839 resultados para Sports fans
The purpose of this evaluation is to develop a framework that will help in planning and implementing the mobile sport exhibition, increase visitor satisfaction and aid At Bristol in building successful exhibits. The evaluation mainly focuses on visitor interaction with exhibits. It is believed that learning does occur in science centres and museums. The evaluation will therefore find out if learning occurs in the Sports exhibition and if so, the nature of the learning outcomes. The evaluation also discusses advantages and disadvantages of travelling exhibitions and identifies the characteristics of good exhibits that form the basis of the framework.From the results, an indication is that children make the larger proportion of visitors to Sportastic. Their age ranges, under 10 and 10 to 15 years constituted 21% and 30% respectively. The three most enjoyed exhibits are the Sprint Challenge (running), BATAK (test your reaction and Hot Shots (football). Visitors say these exhibits are enjoyed because they are fun, competitive, entertaining, interactive and hands-on. Skateboard Challenge and Skeleton Bob are among the exhibits least enjoyed since they are reported to be boring and uncomfortable to use. The learning outcomes from the exhibits are; increased knowledge about balancing, reaction, pulse and strength.
Ski jumping was the only sport included in the Winter Olympics, where women were not allowed to take part until the first week of April 2011, when IOC decided to let them in to the Olympic family, a major victory for women´s ski-jumping. Since 2004 the Norwegian media had women ski jumping as one important topic in their media coverage. The third of March 2010 the new Holmenkollen ski-jumping hill was inaugurated. It had been rebuilt for the World Championships 2011. The first jump on the hill was surrounded by an intense debate. Annette Sagen was decided to be the first jumper on the hill after a poll on the social media channel Facebook that gave Annette Sagen over 40 000 votes. However Tuesday the second of March Björn Einar Romören, a world cup jumper, did the first jump during a training session. This act started a significant chain of events. The biggest Norwegian web – magazines Verldens Gang and Aftenposten made this the head story and they invited the readers to interaction. Within 24 hours 11 000 comments were written, most of them in favor of Sagen and against Romören´s behavior. The Norwegian Ski Association excluded Romören from two World Cup competitions. What did happen during these days in the media? I want to present the activities, which went on in two web-magazines, and analyze the articles written on the topic. Main issues are to show what an impact a social media network had on the sport in this specific case and how different actors appeared in the media and discuss if Romörens exclusion was a result of the mediatization.
A questão do Equilíbrio Competitivo é um tema importante da economia dos esportes profissionais nos Estados Unidos e na Europa. Muitas pesquisas foram feitas para estabelecer os critérios mais relevantes para avaliar a competitividade das ligas profissionais de futebol. Esta pesquisa analisou a relevância do Equilíbrio Competitivo como determinante da competitividade comparando o Brasileirão Série A com as nove principais ligas na Europa (Bélgica, Inglaterra, Alemanha, Holanda, França, Itália, Portugal, Escócia e Espanha). A competitividade é a capacidade de uma empresa (um clube) ou de uma indústria de enfrentar a concorrência efetiva ou potencial. A medida da competitividade deve levar em consideração uma série de fatores importantes como a qualidade e a relação qualidade/preço, a gestão de recursos humanos e a organização empresarial. Esse trabalho visa demonstrar que, apesar da incerteza do resultado ter sido considerado por muito tempo como um fator positivo de atratividade/interesse dos fãs nos esportes, um campeonato equilibrado poderia ter um efeito insignificante, para não dizer desprezível sobre a competitividade das ligas de futebol a longo prazo. Os resultados mostraram que o aumento do Equilíbrio Competitivo pode ser relevante para os campeonatos mais fracos (Bélgica, Holanda, Portugal, Escócia), mas nao dos cincos melhores (Alemanha, Espanha, França, Inglaterra, Itália). Consequentemente, o Equilíbrio Competitivo deve ser contemplado como uma variável desprezível quanto à competitividade das ligas de futebol, apesar do interesse crescente pelo conceito na literatura. Baseado principalmente em pesquisas de Dell'Osso e Symanski (1991) e de Oughton e Michie (2004), o índice HHI (Herfindahl-Hirschman) tem sido utilizado para determinar o nível de concentração de 11 ligas de futebol estudadas. Uma revisão da literatura sobre administração de futebol e esportes foi realizada.
