995 resultados para Uppsala universitet. Botaniska Trädgård.


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This licentiate thesis has the main focus on evaluation of the wear of coated and uncoated polycrystalline cubic boron nitride cutting tool used in cutting operations against hardened steel. And to exam the surface finish and integrity of the work material used. Harder work material, higher cutting speed and cost reductions result in the development of harder and more wear resistance cutting tools. Although PCBN cutting tools have been used in over 30 years, little work have been done on PVD coated PCBN cutting tools. Therefore hard turning and hard milling experiments with PVD coated and uncoated cutting tools have been performed and evaluated. The coatings used in the present study are TiSiN and TiAlN. The wear scar and surface integrity have been examined with help of several different characterization techniques, for example scanning electron microscopy and Auger electron spectroscopy.   The results showed that the PCBN cutting tools used displayed crater wear, flank wear and edge micro chipping. While the influence of the coating on the crater and flank wear was very small and the coating showed a high tendency to spalling. Scratch testing of coated PCBN showed that, the TiAlN coating resulted in major adhesive fractures. This displays the importance of understanding the effect of different types of lapping/grinding processes in the pre-treatment of hard and super hard substrate materials and the amount and type of damage that they can create. For the cutting tools used in turning, patches of a adhered layer, mainly consisting of FexOy were shown at both the crater and flank. And for the cutting tools used in milling a tribofilm consisting of SixOy covered the crater. A combination of tribochemical reactions, adhesive wear and mild abrasive wear is believed to control the flank and crater wear of the PCBN cutting tools. On a microscopic scale the difference phases of the PCBN cutting tool used in turning showed different wear characteristics. The machined surface of the work material showed a smooth surface with a Ra-value in the range of 100-200 nm for the turned surface and 100-150 nm for the milled surface. With increasing crater and flank wear in combination with edge chipping the machined surface becomes rougher and showed a higher Ra-value. For the cutting tools used in milling the tendency to micro edge chipping was significant higher when milling the tools steels showing a higher hard phase content and a lower heat conductivity resulting in higher mechanical and thermal stresses at the cutting edge.


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Recent studies have shown that the optical properties of building exterior surfaces are important in terms of energy use and thermal comfort. While the majority of the studies are related to exterior surfaces, the radiation properties of interior surfaces are less thoroughly investigated. Development in the coil-coating industries has now made it possible to allocate different optical properties for both exterior and interior surfaces of steel-clad buildings. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the influence of surface radiation properties with the focus on the thermal emittance of the interior surfaces, the modeling approaches and their consequences in the context of the building energy performance and indoor thermal environment. The study consists of both numerical and experimental investigations. The experimental investigations include parallel field measurements on three similar test cabins with different interior and exterior surface radiation properties in Borlänge, Sweden, and two ice rink arenas with normal and low emissive ceiling in Luleå, Sweden. The numerical methods include comparative simulations by the use of dynamic heat flux models, Building Energy Simulation (BES), Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and a coupled model for BES and CFD. Several parametric studies and thermal performance analyses were carried out in combination with the different numerical methods. The parallel field measurements on the test cabins include the air, surface and radiation temperatures and energy use during passive and active (heating and cooling) measurements. Both measurement and comparative simulation results indicate an improvement in the indoor thermal environment when the interior surfaces have low emittance. In the ice rink arenas, surface and radiation temperature measurements indicate a considerable reduction in the ceiling-to-ice radiation by the use of low emittance surfaces, in agreement with a ceiling-toice radiation model using schematic dynamic heat flux calculations. The measurements in the test cabins indicate that the use of low emittance surfaces can increase the vertical indoor air temperature gradients depending on the time of day and outdoor conditions. This is in agreement with the transient CFD simulations having the boundary condition assigned on the exterior surfaces. The sensitivity analyses have been performed under different outdoor conditions and surface thermal radiation properties. The spatially resolved simulations indicate an increase in the air and surface temperature gradients by the use of low emittance coatings. This can allow for lower air temperature at the occupied zone during the summer. The combined effect of interior and exterior reflective coatings in terms of energy use has been investigated by the use of building energy simulation for different climates and internal heat loads. The results indicate possible energy savings by the smart choice of optical properties on interior and exterior surfaces of the building. Overall, it is concluded that the interior reflective coatings can contribute to building energy savings and improvement of the indoor thermal environment. This can be numerically investigated by the choice of appropriate models with respect to the level of detail and computational load. This thesis includes comparative simulations at different levels of detail.


