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Speech has both auditory and visual components (heard speech sounds and seen articulatory gestures). During all perception, selective attention facilitates efficient information processing and enables concentration on high-priority stimuli. Auditory and visual sensory systems interact at multiple processing levels during speech perception and, further, the classical motor speech regions seem also to participate in speech perception. Auditory, visual, and motor-articulatory processes may thus work in parallel during speech perception, their use possibly depending on the information available and the individual characteristics of the observer. Because of their subtle speech perception difficulties possibly stemming from disturbances at elemental levels of sensory processing, dyslexic readers may rely more on motor-articulatory speech perception strategies than do fluent readers. This thesis aimed to investigate the neural mechanisms of speech perception and selective attention in fluent and dyslexic readers. We conducted four functional magnetic resonance imaging experiments, during which subjects perceived articulatory gestures, speech sounds, and other auditory and visual stimuli. Gradient echo-planar images depicting blood oxygenation level-dependent contrast were acquired during stimulus presentation to indirectly measure brain hemodynamic activation. Lip-reading activated the primary auditory cortex, and selective attention to visual speech gestures enhanced activity within the left secondary auditory cortex. Attention to non-speech sounds enhanced auditory cortex activity bilaterally; this effect showed modulation by sound presentation rate. A comparison between fluent and dyslexic readers' brain hemodynamic activity during audiovisual speech perception revealed stronger activation of predominantly motor speech areas in dyslexic readers during a contrast test that allowed exploration of the processing of phonetic features extracted from auditory and visual speech. The results show that visual speech perception modulates hemodynamic activity within auditory cortex areas once considered unimodal, and suggest that the left secondary auditory cortex specifically participates in extracting the linguistic content of seen articulatory gestures. They are strong evidence for the importance of attention as a modulator of auditory cortex function during both sound processing and visual speech perception, and point out the nature of attention as an interactive process (influenced by stimulus-driven effects). Further, they suggest heightened reliance on motor-articulatory and visual speech perception strategies among dyslexic readers, possibly compensating for their auditory speech perception difficulties.


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Children with intellectual disability are at increased risk for emotional and behavioural problems, but many of these disturbances fail to be diagnosed. Structured checklists have been used to supplement the psychiatric assessment of children without intellectual disability, but for children with intellectual disability, only a few checklists are available. The aim of the study was to investigate psychiatric disturbances among children with intellectual disability: the prevalence, types and risk factors of psychiatric disturbances as well as the applicability of the Finnish translations of the Developmental Behaviour Checklist (DBC-P) and the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) in the assessment of psychopathology. The subjects comprised 155 children with intellectual disability, and data were obtained from case records and five questionnaires completed by the parents or other carers of the child. According to case records, a psychiatric disorder had previously been diagnosed in 11% of the children. Upon careful re-examination of case records, the total proportion of children with a psychiatric disorder increased to 33%. According to checklists, the frequency of probable psychiatric disorder was 34% by the DBC-P, and 43% by the CBCL. The most common diagnoses were pervasive developmental disorders and hyperkinetic disorders. The results support previous findings that compared with children without intellectual disability, the risk of psychiatric disturbances is 2-3-fold in children with intellectual disability. The risk of psychopathology was most significantly increased by moderate intellectual disability and low socio-economic status, and decreased by adaptive behaviour, language development, and socialisation as well as living with both biological parents. The results of the study suggest that both the DBC-P and the CBCL can be used to discriminate between children with intellectual disability with and without emotional or psychiatric disturbance. The DBC-P is suitable for children with any degree of intellectual disability, and the CBCL is suitable at least for children with mild intellectual disability. Because the problems of children with intellectual disability differ somewhat from those of children without intellectual disability, checklists designed specifically for children with intellectual disability are needed.


