956 resultados para Zoological taxonomy
A new Paxillus MacLeay, 1819 (Coleoptera: Passalidae: Passalinae) from the state of Amazonas, Brazil
Paxillus is a neotropical genus belonging to the subfamily Passalinae widespread from Mexico to Argentina. Brazil is known to harbor five species belonging to this genus with most of them presenting at head a flattened central tubercle lacking a free apex. However, one of these species, Paxillus macrocerus Reyes-Castillo & Fonseca, differs from that pattern by having a long central tubercle with a completely free apex. The present study describes and illustrates another new species, which has been found in the Brazilian Amazon, showing this same characteristic.
A new species of Protoptila Banks (Trichoptera: Glossosomatidae: Protoptilinae) - P. longispinata sp. nov. - is described and illustrated from specimens collected in Amazon region, Amazonas and Pará states, Brazil.
All species of Macrostomus Wiedemann allied with Macrostomus pictipennis (Bezzi), are treated in the pictipennis species-group. Three currently recognized species and four new species are included, namely M. cervicicauda Smith, M. cysticercus Smith, M. manauara, sp. nov. from Brazil (Amazonas and Pará states), M. pacaraima, sp. nov. from Brazil (Roraima, Amazonas and Pará states), M. pictipennis (Bezzi), M. smithi, sp. nov. from Guyana and Brazil (Roraima State) and M. utinga, sp. nov. from Brazil (Pará State). All primary types were examined and a key to species is presented.
Seven new species of Lachesilla in the group forcepeta, from the Amazon Basin in Brazil, Colombia and Peru, are here described and illustrated: L. amacayacuensis sp. n. (type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Leticia, Amacayacú); L.bulbosiforceps sp. n. (type locality: Peru, Cuzco); L. cuzcoensis sp. n. (type locality: Peru, Cuzco); L. marabaensis sp. n. (type locality: Brasil, Pará, Marabá, Serra Norte); L. pilosiforceps sp. n. (type locality: Brasil, Pará, Oriximiná, Rio Trombetas); L. pilosipenna sp. n. (type locality: Peru, Cuzco); L. squamiforceps sp. n. (type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Leticia). The Amazon Basin is the second most rich world area for species of Lachesilla.
Amazolachesilla, a new genus in Graphocaeciliini (Lachesillidae: Eolachesillinae), from Amazonas, Brazil, is here described and illustrated. It presents an autapomorphic clunial shelf and clunial projections, as well as a peculiar male epiproct, and paraprocts with a s clerotized longitudinal rod that makes it unique in the tribe.
A comparação de dados morfológicos, mineralógicos e químicos de solo com horizontes antrópicos - Terra Preta Arqueológica (TPA) com Argissolos adjacentes permitiu identificar os principais processos responsáveis pela formação da TPA em um sítio arqueológico no Município de Bom Jesus do Tocantins, sudeste do Estado do Pará. A similaridade entre os dados dos horizontes subsuperficiais do solo com TPA e solos adjacentes indica que o horizonte antrópico do solo TPA foi provavelmente desenvolvido a partir de um horizonte similar aos Argissolos adjacentes com posterior transformação pedogenética através da introdução de materiais orgânicos e inorgânicos por antigas colonizações humanas, resultando no espessamento do horizonte superficial e em concentrações maiores de CaO e P2O5 (teores totais), Zn (teor traço), P e Zn disponível (teores disponíveis), além de Ca e Mg trocáveis (teores trocáveis) em relação aos Argissolos adjacentes. Além disso, essa intervenção antrópica antiga também provocou modificações no horizonte subsuperficial do Argissolo com TPA, como concentrações altas de P2O5 e principalmente P disponível. O Soil Taxonomy e o Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação de Solos (SiBCS) são adequados para a identificação de solo com horizonte antrópico (p.exe. TPA), uma vez que priorizam nas ordens do solo os principais processos pedogenéticos atuantes na formação do solo, relacionados aos horizontes subsuperficiais, além das transformações pedogenéticas posteriores no horizonte superficial. Contudo, este trabalho recomenda o acréscimo de alguns atributos diagnósticos como quantidade de artefatos cerâmicos e líticos, P2O5, P e Zn disponíveis, C orgânico, Ca2++ Mg2+ (teores trocáveis), CTC e índice de saturação por bases no horizonte superficial para o agrupamento e distinção dos diversos tipos de solos antrópicos antigos da Amazônia.
