951 resultados para Scaling and root planing
Ageratum conyzoides L. (Asteraceae) é uma espécie herbácea que ocorre em áreas de cerrado e, por se tratar de planta medicinal, é cultivada em escala familiar. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar possíveis alterações no desenvolvimento das plantas quando cultivadas em solos com texturas diferentes (solo de cerrado, franco arenoso ou solo de terra roxa, muito argiloso). Foram analisados aos 40, 70 e 90 dias, o comprimento do caule e da raiz, massa seca da parte aérea (caule e folhas) e das raízes, número de folhas e área foliar; além de parâmetros anatômicos foliares, como a densidade de tricomas. Os resultados mostraram que os comprimentos do caule e da raiz aumentaram no decorrer do experimento, independentemente do substrato (com exceção do comprimento da raiz de plantas cultivadas em solo de terra roxa). Porém, o comprimento do caule foi sempre maior nas plantas cultivadas em solo de cerrado, enquanto o comprimento da raiz foi significativamente maior somente aos 90 dias de cultivo neste solo. As biomassas secas da raiz e do caule também foram maiores nas plantas cultivadas em solo de cerrado por 70 e 90 dias, respectivamente. A massa seca foliar foi maior nas plantas cultivadas em solo de cerrado a partir dos 70 dias de experimento. Esse aumento foi devido ao maior número de folhas produzidas e a maior área foliar dessas plantas. No geral, a anatomia foliar não diferiu, porém o número de tricomas glandulares foi maior nas plantas cultivadas em solo de cerrado. Os resultados indicaram que esta espécie tem melhor desenvolvimento quando cultivada em solo mais arenoso.
Avaliou-se o efeito do nitrogênio no sistema radicular da espécie Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. IPR-86 Milênio, sob pastejo. As doses de N utilizadas foram 0; 150; 300 e 450 kg/ha.ano. As densidades de raízes no pré-pastejo foram avaliadas no quinto ano de aplicação de N, em três profundidades (0-10; 10-20 e 20-40 cm), com crescimento aos 7; 14; 21 e 35 dias após o pastejo. O método de pastejo utilizado foi o de lotação rotacionada. Os valores máximos de densidades de comprimento e de massa das raízes no pré e no pós-pastejo foram obtidos nas doses de N de 204; 206; 192 e 197 kg/ha, respectivamente. Nas doses de N de 0, 150 e 300 kg/ha, o crescimento das raízes (em densidade de comprimento) aumentou, em média, até 29 dias após o pastejo, enquanto, na dose 450 kg/ha, o aumento foi linear. Independentemente da dose de N, 60 a 25% do sistema radicular do cultivar IPR-86 Milênio concentrou-se nas camadas de 0-10 e 10-20 cm de profundidade, respectivamente.
We investigate the Heston model with stochastic volatility and exponential tails as a model for the typical price fluctuations of the Brazilian São Paulo Stock Exchange Index (IBOVESPA). Raw prices are first corrected for inflation and a period spanning 15 years characterized by memoryless returns is chosen for the analysis. Model parameters are estimated by observing volatility scaling and correlation properties. We show that the Heston model with at least two time scales for the volatility mean reverting dynamics satisfactorily describes price fluctuations ranging from time scales larger than 20min to 160 days. At time scales shorter than 20 min we observe autocorrelated returns and power law tails incompatible with the Heston model. Despite major regulatory changes, hyperinflation and currency crises experienced by the Brazilian market in the period studied, the general success of the description provided may be regarded as an evidence for a general underlying dynamics of price fluctuations at intermediate mesoeconomic time scales well approximated by the Heston model. We also notice that the connection between the Heston model and Ehrenfest urn models could be exploited for bringing new insights into the microeconomic market mechanics. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The present research had aimed at studying the auxins and or boron effect on rooting of coffee (Coffea arabica L. cv. Mundo Novo') cuttings. The cuttings were obtained from semi-hardwood orthotropous branches of coffee-tree, containing 2 nodes and with aproximately 10 cm in length. The bases were dipped in treatment solutions composed of IBA or NAA with and without boron during 24 hours. After the treatments, the cuttings were planted in vermiculite. The following could be observed on cuttings taken ninety days after planting - total number of roots formed, average number of roots per cutting and root length. From the results obtained, it can be concluded that cutting treatment with NAA 100 ppm plus boron is responsible for the better rooting of coffee cuttings.
