964 resultados para Somatic Embryos
Stomatogenesis and the cell division cycle was investigated for Macropodinium yalanbense Dehority, 1996 from Macropus giganteus using light and electron microscopy. Macropodinium spp. are endosymbiotic ciliates found only in the stomachs of macropodid marsupials. Stomatogenesis proceeds through 4 stages: initial formation of a transverse division suture; formation of the preoral field and formation of vestibular kineties in an internal pouch; extension of vestibulum posteriorly and external formation of new adoral kineties; and extension of somatic and adoral kineties accompanying dorsal and ventral constriction of the cell. Karyokinesis and formation of the new cytoproct occur immediately prior to cytokinesis. Comparison with other litostome ciliates shows that the formation of new vestibular kineties is most similar to that of the entodiniomorphs, formation of adoral kineties is most similar to that of the haptorians and formation of the somatic kineties to that of the vestibuliferans. The phylogenetic affinities of Macropodinium are thus difficult to infer from the ontogeny of organelle systems. Stomatogenesis of the adoral kineties is either epiapokinetal or a new type of cryptotelokinetal whereas the vestibular kineties are formed by either endoapokinetal or cryptotelokinetal processes. No other ciliate has been observed to utilise 2 types of stomatogenesis in its division cycle.
FAM is a developmentally regulated substrate-specific deubiquitylating enzyme. It binds the cell adhesion and signalling molecules beta -catenin and A-F-6 in vitro, and stabilises both in mammalian cell culture. To determine if FAM is required at the earliest stages of mouse development we examined its expression and function in preimplantation mouse embryos. FAM is expressed at all stages of preimplantation development from ovulation to implantation. Exposure of two-cell embryos to FAM-specific antisense, but not sense, oligodeoxynucleotides resulted in depletion of the FAM protein and failure Of the embryos to develop to blastocysts. Loss of FAM had two physiological effects, namely, a decrease in cleavage rate and an inhibition of cell adhesive events. Depletion of FAM protein was mirrored by a loss of beta -catenin such that very little of either protein remained following 72 h culture. The residual beta -catenin was localised to sites of cell-cell contact suggesting that the cytoplasmic pool of beta -catenin is stabilised by FAM. Although AF-6 levels initially decreased they returned to normal. However, the nascent protein was mislocalised at the apical surface of blastomeres. Therefore FAM is required for preimplantation mouse embryo development and regulates beta -catenin and AF-6 in vivo. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Lid. All rights reserved.
Slit is expressed in the midline of the central nervous system both in vertebrates and invertebrates. In Drosophila, it is the midline repellent acting as a ligand for the Roundabout (Robo) protein, the repulsive receptor which is expressed on the growth cones of the commissural neurons. We have isolated cDNA fragments of the zebrafish slit2 and slit3 homologues and found that both genes start to be expressed by the midgastrula stage well before the axonogenesis begins in the nervous system, both in the axial mesoderm, and slit2 in the anterior margin of the neural plate and slit3 in the polster at the anterior end of the prechordal mesoderm. Later, expression of slit2 mRNA is detected mainly in midline structures such as the floor plate cells and the hypochord, and in the anterior margins of the neural plates in the zebrafish embryo, while slit3 expression is observed in the anterior margin of the prechordal plate, the floorplate cells in the hindbrain, and the motor neurons both in the hindbrain and the spinal cord. To study the role of Slit in early embryos, we overexpressed Slit2 in the whole embryos either by injection of its mRNA into one-cell stage embryos or by heat-shock treatment of the transgenic embryos which carries the slit2 gene under control of the heat-shock promoter. Overexpression of Slit2 in such ways impaired the convergent extension movement of the mesoderm and the rostral migration of the cells in the dorsal diencephalon and resulted in cyclopia. Our results shed light on a novel aspect of Slit function as a regulatory factor of mesodermal cell movement during gastrulation. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
