967 resultados para Weakened Interfaces


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A ligação entre camadas constitui um dos aspetos fundamentais no comportamento de um pavimento rodoviário. O modo de funcionamento de um pavimento flexível está dependente das características dos materiais de cada camada, mas também das respetivas condições de fronteira, ou seja, das características das respetivas interfaces. Uma correta ligação entre camadas permite ao pavimento funcionar como um todo, esta ligação é normalmente alcançada com a aplicação de uma fina camada de emulsão betuminosa. Com a entrada em serviço de um pavimento, devido às tensões geradas pela passagem dos veículos, este começa a sofrer degradações à superfície, até que finda a sua vida útil procede-se à sua reabilitação. Na reabilitação de pavimentos é necessário um especial cuidado na interface do pavimento existente com novo pavimento aplicado, para que as fissuras existentes não se propaguem para as novas camadas reabilitadas. A presente dissertação de mestrado, estuda a ligação entre camadas de um pavimento cuja técnica de reforço de reabilitação é a introdução de uma grelha que limita a propagação de fendas. A ligação entre camadas é avaliada através de ensaios de corte pelo método de Leutner modificado e de tração pelo método Pull-off, para duas obras distintas, com constituições de pavimentos e com taxas de aplicação de regas de colagem diferentes, com dois tipos de grelhas de reforço e para amostras recolhidas em obra e fabricadas em laboratório. Os resultados são analisados e comparados entre si, de onde se conclui existir uma melhor ligação entre camadas para interfaces que não possuem grelhas de reforço em detrimento das que possuem, contudo a diminuição da resistência da ligação aquando desta introdução não é demasiado expressiva, o que valida esta técnica de reforço como não prejudicial à integridade da ligação entre camadas. Uma maior dosagem de rega de colagem contribui para uma maior ligação entre camadas, embora careça de um estudo mais aprofundado para definir intervalos de aplicação óptimos para uma dada constituição de pavimento. Este estudo valida para os pavimentos nacionais, os valores recomendados na norma Suíça e na norma Alemã, de resistência ao corte mínima para interfaces de ligação entre camadas de base de 12 kN e para interfaces de ligação entre camadas de desgaste de 15 kN. No entanto, considera-se que estes valores poderão ser mais exigentes, deixando os valores obtidos margem para recomendar valores mais elevados, requerendo portanto mais estudos para confirmar estes limites.


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The quasi two-dimensional electron gas (q2DEG) hosted in the interface of an epitaxially grown lanthanum aluminate (LaAlO3) thin film with a TiO2-termi-nated strontium titanate (SrTiO3) substrate (001) has been massively studied in the last few years. The confinement of mobile electrons to within a few nanome-ters from the interface, superconductive behavior at low temperatures and elec-tron mobility exceeding 1000 cm2/(V.s) make this system an interesting candi-date to explore the physics of spin injection and transport. However, due to the critical thickness for conduction of 4 unit cells (uc) of LaAlO3, a high tunneling resistance hampers electrical access to the q2DEG, preventing proper injection of spin polarized current. Recently, our group found that depositing a thin overlayer of Co on LaAlO3 reduces the critical thickness, enabling conduction with only 1 uc of LaAlO3. Two scenarios arise to explain this phenomenon: a pinning of the Fermi level in the metal, inducing charge transfer in the SrTiO3; the creation of oxygen vacancies at the interface between LaAlO3 and the metal, leading to an n-type doping of the SrTiO3. In this dissertation, we will report on magnetotransport of metal/LaAlO3/SrTiO3 (metal: Ti, Ta, Co, Py, Au, Pt, Pd) heterostructures with 2 uc of LaAlO3 studied at low temperatures (2 K) and high magnetic fields (9 T). We have analyzed the transport properties of the gas, namely, the carrier concen-tration, mobility and magnetotransport regime and we will discuss the results in the light of the two scenarios mentioned above.


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Mutable state can be useful in certain algorithms, to structure programs, or for efficiency purposes. However, when shared mutable state is used in non-local or nonobvious ways, the interactions that can occur via aliases to that shared memory can be a source of program errors. Undisciplined uses of shared state may unsafely interfere with local reasoning as other aliases may interleave their changes to the shared state in unexpected ways. We propose a novel technique, rely-guarantee protocols, that structures the interactions between aliases and ensures that only safe interference is possible. We present a linear type system outfitted with our novel sharing mechanism that enables controlled interference over shared mutable resources. Each alias is assigned separate, local roles encoded in a protocol abstraction that constrains how an alias can legally use that shared state. By following the spirit of rely-guarantee reasoning, our rely-guarantee protocols ensure that only safe interference can occur but still allow many interesting uses of shared state, such as going beyond invariant and monotonic usages. This thesis describes the three core mechanisms that enable our type-based technique to work: 1) we show how a protocol models an alias’s perspective on how the shared state evolves and constrains that alias’s interactions with the shared state; 2) we show how protocols can be used while enforcing the agreed interference contract; and finally, 3) we show how to check that all local protocols to some shared state can be safely composed to ensure globally safe interference over that shared memory. The interference caused by shared state is rooted at how the uses of di↵erent aliases to that state may be interleaved (perhaps even in non-deterministic ways) at run-time. Therefore, our technique is mostly agnostic as to whether this interference was the result of alias interleaving caused by sequential or concurrent semantics. We show implementations of our technique in both settings, and highlight their di↵erences. Because sharing is “first-class” (and not tied to a module), we show a polymorphic procedure that enables abstract compositions of protocols. Thus, protocols can be specialized or extended without requiring specific knowledge of the interference produce by other protocols to that state. We show that protocol composition can ensure safety even when considering abstracted protocols. We show that this core composition mechanism is sound, decidable (without the need for manual intervention), and provide an algorithm implementation.


