947 resultados para cell wall formation
One of the quickest plant movements ever known is made by the ´explosive´ style in Marantaceae in the service of secondary pollen presentation – herewith showing a striking apomorphy to the sister Cannaceae that might be of high evolutionary consequence. Though known already since the beginning of the 19th century the underlying mechanism of the movement has hitherto not been clarified. The present study reports about the biomechanics of the style-staminode complex and the hydraulic principles of the movement. For the first time it is shown by experiment that in Maranta noctiflora through longitudinal growth of the maturing style in the ´straitjacket´ of the hooded staminode both the hold of the style prior to its release and its tensioning for the movement are brought about. The longer the style grows in relation to the enclosing hooded staminode the more does its capacity for curling up for pollen transfer increase. Hereby I distinguish between the ´basic tension´ that a growing style builds up anyway, even when the hooded staminode is removed beforehand, and the ´induced tension´ which comes about only under the pressure of a ´too short´ hooded staminode and which enables the movement. The results of these investigations are discussed in view of previous interpretations ranging from possible biomechanical to electrophysiological mechanisms. To understand furthermore by which means the style gives way to the strong bending movement without suffering outwardly visible damage I examined its anatomical structure in several genera for its mechanical and hydraulic properties and for the determination of the entire curvature after release. The actual bending part contains tubulate cells whose walls are extraordinarily porous and large longitudinal intercellular spaces. SEM indicates the starting points of cell-wall loosening in primary walls and lysis of middle lamellae - probably through an intense pectinase activity in the maturing style. Fluorescence pictures of macerated and living style-tissue confirm cell-wall perforations that do apparently connect neighbouring cells, which leads to an extremely permeable parenchyma. The ´water-body´ can be shifted from central to dorsal cell layers to support the bending. The geometrical form of the curvature is determined by the vascular bundles. I conclude that the style in Marantaceae contains no ´antagonistic´ motile tissues as in Mimosa or Dionaea. Instead, through self-maceration it develops to a ´hydraulic tissue´ which carries out an irreversible movement through a sudden reshaping. To ascertain the evolutionary consequence of this apomorphic pollination mechanism the diversity and systematic value of hooded staminodes are examined. For this hooded staminodes of 24 genera are sorted according to a minimalistic selection of shape characters and eight morphological types are abstracted from the resulting groups. These types are mapped onto an already available maximally parsimonious tree comprising five major clades. An amazing correspondence is found between the morphological types and the clades; several sister-relationships are confirmed and in cases of uncertain position possible evolutionary pathways, such as convergence, dispersal or re-migration, are discussed, as well as the great evolutionary tendencies for the entire family in which – at least as regards the shape of hooded staminodes – there is obviously a tendency from complicated to strongly simplified forms. It suggests itself that such simplifying derivations may very likely have taken place as adaptations to pollinating animals about which at present too little is known. The value of morphological characters in relation to modern phylogenetic analysis is discussed and conditions for the selection of morphological characters valuable for a systematic grouping are proposed. Altogether, in view of the evolutionary success of Marantaceae compared with Cannaceae the movement mechanism of the style-staminode complex can safely be considered a key innovation within the order Zingiberales.
The present PhD thesis was focused on the development and application of chemical methodology (Py-GC-MS) and data-processing method by multivariate data analysis (chemometrics). The chromatographic and mass spectrometric data obtained with this technique are particularly suitable to be interpreted by chemometric methods such as PCA (Principal Component Analysis) as regards data exploration and SIMCA (Soft Independent Models of Class Analogy) for the classification. As a first approach, some issues related to the field of cultural heritage were discussed with a particular attention to the differentiation of binders used in pictorial field. A marker of egg tempera the phosphoric acid esterified, a pyrolysis product of lecithin, was determined using HMDS (hexamethyldisilazane) rather than the TMAH (tetramethylammonium hydroxide) as a derivatizing reagent. The validity of analytical pyrolysis as tool to characterize and classify different types of bacteria was verified. The FAMEs chromatographic profiles represent an important tool for the bacterial identification. Because of the complexity of the chromatograms, it was possible to characterize the bacteria only according to their genus, while the differentiation at the species level has been achieved by means of chemometric analysis. To perform this study, normalized areas peaks relevant to fatty acids were taken into account. Chemometric methods were applied to experimental datasets. The obtained results demonstrate the effectiveness of analytical pyrolysis and chemometric analysis for the rapid characterization of bacterial species. Application to a samples of bacterial (Pseudomonas Mendocina), fungal (Pleorotus ostreatus) and mixed- biofilms was also performed. A comparison with the chromatographic profiles established the possibility to: • Differentiate the bacterial and fungal biofilms according to the (FAMEs) profile. • Characterize the fungal biofilm by means the typical pattern of pyrolytic fragments derived from saccharides present in the cell wall. • Individuate the markers of bacterial and fungal biofilm in the same mixed-biofilm sample.