Background: The anti-craving drug, naltrexone, is used as a pharmacotherapeutic adjunct in the treatment of alcohol dependence. In addictive disorders, compliance issues remain central. There are limited data on compliance with naltrexone treatment regimens within formalized rehabilitation programs and even less data that identifies factors that have an impact on this. Objective: To study patient adherence to naltrexone medication regimens and examine whether patients' reported pre-treatment alcohol use, dependence severity and measures of psychological health are predictive of medication compliance. Method: Fifty outpatients meeting DSM IV criteria for alcohol dependence enrolled in 12-week rehabilitation programme. This included cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and naltrexone, 50 mg orally daily. Measures included: pharmacy prescription pick-up including number of tablets dispensed, programme attendance and patient pre-treatment alcohol use variables. Measures of psychological health included somatic symptoms, anxiety, social dysfunction and depression as measured by the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28). Results: Classifying the sample into compliant (greater than or equal to 90% medication pick-up) and less compliant groups, 66% of subjects were naltrexone-compliant. Pre-treatment alcohol use variables were not predictive of compliance. Although social dysfunction and depression tended towards poorer prescription filling, measures of psychological distress (GHQ-28) did not identify factors predictive of medication non-compliance. One patient withdrew from treatment because of naltrexone-induced dysphoria. Conclusion: Patients with alcohol dependence demonstrated high levels of anti-craving medication compliance, good rehabilitation programme participation and favourable outcomes. Naltrexone was well tolerated. Medication compliance in this study group compared well with those of other hospital populations with chronic disorders. Factors predictive of anti-craving medication compliance in alcohol dependence require further study.
Coral reef degradation resulting from nutrient enrichment of coastal waters is of increasing global concern. Although effects of nutrients on coral reef organisms have been demonstrated in the laboratory, there is little direct evidence of nutrient effects on coral reef biota in situ. The ENCORE experiment investigated responses of coral reef organisms and processes to controlled additions of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (N) and/or phosphorus (P) on an offshore reef(One Tree Island) at the southern end of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. A multi-disciplinary team assessed a variety of factors focusing on nutrient dynamics and biotic responses. A controlled and replicated experiment was conducted over two years using twelve small patch reefs ponded at low tide by a coral rim. Treatments included three control reefs (no nutrient addition) and three + N reefs (NH4Cl added), three + P reefs (KH2PO4 added), and three + N + P reefs. Nutrients were added as pulses at each low tide (ca twice per day) by remotely operated units. There were two phases of nutrient additions. During the initial, low-loading phase of the experiment nutrient pulses (mean dose = 11.5 muM NH4+; 2.3 muM PO4-3) rapidly declined, reaching near-background levels (mean = 0.9 muM NH4+; 0.5 muM PO4-3) within 2-3 h. A variety of biotic processes, assessed over a year during this initial nutrient loading phase, were not significantly affected, with the exception of coral reproduction, which was affected in all nutrient treatments. In Acropora longicyathus and A. aspera, fewer successfully developed embryos were formed, and in A. longicyathus fertilization rates and lipid levels decreased. In the second, high-loading, phase of ENCORE an increased nutrient dosage (mean dose = 36.2 muM NH4+; 5.1 muM PO4-3 declining to means of 11.3 muM NH4+ and 2.4 muM PO4-3 at the end of low tide) was used for a further year, and a variety of significant