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Ovários de Anopheles triannulatus foram dissecados 24 e 48 horas após as fêmeas terem sido alimentadas com fonte protéica (sangue), afim de se estudar o seu efeito sobre a ovogênese. Foram analisadas secçõees hisiológicas, ao nível da ultraestrutura, e observadas as mudanças morfológicas que ocorrem nas interfaces células foliculares-ovócito e célula folicular-célula. Foram observados aspectos estruturais que corroboram a hipótese da produção exógena das proteínas do vitelo. Os grânulos de vitelo originaram-se principalmente por condensação das vesículas pinocíticas formadas na superfície do ovócito.


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Hand gesture recognition for human computer interaction, being a natural way of human computer interaction, is an area of active research in computer vision and machine learning. This is an area with many different possible applications, giving users a simpler and more natural way to communicate with robots/systems interfaces, without the need for extra devices. So, the primary goal of gesture recognition research is to create systems, which can identify specific human gestures and use them to convey information or for device control. For that, vision-based hand gesture interfaces require fast and extremely robust hand detection, and gesture recognition in real time. In this study we try to identify hand features that, isolated, respond better in various situations in human-computer interaction. The extracted features are used to train a set of classifiers with the help of RapidMiner in order to find the best learner. A dataset with our own gesture vocabulary consisted of 10 gestures, recorded from 20 users was created for later processing. Experimental results show that the radial signature and the centroid distance are the features that when used separately obtain better results, with an accuracy of 91% and 90,1% respectively obtained with a Neural Network classifier. These to methods have also the advantage of being simple in terms of computational complexity, which make them good candidates for real-time hand gesture recognition.


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"Lecture notes in computational vision and biomechanics series, ISSN 2212-9391, vol. 19"


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Vision-based hand gesture recognition is an area of active current research in computer vision and machine learning. Being a natural way of human interaction, it is an area where many researchers are working on, with the goal of making human computer interaction (HCI) easier and natural, without the need for any extra devices. So, the primary goal of gesture recognition research is to create systems, which can identify specific human gestures and use them, for example, to convey information. For that, vision-based hand gesture interfaces require fast and extremely robust hand detection, and gesture recognition in real time. Hand gestures are a powerful human communication modality with lots of potential applications and in this context we have sign language recognition, the communication method of deaf people. Sign lan- guages are not standard and universal and the grammars differ from country to coun- try. In this paper, a real-time system able to interpret the Portuguese Sign Language is presented and described. Experiments showed that the system was able to reliably recognize the vowels in real-time, with an accuracy of 99.4% with one dataset of fea- tures and an accuracy of 99.6% with a second dataset of features. Although the im- plemented solution was only trained to recognize the vowels, it is easily extended to recognize the rest of the alphabet, being a solid foundation for the development of any vision-based sign language recognition user interface system.


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Hand gestures are a powerful way for human communication, with lots of potential applications in the area of human computer interaction. Vision-based hand gesture recognition techniques have many proven advantages compared with traditional devices, giving users a simpler and more natural way to communicate with electronic devices. This work proposes a generic system architecture based in computer vision and machine learning, able to be used with any interface for humancomputer interaction. The proposed solution is mainly composed of three modules: a pre-processing and hand segmentation module, a static gesture interface module and a dynamic gesture interface module. The experiments showed that the core of vision-based interaction systems can be the same for all applications and thus facilitate the implementation. In order to test the proposed solutions, three prototypes were implemented. For hand posture recognition, a SVM model was trained and used, able to achieve a final accuracy of 99.4%. For dynamic gestures, an HMM model was trained for each gesture that the system could recognize with a final average accuracy of 93.7%. The proposed solution as the advantage of being generic enough with the trained models able to work in real-time, allowing its application in a wide range of human-machine applications.