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IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is the most common primary glomerulonephritis. In one third of the patients the disease progresses, and they eventually need renal replacement therapy. IgAN is in most cases a slowly progressing disease, and the prediction of progression has been difficult, and the results of studies have been conflicting. Henoch-Schönlein nephritis (HSN) is rare in adults, and prediction of the outcome is even more difficult than in IgAN. This study was conducted to evaluate the clinical and histopathological features and predictors of the outcome of IgAN and HSN diagnosed in one centre (313 IgAN patients and 38 HSN patients), and especially in patients with normal renal function at the time of renal biopsy. The study also aimed to evaluate whether there is a difference in the progression rates in four countries (259 patients from Finland, 112 from UK, 121 from Australia and 274 from Canada), and if so, can this be explained by differences in renal biopsy policy. The third aim was to measure urinary excretions of cytokines interleukin 1ß (IL-1ß) and interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) in patients with IgAN and HSN and the correlations of excretion of these substances with histopathological damage and clinical factors. A large proportion of the patients diagnosed in Helsinki as having IgAN had normal renal function (161/313 patients). Four factors, (hypertension, higher amounts of urinary erythrocytes, severe arteriolosclerosis and a higher glomerular score) which independently predicted progression (logistic regression analysis), were identified in mild disease. There was geographic variability in renal survival in patients with IgAN. When age, levels of renal function, proteinuria and blood pressure were taken into account, it showed that the variability related mostly to lead-time bias and renal biopsy indications. Amount of proteinuria more than 0.4g/24h was the only factor that was significantly related to the progression of HSN. the Hypertension and the level of renal function were found to be factors predicting outcome in patients with normal renal function at the time of diagnosis. In IgAN patients, IL-1ra excretion into urine was found to be decreased as compared with HSN patients and healthy controls. Patients with a high IL-1ra/IL-1ß ratio had milder histopathological changes in renal biopsy than patients with a low/normal IL-1ra/IL-1ß ratio. It was also found that the excretion of IL-1ß and especially IL-1ra were significantly higher in women. In conclusion, it was shown that factors associated with outcome can reliably be identified even in mild cases of IgAN. Predicting outcome in adult HSN, however, remains difficult.


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A new approach based on finite difference method, is proposed for the simulation of electrical conditions in a dc energized wire-duct electrostatic precipitator with and without dust loading. Simulated voltage-curren characteristics with and without dust loading were compared with the measured characteristics for analyzing the performance of a precipitator. The simple finite difference method gives sufficiently accurate results with reduced mesh size. The results for dust free simulation were validated with published experimental data. Further measurements were conducted at a thermal power plant in India and the results compares well with the measured ones.


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“Fostering digital participation through Living Labs in regional and rural Australian communities,” is a three year research project funded by the Australian Research Council. The project aims to identify the specific digital needs and practices of regional and rural residents in the context of the implementation of high speed internet. It seeks to identify new ways for enabling residents to develop their digital confidence and skills both at home and in the community. This two-day symposium will bring together researchers and practitioners from diverse backgrounds to discuss design practices in social living labs that aim to foster digital inclusion and participation. Day one will consist of practitioner and research reports, while day two will provide an opportunity for participants to imagine and design future digital participation strategies. Academic participants will also have an opportunity to contribute to a refereed edited volume by Chandos Publishing (an imprint of Elsevier).


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Despite an increased risk of mental health problems in adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), there is limited research on effective prevention approaches for this population. Funded by the Cooperative Research Centre for Living with Autism, a theoretically and empirically supported school-based preventative model has been developed to alter the negative trajectory and promote wellbeing and positive mental health in adolescents with ASD. This conceptual paper provides the rationale, theoretical, empirical and methodological framework of a multilayered intervention targeting the school, parents, and adolescents on the spectrum. Two important interrelated protective factors have been identified in community adolescent samples, namely the sense of belonging (connectedness) to school, and the capacity for self and affect regulation in the face of stress (i.e., resilience). We describe how a confluence of theories from social psychology, developmental psychology and family systems theory, along with empirical evidence (including emerging neurobiological evidence) supports the interrelationships between these protective factors and many indices of wellbeing. However, the characteristics of ASD (including social and communication difficulties, and frequently difficulties with changes and transitions, and diminished optimism and self-esteem) impair access to these vital protective factors. The paper describes how evidenced-based interventions at the school level for promoting inclusive schools (using the Index for Inclusion), and interventions for adolescents and parents to promote resilience and belonging (using the Resourceful Adolescent Program (RAP)), are adapted and integrated for adolescents with ASD. This multisite proof of concept study will confirm whether this multilevel school-based intervention is promising, feasible and sustainable.