biotic responses occurred. Encrusting algae incorporated virtually none of the added nutrients. Organisms containing endosymbiotic zooxanthellae (corals and giant clams) assimilated dissolved nutrients rapidly and were responsive to added nutrients. Coral mortality, not detected during the initial low-loading phase, became evident with increased nutrient dosage, particularly in Pocillopora damicornis. Nitrogen additions stunted coral growth, and phosphorus additions had a variable effect. Coral calcification rate and linear extension increased in the presence of added phosphorus but skeletal density was reduced, making corals more susceptible to breakage. Settlement of all coral larvae was reduced in nitrogen treatments, yet settlement of larvae from brooded species was enhanced in phosphorus treatments. Recruitment of stomatopods, benthic crustaceans living in coral rubble, was reduced in nitrogen and nitrogen plus phosphorus treatments. Grazing rates and reproductive effort of various fish species were not affected by the nutrient treatments. Microbial nitrogen transformations in sediments,were responsive to nutrient loading with nitrogen fixation significantly increased in phosphorus treatments and denitrification increased in all treatments to which nitrogen had been added. Rates of bioerosion and grazing showed no significant effects of added nutrients, ENCORE has shown that reef organisms and processes investigated ill situ were impacted by elevated nutrients. Impacts mere dependent on dose level, whether nitrogen and/or phosphorus mere elevated and were often species-specific. The impacts were generally sub-lethal and subtle and the treated reefs at the end of the experiment mere visually similar to control reefs. Rapid nutrient uptake indicates that nutrient concentrations alone are not adequate to assess nutrient condition of reefs. Sensitive and quantifiable biological indicators need to be developed for coral reef ecosystems. The potential bioindicators identified in ENCORE should be tested in future research on coral reef/nutrient interactions. Synergistic and cumulative effects of elevated nutrients and other environmental parameters, comparative studies of intact vs. disturbed reefs, offshore vs, inshore reefs, or the ability of a nutrient-stressed reef to respond to natural disturbances require elucidation. An expanded understanding of coral reef responses to anthropogenic impacts is necessary, particularly regarding the subtle, sub-lethal effects detected in the ENCORE studies. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Determination of the ash-free dry weight (AFDW) of marine specimens requires samples to be rinsed, soaked, and centrifuged. Problems associated with this technique were examined with the developmental stages of seastar species (Patiriella) with different modes of development. The influence of three rinsing solutions (ammonium formate [AF], filtered seawater [FSW], and reverse osmosis water [RO]) was assessed. The hypothesis that the AFDW technique is a measure of organic material was addressed by drying inorganic salts. Developmental stages of Patiriella calcar rinsed in FSW were twice as heavy as those rinsed in RO or AE indicating that samples should be rinsed in RO or AF before weighing. Soaking treatments had a significant effect on the AFDW of samples of P. calcar (planktonic developer), indicating that the rinsing period should be brief. Zygotes of Patiriella re gularis (planktonic developer) were significantly heavier than ova or gastrulae, regardless of treatment. In contrast, there were no significant differences in the AFDW of any stages or treatments of Patiriella exigua (benthic developer). This may be due to the presence of a modified fertilization envelope, which protects these benthic embryos. Inorganic salts with water of crystallization and FSW lost 20-75% and 14% of their dry weight, respectively, after ashing. We propose that salt ions may retain water, which does not evaporate during drying but is lost during ashing, resulting in the overestimation of sample AFDW. If a similar process occurs in the developmental stages of marine invertebrates, changes in the intracellular ionic composition through development may result in inaccurate estimates of biomass.
