941 resultados para business intelligence management
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB
The main purpose of this article is to relate two among the most important themes of the current organizational dynamic: organizational culture, innovation and environmental management. Great part of the literature about environmental management and environmental innovation refers to organizational culture as the most arduous wall or the most significant element to develop effective practices of business environmental management. However, relationship among such concepts is, many times, superficial or camouflaging the necessary analytic depth. To solve this challenge, this article integrates the levels of the organizational culture (workmanships, values and presupposed unconscious), the typologies of environmental innovation (total productivity of resources, innovations for the segregation of materials and articulation of bio-systems), and the environmental technologies (end-of-pipe, environmental measurement, pollution prevention and zero-impact technology). Recommendations and challenges for the continuity of this research are registered.
This paper studies the communication and information management in the perspective of corporate social responsibility. We assume that a company becomes socially responsible when it’s necessary implementing a communication and information policy able to align their business management processes to social responsibility policies, thus creating the necessary, fundamental synergy to their audiences. We raised the hypothesis that corporate social responsibility, in order to be incorporated on a business process management, necessarily involves a transformation in the form of information management and communication - understood as strategic skills which enable the generation of knowledge creation value and the acquisition of awareness of ethical conduct and company's corporate organizational culture as a mirror, reflected to its internal and external audiences. Therefore, this study was supported by a case study in a retail company in Bauru city, regarded as a socially responsible company. Thus, we proceeded to develop a descriptive-exploratory field research, by using the technique of structured interviews which were conducted with the most representative considered leaders of the company - management, store managers, responsible CSR department and advertising agency
The objective of this paper is to conduct a state-of-the-art literature review and systematization to identify how BPM - Business Process Management and corporate sustainability relate, while exploring the areas of collaboration between the two.
Entrepreneurial intention is a primary step to create new venture in the entrepreneurial process. Environmental conditions are one of the main factors that are strengthening or weakening intention of prospective entrepreneur. Therefore, it is important to develop conducive environments for entrepreneurship to promote entrepreneurial intention. Moreover, the promoted entrepreneurial intention will raise the rate of new venture creation. This paper investigates the relationships between five key environments for entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial intention. The five entrepreneurial environments are: government policies and procedures, socioeconomic conditions, entrepreneurial and business skills, financial assistance, and non-financial assistance, respectively. Conjoint analysis was used to determine the significance of five environmental factors conducive to entrepreneurial intention. In this conjoint experiment, 1370 decisions were made by 137 university students. Significant relationships were found between all of these environmental factors and intention. Comparative importance of environmental factors was also calculated, along with sub-conjoint analyses based on characteristics of the sample.
Supply Chain Management (SCM) has become a critical factor to sustain organization’s competitive advantages. In this regard, many firms and researchers have attempted to find out factors that affect either positively or negatively on SCM. Recently, Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) has been receiving the spotlight in many studies. Social and political concerns about the environment in Korea emerged in the early 1990s when Korean government established new environmental regulations in order to implement environmental management throughout the entire supply chain. The Korean government established national GSCM strategies. However, there has been minimal research on measuring GSCM performance among Korean enterprises. It is critical to conduct the research on the relationship between GSCM practices and supply chain performance among Korean firms. In this research, the relationship among Korean enterprises will be empirically tested. The supply chain performance measurement system includes three dimensions: resource, output, and flexibility.
The ability to utilize information systems (IS) effectively is becoming a necessity for business professionals. However, individuals differ in their abilities to use IS effectively, with some achieving exceptional performance in IS use and others being unable to do so. Therefore, developing a set of skills and attributes to achieve IS user competency, or the ability to realize the fullest potential and the greatest performance from IS use, is important. Various constructs have been identified in the literature to describe IS users with regard to their intentions to use IS and their frequency of IS usage, but studies to describe the relevant characteristics associated with highly competent IS users, or those who have achieved IS user competency, are lacking. This research develops a model of IS user competency by using the Repertory Grid Technique to identify a broad set of characteristics of highly competent IS users. A qualitative analysis was carried out to identify categories and sub-categories of these characteristics. Then, based on the findings, a subset of the model of IS user competency focusing on the IS-specific factors – domain knowledge of and skills in IS, willingness to try and to explore IS, and perception of IS value – was developed and validated using the survey approach. The survey findings suggest that all three factors are relevant and important to IS user competency, with willingness to try and to explore IS being the most significant factor. This research generates a rich set of factors explaining IS user competency, such as perception of IS value. The results not only highlight characteristics that can be fostered in IS users to improve their performance with IS use, but also present research opportunities for IS training and potential hiring criteria for IS users in organizations.
