904 resultados para Townsville City Council
HIGHLIGHTS FOR FY 2006 1. Captured and tagged 475 Gulf sturgeons in five Florida rivers and one bay. 2. Documented Gulf sturgeon marine movement and habitat use in the Gulf of Mexico. 3. Assisted the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) with the collection of Gulf sturgeon, implantation of acoustic tags, and monitoring of fish in a study to examine movement patterns and habitat use in Pensacola and Choctawhatchee bays post-Hurricane Ivan. 4. Provided technical assistance to Jon “Bo” Sawyer in completing a study – Summer Resting Areas of the Gulf Sturgeon in the Conecuh/Escambia River System, Alabama-Florida – for acquiring a Degree of Master of Science at Troy University, Alabama. 5. Coordinated tagging and data collection with NOAA observers aboard trawlers while collecting Gulf sturgeon during dredging operations in the coastal Gulf of Mexico. 6. Hosted the 7th Annual Gulf Sturgeon Workshop. 7. Implemented Gulf Striped Bass Restoration Plan by coordinating the 23rd Annual Morone Workshop, leading the technical committee, transporting broodfish, coordinating the stocking on the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) river system, and evaluating post-stocking success. 8. Continued updating and managing the Freshwater Mussel Survey Database, a Geographic Information System (GIS) database, for over 800 unique sites in the Northeast Gulf (NEG) drainages in Alabama (AL), Georgia (GA), and Florida (FL). 9. Formed a recovery implementation team for listed mussels in the ACF river basin and oversaw grant cooperative agreements for 14 listed and candidate freshwater mussels in the NEG watersheds. 10. Initiated a project in the Apalachicola River to relocate mussels stranded as a result of drought conditions, and calculate river flows at which mussels would be exposed. 11. Initiated a project in Sawhatchee Creek, Georgia to determine the status of threatened and endangered (T&E) freshwater mussels and target restoration projects, population assessments, and potential population augmentation to lead toward recovery of the listed species. 12. Initiated a study to determine the age and growth of the endangered fat threeridge mussel (Amblema neislerii). 13. Provided technical assistance to the Panama City Ecological Services office for a biological opinion on the operations of Jim Woodruff Lock and Dam and its effects on the listed species and designated and proposed critical habitat in the Apalachicola River, Florida. 14. Assisted with a multi-State, inter-agency team to develop a management plan to restore the Alabama shad in the ACF river system. 15. Conducted fishery surveys on Tyndall AFB, Florida and Ft. Benning, Georgia and completed a report with recommendations for future recreational fishery needs. 16. Provided fishery technical assistance to four National Wildlife Refuges (NWR) (i.e., Okefenokee NWR, Banks Lake NWR, St. Vincent NWR, and St. Marks NWR). 17. Initiated an Aquatic Resources and Recreation Fishing Survey on Department of Defense facilities located in Region 4. 18. Identified 130 road-stream crossings on Eglin AFB for rehabilitation and elimination of sediment imputs. 19. Continued the Aquatics Monitoring Program at Eglin AFB to assess techniques that determine current status and sustainability of aquatic habitat and develop a measure to determine quality or degradation of habitat. 20. Assisted Eglin AFB Natural Resource managers in revising the installation’s Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan (INRMP) and its associated component plans. 21. Coordinated recovery efforts for the endangered Okaloosa darter including population/life history surveys, stream restoration, and outreach activities. 22. Initiated a comprehensive status review of the Okaloosa darter with analyses performed to assess available habitat, preferred habitats, range expansions/reductions/fragmentations, population size, and probability of extinction. 23. Assisted the Gulf Coastal Plain Ecosystem Partnership and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) under a Memorandum of Agreement to develop conservation strategies, implement monitoring and assessment programs, and secure funds for aquatic management programs in six watersheds in northwest Florida and southeast Alabama. 24. Entered into a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Air Force to encourage the conservation and rehabilitation of natural resources at Hurlburt Field, Florida. 25. Multiple outreach projects were completed to detail aquatic resources’ conservation needs and opportunities; including National Fishing Week, Earth Day, several festivals, and school outreach.