Current serotyping methods classify Pasteurella multocida into five capsular serogroups (serogroups A, B, D, E, and F) and 16 somatic serotypes (serotypes 1 to 16). In the present study, we have developed a multiplex PCR assay as a rapid alternative to the conventional capsular serotyping system. The serogroup-specific primers used in this assay were designed following identification, sequence determination, and analysis of the capsular biosynthetic loci of each capsular serogroup. The entire capsular biosynthetic loci of P. multocida A:1 (X-73) and B:2 (M1404) have been cloned and sequenced previously (J. Y. Chung, Y. M. Zhang, and B. Adler, FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 166:289-296, 1998; J. D. Boyce, J. Y. Chung, and B. Adler, Vet. Microbiol. 72:121-134, 2000). Nucleotide sequence analysis of the biosynthetic region (region 2) from each of the remaining three serogroups, serogroups D, E, and F, identified serogroup-specific regions and gave an indication of the capsular polysaccharide composition. The multiplex capsular PCR assay was highly specific, and its results, with the exception of those for some serogroup F strains, correlated well with conventional serotyping results. Sequence analysis of the strains that gave conflicting results confirmed the validity of the multiplex PCR and indicated that these strains were in fact capsular serogroup A. The multiplex PCR will clarify the distinction between closely related serogroups A and F and constitutes a rapid assay for the definitive classification of P. multocida capsular types
The male hypermethylated (MHM) region, located near the middle of the short arm of the Z chromosome of chickens, consists of approximately 210 tandem repeats of a BamHI 2.2-kb sequence unit. Cytosines of the CpG dinucleotides of this region are extensively methylated on the two Z chromosomes in the male but much less methylated on the single Z chromosome in the female. The state of methylation of the MHM region is established after fertilization by about the 1-day embryonic stage. The MHM region is transcribed only in the female from the particular strand into heterogeneous, high molecular-mass, non-coding RNA, which is accumulated at the site of transcription, adjacent to the DMRT1 locus, in the nucleus. The transcriptional silence of the MHM region in the male is most likely caused by the CpG methylation, since treatment of the male embryonic fibroblasts with 5-azacytidine results in hypo-methylation and active transcription of this region. In ZZW triploid chickens, MHM regions are hypomethylated and transcribed on the two Z chromosomes, whereas MHM regions are hypermethylated and transcriptionally inactive on the three Z chromosomes in ZZZ triploid chickens, suggesting a possible role of the W chromosome on the state of the MHM region.
GABAergic systems have been implicated in the pathogenesis of anxiety, depression and insomnia. These symptoms are part of the core and comorbid psychiatric disturbances in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) In a sample of Caucasian male PTSD patients, dinucleotide repeat polymorphisms of the GABAA receptor beta3 subunit gene were compared to scores on the General Health Questionnaire-28 (GHQ). As the major allele at this gene locus (GABRB3) was GI, the alleles were divided into GI and non-GI groups. On the total score of the GHQ, which comprises the somatic symptoms, anxiety/insomnia, social dysfunction and depression subscales, patients with the GI non-GI genotype had a significantly higher score when compared to either the G1G1 genotype (alpha = 0.01) or the non-GI non-GI genotype (alpha = 0.05). No significant difference was found between the G1G1 and non-Gl non-G1 genotypes. When the GI non-G1 heterozygotes were compared to the combined G1G1 and non-GI non-GI homozygotes, a significantly higher total GHQ score was found in the heterozygotes (P = 0.002). These observations suggest a heterosis effect. Further analysis of GHQ subscale scores showed that heterozygotes compared to the combined homozygotes had higher scores on the somatic symptoms (P = 0.006), anxiety/insomnia (P = 0.003), social dysfunction (P = 0.054) and depression (P = 0.004) subscales. In conclusion, the present study indicates that in a population of PTSD patients, heterozygosity of the GABRB3 major (GI) allele confers higher levels of somatic symptoms, anxiety/insomnia, social dysfunction and depression than found in homozygosity. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Single cell genetic analysis is generally performed using PCR and FISH. Until recently, FISH has been the method of choice. FISH however is expensive, has significant misdiagnosis rates, can result in interpretation difficulties and is labour intensive making it unsuitable for high throughput processing. Recently fluorescent PCR reliability has increased to levels at or surpassing FISH whilst maintaining low cost. However, PCR accuracy has been a concern due to allelic dropout. Multiplex PCR can now increase accuracy by using multiple markers for each chromosome to firstly provide diagnosis if markers fail and,or secondly confirm diagnosis. We compare a variety of diagnostic methods and demonstrate for the first time a multiplex PCR system providing simultaneous diagnosis and confirmation of the major aneuploidy chromosomes (21, 18, 13) and sex as well as DNA fingerprint in single cells. We also discuss the implications of using PCR for aneuploidy screening in preimplantation genetic diagnosis. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Sry, a gene from the Y chromosome, is known to initiate testis formation and subsequent male differentiation in mammals. A related gene, Sox9, also plays a critical role in testis determination, possibly in all vertebrates. A number of models have been presented regarding the molecular modes of action of these two genes. However, details regarding their regulation, regulatory target genes, and interacting protein factors and co-factors have not been established with any certainty. In this review, we examine new evidence and re-examine existing evidence bearing on these issues, in an effort to build up an integrative model of the network of gene activity centred around Sry and Sox9. J. Exp. Zool. 290:463-474, 2001. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
In situ hybridization to mRNA in embryo sections or wholemount embryos is one of the most powerful analytical tools available to the molecular developmental biologist. For many workers, this procedure provides the first insights into the function of newly isolated genes, allowing the formulation of hypotheses and setting the course for further research. This paper presents a personal historical perspective of the development of in situ hybridization, looks at the theory and practice of the technique, summarizes the current state of the art, and speculates on possible directions for the future as a tool in functional genomics.