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Análises comparativas vêm sendo cada vez mais utilizadas para definir e relacionar os tipos de vegetação existentes no Brasil. Para tanto, cada pesquisador vem montando seu próprio banco de dados, usualmente elaborando um sistema com uma finalidade imediata e descartado ao término do projeto ou pesquisa. Essa prática leva ao desperdício de tempo, esforço, dinheiro e, principalmente, informação. Então, um sistema de banco de dados específico para armazenar e gerenciar informações advindas de levantamentos florísticos e, ou, fitossociológicos poderia padronizar, estruturar logicamente, evitar ou eliminar sobreposição de esforços, reduzir os custos e também promover oportunidade para que cientistas de diversas áreas compartilhem informações. Com esses objetivos e para suprir uma necessidade imediata de organizar uma base de dados, foi desenvolvido o FITOGEO. O sistema foi elaborado com a finalidade de gerenciar informações oriundas de listas florísticas ou de levantamentos fitossociológicos, variáveis ambientais associadas a estas listas e taxonômicas. O FITOGEO mantém a integridade dos dados, é centrado na ‘espécie’ e tem a capacidade de integrar dados e metadados de várias fontes. Apresenta duas interfaces: uma de características florísticas ou fitossociológicas, com todas as informações oriundas do levantamento em si, tanto das espécies quanto da metodologia adotada, e das variáveis ambientais associadas, como coordenadas geográficas, altitude, temperatura e precipitação. E outra taxonômica, resgatando informações como nome corrigido e o nome válido das espécies cadastradas e níveis hierárquicos supra-específicos.


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The MAP-i doctoral program of the Universities of Minho, Aveiro and Porto


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Novel input modalities such as touch, tangibles or gestures try to exploit human's innate skills rather than imposing new learning processes. However, despite the recent boom of different natural interaction paradigms, it hasn't been systematically evaluated how these interfaces influence a user's performance or whether each interface could be more or less appropriate when it comes to: 1) different age groups; and 2) different basic operations, as data selection, insertion or manipulation. This work presents the first step of an exploratory evaluation about whether or not the users' performance is indeed influenced by the different interfaces. The key point is to understand how different interaction paradigms affect specific target-audiences (children, adults and older adults) when dealing with a selection task. 60 participants took part in this study to assess how different interfaces may influence the interaction of specific groups of users with regard to their age. Four input modalities were used to perform a selection task and the methodology was based on usability testing (speed, accuracy and user preference). The study suggests a statistically significant difference between mean selection times for each group of users, and also raises new issues regarding the “old” mouse input versus the “new” input modalities.


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This work was supported by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) within Project Scope (UID/CEC/00319/2013), by LIP (Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas) and by Project Search-ON2 (NORTE-07-0162- FEDER-000086), co-funded by the North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (ON.2 - O Novo Norte), under the National Strategic Reference Framework, through the European Regional Development Fund.


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Nowadays, the vulgarization of information and communication technologies has reached to a level that the majority of people spend a lot of time using software to do regular tasks, ranging from games and ordinary time and weather utilities to some more sophisticated ones, like retail or banking applications. This new way of life is supported by the Internet or by specific applications that changed the image people had about using information and communication technologies. All over the world, the first cycle of studies of educational systems also has been addressed with the justification that this encourages the development of children. Taking this into consideration, we design and develop a visual explorer system for relational databases that can be used by everyone, from “7 to 77”, in an intuitive and easy way, getting immediate results – a new database querying experience. Thus, in this paper we will expose the main characteristics and features of this visual database explorer, showing how it works and how it can be used to execute the most current data manipulation operations over a database.


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Information technologies changed the way of how the health organizations work, contributing to their effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability. Hospital Information Systems (HIS) are emerging on all of health institutions, helping health professionals and patients. However, HIS are not always implemented and used in the best way, leading to low levels of benefits and acceptance by users of these systems. In order to mitigate this problem, it is essential to take measures able to ensure if the HIS and their interfaces are designed in a simple and interactive way. With this in mind, a study to measure the user satisfaction and their opinion was made. It was applied the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) on a HIS implemented on various hospital centers (AIDA), being used the Pathologic Anatomy Service. The study identified weakness and strengths features of AIDA and it pointed some solutions to improve the medical record.


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The TRMM-LBA field campaign was held during the austral summer of 1999 in southwestern Amazonia. Among the major objectives, was the identification and description of the diurnal variability of rainfall in the region, associated with the different rain producing weather systems that occurred during the January-February season. By using a network of 40 digital rain gauges implemented in the state of Rondônia, and together with observations and analyses of circulation and convection, it was possible to identify details of the diurnal cycle of rainfall and the associated rainfall mechanisms. Rainfall episodes were characterized by regimes of "low-level easterly" and "westerly" winds in the context of the large-scale circulation. The westerly regime is related to an enhanced South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) and an intense and/or wide Low Level Jet (LLJ) east of the Andes, which can extend eastward towards Rondônia, even though some westerly regime episodes also show a LLJ that remains close to the foothill of the Andes. The easterly regime is related to easterly propagating systems (e.g. squall-lines) with possible weakened or less frequent LLJs and a suppressed SACZ. Diurnal variability of rainfall during westerly surface wind regime shows a characteristic maximum at late afternoon followed by a relatively weaker second maximum at early evening (2100 Local Standard Time LST). The easterly regime composite shows an early morning maximum followed by an even stronger maximum in the afternoon.