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Richard Lewontin proposed that the ability of a scientific field to create a narrative for public understanding garners it social relevance. This article applies Lewontin's conceptual framework of the functions of science (manipulatory and explanatory) to compare and explain the current differences in perceived societal relevance of genetics/genomics and proteomics. We provide three examples to illustrate the social relevance and strong cultural narrative of genetics/genomics for which no counterpart exists for proteomics. We argue that the major difference between genetics/genomics and proteomics is that genomics has a strong explanatory function, due to the strong cultural narrative of heredity. Based on qualitative interviews and observations of proteomics conferences, we suggest that the nature of proteins, lack of public understanding, and theoretical complexity exacerbates this difference for proteomics. Lewontin's framework suggests that social scientists may find that omics sciences affect social relations in different ways than past analyses of genetics.


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Background Advances in cancer diagnosis and treatment have significantly improved survival rates, through their subsequent health needs are often not adequately addressed by current health services. National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Partnerships Project awarded a national collaborative project to develop, trial and evaluate clinical benefits and cost effectiveness of an e-health enabled structured health promotion intervention - The Women’s Wellness after Cancer Program (WWACP). The aim of this e-health enabled multimodal intervention is to improve health related quality of life in women previously treated for target cancers. Aim The WWACP is a 12-week web based, interactive, holistic program. Primary outcomes for this project are to promote a positive change in health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and reduction in Body Mass Index (BMI) in the women undertaking WWACP compared to women who receive usual care. Secondary outcomes include managing other side effects of cancer treatment through evidence-based nutrition and exercise practices, dealing with stress, sleep, menopause and sexuality issues. Methods The single-blinded multi-center randomized controlled trial recruited a toatl of 330 women within 24 months of completion of chemotherapy and /or radiotherapy. Women were randomly assigned to either a usual care or intervention group. Women provided with the intervention were provided with an interactive iBook and journal, web interface, and three virtual consultations by experienced cancer nurses. A variety of methods were utilized, to enable positive self- efficacy and lifestyle changes. These include online coaching with a registered nurse trained in the intervention, plus written educational and health promotional information. The program has been delivered through the e-health enabled interfaces, which enables virtual delivery via desktop and mobile computing devices. Importantly this enables accessibility for rural and regional women in Australia who are frequently geographically disadvantaged in terms of health care provision. Results Research focusing on alternative methods of delivering post treatment / or survivorship care in cancer utilizing web based interfaces is limited, but emerging evidence suggests that Internet interventions can increase psychological and physical wellbeing in cancer patients. The WWACP trial aims to establish the effectiveness of delivery of the program in terms of positive patient outcomes and cost effective, flexibility. The trial will be completed in September and results will be presented at the conference. Conclusions Women after acute hematological, breast and gynecological cancer treatments demonstrate good cancer survival rates and face residual health problems which are amenable to behavioral interventions. The conclusion of active treatment is a key 'teachable moment' in which sustainable positive lifestyle change can be achieved if patients receive education and psychological support which targets key treatment related health problems and known chronic disease risk factors.