Bifidobacterium is an important genus of the human gastrointestinal microbiota, affecting several host physiological features. Despite the numerous Bifidobacterium related health-promoting activities, there is still a dearth of information about the molecular mechanisms at the basis of the interaction between this microorganism and the host. Bacterial surface associated proteins may play an important role in this interaction because of their ability to intervene with host molecules, as recently reported for the host protein plasminogen. Plasminogen is the zymogen of the trypsin-like serine protease plasmin, an enzyme with a broad substrate specificity. Aim of this thesis is to deepen the knowledge about the interaction between Bifidobacterium and the human plasminogen system and its role in the Bifidobacterium-host interaction process. As a bifidobacterial model, B. animalis subsp. lactis BI07 has been used because of its large usage in dairy and pharmaceutical preparations. We started from the molecular characterization of the interaction between plasminogen and one bifidobacterial plasminogen receptor, DnaK, a cell wall protein showing high affinity for plasminogen, and went on with the study of the impact of intestinal environmental factors, such as bile salts and inflammation, on the plasminogen-mediated Bifidobacterium-host interaction. According to our in vitro findings, by enhancing the activation of the bifidobacterial bound plasminogen to plasmin, the host inflammatory response results in the decrease of the bifidobacterial adhesion to the host enterocytes, favouring bacterial migration to the luminal compartment. Conversely, in the absence of inflammation, plasminogen acts as a molecular bridge between host enterocytes and bifidobacteria, enhancing Bifidobacterium adhesion. Furthermore, adaptation to physiological concentrations of bile salts enhances the capability of this microorganism to interact with the host plasminogen system. The host plasminogen system thus represents an important and flexible tool used by bifidobacteria in the cross-talk with the host.
The DOMON domain is a domain widespread in nature, predicted to fold in a β-sandwich structure. In plants, AIR12 is constituted by a single DOMON domain located in the apoplastic space and is GPI-modified for anchoring to the plasma membrane. Arabidopsis thaliana AIR12 has been heterologously expressed as a recombinant protein (recAtAIR12) in Pichia pastoris. Spectrophotometrical analysis of the purified protein showed that recAtAir12 is a cytochrome b. RecAtAIR12 is highly glycosylated, it is reduced by ascorbate, superoxide and naftoquinones, oxidised by monodehydroascorbate and oxygen and insensitive to hydrogen peroxide. The addition of recAtAIR12 to permeabilized plasma membranes containing NADH, FeEDTA and menadione, caused a statistically significant increase in hydroxyl radicals as detected by electron paramagnetic resonance. In these conditions, recAtAIR12 has thus a pro-oxidant role. Interestingly, AIR12 is related to the cytochrome domain of cellobiose dehydrogenase which is involved in lignin degradation, possibly via reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. In Arabidopsis the Air12 promoter is specifically activated at sites where cell separations occur and ROS, including •OH, are involved in cell wall modifications. air12 knock-out plants infected with Botrytis cinerea are more resistant than wild-type and air12 complemented plants. Also during B. cinerea infection, cell wall modifications and ROS are involved. Our results thus suggest that AIR12 could be involved in cell wall modifying reactions by interacting with ROS and ascorbate. CyDOMs are plasma membrane redox proteins of plants that are predicted to contain an apoplastic DOMON fused with a transmembrane cytochrome b561 domain. CyDOMs have never been purified nor characterised. The trans-membrane portion of a soybean CyDOM was expressed in E. coli but purification could not be achieved. The DOMON domain was expressed in P. pastoris and shown to be itself a cytochrome b that could be reduced by ascorbate.
A fundamental assumption for by-product from winery industy waste-management is their economic and commercial increase in value. High energetic value recovery from winery industry is an attractive economic solution to stimulate new sustainable process. Approach of this work is based about physic and biological treatment with grape stalks and grape marc to increase polysaccharides components of cell wall and energetic availability of this by-products. Grape stalks for example have a high percentage of lignin and cellulose and can’t be used, whitout pretreatment, for an anaerobic digestion process. Our findings show enzymatic and thermo-mechanical pre-treatments in combined application for optimise hydrolytic mechanism on winemaking wastes which represents 0,9 milion ton/year in Italy and on straw, cereal by-products with high lignin content. A screening of specifically industrial enzymatic complex for the hydrolysis lignocellulosic biomass were tested using the principal polysaccharides component of the vegetal cells. Combined thermo-mechanical and enzymatic pretreatment improve substrates conversion in batch test fermentation experiment. The conservation of the grape stalks, at temperature above 0°C, allow the growth of spontaneus fermentation that reduce their polysaccharides content so had investigated anarobic condition of conservation. The other objective of this study was to investigate the capability of a proprietary strain of L.buchneri LN 40177 to enhance the accessibility of fermentable forage constituents during the anaerobic conservation process by releasing the enzyme ferulate esterase. The time sequence study by batch tests showed that the L. buchneri LN-40177 inoculated grape stalk substrate was more readily available in the fermenter. In batch tests with grape stalk, after mechanical treatment, the L. buchneri LN41077 treated substrate yielded on average 70% more biogas per kg/DM. Thermo-mechanical, enzymatic and biological treatment with L. buchneri LN-40177 can increase the biogas production from low fermented biomasses and the consequent their useful in anaerobic biodigesters for agro-bioenergy production.