Pharmacognostic and phytochemical study of the stem and root,,of Microgramma squamulosa (Kaulf.) Sota. Erva silvina, or Microgramma squamulosa (Kaulf.), Sota belongs to the family Polylodiaceae and is traditionally used as an antiulcer agent. Previous assays showed results that confirm the antiulcer action of the ethanolic extract and some fractions of the stem of M squamulosa and results showing no significant toxicity in the acute model, both made in rats Due to the significant results obtained in this previous work, it becomes important to furnish tools to identify the vegetal drug. The species is' an epiphyte that bears lanceolate scales totally covering the long-creeping brown-colored stem. Adventicious roots can be seen in the abaxial portion of, the-stem, while the leaves appear in the adaxial portion. Elements which contribute to the histological identification are: peltate lanceolate -haired scales, sclereids, meristeles (amphicribal bundles) and scalariform the roots. Phytochemical screening, and TLC tracheids in the stem; strip hairs and sclereids in analysis showed the presence of flavonoids and tannins which may be related to the anti,ulcer the plant as well as the characterization of activity. Results shown may help the identification of the fragmented vegetal drug and if it is presented as powder or as extract.
The instability of cassava culinary quality is a problem in the market. This work had the purpose of evaluating the interference of the productivity, rain precipitation and physical-chemical characteristics on the cooking time of the IAC 576-70 cultivar, from the 6(th) to the 12(th) month after the planting. The physical parameters evaluated were: difficulty in peeling (easy, medium, and hard), difficulty in cutting in long, thin sticks with a manual machine, being those cut in a subjective way. In the analysis of the cooked root, the percentage of water absorbed into the cassava pieces, the color, white points formed inside the pieces of cassava, gel formation around the pieces of cassava, and cooking time were evaluated. The pH, acidity, moisture, ashes, fibers, ether extract, protein, reducing sugars, and starch of the roots were also monthly evaluated. From the results obtained in the present work, it may be concluded that the cassava IAC 576-70, when planted in July, in Botucatu-SP area, must be harvested at the age of nine months, without damage to the productivity, starch level and root cooking, and the harvest could be extended up to ten months. The producers should follow the sum of precipitation index ten days before the harvest, and this value should be the smallest as it may be and the producers should not harvest when this value is more than 100 mm, in order not to hinder the cooking of the root.
Amicarbazone is a new triazolinone herbicide with a broad spectrum of weed control. The phenotypic responses of sensitive plants exposed to amicarbazone include chlorosis, Stunted growth, tissue necrosis, and death. Its efficacy as both a foliar- and root-applied herbicide suggests that absorption and translocation of this compound is very rapid. This new herbicide is a potent inhibitor of photosynthetic electron transport, inducing chlorophyll fluorescence and interrupting oxygen evolution ostensibly via binding to the Q(B) domain of photosystem II (PSII) in a manner similar to the triazines and the triazinones classes of herbicides. As a result, its efficacy is susceptible to the most common form of resistance to PSII inhibitors. Nonetheless, amicarbazone has a good selectivity profile and is a more potent herbicide than atrazine, which enables its use at lower rates than those of traditional photosynthetic inhibitors.
Introduction. Pitaya (Hylocereus undatus) is an exotic fruit species little known in Brazil and which needs basic studies about plant nutrition, propagation and physiology. Emphasizing the co-existence of juvenile and adult stages in the pitaya canopy, the plant is generally propagated by cuttings. Materials and methods. A completely randomized design with four treatments and five replications was adopted. Each treatment was represented by the part of the canopy from which the cutting was taken ( upper, middle and lower cutting and cuttings from young plants). The following variables were registered: % cuttings with roots, % of live cuttings, root density, root diameter, root area, root length and root dry mass. Results were submitted to variance analyses, Tukey's test at 0.01 probability error and simple correlation analysis. Results and discussion. The results indicated that the position from which the cutting is taken had a quantitative effect on rooting formation of pitaya cuttings. Juvenile cuttings presented 35% more cuttings with roots than adult cuttings. Root density, root area, root length and root dry mass depended on juvenility, the highest results being registered for juvenile cuttings, independently of the variable. Conclusion. Juvenile and adult stages co-exist in the pitaya canopy. Juvenility is an important rooting factor for red pitaya cuttings.