O presente estudo investigou o consumo público de eventos esportivos ao vivo dentro e fora do âmbito dos estádios. O objetivo principal do estudo foi determinar se o fã (torcedor), percebe uma relação de substituição ou de complementaridade entre as atitudes favoráveis ao comparecimento ao estádio ou a outros locais públicos para assistir a jogos de futebol. Adicionalmente, o estudo objetivou a investigação da influência da identificação do fã do esporte (torcedor) com seu time na atitude e consumo público do espetáculo do futebol no estádio ou em outros locais públicos; bem como se as características demográficas (gênero e faixa etária) exercem algum tipo de efeito moderador sobre as relações estudadas. Para abordar estes temas buscou-se referência na SIT – Social Identity Theory e na SCT – Self- Categorization Theory. Foi realizado um levantamento (survey), envolvendo torcedores dos 4 times cariocas de maior torcida, mediante entrevistas estruturadas assistidas. A amostra foi intencional e de conveniência e a coleta de dados totalizou 507 questionários válidos. A análise dos dados foi realizada em duas etapas. A primeira contemplando uma análise fatorial exploratória, que objetivou a observação preliminar da qualidade das escalas. A segunda etapa contemplou uma análise fatorial confirmatória com o objetivo de purificar as escalas. Foram avaliadas a confiabilidade e a validade convergente, discriminante e nomológica dos construtos. Para testar as hipóteses substantivas do estudo utilizou-se a técnica de modelagem de equações estruturais e a análise de multigrupos. Os resultados da análise permitiram suportar empiricamente três das cinco hipóteses substantivas. Os resultados sugerem que (a) A identificação do fã com o time exerce influência positiva sobre a atitude em relação a assistir a jogos no estádio; (b) A atitude favorável do torcedor em relação ao estádio exerce influência positiva sobre o comparecimento ao estádio; e (c) A atitude favorável do torcedor em relação a locais públicos exerce influência positiva sobre o comparecimento a locais públicos. Todavia, não foi possível suportar integralmente as hipóteses de que (d) A identificação do fã com o time exerce influência sobre a atitude em relação a locais públicos; e (e) A atitude do torcedor em relação ao estádio exerce influência sobre a atitude em relação a locais públicos. Também não foram suportados os efeitos de moderação do gênero e faixa etária.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Characteristics of family nucleus as correlates of regular participation in sports among adolescents
Objectives To estimate the relationship between family nucleus and sport practice among adolescents.Methods A school-based cross-sectional study carried out with 1,752 Brazilian adolescents (812 male and 940 female), aged 11-17 years. Characteristics of the family nucleus (parental education, socioeconomic status and number of siblings) and sport practice (>= 240 min/week) were assessed by questionnaires. Adjusted prevalence ratios were estimated using Poisson regression models.Results The overall prevalence of sport practice was 14.8% (boys 21.2% and girls 9.4%, P = 0.001). Higher socioeconomic status, number of siblings and parents' educational level were associated with more sport practice.Conclusion Despite the low engagement, family nucleus plays an essential role in the sport practice of our sample of Brazilian adolescents.
This study aims to historicize a problem: How Campinense Club, club social of the city of Campina Grande, became a popular club? This guild was founded in 1915 by a group of graduates, which they called "Campinense" a social club dedicated to the enjoyment of the city's elites. To investigate the mechanisms that have led to this popularity, was chosen that includes a period from 1954 to 1965, when it was created a department where the professional football club won a string of six consecutive championships, considered the main achievement of its history sports. Were used as research sources Borborema the Journal, a newspaper founded in 1957 and that during the period in question, was the spokesman of the main political groups in the city, which on many occasions were the sponsors of the clubs the same. This newspaper had a daily sports column and introduced the red-black team to Paraíba. Were used, although the club's meeting minutes taken as official documents, which allowed it to be mounted on a puzzle of the club's events, since the information about the Campinense present rather fragmented. Finally, respondents were fans, athletes and leaders who, through his lines in a way pointed out other possibilities such as a club, believed to be aristocratic, has become a passion among the fans, giving rise to this conception to be one that Campinense broke with the established elites of the city.
Dental trauma is a common consequence of sports practice to which emergency treatment is critical. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the knowledge of sports participants about dental trauma procedures, particularly tooth avulsion. A specific questionnaire concerning concepts, experiences and behaviors after dental trauma and the use of mouthguard was standardized and validated with 80 people. The validated questionnaire was then distributed to 310 sports participants. The results showed that 28.4% had experienced a kind of dental trauma; 42.6% would look for a dentist for treatment; 51.7% reimplanted or would reimplant the avulsed tooth; 6.5% would maintain the avulsed tooth in milk. Although 47.4% of the participants were aware of the possibility of accidents during sports practice, only 13.9% reported to use a mouthguard. This study showed an overall lack of knowledge of sportsmen and sportswomen with regards to tooth avulsion, thus reinforcing the need for educational campaigns to improve the immediate emergency treatment of tooth avulsion.
The objective of the study was to report the prevention of facial reinjury of a volleyball player using a custom-made protective facial shield. A custom-made protective partial facial shield was fabricated using polymethylmethacrylate and was fitted with a soft lining material to provide additional comfort and protection to the injured area. Facial protection provides greater security against possible facial injuries and allows injured areas to recover during sports practice.