Die wichtigsten Bestandteile des Cytoskeletts in pflanzlichen Zellen sind die Actinfilamente und die Mikrotubuli. Die Mikrotubuli spielen in der Organisation und der Morphogenese von pflanzlichen Zellen eine wichtige Rolle. Sie sind zusammen mit den Cellulosefibrillen an der Formgebung der Pflanzenzelle beteiligt. Sie bilden das Präprophaseband, das die Zellteilungsebene bestimmt und die Mitosespindel, die für die Trennung der Chromosomen sorgt, sowie den Phragmoplasten, der die Zellwand zwischen den Tochterzellen bildet. Weiterhin geben die Mikrotubuli durch Interaktion mit den Cellulose-Synthase-Komplexen die Richtung der Zellexpansion vor (GRANGER und CYR, 2001; LLOYD und CHAN, 2002; BASKIN, 2002). Die Mikrotubuli sind auch an der Stabilisierung der Zellform und an Transportprozessen beteiligt. Als Bestandteil der Mikrotubuli-organisierenden Zentren (MTOCs) wurde das γ-Tubulin identifiziert, das sehr wahrscheinlich an der Nukleation der Mikrotubuli beteiligt ist, indem es die Assemblierung der αβ-Tubulindimere zu Mikrotubuli einleitet. In tierischen Zellen ist durch intensive Forschung inzwischen relativ viel über die Funktion von γ-Tubulin, vor allem im Verlauf der Zellteilung bekannt, wie z. B. die Lokalisation in Centrosomen mit ihren paarweise angeordneten Centriolen, die die MTOCs darstellen. In pflanzlichen Zellen sind bisher nur wenige Funktionen des Proteins hinreichend geklärt. Die höheren Pflanzen besitzen keine Centriolen und keine Centrosomen. Über die Zellteilung hinaus gibt es kaum Anhaltspunkte über das Vorhandensein oder eventuelle Aufgaben von γ-Tubulin in expandierenden und voll expandierten Zellkulturen und Pflanzengeweben. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Expression über PCR und die Messung des Proteingehalts von cytoskelett-relevanten Proteinen in den Entwicklungsstadien der Zellsuspensionskultur (BY-2) und von Blattstadien der Tabakpflanze (SR1) von Nicotiana tabacum gemessen. Primäres Ziel war es eine Aussage zu erhalten, in welchem Ausmaß γ-Tubulin in expandierenden und voll expandierten Zellen noch exprimiert wird und ob bzw. wie eine Regulation (transkriptionell oder posttranskriptionell) des γ-Tubulins in der Pflanze stattfindet. Für den Nachweis des γ-Tubulins auf der Proteinebene wurde ein pflanzenspezifischer γ-Tubulin Antikörper zu entwickelt. Bei diesem Antikörper handelte es sich um einen polyklonalen Antikörper, der spezifisch gegen eine Sequenz in pflanzlichem γ-Tubulin gerichtet ist. Dabei zeigte der in der Arbeit entwickelte Antikörper gegen die pflanzliche JOSHI-Domäne spezifische Signale. Der erfolgte Nachweis von γ-Tubulin auf der Proteinebene und der Transkripte zeigte bis in die ältesten untersuchten Stadien der Zellsuspensionskultur (BY-2) und in Geweben der Blattstadien der Tabakpflanze (SR1) deutliche Signale für γ-Tubulin. Es war somit nicht nur in meristematisch aktiven Zellen und Geweben von Nicotiana tabacum, sondern auch in nichtmitotischen Zellen und Geweben vorhanden. Hierbei war über die Phasen der Zellteilung und der Zellformgebung hinweg auf beiden Ebenen eine parallele Entwicklung mit relativ konstanten starken Signalen zu beobachten. Nach dem Einstellen der Teilungsaktivität fiel der Gehalt an mRNA deutlich ab. Dabei nahm die Konzentration des Proteins im Vergleich zur mRNA zeitlich verzögert ab. Diese Ergebnisse bei der Zellsuspensionskultur (BY-2) und Tabakpflanze (SR1) gehen mit der möglichen Nukleationstätigkeit des Proteins konform. Es waren geringere aber doch deutlichen Signale bei Absterbenden Zellen der Zellkultur, bzw. bei expandierenden und voll expandierten und seneszenten Blättern der Tabakpflanze (SR1) nachzuweisen. Dies lässt die Folgerung zu, dass die nachgewiesene mRNA von γ-Tubulin nicht posttranskriptionell reguliert wird, sondern dass das γ-Tubulin auch eine wichtige Rolle außerhalb der Zellteilung in den postmitotischen Stadien, z. B. als organisierender Faktor bei der Umgestaltung oder Stabilisierung des Mikrotubuli-Cytoskeletts, spielt. Der γ-Tubulin-Gehalt in den Geweben der SR1-Pflanze zeigte über die Zellkultur hinaus, dass die Expression von α-Tubulin nach Einstellen der Teilungsaktivität kontinuierlich abnimmt. Dieses Ergebnis legt die Vermutung nahe, dass γ-Tubulin in älteren Blattgeweben zusätzliche Aufgaben übernehmen könnte, die nicht auf