We have studied the spatial dynamics of Sry transcription in the genital ridges of mouse embryos. We find that Sry is expressed in a dynamic wave that emanates from the central and/or anterior regions, extends subsequently to both poles, and ends in the caudal pole. This dynamism may explain the relative positioning of ovarian and testicular tissue seen in ovotestes in mice. Since direct regulatory targets of SRY ought to be expressed in a corresponding or complimentary wave, our observations pave the way for identification of target genes. Sry is expressed in internal cells but not in coelomic surface epithelial cells, indicating that its effect on proliferation of surface cells is achieved non-cell-autonomously. The cellular dynamism of Sry expression revealed in this study thus provides important insights into both the cellular and molecular mode of action of SRY, and how perturbations in Sry expression can lead to anomalies of sexual development. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The role of nitrate, ammonium, and culture medium pH on shoot organogenesis in Nicotiana tabacum zz100 leaf discs was examined. The nitrogen composition of a basal liquid shoot induction medium (SIM) containing 39.4 mM NO3- and 20.6 mM NH4+ was altered whilst maintaining the overall ionic balance with Na+ and Cl- ions. Omission of total nitrogen and nitrate, but not ammonium, from SIM prevented the initiation and formation of shoots. When nitrate was used as the sole source of nitrogen, a high frequency of explants initiated and produced leafy shoots. However, the numbers of shoots produced were significantly fewer than the control SIM. Buffering nitrate-only media with the organic acid 2[N-morpholinol]thanesulphonic acid (MES) could not compensate for the omission of ammonium. Ammonium used as the sole source of nitrogen appeared to have a negative effect on explant growth and morphogenesis, with a significant lowering of media pH. Buffering ammonium-only media with MES stabilized pH and allowed a low frequency of explants to initiate shoot meristems. However, no further differentiation into leafy shoots was observed. The amount of available nitrogen appears to be less important than the ratio between nitrate and ammonium. Shoot formation was achieved with a wide range of ratios, but media containing 40 mM nitrate and 20 mM ammonium (70:30) produced the greatest number of shoots per explant. Results from this study indicate a synergistic effect between ammonium and nitrate on shoot organogenesis independent of culture medium pH.
Polynucleotide immunisation with the E7 gene of human papillomavirus (HPV) type 16 induces only moderate levels of immune response, which may in part be due to limitation in E7 gene expression influenced by biased HPV codon usage. Here we compare for expression and immunogenicity polynucleotide expression plasmids encoding wild-type (pWE7) or synthetic codon optimised (pHE7) HPV16 E7 DNA. Cos-1 cells transfected with pHE7 expressed higher levels of E7 protein than similar cells transfected with pW7. C57BL/6 mice and F1 (C57X FVB) E7 transgenic mice immunised intradermally with E7 plasmids produced high levels of anti-E7 antibody. pHE7 induced a significantly stronger E7-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte response than pWE7 and 100% tumour protection in C57BL/6 mice, but neither vaccine induced CTL in partially E7 tolerant K14E7 transgenic mice. The data indicate that immunogenicity of an E7 polynucleotide vaccine can be enhanced by codon modification. However, this may be insufficient for priming E7 responses in animals with split tolerance to E7 as a consequence of expression of E7 in somatic cells. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).