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Although immensely complex, speech is also a very efficient means of communication between humans. Understanding how we acquire the skills necessary for perceiving and producing speech remains an intriguing goal for research. However, while learning is likely to begin as soon as we start hearing speech, the tools for studying the language acquisition strategies in the earliest stages of development remain scarce. One prospective strategy is statistical learning. In order to investigate its role in language development, we designed a new research method. The method was tested in adults using magnetoencephalography (MEG) as a measure of cortical activity. Neonatal brain activity was measured with electroencephalography (EEG). Additionally, we developed a method for assessing the integration of seen and heard syllables in the developing brain as well as a method for assessing the role of visual speech when learning phoneme categories. The MEG study showed that adults learn statistical properties of speech during passive listening of syllables. The amplitude of the N400m component of the event-related magnetic fields (ERFs) reflected the location of syllables within pseudowords. The amplitude was also enhanced for syllables in a statistically unexpected position. The results suggest a role for the N400m component in statistical learning studies in adults. Using the same research design with sleeping newborn infants, the auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) measured with EEG reflected the location of syllables within pseudowords. The results were successfully replicated in another group of infants. The results show that even newborn infants have a powerful mechanism for automatic extraction of statistical characteristics from speech. We also found that 5-month-old infants integrate some auditory and visual syllables into a fused percept, whereas other syllable combinations are not fully integrated. Auditory syllables were paired with visual syllables possessing a different phonetic identity, and the ERPs for these artificial syllable combinations were compared with the ERPs for normal syllables. For congruent auditory-visual syllable combinations, the ERPs did not differ from those for normal syllables. However, for incongruent auditory-visual syllable combinations, we observed a mismatch response in the ERPs. The results show an early ability to perceive speech cross-modally. Finally, we exposed two groups of 6-month-old infants to artificially created auditory syllables located between two stereotypical English syllables in the formant space. The auditory syllables followed, equally for both groups, a unimodal statistical distribution, suggestive of a single phoneme category. The visual syllables combined with the auditory syllables, however, were different for the two groups, one group receiving visual stimuli suggestive of two separate phoneme categories, the other receiving visual stimuli suggestive of only one phoneme category. After a short exposure, we observed different learning outcomes for the two groups of infants. The results thus show that visual speech can influence learning of phoneme categories. Altogether, the results demonstrate that complex language learning skills exist from birth. They also suggest a role for the visual component of speech in the learning of phoneme categories.


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The prevalence and the causes of childhood visual impairment in Finland during the 1970s and the 1980s were investigated, with special attention to risk factors and further prevention of visual impairment in children. The primary data on children with visual impairment were obtained from the Finnish Register of Visual Impairment, one of the patient registers kept up by the National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health (Stakes). The data were supplemented from other registers in Stakes and from patient records of the children in Finnish central hospitals. Visual impairment had been registered in 556 children from a population of 1,138,326 children between ages 0-17, born from 1972 through 1989. The age-specific prevalence of registered visual impairment was 49/100,000 in total. Of them, 23/100,000 were blind children and 11/100,000 were children born prematurely. Boys were impaired more often and more severely than girls. Congenital malformations (52%), systemic diseases (48%), and multiple impairments (50%) were common. The main ophthalmic groups of visual impairment were retinal diseases (35%), ocular malformations (29%), and neuro-ophthalmological disorders (29%). Optic nerve atrophy was the most common diagnosis of visual impairment (22%), followed by congenital cataract (11%), retinopathy of prematurity (10%), and cerebral visual impairment (8%). Genetic factors (42%) were the most common etiologies of visual impairment, followed by prenatal (30%) and perinatal (21%) factors. The highest rates of blindness were seen in cerebral visual impairment (83%) and retinopathy of prematurity (82%). Retinopathy of prematurity had developed in the children born at a gestational age of 32 weeks or earlier. Significant risks for visual impairment were found in the association with preterm births, prenatal infections, birth asphyxia, neonatal respiratory difficulties, mechanical ventilation lasting over two weeks, and hyperbilirubinemia. A rise in blind and multi-impaired children was seen during the study period, associating with increases in the survival of preterm infants with extremely low birth weight. The incidence of visual impairment in children born prematurely was seven times higher than in children born at full term. A reliable profile of childhood visual impairment was obtained. The importance of highly qualified antenatal, neonatal, and ophthalmological care was clearly proved. The risks associated with pre- and perinatal disorders during pregnancy must be emphasized, e.g. the risks associated with maternal infections and the use of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs during pregnancy. Obvious needs for gene therapies and other new treatments for hereditary diseases were also proved.