HIGHLIGHTS FOR FY 2004 1. Completed the second of a 3-year Gulf sturgeon population estimate on the Escambia River, Florida. 2. Completed the first of a 2-year Gulf sturgeon population estimate on the Apalachicola River, Florida. 3. Conducted Gulf sturgeon presence-absence surveys in three other Florida river systems. 4. Documented Gulf sturgeon marine habitat use in the near shore waters of the Gulf of Mexico. 5. Identified environmental threats to Gulf sturgeon spawning habitat in the Choctawhatchee River, Florida. 6. Initiated a study to document Gulf sturgeon spawning with the collection of fertilized eggs in the Yellow River, Florida. 7. Implemented Gulf Striped Bass Restoration Plan by coordinating the 21st Annual Morone Workshop, leading the technical committee, transporting broodfish, and coordinating the stocking on the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) river system. 8. Over 86,000 Phase II Gulf striped bass were marked with sequential coded wire tags and stocked in Lake Seminole and the Apalachicola River. Post-stocking evaluations were conducted at 31 sites. 9. Drafted updates to Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint Striped Bass Restoration and Evaluation Five-Year Plan with partners. 10. Fishery surveys were conducted on Tyndall Air Force Base and St. Marks and St. Vincent National Wildlife Refuges. 11. Habitat evaluations and population surveys were completed at 153 Okaloosa darter stream sites. 12. Aquatic insect biomonitoring and identification of over 39,000 individual aquatic macroinvertebrates was completed and provided to Eglin Air Force Base. 13. Ten years of fishery data from Okefenokee and Banks Lake National Wildlife Refuges was analyzed with recommendations incorporated into the refuge Comprehensive Conservation Plan. 14. A draft mussel sampling protocol was tested in wadeable streams in northwest Florida and southwest Georgia. 15. Implemented recovery plan and candidate conservation actions for 14 listed and candidate freshwater mussels in the Northeast Gulf Watersheds. 16. Worked with partners in developing the Spring Creek Watershed Partnership in the Flint River basin, Georgia. 17. Multiple stream restoration and watershed management projects were initiated or completed. A total of 6.8 stream miles were restored for stream fishes, along with 56.4 miles of coastline were enhanced for sea turtle lighting. A total of 135 acres of wetlands and 58 acres of understory habitat were restored. 18. Multiple outreach projects were completed to detail aquatic resources conservation needs and opportunities. Participated in National Fishing Week event, BASS ProShops event, several festivals, and school outreach.
HIGHLIGHTS FOR FY 2003 1. Continued a 3-year threatened Gulf sturgeon population estimate in the Escambia River, Florida and conducted presence-absence surveys in 4 other Florida river systems and 1 bay. 2. Five juvenile Gulf sturgeon collected, near the mouth of the Choctawhatchee River, Florida, were equipped with sonic tags and monitored while over-wintering in Choctawhatchee Bay. 3. Continued to examine Gulf sturgeon marine habitat use. 4. Implemented Gulf Striped Bass Restoration Plan by coordinating the 20th Annual Morone Workshop, leading the technical committee, transporting broodfish, and coordinating the stocking on the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) river system. 5. Over 73,000 Phase II Gulf striped bass were marked with sequential coded wire tags and stocked in the Apalachicola River. Post-stocking evaluations were conducted at 31 sites. 6. Three stream fisheries assessment s were completed to evaluate the fish community at sites slated for habitat restoration by the Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program (PFW). 7. PFW program identified restoration needs and opportunities for 10 areas. 8. Developed an Unpaved Road Evaluation Handbook. 9. Completed restoration of Chipola River Greenway, Seibenhener Streambank Restoration, Blackwater River State Forest, and Anderson Property. 10. Assessments for fluvial geomorphic conditions for design criteria were completed for 3 projects. 11. Geomorphology in Florida streams initiated development of Rosgen regional curves for Northwest Florida for use by the Florida Department of Transportation. 12. Developed a Memorandum of Understanding between partners for enhancing, protecting, and restoring stream, wetland, and upland habitat in northwest Florida 13. Completed aquatic fauna and fish surveys with new emphasis on integration of data from reach level into watershed and landscape scale and keeping database current. 14. Compliance based sampling of impaired waterbodies on Eglin Air Force Base in conjunction with Florida Department of Environmental Protection for Total Maximum Daily Load development support. 15. Surveyed 20 sites for the federally endangered Okaloosa darter, provided habitat descriptions, worked with partners to implement key recovery tasks and set priorities for restoration. 16. Worked with partners to develop a freshwater mussel survey protocol to provide standard operating procedures for establishing the presence/absence of federally listed mussel species within a Federal project area. 17. GIS database was created to identify all known freshwater mussel records from the northeast Gulf ecosystem. 18. Completed recovery plan for seven freshwater mussels and drafted candidate elevation package for seven additional mussels. Developed proposals to implement recovery plan. 19. Worked with Corps of Engineers and State partners to develop improved reservoir operating policies to benefit both riverine and reservoir fisheries for the ACF river system. 20. Multiple outreach projects were completed to detail aquatic resources conservation opportunities. 21. Multiple stream restoration and watershed management projects initiated or completed (see Appendix A).
