999 resultados para Specific ultraviolet absorbance (SUVA)
To better understand the biological controls that regulate sea urchin dynamics, we studied the effects of potential inter- and intra-specific competition for food on several biological variables of the main sea urchin in the Mediterranean (Paracentrotus lividus). We carried out a caging experiment in which we manipulated sea urchin density (natural vs. high density) and herbivorous fish (Sarpa salpa) accessibility (free access vs. exclusion) in a Posidonia oceanica meadow. No evidence of competition between fish and urchins was detected. Neither density-dependent mortality nor changes in the somatic variables were found; however, we detected that intra-specific competition affected the reproductive potential of P. lividus. The gonad index of urchins at high population densities was ca. 30% lower than that of urchins at natural densities. As a spawning event had just occurred when urchins were collected, these differences probably reflect differences in reserve content, which may compromise the following reproductive period and decrease survival in the long term, as the gonads are also used as storage organs. For the time period studied, mortality rates appeared to be independent of local densities. The results indicate that a long-term negative feedback mechanism appears to take place in P. lividus in response to increased population density.
INTRODUCTION: Diverse microarray and sequencing technologies have been widely used to characterise the molecular changes in malignant epithelial cells in breast cancers. Such gene expression studies to identify markers and targets in tumour cells are, however, compromised by the cellular heterogeneity of solid breast tumours and by the lack of appropriate counterparts representing normal breast epithelial cells. METHODS: Malignant neoplastic epithelial cells from primary breast cancers and luminal and myoepithelial cells isolated from normal human breast tissue were isolated by immunomagnetic separation methods. Pools of RNA from highly enriched preparations of these cell types were subjected to expression profiling using massively parallel signature sequencing (MPSS) and four different genome wide microarray platforms. Functional related transcripts of the differential tumour epithelial transcriptome were used for gene set enrichment analysis to identify enrichment of luminal and myoepithelial type genes. Clinical pathological validation of a small number of genes was performed on tissue microarrays. RESULTS: MPSS identified 6,553 differentially expressed genes between the pool of normal luminal cells and that of primary tumours substantially enriched for epithelial cells, of which 98% were represented and 60% were confirmed by microarray profiling. Significant expression level changes between these two samples detected only by microarray technology were shown by 4,149 transcripts, resulting in a combined differential tumour epithelial transcriptome of 8,051 genes. Microarray gene signatures identified a comprehensive list of 907 and 955 transcripts whose expression differed between luminal epithelial cells and myoepithelial cells, respectively. Functional annotation and gene set enrichment analysis highlighted a group of genes related to skeletal development that were associated with the myoepithelial/basal cells and upregulated in the tumour sample. One of the most highly overexpressed genes in this category, that encoding periostin, was analysed immunohistochemically on breast cancer tissue microarrays and its expression in neoplastic cells correlated with poor outcome in a cohort of poor prognosis estrogen receptor-positive tumours. CONCLUSION: Using highly enriched cell populations in combination with multiplatform gene expression profiling studies, a comprehensive analysis of molecular changes between the normal and malignant breast tissue was established. This study provides a basis for the identification of novel and potentially important targets for diagnosis, prognosis and therapy in breast cancer.
Comparison of T cell receptor alpha and beta-chain genes in murine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and class II-restricted T cell clones and hybridomas recognizing different antigens indicates that no simple correlation exists between the observed antigen/MHC specificity and the expression of certain alpha and beta-chain heterodimers. We have attempted to establish a possible correlation by analyzing T cell receptor beta chain gene rearrangements and V beta gene usage in five T cell hybridomas with identical antigen/MHC specificity and another hybridoma recognizing a different antigenic determinant in association with the same restriction molecule. We report here that in each of the five clones a uniquely rearranged beta chain gene is expressed in combination with at least two different V beta gene segments. The presence of the differently rearranged T cell receptor beta chain genes correlated with the finding of distinct fine specificity pattern of antigen recognition in each of the hybridomas. Interestingly, two hybridomas specific for different epitopes showed identical beta chain D-J rearrangements indicating that the differences might be encoded by the alpha chain gene or/and the V beta gene element.
