868 resultados para didactics of French as a first language
We argue in this paper that corporate language policies have significant power implications that are easily overlooked. By drawing on previous work on power in organizations (Clegg, 1989), we examine the complex power implications of language policy decisions by looking at three levels of analysis: episodic social interaction, identity/subjectivity construction, and reconstruction of structures of domination. In our empirical analysis, we focus on the power implications of the choice of Swedish as the corporate language in the case of the recent banking sector merger between the Finnish Merita and the Swedish Nordbanken. Our findings show how language skills become empowering or disempowering resources in organizational communication, how these skills are associated with professional competence, and how this leads to the creation of new social networks. The case also illustrates how language skills are an essential element in the construction of international confrontation, lead to a construction of superiority and inferiority, and also reproduce post-colonial identities in the merging bank. Finally, we also point out how such policies ultimately lead to the reification of post-colonial and neo-colonial structures of domination in multinational corporations.
The primary purpose of introducing a common corporate language in crossborder mergers is to integrate two previously separate organizations and facilitate communication. However, the present case study of a cross-border merger between two Nordic banks shows that the common corporate language decision may have disintegrating effects, particularly at organizational levels below top management. We identify such effects on performance appraisal, language training and management development, career paths, promotion and key personnel. Our findings show that top management needs to work through the consequences of the language decision upon those who are expected to make such a decision work.
A defining characteristic of most service encounters is that they are strongly influenced by interactions in which both the consumer and the service personnel are playing integral roles. Such is the importance of this interaction that it has even been argued that for the consumer, these encounters are in fact the service. Given this, it is not surprising that interactions involving communication and customer participation in the service encounters have received considerable attention within the field of services marketing. Much of the research on interactions and communication in services, however, appear to have assumed that the consumer and the service personnel by definition are perfectly able to interact and communicate effortlessly with each other. Such communication would require a common language, and in order to be able to take this for granted the market would need to be fairly homogenous. The homogenous country, however, and with it the homogenous market, would appear to be gone. It is estimated that more than half the consumers in the world are already speaking more than one language. For a company entering a new market, language can be a major barrier that firms may underestimate, and understanding language influence across different markets is important for international companies. The service literature has taken a common language between companies and consumers for granted but this is not matched by the realities on the ground in many markets. Owing to the communicational and interaction-oriented nature of services, the lack of a common language between the consumer and the service provider is a situation that could cause problems. A gap exists in the service theory, consisting of a lack of knowledge concerning how language influences consumers in service encounters. By addressing this gap, the thesis contributes to an increased understanding of service theory and provides a better practical understanding for service companies of the importance of native language use for consumers. The thesis consists of four essays. Essay one is conceptual and addresses how sociolinguistic research can be beneficial for understanding consumer language preferences. Essay two empirically shows how the influence of language varies depending on the nature of the service, essay three shows that there is a significant difference in language preferences between female and male consumers while essay four empirically compares consumer language preferences in Canada and Finland, finding strong similarities but also indications of difference in the motives for preferring native language use. The introduction of the thesis outlines the existence of a research gap within the service literature, a gap consisting of the lack of research into how native language use may influence consumers in service encounters. In addition, it is described why this gap is of importance to services and why its importance is growing. Building on this situation, the purpose of the thesis is to establish the existence of language influence in service encounters and to extend the knowledge of how language influences consumers on multilingual markets.
Formal specification is vital to the development of distributed real-time systems as these systems are inherently complex and safety-critical. It is widely acknowledged that formal specification and automatic analysis of specifications can significantly increase system reliability. Although a number of specification techniques for real-time systems have been reported in the literature, most of these formalisms do not adequately address to the constraints that the aspects of 'distribution' and 'real-time' impose on specifications. Further, an automatic verification tool is necessary to reduce human errors in the reasoning process. In this regard, this paper is an attempt towards the development of a novel executable specification language for distributed real-time systems. First, we give a precise characterization of the syntax and semantics of DL. Subsequently, we discuss the problems of model checking, automatic verification of satisfiability of DL specifications, and testing conformance of event traces with DL specifications. Effective solutions to these problems are presented as extensions to the classical first-order tableau algorithm. The use of the proposed framework is illustrated by specifying a sample problem.