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Acute pain has substantial survival value because of its protective function in the everyday environment. Instead, chronic pain lacks survival and adaptive function, causes great amount of individual suffering, and consumes the resources of the society due to the treatment costs and loss of production. The treatment of chronic pain has remained challenging because of inadequate understanding of mechanisms working at different levels of the nervous system in the development, modulation, and maintenance of chronic pain. Especially in unclear chronic pain conditions the treatment may be suboptimal because it can not be targeted to the underlying mechanisms. Noninvasive neuroimaging techniques have greatly contributed to our understanding of brain activity associated with pain in healthy individuals. Many previous studies, focusing on brain activations to acute experimental pain in healthy individuals, have consistently demonstrated a widely-distributed network of brain regions that participate in the processing of acute pain. The aim of the present thesis was to employ non-invasive brain imaging to better understand the brain mechanisms in patients suffering from chronic pain. In Study I, we used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to measure cortical responses to painful laser stimulation in healthy individuals for optimization of the stimulus parameters for patient studies. In Studies II and III, we monitored with MEG the cortical processing of touch and acute pain in patients with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). We found persisting plastic changes in the hand representation area of the primary somatosensory (SI) cortex, suggesting that chronic pain causes cortical reorganization. Responses in the posterior parietal cortex to both tactile and painful laser stimulation were attenuated, which could be associated with neglect-like symptoms of the patients. The primary motor cortex reactivity to acute pain was reduced in patients who had stronger spontaneous pain and weaker grip strength in the painful hand. The tight coupling between spontaneous pain and motor dysfunction supports the idea that motor rehabilitation is important in CRPS. In Studies IV and V we used MEG and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate the central processing of touch and acute pain in patients who suffered from recurrent herpes simplex virus infections and from chronic widespread pain in one side of the body. With MEG, we found plastic changes in the SI cortex, suggesting that many different types of chronic pain may be associated with similar cortical reorganization. With fMRI, we found functional and morphological changes in the central pain circuitry, as an indication of central contribution for the pain. These results show that chronic pain is associated with morphological and functional changes in the brain, and that such changes can be measured with functional imaging.


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In recent years, many of the world’s leading media producers, screenwriters, technicians and investors, particularly those in the Asia-Pacific region, have been drawn to work in the People's Republic of China (hereafter China or Mainland China). Media projects with a lighter commercial entertainment feel – compared with the heavy propaganda-oriented content of the past – have multiplied, thanks to the Chinese state’s newfound willingness to consider collaboration with foreign partners. This is no more evident than in film. Despite their long-standing reputation for rigorous censorship, state policymakers are now encouraging Chinese media entrepreneurs to generate fresh ideas and to develop products that will revitalise the stagnant domestic production sector. It is hoped that an increase in both the quality and quantity of domestic feature films, stimulated by an infusion of creativity and cutting-edge technology from outside the country, will help reverse China’s ‘cultural trade deficit’ (wenhua maoyi chizi) (Keane 2007).