eine gleichzeitige Expression von α-Tubulin angewiesen sind. So kann beispielsweise eine Beteiligung von γ-Tubulin an der Stabilisierung der Mikrotubuli, und damit einhergehend eine Abnahme der dynamischen Instabilität dieser Filamente, eine denkbare Funktion des Proteins in expandierendem und voll expandiertem Gewebe sein. Die Aufgaben von γ-Tubulin in sehr altem Gewebe mit deutlichen Anzeichen der Seneszenz können allerdings nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Forschung nicht eindeutig beantwortet werden und bedürfen weitergehenden Untersuchungen, da dadurch ein die Komplexität und die Dynamik des pflanzlichen Cytoskeletts geklärt werden kann.
Bioconversion of ferulic acid to vanillin represents an attractive opportunity for replacing synthetic vanillin with a bio-based product, that can be label “natural”, according to current food regulations. Ferulic acid is an abundant phenolic compound in cereals processing by-products, such as wheat bran, where it is linked to the cell wall constituents. In this work, the possibility of producing vanillin from ferulic acid released enzymatically from wheat bran was investigated by using resting cells of Pseudomonas fluorescens strain BF13-1p4 carrying an insertional inactivation of vdh gene and ech and fcs BF13 genes on a low copy number plasmid. Process parameters were optimized both for the biomass production phase and the bioconversion phase using food-grade ferulic acid as substrate and the approach of changing one variable while fixing the others at a certain level followed by the response surface methodology (RSM). Under optimized conditions, vanillin up to 8.46 mM (1.4 g/L) was achieved, whereas highest productivity was 0.53 mmoles vanillin L-1 h-1). Cocktails of a number of commercial enzyme (amylases, xylanases, proteases, feruloyl esterases) combined with bran pre-treatment with steam explosion and instant controlled pressure drop technology were then tested for the release of ferulic acid from wheat bran. The highest ferulic acid release was limited to 15-20 % of the ferulic acid occurring in bran, depending on the treatment conditions. Ferulic acid 1 mM in enzymatic hydrolyzates could be bioconverted into vanillin with molar yield (55.1%) and selectivity (68%) comparable to those obtained with food-grade ferulic acid after purification from reducing sugars with a non polar adsorption resin. Further improvement of ferulic acid recovery from wheat bran is however required to make more attractive the production of natural vanillin from this by-product.
An increased incidence of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) is associated with the emergence of epidemic strains characterised by high genetic diversity. Among the factors that may have a role in CDI there is a family of 29 paralogs, the cell wall proteins (CWPs), which compose the outer layer of the bacterial cell and are likely to be involved in colonisation. Previous studies have shown that 12 of the29 cwp genes are clustered in the same region, named after slpA (cwp1) the slpA locus, whereas the remaining 17 paralogs are distributed throughout the genome. The variability of 14 of these 17 cwp paralogs was determined in 40 C. difficile clinical isolates belonging to six of the currently prevailing PCR ribotypes. Based on sequence conservation, these cwp genes were divided into two groups, one comprising cwp loci having highly conserved sequences in all isolates, and the other 5 loci showing low genetic conservation between isolates of the same PCR ribotype as well as between different PCR ribotypes. Three conserved CWPs, Cwp16, Cwp18 and Cwp25, and two variable ones, Cwp26 and Cwp27, were characterised further by Western blot analysis of total cell extracts or S-layer preparations of the C. difficile clinical isolates. Expression of genetically invariable CWPs is well conserved in all isolates, while genetically variable CWPs are not always expressed at comparable levels even in strains containing identical sequences but belonging to different PCR ribotypes. In addition, we chose to analyse the immune response obtained in a protection experiment, carried out in hamsters, using a protein microarray approach to study the in vivo expression and the immunoreactivity of several surface proteins, including 18 Cwps.