The first-passage time of Duffing oscillator under combined harmonic and white-noise excitations is studied. The equation of motion of the system is first reduced to a set of averaged Ito stochastic differential equations by using the stochastic averaging method. Then, a backward Kolmogorov equation governing the conditional reliability function and a set of generalized Pontryagin equations governing the conditional moments of first-passage time are established. Finally, the conditional reliability function, and the conditional probability density and moments of first-passage time are obtained by solving the backward Kolmogorov equation and generalized Pontryagin equations with suitable initial and boundary conditions. Numerical results for two resonant cases with several sets of parameter values are obtained and the analytical results are verified by using those from digital simulation.
Materiales vascos del legado de Wilhelm von Humboldt: la relevancia de Astarloa y el Plan de Lenguas
Este artículo es traducción del original alemán «Zum Stellenwert Astarloas und des Plan de Lenguas», publicado en B. Hurch (ed.), Die baskischen Materialien aus dem Nachlaß Wilhelm von Humboldts. Astarloa, Charpentier, Fréret, Aizpitarte und anderes. Paderborn: Schöningh, pp. 21-42. La traducción al español es obra de Oroitz Jauregi y ha sido revisada por Ricardo Gómez y Bernhard Hurch.
Ao se falar de língua, fala-se da classe social que se imagina associada a essa mesma língua. Fundamentada na Análise do Discurso Franco-Brasileira (iniciada na França pelo grupo de Michel Pêcheux e retrabalhada no Brasil a partir de formulações de Eni Orlandi) e analisando corpòra diversos, que se encontram em gramáticas, dicionários, manuais de redação jornalística e o jornal carioca Meia Hora de Notícias, esta dissertação busca entender como os sentidos sobre língua e classe social vão sendo constituídos ao mesmo tempo. A Análise do Discurso com que este estudo vai trabalhar se apresenta como um campo inserido no entremeio das ciências humanas e sociais. Entre as principais questões levantadas por este campo, estão as crenças ilusórias em que as palavras emanam sentidos próprios, apropriados, e em que o sujeito é o dono de seu dizer e de suas intenções. Entende-se, na Análise do Discurso, que os sentidos são irrecorrivelmente formados ideologicamente, e que o sujeito se constitui analogamente, por processos inconscientes que não deixam de fora também a historicidade das relações sociais. Dessa forma, para se compreender como se dão as relações entre as formações de sentido entre língua e classe social, importará a depreensão do funcionamento discursivo do tratamento que os instrumentos de gramatização dão à variedade linguística. No Meia Hora, também se procura analisar de que modo um jornal vai significando, inscrito numa prática jornalística determinada, língua e classe social concomitantemente, através do uso de uma língua imaginária
Através de narrativas sobre as práticas cotidianas de quatro professoras (três brasileiras e uma francesa), acompanhadas de narrativas desenvolvidas entorno de um conjunto de imagens de alunos, esta pesquisa busca pensar como professores e alunos produzem os currículos nos seus cotidianos escolares. Através dos diferentes usos dos materiais disponíveis, dos questionamentos, das histórias de vida e das inúmeras experiências que constituem as subjetividades, os praticantes das escolas tecem, em redes, os seus conhecimentos e suas significações para a vida. Problematizando esta temática, com a professora de artes, Cristiane Costa, busco desenvolver uma discussão metodológica sobre os estudos dos cotidianos, me propondo compreender algumas possibilidades das táticas cotidianas de aprenderensinar. Com uma professora de matemática, Luciana Getirana, acompanhada da narrativa de uma aluna, Maria Nunes, analiso as relações entre conhecimentos científicos e conhecimentos cotidianos. Em seguida, com a professora de língua portuguesa, Cristiane Souza, discuto as demandas de professores por uma fórmula, uma receita de bolo, que contenha algumas soluções para os problemas da educação. Com a professora de história e geografia, Laure Cambos, busco pensar o professor no atravessamento de fronteiras entre culturas e conhecimentos. Neste sentido, elegi duas práticas de mediação cultural presentes no cotidiano desta professora: a primeira é