Sarcoidosis is a multisystemic granulomatous disease of unknown etiology that usually presents with bilateral hiliar adenopathies, pulmonary infiltrations, and ocular and cutaneous lesions. The specific cutaneous lesions, or granulomatous, are produced in from 9% to 37% of patients with systemic sarcoidosis. Nevertheless, few patients have been described having specific lesions from sarcoidosis in the oral mucous membrane. We present 2 patients with systemic sarcoidosis who developed specific sarcoidosis lesions in the oral mucous membrane. The first patient presented a plaque on the tongue of a chronic nature associated with facial lupus pernio. The second patient presented a rapidly growing nodular lesion on the lower lip that was in fact the presentation sign of the disease. Although infrequent, oral lesions may constitute the first sign of systemic sarcoidosis. For this reason the oral mucous membrane needs to be explored when there is suspicion of sarcoidosis, and systemic sarcoidosis must be included in the differential diagnosis of oral granulomatous lesions.
The paradoxical coexistence of spontaneous tumor antigen-specific immune responses with progressive disease in cancer patients furthers the need to dissect the molecular pathways involved in tumor-induced T cell dysfunction. In patients with advanced melanoma, we have previously shown that the cancer-germline antigen NY-ESO-1 stimulates spontaneous NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells that up-regulate PD-1 expression. We also observed that PD-1 regulates NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cell expansion upon chronic antigen stimulation. In the present study, we show that a fraction of PD-1(+) NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells in patients with advanced melanoma up-regulates Tim-3 expression and that Tim-3(+)PD-1(+) NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells are more dysfunctional than Tim-3(-)PD-1(+) and Tim-3(-)PD-1(-) NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells, producing less IFN-γ, TNF, and IL-2. Tim-3-Tim-3L blockade enhanced cytokine production by NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells upon short ex vivo stimulation with cognate peptide, thus enhancing their functional capacity. In addition, Tim-3-Tim-3L blockade enhanced cytokine production and proliferation of NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells upon prolonged antigen stimulation and acted in synergy with PD-1-PD-L1 blockade. Collectively, our findings support the use of Tim-3-Tim-3L blockade together with PD-1-PD-L1 blockade to reverse tumor-induced T cell exhaustion/dysfunction in patients with advanced melanoma.
Two mutually exclusive hypotheses have been put forward to explain the evolution and adaptive function of melanin-based color traits. According to sexual selection theory melanism is a directionally selected signal of individual quality, whereas theory on the maintenance of genetic polymorphism proposes that alternative melanin-based variants achieve equal fitness. Alpine swift (Apus melba) males and females have a conspicuous patch of white feathers on the breast with their rachis varying continuously from white to black, and hence the breast varies from white to striated. If this trait is a sexually selected signal of quality, its expression should be condition dependent and the degree of melanism directionally selected. If variation in melanism is a polymorphism, its expression should be genetically determined and fitness of melanin-based variants equal. We experimentally tested these predictions by exchanging eggs or hatchlings between randomly chosen nests and by estimating survival and reproduction in relation to melanism. We found that breast melanism is heritable and that the environment and body condition do not significantly influence its expression. Between 5 and 50 days of age nestlings were heavier and their wings longer when breast feathers of their biological father were blacker, and they also fledged at a younger age. This shows that aspects of offspring quality covary positively with the degree of melanism. However, this did not result in directional selection because nestling survival and recruitment in the local breeding population were not associated with father breast melanism. Furthermore, adult survival, age at first reproduction and probability of skipping reproduction did not covary with the degree of melanism. Genetic variation in breast melanism is therefore maintained either because nonmelanic males achieve fitness similar to melanic males via a different route than producing fast-growing offspring, or because the advantage of producing fast-growing offspring is not sufficiently pronounced to result in directional selection.