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This thesis focuses on the adaptation of formal education to people’s technology- use patterns, theirtechnology-in-practice, where the ubiquitous use of mobile technologies is central. The research question is: How can language learning practices occuring in informal learning environments be effectively integrated with formal education through the use of mobile technology? The study investigates the technical, pedagogical, social and cultural challenges involved in a design science approach. The thesis consists of four studies. The first study systematises MALL (mobile-assisted language learning) research. The second investigates Swedish and Chinese students’ attitudes towards the use of mobile technology in education. The third examines students’ use of technology in an online language course, with a specific focus on their learning practices in informal learning contexts and their understanding of how this use guides their learning. Based on the findings, a specifically designed MALL application was built and used in two courses. Study four analyses the app use in terms of students’ perceived level of self-regulation and structuration. The studies show that technology itself plays a very important role in reshaping peoples’ attitudes and that new learning methods are coconstructed in a sociotechnical system. Technology’s influence on student practices is equally strong across borders. Students’ established technologies-in-practice guide the ways they approach learning. Hence, designing effective online distance education involves three interrelated elements: technology, information, and social arrangements. This thesis contributes to mobile learning research by offering empirically and theoretically grounded insights that shift the focus from technology design to design of information systems.


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DEN KOMMUNALA FÖRVALTNINGEN SOM RATIONALISTISKT IDEAL - en fallstudie om styrning och handlingsutrymme inom skola, barnomsorg och miljö- och hälsoskydd.(The municipal authority as a rationalist ideal - a case-study on steering and scope for initiative within child-care, education and environmental departments.)A municipal authority is a considerable producer of services in the local community and iscommonly perceived as an important sector of the Swedish welfare system. One aspect of awell-functioning municipal organisation is that its administrative organs function efficiently.This study examines how activities in municipal administration are steered. The focus is on how different methods are used within a vertical hierarchical perspective to influence the actions of the participants and how the latter try to create space for action. To analyse the problem an ideal-type steering model is used.The study consists of three sections. In the first the research problem and the aims of the study are introduced as well as the methodological and theoretical approach. The result of the study is presented in the second section and in the third conclusions are drawn and discussed.The study shows that the perceptions of the participants involved regarding the possibilities of steering the everyday activities with the support of the methods studied differ on a number of points depending on the sector studied. When control of the various steering methods is distributed in different organisational units in the municipality a number of steering mechanisms operate side-by-side, sometimes in harmony and sometimes independently or in pure conflict with their goals. Steering leads to clear restrictions but there is clearlyroom for initiative, a ‘free-zone’ where the individual has room to act independently. Is it possible based on this study to state whether the ideal-type model functions in the way intended? On many accounts it would seem doubtful whether the effects of steering lead to beneficial effects for the activity. Rather it would seem that the effects of steeringsometimes function more or less randomly because the administration exists in a complexcontext in which the staff can be expected to have its own expectations and act in accordancewith them.


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Utvecklingen och framväxten av det sk informationssamhället har medfört att det svenska högskolesystemet har byggts ut. Ny grupper av studenter söker sig till högskolan. Från drygt 40.000 studenter i mitten av 60-talet finns idag över 400.000 studenter vid våra högskolor och universitet. Ett vidgat tillträde till högre utbildning ställer flera nya och utmanande frågor. Har så många människor motiv och förmåga att ta sig an högskolestudier? Är utbygnaden motiverad och löner den sig? Hur skall gymnasieskola och vuxenutbildning förbereda de kommande studenterna på ett bra sätt? Behöver så många utbilda sig, eller med andra ord, passar alla dessa nya studenter för högskolans krav? Är högskolan verkligen intresserad av att anpassa sig och ge dessa nya grupper tillträde till den högre utbildningen? Dessa och andra frågor, som utgår från den nya situation som högskolan befinner sig i, diskuterade och bearbetade en grupp lärare från Högskolan Dalarna och fem av Dalarnas folkhögskolor i en forskningscirkel. Syftet med detta paper är att sammanfatta erfarenheterna från forskningscirkeln.