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An HIV outbreak among Finnish injecting drug users (IDUs) occurred in 1998. By the end of 2005, 282 IDUs were in-fected, most of them by recombinant virus CRF01_AE of HIV. After a rapid spread, the outbreak subsided, and the prevalence of HIV among IDUs remained low (<2%). The purpose of the study was to describe the outbreak in order to recognise factors that have influenced the spread and restriction of the outbreak, and thus to find tools for HIV preven-tion. Data on Finnish IDUs newly diagnosed HIV-positive between 1998 and 2005 was collected through interviews and patient documents. Study I compared markers of disease progression between 93 Finnish IDUs and 63 Dutch IDUs. In study II, geographical spread of the HIV outbreak was examined and compared with the spatial distribution of employed males. In study III, risk behaviour data from interviews of 89 HIV-positive and 207 HIV-negative IDUs was linked, and prevalence and risk factors for unprotected sex were evaluated. In study IV, data on 238 newly diagnosed IDUs was combined with data on 675 sexually transmitted HIV cases, and risk factors for late HIV diagnosis (CD4 cell count <200/µL, or AIDS at HIV diagnosis) were analysed. Finnish IDUs infected with CRF01_AE exhibited higher viral loads than did Amsterdam IDUs infected with subtype B, but there was no difference in CD4 development. The Finnish IDU outbreak spread and was restricted socially in a marginalised IDU population and geographically in areas characterised by low proportions of employed males. Up to 40% of the cases in the two clusters outside the city centre had no contact with the centre, where needle exchange services were available since 1997. Up to 63% of HIV-positive and 80% of HIV-negative sexually active IDUs reported inconsistent condom use, which was associated with steady relationships and recent inpatient addiction care. Com-pared to other transmission groups, HIV-positive IDUs were diagnosed earlier in their infection. The proportion of late diagnosed HIV cases in all transmission groups was 23%, but was only 6% among IDUs diagnosed during the first four years of the epidemic. The high viral load in early HIV infection may have contributed to the rapid spread of recombinant virus in the Finnish outbreak. The outbreak was restricted to a marginalised IDU population, and limited spatially to local pockets of pov-erty. To prevent HIV among IDUs, these pockets should be recognised and reached early through outreach work and the distribution of needle exchange and other prevention activities. To prevent the sexual transmission of HIV among IDUs, prevention programmes should be combined with addiction care services and targeted at every IDU. The early detection of the outbreak and early implementation of needle exchange programmes likely played a crucial role in re-versing the IDU outbreak.


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This work focuses on the role of macroseismology in the assessment of seismicity and probabilistic seismic hazard in Northern Europe. The main type of data under consideration is a set of macroseismic observations available for a given earthquake. The macroseismic questionnaires used to collect earthquake observations from local residents since the late 1800s constitute a special part of the seismological heritage in the region. Information of the earthquakes felt on the coasts of the Gulf of Bothnia between 31 March and 2 April 1883 and on 28 July 1888 was retrieved from the contemporary Finnish and Swedish newspapers, while the earthquake of 4 November 1898 GMT is an example of an early systematic macroseismic survey in the region. A data set of more than 1200 macroseismic questionnaires is available for the earthquake in Central Finland on 16 November 1931. Basic macroseismic investigations including preparation of new intensity data point (IDP) maps were conducted for these earthquakes. Previously disregarded usable observations were found in the press. The improved collection of IDPs of the 1888 earthquake shows that this event was a rare occurrence in the area. In contrast to earlier notions it was felt on both sides of the Gulf of Bothnia. The data on the earthquake of 4 November 1898 GMT were augmented with historical background information discovered in various archives and libraries. This earthquake was of some concern to the authorities, because extra fire inspections were conducted in three towns at least, i.e. Tornio, Haparanda and Piteå, located in the centre of the area of perceptibility. This event posed the indirect hazard of fire, although its magnitude around 4.6 was minor on the global scale. The distribution of slightly damaging intensities was larger than previously outlined. This may have resulted from the amplification of the ground shaking in the soft soil of the coast and river valleys where most of the population was found. The large data set of the 1931 earthquake provided an opportunity to apply statistical methods and assess methodologies that can be used when dealing with macroseismic intensity. It was evaluated using correspondence analysis. Different approaches such as gridding were tested to estimate the macroseismic field from the intensity values distributed irregularly in space. In general, the characteristics of intensity warrant careful consideration. A more pervasive perception of intensity as an ordinal quantity affected by uncertainties is advocated. A parametric earthquake catalogue comprising entries from both the macroseismic and instrumental era was used for probabilistic seismic hazard assessment. The parametric-historic methodology was applied to estimate seismic hazard at a given site in Finland and to prepare a seismic hazard map for Northern Europe. The interpretation of these results is an important issue, because the recurrence times of damaging earthquakes may well exceed thousands of years in an intraplate setting such as Northern Europe. This application may therefore be seen as an example of short-term hazard assessment.