o uso de imagens como prática de aprenderensinar, e a segunda consiste nas atividades de saídas da escola (aulas caminhadas). Por último, reúno fotografias de alunos para desenvolver duas temáticas que entrelaçam os capítulos anteriores: o dentrofora das escolas e as experimentações do mundo. A partir de narrativas sobre estas imagens, procuro pensar os cotidianos dos alunos nas práticas de aprenderensinar. Compreender estes currículos em redes possibilita problematizar as noções que não reconhecem a fragilidade das fronteiras, por perceberem os cotidianos através de relações dicotômicas. Estas fronteiras são habitadas pelos professores, produtores de possibilidades de mediações entre diferentes culturas e conhecimentos. Como práticas de atravessamento de fronteiras, as práticas de aprenderensinar buscam alternativas para a dicotomia que separa o dentro e o fora da escola, os conhecimentos cotidianos e os conhecimentos científicos, bem como os currículos prescritos e os currículos vividos. A pesquisa tem apoio teórico em autores como Nilda Alves, Michel de Certeau, Henri Lefebvre, Boaventura Santos, Nèstor Canclini entre outros.
This article has two main objectives. First, we offer an introduction to the subfield of generative third language (L3) acquisition. Concerned primarily with modeling initial stages transfer of morphosyntax, one goal of this program is to show how initial stages L3 data make significant contributions toward a better understanding of how the mind represents language and how (cognitive) economy constrains acquisition processes more generally. Our second objective is to argue for and demonstrate how this subfield will benefit from a neuro/psycholinguistic methodological approach, such as event-related potential experiments, to complement the claims currently made on the basis of exclusively behavioral experiments. Palabras clave
Neste trabalho, o filósofo francês Maurice Merleau-Ponty é autor privilegiado na busca de uma compreensão fenomenológica da subjetividade. Na primeira concede-se relevo às análises sobre a corporeidade, a partir da qual se revela uma socialidade originária aberta pela experiência perceptiva. Se na parte I predomina o mundo natural, na parte II a experiência do mundo cultural é o principal tema. O caráter estrutural da experiência perceptiva não é aban-donado, mas retomado no intuito de explorar a tese de que a significação da experiência é desvinculada de uma consciência separada da existência. Fundamentada na percepção, parti-cularmente em seu aspecto antepredicativo, desenvolve-se uma análise fenomenológica da linguagem, bem como o lugar da praxis e da intersubjetividade na compreensão deste tema, explicitando ainda mais a dimensão social originária revelada pela corporeidade. O vínculo da dimensão subjetiva com a existência, mediante o corpo, é realçado a partir da noção de ex-pressão. A noção de expressão refere-se à transcendência do sujeito em relação à sua situação, sem prescindir dela e serve para mostrar que o sentido das coisas percebidas é abordado não como algo isolável, mas produto de uma articulação na ordem do sensível, dispensando, assim, a tese de um paralelismo entre a ordem positiva (a percepção do mundo) e a ordem da idealidade (o que é dito ou pensado sobre a experiência). A lógica da expressão, verificada no corpo, é sucedida pelo estudo da linguagem na obra de Merleau-Ponty, para obter sua concep-ção sobre a relação do sujeito com o instituído. Constata-se que a expressividade presente na linguagem, análoga ao gesto corporal, aponta para a transcendência do significado em relação aos significantes partilhados em determinada cultura e, portanto, para a liberdade do sujeito enquanto produtora de uma história, a partir das transformações operadas na situação em que se encontra. Se a linguagem permitiu conceber de que modo o sujeito pode instaurar novas significações a partir das que estão estabelecidas, o retorno, no fim da dissertação, ao tema da liberdade, desenvolvido na Fenomenologia da Percepção, demonstra que as teses presentes em seus últimos textos mantêm uma coerência com os primeiros. A influência da noção de estrutura em seu interesse pela antropologia, abordada no último capítulo da dissertação, con-firma que a função simbólica, presente ao longo do texto como lógica da expressão, expõe a dialética sem síntese característica da subjetividade.