In this thesis several models are treated, which are relevant for ultracold fermionic quantum gases loaded onto optical lattices. In particular, imbalanced superfluid Fermi mixtures, which are considered as the best way to realize Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) states experimentally, and antiferromagnetic states, whose experimental realization is one of the next major goals, are examined analytically and numerically with the use of appropriate versions of the Hubbard model.rnrnThe usual Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) superconductor is known to break down in a magnetic field with a strength exceeding the size of the superfluid gap. A spatially inhomogeneous spin-imbalanced superconductor with a complex order parameter known as FFLO-state is predicted to occur in translationally invariant systems. Since in ultracold quantum gases the experimental setups have a limited size and a trapping potential, we analyze the realistic situation of a non-translationally invariant finite sized Hubbard model for this purpose. We first argue analytically, why the order parameter should be real in a system with continuous coordinates, and map our statements onto the Hubbard model with discrete coordinates defined on a lattice. The relevant Hubbard model is then treated numerically within mean field theory. We show that the numerical results agree with our analytically derived statements and we simulate various experimentally relevant systems in this thesis.rnrnAnalogous calculations are presented for the situation at repulsive interaction strength where the N'eel state is expected to be realized experimentally in the near future. We map our analytical results obtained for the attractive model onto corresponding results for the repulsive model. We obtain a spatially invariant unit vector defining the direction of the order parameter as a consequence of the trapping potential, which is affirmed by our mean field numerical results for the repulsive case. Furthermore, we observe domain wall formation, antiferromagnetically induced density shifts, and we show the relevant role of spin-imbalance for antiferromagnetic states.rnrnSince the first step for understanding the physics of the examined models was the application of a mean field approximation, we analyze the effect of including the second order terms of the weak coupling perturbation expansion for the repulsive model. We show that our results survive the influence of quantum fluctuations and show that the renormalization factors for order parameters and critical temperatures lead to a weaker influence of the fluctuations on the results in finite sized systems than on the results in the thermodynamical limit. Furthermore, in the context of second order theory we address the question whether results obtained in the dynamical mean field theory (DMFT), which is meanwhile a frequently used method for describing trapped systems, survive the effect of the non-local Feynman diagrams neglected in DMFT.
In recent years the hot water treatment (HW) represents an effective and safe approach for managing postharvest decay. This study reported the effect of an HW (60°C for 60 s and 45°C for 10 min) on brown rot and blue mould respectively. Peaches was found more thermotolerant compared to apple fruit, otherwise Penicillium expansum was more resistant to heat with respect to Monilinia spp. In semi-commercial and commercial trials, the inhibition of brown rot in naturally infected peaches was higher than 78% after 6 days at 0°C and 3 days at 20°C. Moreover, in laboratory trials a 100% disease incidence reduction was obtained by treating artificially infected peaches at 6-12 h after inoculation revealing a curative effect of HW. The expression levels of some genes were evaluated by qRT-PCR. Specifically, the cell wall genes (β-GAL, PL, PG, PME) showed a general decrease of expression level whereas PAL, CHI, HSP70 and ROS-scavenging genes were induced in treated peaches compared to the control ones. Contrarily, HW applied on artificially infected fruit before the inoculum was found to increase brown rot susceptibility. This aspect might be due to an increase of fruit VOCs emission as revealed by PTR-ToF-MS analysis. In addition a microarray experiment was conducted to analyze molecular mechanisms underneath the apple response to heat. Our results showed a largest amount of induced Heat shock proteins (HSPs), Heat shock cognate proteins (HSCs), Heat shock transcription factors (HSTFs) genes found at 1 and 4 hours from the treatment. Those genes required for the thermotolerance process could be involved in induced resistance response. The hypothesis was confirmed by 30% of blue mold disease reduction in artificially inoculated apple after 1 and 4 hours from the treatment. In order to improve peaches quality and disease management during storage, an innovative tool was also used: Da-meter.