Dichaea is the largest genus of the subtribe Zygopetalinae and holds it's the highest species diversity in South America. Therefore, this study aims to describe a new species of Dichaea, which occurs in northern Brazil, Dichaea bragae Valsko, Krahl & Holanda. The new species was collected in the north of Manaus in an area of ombrophilous forest and flowered when cultivated. The epithet honors Dr. Pedro Ivo Soares Braga (in memoriam), orchidologist who conducted several studies in the Brazilian Amazon. This new species show a affinity with Dichaea tenuis C. Schweinf., however it is differentiated both vegetatively and on labellum morphology.
Morphological studies focusing on vegetative traits are useful in identifying species when fertile material is not available. The aim of this study was to assess the application of comparative leaf morphology to identify species of the Chrysobalanaceae family. The morphological observations were made with a stereomicroscope. We used the diaphanization technique for viewing venation details. It is shown the descriptions of the leaf morphology, illustrations and an identification key for 20 species from genera Couepia, Licania and Parinari (Chrysobalanaceae) occurring in the Adolpho Ducke Forest Reserve, Manaus, AM, Brazil. The key was constructed using the DELTA (DEscription Language for TAxonomy) software. Leaf traits such as the presence of intersecondary venation and the type of insertion of secondary veins were recorded for each species. These morphological leaf traits are reliable for identifying species of Chrysobalanaceae
Phlebotomine sand flies are insects of medical importance. Species in the Neotropical region are highly diverse. Some of these species are considered cryptic species because of their morphological similarity between adult females of different species make identification especially difficult. The aim of this study was to analyze and describe the armature in the genital atrium (AGA) of some adult female sand flies, in order to discover new taxonomic characters that make it possible to distinguish between species that would otherwise be treated as cryptic by analysis of the AGA. The AGA of 16 Phlebotomine sand fly species are described. Distinct differences were found in relation to the shape and size of the armature, the presence or absence of spines on the armature, and the shape, size, and grouping patterns of the spines. These characters made it possible to distinguish between the species studied.
Distributed data aggregation is an important task, allowing the de- centralized determination of meaningful global properties, that can then be used to direct the execution of other applications. The resulting val- ues result from the distributed computation of functions like count, sum and average. Some application examples can found to determine the network size, total storage capacity, average load, majorities and many others. In the last decade, many di erent approaches have been pro- posed, with di erent trade-o s in terms of accuracy, reliability, message and time complexity. Due to the considerable amount and variety of ag- gregation algorithms, it can be di cult and time consuming to determine which techniques will be more appropriate to use in speci c settings, jus- tifying the existence of a survey to aid in this task. This work reviews the state of the art on distributed data aggregation algorithms, providing three main contributions. First, it formally de nes the concept of aggrega- tion, characterizing the di erent types of aggregation functions. Second, it succinctly describes the main aggregation techniques, organizing them in a taxonomy. Finally, it provides some guidelines toward the selection and use of the most relevant techniques, summarizing their principal characteristics.
Fusarium verticillioides is considered one of the most important global sources of fumonisin contamination in food and feed. Corn is one of the main commodities produced in the Northeastern Region of Brazil. The present study investigated potential mycotoxigenic fungal strains belonging to the F. verticillioides species isolated from corn kernels in 3 different Regions of the Brazilian State of Pernambuco. A polyphasic approach including classical taxonomy, molecular biology, MALDI-TOF MS and MALDI-TOF MS/MS for the identification and characterisation of the F. verticillioides strains was used. Sixty F. verticillioides strains were isolated and successfully identified by classical morphology, proteomic profiles of MALDI-TOF MS, and by molecular biology using the species-specific primers VERT-1 and VERT-2. FUM1 gene was further detected for all the 60 F. verticillioides by using the primers VERTF-1 and VERTF-2 and through the amplification profiles of the ISSR regions using the primers (GTG)5 and (GACA)4. Results obtained from molecular analysis shown a low genetic variability among these isolates from the different geographical regions. All of the 60 F. verticillioides isolates assessed by MALDI-TOF MS/MS presented ion peaks with the molecular mass of the fumonisin B1 (721.83 g/mol) and B2 (705.83 g/mol)
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil
Dissertação de Mestrado (Programa Doutoral em Informática)
Dissertação de mestrado em Direito e Informática
Tese de doutoramento em Sociologia