975 resultados para Shop windows


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Der Sammelband ,,Right-wing extremism" hat ein doppeltes Ziel. Zum einen soll er das Nationale Forschungsprogramm 40plus und seine Projekte präsentieren (die alle mit Beiträgen präsent sind), zum anderen sollen diese nationalen Beiträge in eine internationale Perspektive gestellt werden, sodass in der Übersicht und Umschau eine Verortung der schweizerischen Forschung (und damit auch des NFP40plus selbst) und ihrer Resultate möglich wird. Eingeladen wurden dazu führende europäische Forscher auf dem Gebiet des Rechtsextremismus.


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This study investigated the contribution of sources and establishment characteristics, on the exposure to fine particulate matter (PM(2.5)) in the non-smoking sections of bars, cafes, and restaurants in central Zurich. PM(2.5)-exposure was determined with a nephelometer. A random sample of hospitality establishments was investigated on all weekdays, from morning until midnight. Each visit lasted 30 min. Numbers of smokers and other sources, such as candles and cooking processes, were recorded, as were seats, open windows, and open doors. Ambient air pollution data were obtained from public authorities. Data were analysed using robust MM regression. Over 14 warm, sunny days, 102 establishments were measured. Average establishment PM(2.5) concentrations were 64.7 microg/m(3) (s.d. = 73.2 microg/m(3), 30-min maximum 452.2 microg/m(3)). PM(2.5) was significantly associated with the number of smokers, percentage of seats occupied by smokers, and outdoor PM. Each smoker increased PM(2.5) on average by 15 microg/m(3). No associations were found with other sources, open doors or open windows. Bars had more smoking guests and showed significantly higher concentrations than restaurants and cafes. Smokers were the most important PM(2.5)-source in hospitality establishments, while outdoor PM defined the baseline. Concentrations are expected to be even higher during colder, unpleasant times of the year. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Smokers and ambient air pollution are the most important sources of fine airborne particulate matter (PM(2.5)) in the non-smoking sections of bars, restaurants, and cafes. Other sources do not significantly contribute to PM(2.5)-levels, while opening doors and windows is not an efficient means of removing pollutants. First, this demonstrates the impact that even a few smokers can have in affecting particle levels. Second, it implies that creating non-smoking sections, and using natural ventilation, is not sufficient to bring PM(2.5) to levels that imply no harm for employees and non-smoking clients. [Authors]


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La aplicación CABIRA (Calidad Biológica de los Ríos Altoandinos) está diseñada para el cálculo de métricas representativas de la calidad biológica de la comunidad de los macroinvertebrados acuáticos que viven en los ríos altoandinos (por encima de los 2000 m.s.n.m.) y muy especialmente para el cálculo del índice multimétrico IMEERA (Índice Multimétrico de Estado Ecológico de Ríos Altoandinos) (Villamarín et al., 2013). Esta aplicación informática ha sido desarrollada por el grupo de investigación F.E.M. (Freshwater Ecology and Management) del Departamento de Ecología de la Universitat de Barcelona (España) bajo la dirección del profesor Narcís Prat.


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El trabajo trata la traducción del manga al castellano (cuestiones lingüísticas, metodológicas y técnicas): las características principales del japonés, el proceso de traducción, los métodos y las opciones de adaptación empleados por las editoriales españolas, y la compatibilidad de escritura en equipos españoles. Finalmente, incluye un ejemplo real de traducción.


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Este proyecto consiste en el desarrollo de una aplicación informática que permite gestionar de forma automatizada y consistente los datos requeridos para la actividad docente de un profesor universitario. La aplicación permite gestionar: plan docente, asignaturas, horario docente, calendario de exámenes y proyectos final de carrera. Todas estas opciones tienen las funciones de, agregar, buscar, modificar y eliminar datos. Además tiene otras opciones como calendario docente y webs, cuya finalidad será consultar, de forma directa, páginas web de interés docente. Finalmente, la opción material docente tendrá como finalidad, crear, modificar y eliminar ficheros de diferente formato (word, excel, powerpoint, pdf) asociados a las asignaturas registradas en la aplicación. La aplicación se ha implementado en el sistema operativo Windows en el lenguaje de programación Java. Los datos utilizados se almacenan en la base de datos MySql Workbench. Para las validaciones de entrada de datos se ha utilizado JavaScript y JQuery. El diseño de la interfaz se ha llevado a cabo con Java Server Pages, Html, Css y framework Struts.