Hefen stellen einen großen und wichtigen Teil der Mikrobiota während der Weinbereitung dar, da ohne ihre alkoholische Fermentation die Umwandlung von Most und Wein nicht möglich wäre. Ferner ist es ihre Vielzahl an Stoffwechselprodukten, die dem Aroma des fertigen Weines eine zusätzliche Komplexität verleihen. Auf der anderen Seite steht durch den Metabolismus verschiedenster so genannter Wildhefen die Gefahr von Qualitätsabstufungen der Weine, was allgemein als „Weinfehler“ betrachtet wird. Ziel dieser Arbeit war zum einen die taxonomische Einordnung von Saccharomyces-Spezies, sowie die Quantifizierung und Hemmung von ausgewählten Wildhefen während der Weinbereitung.rnEin Teil dieser Arbeit umfasste die Identifizierung der nahverwandten Mitglieder der Saccharomyces sensu stricto-Gruppe. Durch den Einsatz des DNA-Fingerpinting-Systems SAPD-PCR konnten alle die Gruppe umfassenden Spezies anhand spezifischer Bandenmuster nachgewiesen werden, wodurch eine Einordnung dieser schwer zu differenzierenden Arten möglich war. Die Differenzierung zwischen den einzelnen Spezies war in jedem Fall deutlicher als dies die Sequenzierung der 5.8S rDNA und ihre flankierenden ITS-Regionen vermochte. Die SAPD-PCR zeichnete sich zudem durch eine geringe Muster-Varianz bei verschiedenen Stämmen einer Art aus und konnte zuverlässig unbekannte Stämme bestimmen und bereits hinterlegte Stämme neu klassifizieren. Zudem konnte mit Hilfe dieses Systems Hybride aus Saccharomyces cerevisiae und S. bayanus bzw. S. cerevisiae und S. kudriavzevii detektiert werden, wenn diese Hybride aus relativ gleichen genomischen Anteilen der Eltern bestanden. rnZusätzlich wurde ein quantitatives PCR-System entwickelt, um die Gattungen Saccharomyces, Hanseniaspora und Brettanomyces in Most und Wein detektieren und quantifizieren zu können. Die hierfür entwickelten Primer zeigten sich spezifisch für die untersuchten Arten. Durch die serielle Verdünnung definierter DNA-Mengen konnte für alle drei Systeme eine Kalibrierungskurve erstellt werden, mit Hilfe derer die tatsächlichen Quantifizierungen durchgeführt wurden. Die qPCR-Analyse lieferte ähnliche Zellzahlen wie Lebendzellzahl-Bestimmungen und wurde nicht von anderen Spezies und von Traubensaft gestört. Die maximal detektierbare Zellzahl betrug 2 x 107 Zellen/ml, während die minimale Detektionsgrenze je nach Art zwischen 1 x 102 Zellen/ml und 1 x 103 Zellen/ml lag. Allerdings konnte eine effektive DNA-Isolierung dieser geringen Zellzahlen nur erreicht werden, wenn die Zellzahl durch artfremde Hefen künstlich erhöht wurde. Die Analyse einer Most-Vergärung mit den drei Spezies zeigte schlussendlich, dass die quantitative PCR sicher und schnell Veränderungen und Sukzessionen detektiert und so ein geeignetes Mittel darstellt, um Populationsdynamiken während der Weinherstellung zu beobachten. rnDer letzte Teil dieser Arbeit befasste sich mit der Inhibierung von Schadhefen durch zellwand-hydrolysierende Enzyme. Es konnte hierbei eine endoglykosidisch wirkende β-1,3-Glucanase aus dem Bakterium Delftia tsuruhatensis isoliert werden. Diese besaß eine ungefähre Masse von 28 kDa, einen isolektrischen Punkt von ca. 4,3 und wirkte mit einer spezifischen Aktivität von 10 U/mg Protein gegen das Glucan Laminarin. Zudem zeigte das Enzym ein Temperaturoptimum von 50 °C und ein pH-Optimum bei pH 4,0. Weinparameter wie erhöhte Konzentrationen an Ethanol, Phenolen und Sulfit beeinflussten die Wirkung des Enzyms nicht oder nur wenig. Neben der allgemeinen Wirkung gegen β-1,3-Glucane konnte hier auch gezeigt werden, dass ebenso gut die β-1,3-Glucane in der Zellwand verschiedener Hefen hydrolysiert wurden. Fluoreszenz- und rasterelektronen-mikroskopische Aufnahmen von Hefezellen nach Inkubation mit der β-1,3-Glucanase zeigten zusätzlich die Zerstörung der Zelloberfläche der Hefen. Die lytische Wirkung des Enzyms wurde an verschiedenen weintypischen Hefen getestet. Hierbei zeigten sich stammspezifische Unterschiede in der Sensitivität gegenüber dem Enzym. Außerdem konnte festgestellt werden, dass sowohl Wachstumsphase als auch Medium der Hefen Einfluss auf deren Zellwand hat und somit auch auf die Wirkung des Enzyms.rn
Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is a Gram-positive human pathogen representing one of the most common causes of life-threatening bacterial infections such as sepsis and meningitis in neonates. Covalently polymerized pilus-like structures have been discovered in GBS as important virulence factors as well as vaccine candidates. Pili are protein polymers forming long and thin filamentous structures protruding from bacterial cells, mediating adhesion and colonization to host cells. Gram-positive bacteria, including GBS, build pili on their cell surface via a class C sortase-catalyzed transpeptidation mechanism from pilin protein substrates that are the backbone protein forming the pilus shaft and two ancillary proteins. Also the cell-wall anchoring of the pilus polymers made of covalently linked pilin subunits is mediated by a sortase enzyme. GBS expresses three structurally distinct pilus types (type 1, 2a and 2b). Although the mechanisms of assembly and cell wall anchoring of GBS types 1 and 2a pili have been investigated, those of pilus 2b are not understood until now. Pilus 2b is frequently found in ST-17 strains that are mostly associated with meningitis and high mortality rate especially in infants. In this work the assembly mechanism of GBS pilus type 2b has been elucidated by dissecting through genetic, biochemical and structural studies the role of the two pilus-associated sortases. The most significant findings show that pilus 2b assembly appears “non-canonical”, differing significantly from current pilus assembly models in Gram-positive pathogens. Only sortase-C1 is involved in pilin polymerization, while the sortase-C2 does not act as a pilin polymerase, but it is involved in cell-wall pilus anchoring. Our findings provide new insights into pili biogenesis in Gram-positive bacteria. Moreover, the role of this pilus type during host infection has been investigated. By using a mouse model of meningitis we demonstrated that type 2b pilus contributes to pathogenesis of meningitis in vivo.