Objective. - In a pioneer way, we investigated the morbidity of sports injuries referred by judo athletes from São Paulo State Championship.Material and methods. - Data collection from 93 senior judokas in State of São Paulo Judo Championship, through Referred Morbidity Inquiry about last year.Results. - One hundred and ten events were registered with a distribution frequency gradient of sprain > contusion > strain > ligament injury > partial and total dislocation. The most injured body areas were: knee (26.3%), shoulder (21.8%), fingers (17.3%), and ankle (10.0%). The most risky situation was when the athlete was training (standing, applying a blow) and it can be explained by the frequent and unprepared exposition of the athletes. Yearly lesion rate was 1.18 injuries per athlete/year.Conclusion. - Sprains constitute the most common judo injury, and athletes are more susceptible when they apply blows; discussion about the direction that the prevention should be applied remains opened. (c) 2006 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
The necessity of adapting the standardized fan models to conditions of higher temperature has emerged due to the growth of concerning referring to the consequences of the gas expelling after the Mont Blanc tunnel accident in Italy and France, where even though, with 100 fans in operation, 41 people died. However, since then, the defied solutions have pointed to aerodynamic disadvantages or have seemed nonappropriate in these conditions. The objective of this work is to present an alternative to the market standard fans considering a new technology in constructing blades. This new technology introduces the use of the stainless steel AISI 409 due to its good adaptation to temperatures higher than 400°C, particularly exposed to temperatures of gas exhaust from tunnels in fire situation. Furthermore, it presents a very good resistance to corrosion and posterior welding and pressing, due to its alloyed elements. The innovation is centered in the process of a deep drawing of metallic shells and posterior welding, in order to keep the ideal aerodynamic superficies for the fan ideal performance. On the other hand, the finite element method, through the elasto-plastic software COSMOS permitted the verification of the thickness and structural stability of the blade in relation to the aerodynamic efforts established in the project. In addition, it is not advisable the fabrication of blades with variable localized thickness not even, non-uniform ones, due to the verified concentration of tensions and the difficulties observed in the forming. In this way, this study recommends the construction of blades with uniform variations of thickness. © 2007 Springer.
Objectives. One of the concerns of Sports Sciences is the search for methodologies that can help discover potential athletes. In this sense, some initiatives have been taken in an attempt to identify and characterize the genetic profile of dermatoglyphic marks (fingerprints). The present work has the objective of understanding the distribution of quantitative dermatoglyphic indicators in basketball players with different levels of performance compared to non-players. Methods. The subjects observed constituted 125 individuals, divided into five numerically equal groups, three of which were composed of professional basketball players according to their level of participation (Brazilian Team, National Championship and São Paulo Championship) and the last two formed by weekend players and non-players, respectively. Eleven dermatoglyphic variables were analysed in the descriptive level by means of measurement of position, variability and limits of confidence of the median, and, in inferential terms, the Kruskal-Wallis statistical test was adopted. Results. The more expressive ones were: TRC, counting lines a-b and A'-d, behave differently between athletes and non-athletes. Conclusion. Studies about this kind of analysis should be continued, calling on resources that take into consideration all variables simultaneously as a multivariate study. © 2012 Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.
From the very first moment of entrance in sports up to the time of their successful achievements, parents have a pronounced influence on the sport's career of their children. This influence is readily seen when the parent's dedicated involvement and investment, both emotional and financial, put into the support they give to their children in sports is taken into account. This is all done with the objective that their young athlete may stay involved and reach their full potential. To describe the parental support in the context of Brazilian Artistic Gymnastics in formative categories, this study addressed the perceptions that young gymnasts have toward the behavior and attitude of their parents through a field research conducted among 29 sport institutions involving a total of 163 athletes. We have found that parental support enabled and greatly influenced the child's entering into sports, their access to the practice of a sport, their level of participation, their degree of involvement, and their physical and emotional wellbeing. Moreover, the parental support is crucial to the commitment and dedication of the young gymnast. However, when this support is perceived in a negative way it can result in stress, conflicts between parents and children, burnout and may provoke dropout.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Background: The participation of children and adolescents in sports, including basketball, is becoming increasingly common, and this increased involvement raises concerns about the potential risk of sports injuries. Objective. To analyze the occurrence of sports injuries among young basketball players according to their position on the court and to associate these injuries with risk factors. Method. A retrospective, epidemiological study. A sample consisting of 204 basketball players with a mean age of 14.33 ± 1.19 years participated in the study. The players were interviewed using a reported condition questionnaire containing anthropometric and training data as well as information on injuries during the previous 12 months. Results: The frequency of injury was highest among the shooting guards (47.8%), followed by the centers (34.8%) and point guards (17.4%). Among the 204 participants, 40 players reported a total of 46 injuries, representing 0.22 injuries per participant and 1.15 injuries per injured participant. For the shooting guards and centers, statistically significant differences between injured and non-injured players were found related to age, weight, height, length of time in training and number of weekly practice hours (p < 0.05). For point guards, a statistically significant difference between injured and non-injured players was found based on weight alone (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The occurrence of injuries among basketball players was low. Injuries were associated with both intrinsic and extrinsic factors among shooting guards and centers, whereas injuries were only associated with weight among point guards. © 2013 Vanderlei et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.