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Vid förbränning av biobränslen såsom träpellets bildas partiklar som orsakar avsättningar på ytor i pannans konvektionsparti. Det som leder till försämrad effektivitet och kräver sotning. Dessutom sker utsläpp av partiklar till uteluften som kan ge hälsoeffekter. Vid förbränning kan alkalimetaller, som till exempel kalium, frigöras från bränslet och de kan bilda klibbiga avsättningar tillsammans med klor, svavel eller kisel, som i sin tur samlar in mer partiklar och det bygger på avsättningar i konvektionspartiet. Det förväntas att magnesi-um reagerar (huvudsakligen med klor, svavel och kisel) så att sammansättningar med högre smältpunkter erhålls, vilket kan minska avsättningar i konvektionspartiet. Karlstads Universitet har producerat tre olika typer av träpellets; en referenspellet utan tillsat-ser, en pellet med magnesiumoxid (MgO) och en pellet med magnesiumhydroxid (Mg(OH)2). Kortare eldningsprov med de olika bränslena har genomförts i en 20 kW pelletspanna och uppkomna avsättningar i konvektionspartiet och emissioner har registreras. Avsättningarna i konvektionspartiet kvantifierades med en gravimetrisk metod och analyserades med SEM, vilket gör det möjligt att se vilka grundämnen som förekommer i avsättningarna. Gasformiga emissioner som CO, NO och TOC registrerades liksom partikelutsläpp. Motsvarande försök gjordes också med en kommersiellt tillverkad pellet. Tillsats av MgO och Mg(OH)2 ökade mängden flygaska och partikelutsläpp (PM 2,5). Massan av fasta beläggningar i konvektionspartiet ökade också jämfört med referenspellets utan dessa tillsatser. Dessutom bildades stora mängder flygaska i fallen med magnesiumtillsats. Att tillsatserna bildade flygaska kan förklaras av den normalt mycket låga askhalten i träpel-lets och därmed är också halten av alkalimetaller låg jämfört med pellets som tillverkas av spannmål. Magnesiumtillsatsen syftar till att reagera med alkalimetaller och bilda föreningar med så hög smältpunkt att de inte fastnar i pannans konvektionsparti. Troligen är magnesium-tillsatsen för hög jämfört med mängden alkali i pelletsen. Från SEM-analysen kan man se att mängden kalium minskar med magnesiumtillsatserna och det verkar som att principen fungerar. Dock hamnade stora mängder flygaska med hög andel magnesium i konvektionspartiet (lös flygaska har avlägsnats före den gravimetriska mätning-en och före SEM-analysen av substraten). Detta kan ha förhindrat substraten från att få högre andel fasta avsättningar från bland annat kalium och klor under denna korta mätperiod som genomfördes. Det kan dock inte uteslutas att de minskade avsättningarna av kalium och klor berodde på just tillsatsen av magnesium.


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I denna artikel redogörs för två delstudier i projektet Musikfolkhögskolans utbildningsideologier. Dels behandlas utbildningsideologier bland svenska folkmusiker under 1920-talet (von Wachenfeldt, Brändström & Liljas, 2012a) och dels ges en bild av hur undervisningen av folkmusiker kan gestalta sig i en samtidskontext (von Wachenfeldt, Brändström & Liljas, 2012b).I projektet som helhet anknyts till ett ideologibegrepp som utvecklats av Sven-Erik Liedman. Han menar att det för varje tid fnns två identiferbara grundformer av ideologi: manifesta och latenta (1997; 2006). Manifesta ide-ologier avser explicita och medvetet formulerade utsagor med ideologiskt innehåll som binder samman verklighetspåståenden, värderingar och nor-mer. Latenta eller frusna ideologier är sådant som fnns under ytan och som tas för givet av fältets aktörer.