Übergangsmetallen wie Nickel und Cobalt kommt meist eine große Bedeutung als Cofaktor in Enzymen oder Metallkomplexen im Metabolismus von Lebewesen zu. Da eine sehr geringe Konzentration dieser Übergangsmetalle in einer Zelle für deren Funktionalität ausreicht, ist eine konstante Konzentration der Spurenelemente in einer Zelle angestrebt. Durch meist anthropogene Einflüsse sind Pflanzen und Menschen zunehmend hohen Konzentrationen von Übergangsmetallen ausgesetzt, die in Abhängigkeit von ihrer Spezies, der Konzentration und der Lokalisation unterschiedliche Toxizitäten aufweisen können. Die Speziation von Metallen wurde bisher mittels gängiger Analyseverfahren, wie der ICP-MS und ähnlicher Verfahren, anhand von bulk-Material durchgeführt. Durch die Entwicklung von optischen Sensoren für Metallionen war es möglich, diese Metalle auch in lebenden Zellen mittels Fluoreszenzmikroskopie zu lokalisieren. Ke und Kollegen (2006, 2007) nutzten einen solchen optischen Sensor - Newport Green DCF, um die Aufnahme von Nickel in humane A543 Lungenbronchialepithelzellen nach Inkubation mit dem wasserlöslichen NiCl2 (0,5 mM und 1 mM) sowie den wasserunlöslichen Verbindungen Ni3S2 (0,5 µg/cm2 und 1 µg/cm2) und NiS (2,5 µg/cm2) nachzuweisen und zu lokalisieren und konnten damit eine Akkumulation von Nickel im Zytoplasma und im Zellkern aufzeigen. Dabei war bei wasserlöslichen und wasserunlöslichen Nickelverbindungen Nickel nach 24 h im Zytoplasma und erst nach 48 h im Zellkern zu beobachten.rnrnDa Nickel und Cobalt keine detektierbare Eigenfluoreszenz unter den gegebenen Bedingungen zeigten, wurde für den optischen Nachweis von Nickel und Cobalt mit dem konfokalen Laser-Raster Mikroskop (CLSM) nach der Zugabe der verschiedenen wasserlöslichen und wasserunlöslichen Metallverbindungen NiCl2, NiSO4, Ni3S2 und CoCl2 in einzelnen lebenden humanen Gingiva-Fibroblasten, sowie in Pflanzenzellen in dieser Arbeit ebenfalls der optische Sensor Newport Green DCF genutzt. Korrespondierend zu den Ergebnissen früherer Arbeiten von Ke et al. (2006, 2007), in denen die Nickelaufnahme bei Konzentrationen von >0,5 mM NiCl2 bzw. >0,5 µg/cm2 Ni3S2 gezeigt wurde, wurde Nickel in Fibroblasten in Abhängigkeit von der Spezies mit steigender Metallkonzentration von 100 µM bis 500 µM nach 16 h im Zytoplasma und zunehmend nach 24 h bis 48 h im Zellkern detektiert. Bei der wasserunlöslichen Verbindung Ni3S2 war der Nachweis von Nickel im Zellkern bereits nach 16 h bis 24 h erfolgreich. Zusätzlich wurden weitere Strukturen wie das Endoplasmatische Retikulum, die Mitochondrien und die Nukleoli durch eine starke Fluoreszenz des optischen Sensors bei Colokalisationsexperimenten mit Organell-spezifischen Fluoreszenzfarbstoffen als target für die Nickelbindung vermutet. Die Lokalisation von Cobalt in den Fibroblasten entsprach weitgehend der Lokalisation von Nickel. Im Zellkern war die Cobaltlokalisation jedoch auf die Nukleoli beschränkt. Weiterführende Versuche an humanen Gingiva-Fibroblasten zeigten, dass die Aufnahme der Metalle in die Fibroblasten pH-Wert abhängig war. Niedrige pH-Werte im sauren pH-Bereich verringerten die Aufnahme der Metalle in die Zellen, wobei ein pH-Wert im basischen Bereich keinen bedeutenden Unterschied zum neutralen pH-Bereich aufwies. Im Vergleich zu den Fibroblasten war in Pflanzenzellen zu jedem Zeitpunkt, auch bei geringen Konzentrationen der Metallverbindungen sowie des optischen Sensors, Nickel und Cobalt in den Zellkernen detektierbar. Durch die Eigenschaft der Pflanzenzellen eine Vakuole zu besitzen, war Nickel und Cobalt hauptsächlich in den Vakuolen lokalisiert. Weitere Strukturen wie das Endoplasmatische Retikulum, die Mitochondrien oder auch die Zellwand kamen bei Pflanzenzellen als target in Frage.rnrnDie Fluoreszenz und Lokalisation der Metalle in den Fibroblasten waren unabhängig von der Spezies sehr