies. Pre- and post-course tests using a modified version of the Berlin questionnaire with 20 multiple-choice questions were used to examine knowledge acquisition in a sample of 297 students. Tests were completed upon registration and at course completion. the research projects submitted by 872 participants were evaluated to assess skill acquisition. Answers to an anonymous survey assessed the attitudes and perceptions of 914 participants.Results There was a significant increase in knowledge from baseline to course completion (mean scores 8.2 +/- 3.3 versus 13.7 +/- 3.0, P < 0.001). Over 90% of the research projects were judged to be of adequate quality (appropriate rationale for the study, well-formulated research question and feasible execution); over 95% of the participants were satisfied with the course.Conclusion the Brazilian EBH course via teleconference improved the knowledge and skills of public-sector health professionals and was approved by the vast majority of students.


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Urquhart, C., Durbin, J. & Spink, S. (2004). Training needs analysis of healthcare library staff, undertaken for South Yorkshire Workforce Development Confederation. Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth. Sponsorship: South Yorkshire WDC (NHS)


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Therapists find it challenging to integrate research evidence into their clinical decision-making because it may involve modifying their existing practices. Although continuing education (CE) programmes for evidence-based practice (EBP) have employed various approaches to increase individual practitioner’s knowledge and skills, these have been shown to have little impact in changing customary behaviours. To date, there has been little attempt to actively engage therapists as collaborators in developing educational processes concerning EBP. The researcher collaborated with seven clinical therapists (one occupational therapist, four physiotherapists and two speech and language therapists) enrolled in a new post-qualification Implementing Evidence in Therapy Practice (IETP) MSc module to monitor and adapt the learning programme over ten weeks. The participating therapists actively engaged in participatory action research (PAR) iterative cycles of reflecting→ planning→ acting→ observing→ reflecting with the researcher. Mixed methods were used to evaluate the IETP module and its influence on therapists’ subsequent engagement in EBP activities. Data were gathered immediately on completion of the module and five months later. Immediate post-module findings revealed four components as being important to the therapists: 1) characteristics of the learning environment; 2) acquisition of relevant EBP skills; 3) nature of the learning process; and 4) acquiring confidence. The two themes and sub-themes which emerged from individual interviews conducted five months post-module expanded on the four components already identified. Theme 1: Experiencing the learning (sub-themes: module organisation; learning is relational; improving the module); and theme 2: Enacting the learning through a new way of being (sub-themes: criticality and reflection; self agency; modelling EBP behaviours; positioning self in an EB work culture). The therapists’ perspectives had by then shifted from that of a learner to that of a clinician constructing a new sense of self as an evidence-based practitioner. Findings from this study underline the importance of the process of socially constructed knowledge and of empowering learners through collaboratively designed continuing education programmes. In the student-driven learning environment, therapists chose repetitive skill-building and authentic problem-solving activities which reflected the complexity of the environments to which they were expected to transfer their learning. These findings have implications for educators designing EBP continuing education programmes, during which students develop professional ways of being.