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This phase of the research project involved two major efforts: (1) Complete the implementation of AEC-Sync (formerly known as Attolist) on the Iowa Falls Arch Bridge project and (2) develop a web-based project management system (WPMS) for projects under $10 million. For the first major effort, AEC-Sync was provided for the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) in a software as a service agreement, allowing the Iowa DOT to rapidly implement the solution with modest effort. During the 2010 fiscal year, the research team was able to help with the implementation process for the solution. The research team also collected feedback from the Broadway Viaduct project team members before the start of the project and implementation of the solution. For the 2011 fiscal year, the research team collected the post-project surveys from the Broadway Viaduct project members and compared them to the pre-project survey results. The result of the AEC-Sync implementation in the Broadway Viaduct project was a positive one. The project members were satisfied with the performance of AEC-Sync and how it facilitated document management and transparency. In addition, the research team distributed, collected, and analyzed the pre-project surveys for the Iowa Falls Arch Bridge project. During the 2012 fiscal year, the research team analyzed the post-project surveys for the Iowa Falls Arch Bridge project AEC-Sync implementation and found a positive outcome when compared to the pre-project surveys. The second major effort for this project involved the identification and implementation of a WPMS solution for smaller bridge and highway projects. During the 2011 fiscal year, Microsoft SharePoint was selected to be implemented on these smaller highway projects. In this year, workflows for the shop/working drawings for the smaller highway projects specified in Section 1105 of the Iowa DOT Specifications were developed. These workflows will serve as the guide for the development of the SharePoint pages. In order to implement the Microsoft SharePoint pages, the effort of an integrated team proved to be vital because it brought together the expertise required from researchers, programmers, and webpage developers to develop the SharePoint pages.


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Aplicación para la liquidación de gastos de personal de una empresa compuesta por una aplicación cliente de escritorio desarrollada con tecnología Microsoft .NET y Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), y una aplicación servidora Windows Server. La tecnología de comunicación entre aplicaciones utilizada es Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) y la base de datos SQL Server 2012.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es implementar una herramienta segura, intuitiva y útil de dispositivo electrónico móvil para que un alumno interactúe con el entorno educativo virtual creado por el Campus de Trabajo UOC. La herramienta ayuda al alumno a trabajar con la UOC sin necesidad de conectarse directamente desde un portátil, desde cualquier lugar, siempre y cuando, se tenga conexión a Internet. El TFG está enfocado a desarrollarse en el entorno de Windows Phone.


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Dr. Gilbert Y. Baladi of Michigan State University has developed a new device intended for reliable determination of asphalt concrete mechanical properties such as Poisson's ratio, resilient modulus, and indirect tensile strength. The device is the result of an effort to improve upon procedures and equipment currently available for evaluation of mechanical properties. A duplicate of this device was fabricated in the Iowa Department of Transportation, Materials Lab Machine Shop in 1989. This report details the results of an evaluation of the effectiveness of the device in testing Marshall specimens for indirect tensile strength as compared to results obtained with standard equipment described in AASHTO T-283. Conclusions of the report are: l. Results obtained with the Baladi device average 6 to 8 percent higher than those obtained with the standard device. 2. The standard device exhibited a slightly greater degree of precision than did the Baladi device. 3. The Baladi device is easier and quicker to use than the standard apparatus. 4. It may be possible to estimate indirect tensile strength from the stability/flow ratio by dividing by factors of 1.8 and 1.5 for 50 blow and 75 blow mixes respectively.


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TFC per realitzar la gestió de despeses personals dels treballadors d'una empresa, desenvolupat amb C#.


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Currently, individuals including designers, contractors, and owners learn about the project requirements by studying a combination of paper and electronic copies of the construction documents including the drawings, specifications (standard and supplemental), road and bridge standard drawings, design criteria, contracts, addenda, and change orders. This can be a tedious process since one needs to go back and forth between the various documents (paper or electronic) to obtain information about the entire project. Object-oriented computer-aided design (OO-CAD) is an innovative technology that can bring a change to this process by graphical portrayal of information. OO-CAD allows users to point and click on portions of an object-oriented drawing that are then linked to relevant databases of information (e.g., specifications, procurement status, and shop drawings). The vision of this study is to turn paper-based design standards and construction specifications into an object-oriented design and specification (OODAS) system or a visual electronic reference library (ERL). Individuals can use the system through a handheld wireless book-size laptop that includes all of the necessary software for operating in a 3D environment. All parties involved in transportation projects can access all of the standards and requirements simultaneously using a 3D graphical interface. By using this system, users will have all of the design elements and all of the specifications readily available without concerns of omissions. A prototype object-oriented model was created and demonstrated to potential users representing counties, cities, and the state. Findings suggest that a system like this could improve productivity to find information by as much as 75% and provide a greater sense of confidence that all relevant information had been identified. It was also apparent that this system would be used by more people in construction than in design. There was also concern related to the cost to develop and maintain the complete system. The future direction should focus on a project-based system that can help the contractors and DOT inspectors find information (e.g., road standards, specifications, instructional memorandums) more rapidly as it pertains to a specific project.