HIGHLIGHTS FOR FY 2002 1. United States Senator Bob Graham assisted with a Gulf sturgeon survey. 2. Completed 3-year Gulf sturgeon population study in the Choctawhatchee River drainage. 3. Completed Gulf sturgeon potential spawning habitat survey for Northwest Florida and Southeast Alabama river systems. 4. Initiated Gulf sturgeon marine habitat and food resources study. 5. Completed Gulf sturgeon sentinel fish study. 6. Coordinated and conducted tagging of over 110,000 Phase II striped bass at Welaka and Warm Springs National Fish Hatchery. 7. Completed Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge fishery sampling. 8. Developed a manuscript regarding the fishery of Banks Lake NWR. 9. Initiated development of a fish Index of Biotic Integrity for Florida panhandle streams. 10. Coordinated Okaloosa darter workshop. 11. Continued examining insect communities on Eglin AFB. 12. Sponsored and coordinated stream restoration workshop. 13. Provided technical assistance via Partners for Fish and Wildlife for stream restoration within the Northeast Gulf Ecosystem. 14. Finalized regional curve development in the Northern Region of Florida and secured significant funds for FY03 to expand to other regions in Florida. 15. Initiated freshwater mussel conservation in the Northeastern Gulf Ecosystem.
Hirien lehiakortasuna hobetzeko berebiziko garrantzia duen tresna dela erakutsi du hiri marketinak. Hiriek garatutako estrategietan, hirien bizi kalitatean oinarritutako ezberdintze estrategiak dira azpimarragarri izan dira, izan duten arrakastagatik. Autore askok hirien bizi kalitatearen hobetzea ingurugiroarekin, gizartearekin edo ekonomiarekin erlazionatutako adierazleekin identifikatzen dute; baina hobekuntza hauek ez dute zertan biztanleen begietara ikusgai izan behar. Gainera, aztertutako literaturak garraio publikoa – aspektu ekonomikoetan, sozialetan eta ingurugiroan duen efektua – bizi kalitatea baldintzatzen duen elementu bat dela agerian jarri du. Kasu honetan, ikerketa honek planteatu diren lau konstruktuen eta bizi kalitatearen arteko harreman positiboa dagoen aztertuko du. Horretarako, lehenik eta behin garraio publikoak garapen ekonomikoan, garapen sozialean, ingurugiroan eta irisgarritasunean duen eragina neurtzeko planteatutako eskalak baliagarriak diren egiaztatuko da.
Esta tese pretende analisar os processos e mecanismos da participação do controle social na gestão da política de saúde no Município do Rio de Janeiro ao estudar o Conselho Municipal de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro. Os objetivos da pesquisa foram identificar a forma de controle e fiscalização exercida pelo Conselho Municipal de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro na gestão César Maia, averiguar se as decisões importantes da Política de Saúde Municipal passam pelo Conselho Municipal, as principais tensões deste espaço institucionalizado de participação sociopolítica que reproduz as lutas sociais. Realizamos uma pesquisa qualitativa e empírica com enfoque no método dialético, um estudo de caso do Conselho Municipal de Saúde Rio de Janeiro no período de gestão de 2005 a 2008. A tese está estruturada em quatro capítulos. Traz as tensões e os processos sociais da participação do controle social na gestão da saúde, no Município do Rio de Janeiro, no terceiro mandato da gestão César Maia. Foi possível observar o potencial do controle social na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, porém, evidenciam-se vários limites, como a não efetivação da agenda proposta nas diretrizes das conferências municipais, bem como a falta de estratégias ao se elaborar, de forma conjunta, o Plano Municipal de Saúde do Município do Rio de Janeiro e indicativo da de uma assessoria técnica e política por meio do exercício profissional do assistente social nos moldes do projeto políticas públicas da saúde da UERJ.
The aim of this paper is to analyse the recent evolution of the city of San Francisco to outline the major features that have made it possible this continuing process of creative innovation in the city. In order to meet this objective, the project is framed around answering two key research questions: (1) what are the main economic and social elements that characterise urban change in the city of San Francisco and (2) which is the role of public strategies in the continuing economic success of San Francisco. The paper concludes that the successful performance of San Francisco is the result of the actions taken by many agents in the city, but the role of public authorities, especially the City and County, must be stressed, both through direct intervention and by coordinating, fostering and supporting the private and non-profit sectors. This is especially relevant in a country like the US where private initiative has been seen in many occasions as the greatest driver of economic and social success. Yet, the performance of San Francisco City cannot be explained without the role played by the public sector, in coordination with the civil society
The object of this report will be to make a complete study of the water that is wasted in the storm drains of Pasadena and determine if there is any practical way of conserving this water.