This research examines the impact of a CEO’s statements of aggressiveness on his or her organization’s competitive moves and subsequent performance. Hypotheses were developed based on previous work in Upper Echelon Theory and competitive dynamics. Based on this prior literature, it was hypothesized aggressive statements by CEOs will be associated with more aggressive organizations. It was also hypothesized these more aggressive organizations would display better performance than less aggressive organizations. A content analysis of letters to shareholders and trade publications was performed. This data was analyzed using multiple regression in SPSS 17 to test the hypotheses that aggressive statements by CEOs are associated with aggressive organizations and higher performance. Aggression scores for the content analysis were generated using the software package DICTION. The sample for the study was the organizations with the most revenue in two industries, automobile manufacturing and retailing. Data collection covered a five-year time span from 2003-2007, with performance data lagged one year. Control variables employed included CEO tenure, CEO background, organization size, and organization age. The findings indicate that CEO statements of aggressiveness do not significantly impact the competitive aggressiveness or the performance of their organizations. The implications of these findings are discussed and potential avenues for future research in the area are outlined.
System thinking allows companies to use subjective constructs indicators like recursiveness, cause-effect relationships and autonomy to performance evaluation. Thus, the question that motivates this paper is: Are Brazilian companies searching new performance measurement and evaluation models based on system thinking? The study investigates models looking for system thinking roots in their framework. It was both exploratory and descriptive based on a multiple four case studies strategy in chemical sector. The findings showed organizational models have some characteristics that can be related to system thinking as system control and communication. Complexity and autonomy are deficiently formalized by the companies. All data suggest, inside its context, that system thinking seems to be adequate to organizational performance evaluation but remains distant from the management proceedings.
Máster Universitario en Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en Ingeniería (SIANI)
Programa de doctorado: Administración y dirección de empresas. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura
The advent of distributed and heterogeneous systems has laid the foundation for the birth of new architectural paradigms, in which many separated and autonomous entities collaborate and interact to the aim of achieving complex strategic goals, impossible to be accomplished on their own. A non exhaustive list of systems targeted by such paradigms includes Business Process Management, Clinical Guidelines and Careflow Protocols, Service-Oriented and Multi-Agent Systems. It is largely recognized that engineering these systems requires novel modeling techniques. In particular, many authors are claiming that an open, declarative perspective is needed to complement the closed, procedural nature of the state of the art specification languages. For example, the ConDec language has been recently proposed to target the declarative and open specification of Business Processes, overcoming the over-specification and over-constraining issues of classical procedural approaches. On the one hand, the success of such novel modeling languages strongly depends on their usability by non-IT savvy: they must provide an appealing, intuitive graphical front-end. On the other hand, they must be prone to verification, in order to guarantee the trustworthiness and reliability of the developed model, as well as to ensure that the actual executions of the system effectively comply with it. In this dissertation, we claim that Computational Logic is a suitable framework for dealing with the specification, verification, execution, monitoring and analysis of these systems. We propose to adopt an extended version of the ConDec language for specifying interaction models with a declarative, open flavor. We show how all the (extended) ConDec constructs can be automatically translated to the CLIMB Computational Logic-based language, and illustrate how its corresponding reasoning techniques can be successfully exploited to provide support and verification capabilities along the whole life cycle of the targeted systems.