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Two portable Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) systems (made by Texas Instruments and HiTAG) were developed and tested for bridge scour monitoring by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Iowa (UI). Both systems consist of three similar components: 1) a passive cylindrical transponder of 2.2 cm in length (derived from transmitter/responder); 2) a low frequency reader (~134.2 kHz frequency); and 3) an antenna (of rectangular or hexagonal loop). The Texas Instruments system can only read one smart particle per time, while the HiTAG system was successfully modified here at UI by adding the anti-collision feature. The HiTAG system was equipped with four antennas and could simultaneously detect 1,000s of smart particles located in a close proximity. A computer code was written in C++ at the UI for the HiTAG system to allow simultaneous, multiple readouts of smart particles under different flow conditions. The code is written for the Windows XP operational system which has a user-friendly windows interface that provides detailed information regarding the smart particle that includes: identification number, location (orientation in x,y,z), and the instance the particle was detected.. These systems were examined within the context of this innovative research in order to identify the best suited RFID system for performing autonomous bridge scour monitoring. A comprehensive laboratory study that included 142 experimental runs and limited field testing was performed to test the code and determine the performance of each system in terms of transponder orientation, transponder housing material, maximum antenna-transponder detection distance, minimum inter-particle distance and antenna sweep angle. The two RFID systems capabilities to predict scour depth were also examined using pier models. The findings can be summarized as follows: 1) The first system (Texas Instruments) read one smart particle per time, and its effective read range was about 3ft (~1m). The second system (HiTAG) had similar detection ranges but permitted the addition of an anti-collision system to facilitate the simultaneous identification of multiple smart particles (transponders placed into marbles). Therefore, it was sought that the HiTAG system, with the anti-collision feature (or a system with similar features), would be preferable when compared to a single-read-out system for bridge scour monitoring, as the former could provide repetitive readings at multiple locations, which could help in predicting the scour-hole bathymetry along with maximum scour depth. 2) The HiTAG system provided reliable measures of the scour depth (z-direction) and the locations of the smart particles on the x-y plane within a distance of about 3ft (~1m) from the 4 antennas. A Multiplexer HTM4-I allowed the simultaneous use of four antennas for the HiTAG system. The four Hexagonal Loop antennas permitted the complete identification of the smart particles in an x, y, z orthogonal system as function of time. The HiTAG system can be also used to measure the rate of sediment movement (in kg/s or tones/hr). 3) The maximum detection distance of the antenna did not change significantly for the buried particles compared to the particles tested in the air. Thus, the low frequency RFID systems (~134.2 kHz) are appropriate for monitoring bridge scour because their waves can penetrate water and sand bodies without significant loss of their signal strength. 4) The pier model experiments in a flume with first RFID system showed that the system was able to successfully predict the maximum scour depth when the system was used with a single particle in the vicinity of pier model where scour-hole was expected. The pier model experiments with the second RFID system, performed in a sandbox, showed that system was able to successfully predict the maximum scour depth when two scour balls were used in the vicinity of the pier model where scour-hole was developed. 5) The preliminary field experiments with the second RFID system, at the Raccoon River, IA near the Railroad Bridge (located upstream of 360th street Bridge, near Booneville), showed that the RFID technology is transferable to the field. A practical method would be developed for facilitating the placement of the smart particles within the river bed. This method needs to be straightforward for the Department of Transportation (DOT) and county road working crews so it can be easily implemented at different locations. 6) Since the inception of this project, further research showed that there is significant progress in RFID technology. This includes the availability of waterproof RFID systems with passive or active transponders of detection ranges up to 60 ft (~20 m) within the water–sediment column. These systems do have anti-collision and can facilitate up to 8 powerful antennas which can significantly increase the detection range. Such systems need to be further considered and modified for performing automatic bridge scour monitoring. The knowledge gained from the two systems, including the software, needs to be adapted to the new systems.


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White under Black. Works from the imperceptible / 1. Blanca Casas Brullet: Make Say The large photographs of Espacespages (2009) work to transform the creative space of the blank page toward the enabled space of openness to the world. The image gives prominence to the emptiness of the room, almost a cell, in which an action takes place, dimly illuminated by a pair of windows that makes me think of two eyes that attentively contemplate the interior of a process of creation.