In this paper we propose a novel unsupervised approach to learning domain-specific ontologies from large open-domain text collections. The method is based on the joint exploitation of Semantic Domains and Super Sense Tagging for Information Retrieval tasks. Our approach is able to retrieve domain specific terms and concepts while associating them with a set of high level ontological types, named supersenses, providing flat ontologies characterized by very high accuracy and pertinence to the domain.
A recent study suggests that sex-specific dispersal rates can be quantitatively estimated on the basis of sex- and state-specific (pre- vs. postdispersal) F-statistics. In the present paper, we extend this approach to account for the hierarchical structure of natural populations, and we validate it through individual-based simulations. The model is applied to an empirical data set consisting of 536 individuals (males, females, and predispersal juveniles) of greater white-toothed shrews (Crocidura russula), sampled according to a hierarchical design and typed for seven autosomal microsatellite loci. From this dataset, dispersal is significantly female biased at the local scale (breeding-group level), but not at the larger scale (among local populations). We argue that selective pressures on dispersal are likely to depend on the spatial scale considered, and that short-distance dispersal should mainly respond to kin interactions (inbreeding or kin competition avoidance), which exert differential pressure on males and females.
Tin-oxide nanoparticles with controlled narrow size distributions are synthesized while physically encapsulated inside silica mesoporous templates. By means of ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, a redshift of the optical absorbance edge is observed. Photoluminescence measurements corroborate the existence of an optical transition at 3.2 eV. The associated band of states in the semiconductor gap is present even on template-synthesized nanopowders calcined at 800°C, which contrasts with the evolution of the gap states measured on materials obtained by other methods. The gap states are thus considered to be surface localized, disappearing with surface faceting or being hidden by the surface-to-bulk ratio decrease.
Alveolar macrophages have the ability to downregulate immune processes in vitro. We have recently suggested the presence of interleukin-1 (IL-1) inhibitors in the supernatants of human bronchoalveolar lavage cells from patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis or sarcoidosis. In the present study, we further analyze the cellular origin and the biologic properties of a 20- to 25-kD IL-1 inhibitor spontaneously produced by cultured human alveolar macrophages (AM). The inhibitor blocks IL-1-induced prostaglandin E2 production by human fibroblasts and the IL-1-related increase of phytohemagglutinin-induced murine thymocyte proliferation. After rigorous IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta depletion, supernatants of lung macrophages specifically block the binding of IL-1 to its receptor on the murine thymoma cell line EL4-6.1 in a dose-dependent manner. These results indicate that AM from both normal donors and patients produce a specific IL-1 inhibitor that may be of importance in protecting the alveolar environment from the deleterious effects of excessive IL-1 production.
This contribution builds upon a former paper by the authors (Lipps and Betz 2004), in which a stochastic population projection for East- and West Germany is performed. Aim was to forecast relevant population parameters and their distribution in a consistent way. We now present some modifications, which have been modelled since. First, population parameters for the entire German population are modelled. In order to overcome the modelling problem of the structural break in the East during reunification, we show that the adaptation process of the relevant figures by the East can be considered to be completed by now. As a consequence, German parameters can be modelled just by using the West German historic patterns, with the start-off population of entire Germany. Second, a new model to simulate age specific fertility rates is presented, based on a quadratic spline approach. This offers a higher flexibility to model various age specific fertility curves. The simulation results are compared with the scenario based official forecasts for Germany in 2050. Exemplary for some population parameters (e.g. dependency ratio), it can be shown that the range spanned by the medium and extreme variants correspond to the s-intervals in the stochastic framework. It seems therefore more appropriate to treat this range as a s-interval covering about two thirds of the true distribution.