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This licentiate thesis sets out to analyse how a retail price decision frame can be understood. It is argued that it is possible to view price determination within retailing by determining the level of rationality and using behavioural theories. In this way, it is possible to use assumptions derived from economics and marketing to establish a decision frame. By taking a management perspective, it is possible to take into consideration how it is assumed that the retailer should strategically manage price decisions, which decisions might be assumed to be price decisions, and which decisions can be assumed to be under the control of the retailer. Theoretically, this licentiate thesis has its foundations in different assumptions about decision frames regarding the level of information collected, the goal of the decisions, and the outcomes of the decisions. Since the concepts that are to be analysed within this thesis are price decisions, the latter part of the theory discusses price decision in specific: sequential price decisions, at the point of the decision, and trade-offs when making a decision. Here, it is evident that a conceptual decision frame that is intended to illustrate price decisions includes several aspects: several decision alternatives and what assumptions of rationality that can be made in relation to the decision frame. A semi-structured literature review was conducted. As a result, it became apparent that two important things in the decision frame were unclear: time assumptions regarding the decisions and the amount of information that is assumed in relation to the different decision alternatives. By using the same articles that were used to adjust the decision frame, a topical study was made in order to determine the time specific assumptions, as well as the analytical level based on the assumed information necessary for individual decision alternatives. This, together with an experimental study, was necessary to be able to discuss the consequences of the rationality assumption. When the retail literature is analysed for the level of rationality and consequences of assuming certain assumptions of rationality, three main things becomes apparent. First, the level of rationality or the assumptions of rationality are seldom made or accounted for in the literature. In fact, there are indications that perfect and bounded rationality assumptions are used simultaneously within studies. Second, although bounded rationality is a recognised theoretical perspective, very few articles seem to use these assumptions. Third, since the outcome of a price decision seems to provide no incremental sale, it is questionable which assumptions of rationality that should be used. It might even be the case that no assumptions of rationality at all should be used. In a broader perspective, the findings from this licentiate thesis show that the assumptions of rationality within retail research is unclear. There is an imbalance between the perspectives used, where the main assumptions seem to be concentrated to perfect rationality. However, it is suggested that by clarifying which assumptions of rationality that is used and using bounded rationality assumptions within research would result in a clearer picture of the multifaceted price decisions that could be assumed within retailing. The theoretical contribution of this thesis mainly surround the identification of how the level of rationality provides limiting assumptions within retail research. Furthermore, since indications show that learning might not occur within this specific context it is questioned whether the basic learning assumption within bounded rationality should be used in this context.


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A challenge for the clinical management of advanced Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients is the emergence of fluctuations in motor performance, which represents a significant source of disability during activities of daily living of the patients. There is a lack of objective measurement of treatment effects for in-clinic and at-home use that can provide an overview of the treatment response. The objective of this paper was to develop a method for objective quantification of advanced PD motor symptoms related to off episodes and peak dose dyskinesia, using spiral data gathered by a touch screen telemetry device. More specifically, the aim was to objectively characterize motor symptoms (bradykinesia and dyskinesia), to help in automating the process of visual interpretation of movement anomalies in spirals as rated by movement disorder specialists. Digitized upper limb movement data of 65 advanced PD patients and 10 healthy (HE) subjects were recorded as they performed spiral drawing tasks on a touch screen device in their home environment settings. Several spatiotemporal features were extracted from the time series and used as inputs to machine learning methods. The methods were validated against ratings on animated spirals scored by four movement disorder specialists who visually assessed a set of kinematic features and the motor symptom. The ability of the method to discriminate between PD patients and HE subjects and the test-retest reliability of the computed scores were also evaluated. Computed scores correlated well with mean visual ratings of individual kinematic features. The best performing classifier (Multilayer Perceptron) classified the motor symptom (bradykinesia or dyskinesia) with an accuracy of 84% and area under the receiver operating characteristics curve of 0.86 in relation to visual classifications of the raters. In addition, the method provided high discriminating power when distinguishing between PD patients and HE subjects as well as had good test-retest reliability. This study demonstrated the potential of using digital spiral analysis for objective quantification of PD-specific and/or treatment-induced motor symptoms.


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OBJECTIVE: Higher levels of the novel inflammatory marker pentraxin 3 (PTX3) predict cardiovascular mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Yet, whether PTX3 predicts worsening of kidney function has been less well studied. We therefore investigated the associations between PTX3 levels, kidney disease measures and CKD incidence. METHODS: Cross-sectional associations between serum PTX3 levels, urinary albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR) and cystatin C-estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) were assessed in two independent community-based cohorts of elderly subjects: the Prospective Investigation of the Vasculature in Uppsala Seniors (PIVUS, n = 768, 51% women, mean age 75 years) and the Uppsala Longitudinal Study of Adult Men (ULSAM, n = 651, mean age 77 years). The longitudinal association between PTX3 level at baseline and incident CKD (GFR <60 mL( ) min(-1)  1.73 m(-) ²) was also analysed (number of events/number at risk: PIVUS 229/746, ULSAM 206/315). RESULTS: PTX3 levels were inversely associated with GFR [PIVUS: B-coefficient per 1 SD increase -0.16, 95% confidence interval (CI) -0.23 to -0.10, P < 0.001; ULSAM: B-coefficient per 1 SD increase -0.09, 95% CI -0.16 to -0.01, P < 0.05], but not ACR, after adjusting for age, gender, C-reactive protein and prevalent cardiovascular disease in cross-sectional analyses. In longitudinal analyses, PTX3 levels predicted incident CKD after 5 years in both cohorts [PIVUS: multivariable odds ratio (OR) 1.21, 95% CI 1.01-1.45, P < 0.05; ULSAM: multivariable OR 1.37, 95% CI 1.07-1.77, P < 0.05]. CONCLUSIONS: Higher PTX3 levels are associated with lower GFR and independently predict incident CKD in elderly men and women. Our data confirm and extend previous evidence suggesting that inflammatory processes are activated in the early stages of CKD and drive impairment of kidney function. Circulating PTX3 appears to be a promising biomarker of kidney disease.