ähnlich, sodass in den Zellen die Spezies anhand der fluoreszenzmikroskopischen Aufnahmen kaum unterschieden werden konnten. Lambda-Scans in verschiedenen regions of interest (ROI) wurden durchgeführt, um durch die Fluoreszenzspektren Hinweise auf eine charakteristische Beeinflussung der Bindungspartner von Nickel und Cobalt oder dieser Metalle selbst in den Zellen auf den optischen Sensor zu bekommen und diese dadurch identifizieren zu können. Das Ziel der parallelen Detektion bzw. Lokalisation und gleichzeitigen Speziation bestimmter Nickel- und Cobaltpezies in einzelnen lebenden Zellen konnte in dieser Arbeit durch den optischen Sensor Newport Green DCF nicht erreicht werden.
The columnar growth habit of apple is interesting from an economic point of view as the pillar-like trees require little space and labor. Genetic engineering could be used to speed up breeding for columnar trees with high fruit quality and disease resistance. For this purpose, this study dealt with the molecular causes of this interesting phenotype. The original bud sport mutation that led to the columnar growth habit was found to be a novel nested insertion of a Gypsy-44 LTR retrotransposon on chromosome 10 at 18.79 Mb. This subsequently causes tissue-specific differential expression of nearby downstream genes, particularly of a gene encoding a 2OG-Fe(II) oxygenase of unknown function (dmr6-like) that is strongly upregulated in developing aerial tissues of columnar trees. The tissue-specificity of the differential expression suggests involvement of cis-regulatory regions and/or tissue-specific epigenetic markers whose influence on gene expression is altered due to the retrotransposon insertion. This eventually leads to changes in genes associated with stress and defense reactions, cell wall and cell membrane metabolism as well as phytohormone biosynthesis and signaling, which act together to cause the typical phenotype characteristics of columnar trees such as short internodes and the absence of long lateral branches. In future, transformation experiments introducing Gypsy-44 into non-columnar varieties or excising Gypsy-44 from columnar varieties would provide proof for our hypotheses. However, since site-specific transformation of a nested retrotransposon is a (too) ambitious objective, silencing of the Gypsy-44 transcripts or the nearby genes would also provide helpful clues.
For the first time we present a multi-proxy data set for the Russian Altai, consisting of Siberian larch tree-ring width (TRW), latewood density (MXD), δ13C and δ18O in cellulose chronologies obtained for the period 1779–2007 and cell wall thickness (CWT) for 1900–2008. All of these parameters agree well between each other in the high-frequency variability, while the low-frequency climate information shows systematic differences. The correlation analysis with temperature and precipitation data from the closest weather station and gridded data revealed that annual TRW, MXD, CWT, and δ13C data contain a strong summer temperature signal, while δ18O in cellulose represents a mixed summer and winter temperature and precipitation signal. The temperature and precipitation reconstructions from the Belukha ice core and Teletskoe lake sediments were used to investigate the correspondence of different independent proxies. Low frequency patterns in TRW and δ13C chronologies are consistent with temperature reconstructions from nearby Belukha ice core and Teletskoe lake sediments showing a pronounced warming trend in the last century. Their combination could be used for the regional temperature reconstruction. The long-term δ18O trend agrees with the precipitation reconstruction from the Teletskoe lake sediment indicating more humid conditions during the twentieth century. Therefore, these two proxies could be combined for the precipitation reconstruction.