Regulation of the epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) by ubiquitylation is controlled by the activity of two counteracting enzymes, the E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase Nedd4-2 (mouse ortholog of human Nedd4L) and the ubiquitin-specific protease Usp2-45. Previously, Usp2-45 was shown to decrease ubiquitylation and to increase surface function of ENaC in Xenopus laevis oocytes, whereas the splice variant Usp2-69, which has a different N-terminal domain, was inactive toward ENaC. It is shown here that the catalytic core of Usp2 lacking the N-terminal domain has a reduced ability relative to Usp2-45 to enhance ENaC activity in Xenopus oocytes. In contrast, its catalytic activity toward the artificial substrate ubiquitin-AMC is fully maintained. The interaction of Usp2-45 with ENaC exogenously expressed in HEK293 cells was tested by coimmunoprecipitation. The data indicate that different combinations of ENaC subunits, as well as the α-ENaC cytoplasmic N-terminal but not C-terminal domain, coprecipitate with Usp2-45. This interaction is decreased but not abolished when the cytoplasmic ubiquitylation sites of ENaC are mutated. Importantly, coimmunoprecipitation in HEK293 cells and GST pull-down of purified recombinant proteins show that both the catalytic domain and the N-terminal tail of Usp2-45 physically interact with the HECT domain of Nedd4-2. Taken together, the data support the conclusion that Usp2-45 action on ENaC is promoted by various interactions, including through binding to Nedd4-2 that is suggested to position Usp2-45 favorably for ENaC deubiquitylation.
Antibody-dependent lymphocyte cytotoxicity against human colon carcinoma cells grown in vitro was demonstrated with rabbit anti-carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) antisera and normal human lymphocytes. The same antisera produced no tumor cell lysis in a complement-dependent cytotoxicity test. The specificity of the reaction was demonstrated by the inhibition of antibody-dependent lymphocyte cytotoxicity after the addition of increasing amounts of purified CEA to the antiserum and by the fact that only tumor cell lines expressing CEA on their surface were lysed. Antibody-dependent lymphocyte cytotoxicity was also observed against two colon carcinoma cell lines that expressed Blood Group A antigen, using a human serum containing anti-Blood Group A antibodies of the immunoglobulin G class. This reaction was specifically inhibited by absorption with Blood Group A red cells, whereas the anti-CEA-dependent cytotoxicity was not inhibited by absorption with red cells of different blood groups.
A large percentage of healthy individuals (50-90%) is chronically infected with Cytomegalovirus (CMV). Over the past few years, several techniques were developed in order to monitor CMV-specific T-cell responses. In addition to the identification of antigen-specific T cells with peptide-loaded MHC complexes, most of the current strategies to identify CMV-specific T cells are centered on the assessment of the functions of memory T cells including their ability to mediate effector function, to proliferate or to secrete cytokines following antigen-specific stimulation. The investigation of these functions has allowed the characterization of the CMV-specific T-cell responses that are present during different phases of the infection. Furthermore, it has also been shown that the combination of virus-specific CD4 and CD8 T-cell responses are critical components of the immune response in the control of virus replication.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are obligate symbionts with most terrestrial plants. They improve plant nutrition, particularly phosphate acquisition, and thus are able to improve plant growth. In exchange, the fungi obtain photosynthetically fixed carbon. AMF are coenocytic, meaning that many nuclei coexist in a common cytoplasm. Genetic exchange recently has been demonstrated in the AMF Glomus intraradices, allowing nuclei of different Glomus intraradices strains to mix. Such genetic exchange was shown previously to have negative effects on plant growth and to alter fungal colonization. However, no attempt was made to detect whether genetic exchange in AMF can alter plant gene expression and if this effect was time dependent. Here, we show that genetic exchange in AMF also can be beneficial for rice growth, and that symbiosis-specific gene transcription is altered by genetic exchange. Moreover, our results show that genetic exchange can change the dynamics of the colonization of the fungus in the plant. Our results demonstrate that the simple manipulation of the genetics of AMF can have important consequences for their symbiotic effects on plants such as rice, which is considered the most important crop in the world. Exploiting natural AMF genetic variation by generating novel AMF genotypes through genetic exchange is a potentially useful tool in the development of AMF inocula that are more beneficial for crop growth.