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Background: Plasmodium falciparum malaria is treated with 25 mg/kg of chloroquine (CQ) irrespective of age. Theoretically, CQ should be dosed according to body surface area (BSA). The effect of dosing CQ according to BSA has not been determined but doubling the dose per kg doubled the efficacy of CQ in children aged <15 years infected with P. falciparum carrying CQ resistance causing genes typical for Africa. The study aim was to determine the effect of age on CQ concentrations. Methods and Findings: Day 7 whole blood CQ concentrations were determined in 150 and 302 children treated with 25 and 50 mg/kg, respectively, in previously conducted clinical trials. CQ concentrations normalised for the dose taken in mg/kg of CQ decreased with decreasing age (p<0.001). CQ concentrations normalised for dose taken in mg/m(2) were unaffected by age. The median CQ concentration in children aged <2 years taking 50 mg/kg and in children aged 10-14 years taking 25 mg/kg were 825 (95% confidence interval [CI] 662-988) and 758 (95% CI 640-876) nmol/l, respectively (p = 0.67). The median CQ concentration in children aged 10-14 taking 50 mg/kg and children aged 0-2 taking 25 mg/kg were 1521 and 549 nmol/l. Adverse events were not age/concentration dependent. Conclusions: CQ is under-dosed in children and should ideally be dosed according to BSA. Children aged <2 years need approximately double the dose per kg to attain CQ concentrations found in children aged 10-14 years. Clinical trials assessing the efficacy of CQ in Africa are typically performed in children aged <5 years. Thus the efficacy of CQ is typically assessed in children in whom CQ is under dosed. Approximately 3 fold higher drug concentrations can probably be safely given to the youngest children. As CQ resistance is concentration dependent an alternative dosing of CQ may overcome resistance in Africa.


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BACKGROUND: The role of inflammation and oxidative stress in mild renal impairment in the elderly is not well studied. Accordingly, we aimed at investigating the associations between estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR), and markers of different inflammatory pathways and oxidative stress in a community based cohort of elderly men. FINDINGS: Cystatin C-based GFR, ACR, and biomarkers of cytokine-mediated inflammation (interleukin-6, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein[CRP], serum amyloid A[SAA]), cyclooxygenase-mediated inflammation (urinary prostaglandin F2alpha [PGF2alpha]), and oxidative stress (urinary F2 isoprostanes) were assessed in the Uppsala Longitudinal Study of Adult Men(n = 647, mean age 77 years). RESULTS: In linear regression models adjusting for age, BMI, smoking, blood pressure, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, and treatment with statins, ACE-inhibitors, ASA, and anti-inflammatory agents, eGFR was inversely associated with CRP, interleukin-6, and SAA (beta-coefficient -0.13 to -0.19, p < 0.001 for all), and positively associated with urinary F2-isoprostanes (beta-coefficient 0.09, p = 0.02). In line with this, ACR was positively associated with CRP, interleukin-6, and SAA (beta- coefficient 0.09-0.12, p < 0.02 for all), and negatively associated with urinary F2-isoprostanes (beta-coefficient -0.12, p = 0.002). The associations were similar but with lower regression coefficients in a sub-sample with normal eGFR (>60 ml/min/1.73 m2, n = 514), with the exception that F2-isoprostane and SAA were no longer associated with eGFR. CONCLUSION: Our data indicate that cytokine-mediated inflammation is involved in the early stages of impaired kidney function in the elderly, but that cyclooxygenase-mediated inflammation does not play a role at this stage. The unexpected association between higher eGFR/lower albuminuria and increased F2-isoprostanes in urine merits further studies.