The problem of the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe railroad in Pasadena is a very dynamic one, as is readily recognized by engineers, city officials, and laymen. The route of the railroad was first laid out in the eighties and because of certain liberal concessions granted by the City of Pasadena, the right-of-way was located through Pasadena, despite the fact that the grade coming into the city either from Los Angeles or San Bernardino was enormous. Some years later, other transcontinental routes of the Santa Fe out of Los Angles were sought, and a right-of-way was obtained by way of Fullerton and Riverside to San Bernardino, where this route joins the one from Los Angeles through Pasadena. This route, however, is ten miles longer than the one through Pasadena, which means a considerable loss of time in a short diversion of approximately only sixty miles in length.
Not available.
A partir da Lei n. 6.938 de 31 de agosto de 1981, que constituiu o Sistema Nacional do Meio Ambiente, criou-se o Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente e instituiu-se o Cadastro Técnico Federal de Atividades e Instrumentos de Defesa Ambiental, a gestão ambiental pública ganhou um espaço cada vez maior nas administrações municipais, com a implementação de instrumentos de gestão ambiental propiciando aos municípios a possibilidade de ações efetivas que contribuam para uma melhor qualidade de vida a população. Esse trabalho propõe a criação de um método de classificação municipal que indicará qual o nível da gestão ambiental do município. Verificando o número de instrumentos de gestão ambiental constituído e o número de problemas ambientais ocorridos em cada município na visão do gestor local nos anos de 2006/2008. E ainda qual a influência do IDH tanto na implementação de tais instrumentos de gestão ambiental, como nas ocorrências dos problemas ambientais. Tal classificação tem a intenção de verificar se o município encontra-se bem aparelhado no que se refere à gestão ambiental, auxiliando para futuras decisões nas ações da política ambiental local. O foco desse trabalho serão os municípios dos estados de Minas Gerais, Piauí e Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados serão processados via o software MATLAB utilizando lógica nebulosa (fuzzy) e apresentados em um website utilizando as linguagens de programação JSP, HTML, JavaScript e esse website armazenado em um servidor TomCat e tais resultados serão apresentados nas formas de valores alfanuméricos em tabelas e espaciais através de mapas temáticos em uma solução sig-web. Os dados estão armazenados em um Sistema Gerenciador de Banco de Dados PostgreSQL com sua extensão espacial PostGIS, e o acesso aos mapas será feito através do servidor de mapas MapServer.
Este trabalho estuda a política de humanização implementada no estado do Amazonas. Para fazer este percurso utiliza-se uma abordagem ampla, acerca dos processos sociais, econômicos e políticos ocorridos no sistema capitalista, que mudam a tônica do discurso sobre o papel do Estado na provisão de bens e serviços sociais para a sociedade e que impactam diretamente na seguridade social brasileira e em especial, a política de saúde. Ao mesmo tempo, se faz uma breve discussão sobre as desigualdades regionais engendradas no país, à luz da teoria do desenvolvimento desigual e combinado, trazendo alguns elementos sobre o federalismo a fim de enriquecer o debate. Então, o panorama da saúde no Amazonas é abordado, pensando-o em suas várias dimensões e procurando dar ênfase ao orçamento da saúde, para analisar a política de humanização que implementada no estado. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada por meio de dezoito entrevistas semi-estruturadas com pessoas consideradas chave no processo, como Apoiadores, Multiplicadores da Política Nacional de Humanização (PNH), os Conselheiros de Saúde dos níveis Estadual e Municipal, além de trabalhadores ligados ao projeto Amigos da Saúde. Também foram utilizados relatórios do Tribunal de Contas do Estado (TCE), para a análise do orçamento estadual da saúde, os relatórios de gestão da Secretaria Executiva do Ministério da Saúde, o Plano Estadual de Saúde do Amazonas e os relatórios do município, sobre a política de humanização, e do projeto Amigos da Saúde. Desta forma, a questão que permeia este trabalho é: que tipo de política de humanização está sendo implementada, visando que tipo de política de saúde?
This paper investigates zoning in a cross-border linear city that consists of two bordering towns. In each town a local regulator has a say in the location of the local firm. The incentive to gain consumers from the other town, or not to lose local consumers, may push regulators to approve only locations for firms close enough to the frontier. When zoning is costly an asymmetric equilibrium may emerge: only one regulator resorts to zoning. In the case of towns of different sizes the regulator of the larger town is the only one that zones in an asymmetric equilibrium.
From a special issue: A Brief History of the Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands 1959-1988