L’elaborazione di questa tesi è stata svolta con l’ausilio di strumenti di Business Intelligence. In particolare, si è dapprima alimentato un data warehouse territoriale, in cui sono stati inseriti, dopo averli elaborati, i dati messi a disposizione dagli osservatori territoriali nazionali e dall’azienda Geofor spa. A partire da questi, sono stati prodotti degli indicatori statistici e dei report, utili per evidenziare andamenti e trend di crescita di alcuni particolari indici. Il principale strumento utilizzato è StatPortal, un portale Web di Business Intelligence OLAP per la realizzazione di Data warehouse territoriali. L’argomento sarà approfondito nel capitolo sette, dedicato agli strumenti utilizzati, ma in breve, questo sistema consente di raccogliere, catalogare e condividere informazione statistica e geostatistica, nonché di produrre indicatori e reportistica. Il lavoro è organizzato come segue: inizialmente c’è una prima parte di definizione e classificazione dei rifiuti che ha l’obiettivo di permettere al lettore di inquadrare il tema e prendere coscienza del problema. Successivamente, è stata sviluppata una parte più storica, con una rapida analisi temporale per comprendere il “tipping point”, cioè il momento in cui i rifiuti hanno iniziato a essere percepiti come un problema per la comunità, concludendo con un accenno agli scenari attuali e futuri. In seguito, si è indirizzata l’attenzione sul panorama italiano, europeo e mondiale citando alcuni interessanti e originali esempi di efficienza nella gestione dei rifiuti, che potrebbero servire da spunto per qualche stakeholder nazionale. Si è poi introdotta quella che è la normativa vigente, sottolineando quali sono gli obiettivi che impone ed entro quali tempi dovranno essere raggiunti, elencando quindi i principi fondamentali del D.lgs.152/2006 e del D.lgs 36/2003. Continuando su questo filo logico, si è voluto introdurre al lettore, la questione dei Rifiuti Solidi Urbani (RSU) nel Comune di Pisa. Sono stati definiti: lo stato dell’arte dell’igiene urbana pisana, i sistemi implementati nella città con i vari pregi e difetti e quali sono state le azioni pratiche messe in atto dall’Amministrazione per far fronte al tema. Il capitolo sei rappresenta uno dei due punti focali dell’intero lavoro: il Rapporto sullo Stato dell’Ambiente della città di Pisa in tema di rifiuti urbani. Qui saranno analizzati i vari indici e report prodotti ad hoc con lo strumento Statportal appena menzionato, con lo scopo di segnalare evidenze e obiettivi dell’Amministrazione. Nel settimo capitolo si analizza la fase di progettazione del Data Warehouse. Sono elencati i passi fondamentali nella costruzione di un DW dimensionale, esponendone in primo luogo la specifica dei requisiti del progetto ed elencando per ognuno di essi le dimensioni, le misure e le aggregazioni relative. In seguito saranno descritti nel dettaglio la fase di progettazione concettuale e lo schema logico. In ultimo, sarà presentato l’altro punto focale di questa tesi, nonché la parte più interattiva: un portale web creato appositamente per il Comune con l’obiettivo di coinvolgere ed aiutare i cittadini nel conferimento dei rifiuti da loro prodotti. Si tratta di una sorta di manuale interattivo per individuare come eseguire una corretta differenziazione dei rifiuti. Lo scopo primario è quello di fare chiarezza alle utenze nella differenziazione, il che, in maniera complementare, dovrebbe incrementare la qualità del rifiuto raccolto, minimizzando i conferimenti errati. L’obiettivo principale di questo lavoro resta quindi il monitoraggio e l’analisi delle tecniche e dei processi di gestione dei rifiuti nel Comune di Pisa. Analogamente si vuole coinvolgere e suscitare l’interesse del maggior numero di persone possibile al tema della sostenibilità ambientale, rendendo consapevole il lettore che il primo passo verso un mondo più sostenibile spetta in primis a Noi che quotidianamente acquistiamo, consumiamo ed infine gettiamo via i residui senza troppo preoccuparci. Il fatto che anche in Italia, si stia sviluppando un senso civico e una forte responsabilizzazione verso l’ambiente da parte dei cittadini, fa ben sperare. Questo perché si è riusciti a imprimere il concetto che le soluzioni si ottengano impegnandosi in prima persona. E’ alla nostra comunità che si affida il dovere di non compromettere l’esistenza delle generazioni future, incaricandola del compito di ristabilire un equilibrio, ormai precario, tra umanità e ambiente, se non altro perché, come recita un vecchio proverbio Navajo: “il mondo non lo abbiamo in eredità dai nostri padri ma lo abbiamo in prestito dai nostri figli”.