Mandarin Chinese is based on characters which are syllabic in nature and morphological in meaning. All spoken languages have syllabiotactic rules which govern the construction of syllables and their allowed sequences. These constraints are not as restrictive as those learned from word sequences, but they can provide additional useful linguistic information. Hence, it is possible to improve speech recognition performance by appropriately combining these two types of constraints. For the Chinese language considered in this paper, character level language models (LMs) can be used as a first level approximation to allowed syllable sequences. To test this idea, word and character level n-gram LMs were trained on 2.8 billion words (equivalent to 4.3 billion characters) of texts from a wide collection of text sources. Both hypothesis and model based combination techniques were investigated to combine word and character level LMs. Significant character error rate reductions up to 7.3% relative were obtained on a state-of-the-art Mandarin Chinese broadcast audio recognition task using an adapted history dependent multi-level LM that performs a log-linearly combination of character and word level LMs. This supports the hypothesis that character or syllable sequence models are useful for improving Mandarin speech recognition performance.
The effects of the timing of first feeding (0, 1 and 2 days after yolk exhaustion) and starvation on the point-of-no-return (PNR), survival and growth of laboratory-reared rock bream larvae were studied under controlled conditions. Larvae began to feed exogenously at 3 days after hatching (dah) and reached PNR on 54 h after yolk exhaustion at 22 +/- 1.5 degrees C. Larvae growth was significantly affected by the time of first exogenous feeding. The growth of 0 day delayed first feeding larvae was obviously faster than those of the other delayed first feeding larvae (P<0.05) whether at 7 dab (SL=3.40 mm, SGR=5.7, CV=4.0) or at 15 dah (SL=4.85 mm, SGR=6.1, CV=8.2) with a more uniform size distribution. Survival of 0 day delayed first feeding larvae and I day delayed first feeding larvae was 13% and 8% at the end of experiment, respectively, while no larvae survived up to 7 dah for 2 days delayed first feeding larvae and unfed larvae. Food resulted in a progressive deterioration of the larval digestive system and atrophy of skeletal muscle fibre. The ratios of head length to SL (standard length), body height to SL and eye diameter to SL were the most sensitive morphometric indices to detect the effects of fasting on larval condition. Present results showed that the combination of morphological and morphometric variables could be used to evaluate the nutritional condition of rock bream larvae. In order to avoid the potential mortality and gain better development, survival and growth in industrial production, the rock bream larvae must establish successful first feeding within 2 days after yolk exhaustion. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This thesis proposes a computational model of how children may come to learn the meanings of words in their native language. The proposed model is divided into two separate components. One component produces semantic descriptions of visually observed events while the other correlates those descriptions with co-occurring descriptions of those events in natural language. The first part of this thesis describes three implementations of the correlation process whereby representations of the meanings of whole utterances can be decomposed into fragments assigned as representations of the meanings of individual words. The second part of this thesis describes an implemented computer program that recognizes the occurrence of simple spatial motion events in simulated video input.
Planner is a formalism for proving theorems and manipulating models in a robot. The formalism is built out of a number of problem-solving primitives together with a hierarchical multiprocess backtrack control structure. Statements can be asserted and perhaps later withdrawn as the state of the world changes. Under BACKTRACK control structure, the hierarchy of activations of functions previously executed is maintained so that it is possible to revert to any previous state. Thus programs can easily manipulate elaborate hypothetical tentative states. In addition PLANNER uses multiprocessing so that there can be multiple loci of changes in state. Goals can be established and dismissed when they are satisfied. The deductive system of PLANNER is subordinate to the hierarchical control structure in order to maintain the desired degree of control. The use of a general-purpose matching language as the basis of the deductive system increases the flexibility of the system. Instead of explicitly naming procedures in calls, procedures can be invoked implicitly by patterns of what the procedure is supposed to accomplish. The language is being applied to solve problems faced by a robot, to write special purpose routines from goal oriented language, to express and prove properties of procedures, to abstract procedures from protocols of their actions, and as a semantic base for English.