Calla lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica) is appreciated as cut flower and for the composition of gardens. However, many pathogens affect this species. By the traditional method of propagation, some units of new seedlings can only be produced annually. Tissue culture allows fast large-scale clonal propagation and provides healthy uniform plants. During the in vitro process, type and concentration of growth regulator could affect the growth of seedlings. Thus, the aim of this work was to determine sucrose and GA(3) concentrations to increase the efficiency of the in vitro multiplication of calla lily. After 60 days, the length of the above ground part and the roots, the number of sprouts, roots and leaves, above ground part and root fresh weight of seedlings were evaluated. The experimental design was entirely randomized with four replications. It was necessary the addition of 60.5 g L-1 sucrose associated to 5 mg L-1 GA(3) to obtain hight sprouts number. For higher length of the above ground part the addition of 45.3 g L-1 sucrose and 10 mg L-1 GA(3) was enough. Better results in the root length and number of roots were observed only in the sucrose presence, in concentrations in the range of 51.13 - 56.5 g L-1.
Piecewise-Linear Programming (PLP) is an important area of Mathematical Programming and concerns the minimisation of a convex separable piecewise-linear objective function, subject to linear constraints. In this paper a subarea of PLP called Network Piecewise-Linear Programming (NPLP) is explored. The paper presents four specialised algorithms for NPLP: (Strongly Feasible) Primal Simplex, Dual Method, Out-of-Kilter and (Strongly Polynomial) Cost-Scaling and their relative efficiency is studied. A statistically designed experiment is used to perform a computational comparison of the algorithms. The response variable observed in the experiment is the CPU time to solve randomly generated network piecewise-linear problems classified according to problem class (Transportation, Transshipment and Circulation), problem size, extent of capacitation, and number of breakpoints per arc. Results and conclusions on performance of the algorithms are reported.
Xylella fastidiosa associated to plum leaf scald is reported to belong to the same group of the strain that causes the phony disease of peach. Plants of plum cultivars Santa Rosa and Harry Pickstone and peach cultivar Flordasun, grafted on peach rootstock, were inoculated by using buds collected from plum plants severely infected with X. fastidiosa. Peach plants did not develop symptoms of phony disease, after four years in the greenhouse. In contrast, plum plants from both cultivars inoculated either in the rootstock or in the canopy developed leaf scald symptoms. DAS-ELISA tests with antibody against X. fastidiosa and isolation on BCYE medium indicated the presence of the bacterium in plum tissues. These tests were negative for Flordasun peach for both stem and root samples.
The present work was conducted with the objective to study the effects of mineral nutrition on Eucalyptus grandis and Brachiaria decumbens (#BRADC) growth, when submitted to inter- and intra-specific competition. The treatments consisted of two plants of Eucalypts/pot, two plants of BRADC/pot, and one plant of each species/pot. The plants were nourished with the Hoagland e Arnon (1950) complete solution; with no K, P or N; or only with either N, P or K. Sixty days after growing side by side, no effect of the inter- and intra-specific competition on eucalypts plant high, branch number and leaf dry mass was observed. When mineral nutrition did not limit plant growth (complete solution or solution with no K), intra-specific competition reduced on average, 23% of eucalypts root length, leaf area, and stem and root dry mass, and inter-specific competition reduced, on average, 75% of BRADC dry mass. When mineral nutrition became a limiting factor, no plant competition effect on the parameters studied was detected.
Apex and basal cuttings of Lamiaceae plants (Mentha crispa L., Mentha piperita L. and Salvia officinalis L.) were submitted to rooting assay. The effects of water, H3BO3, KH2PO4, ZnSO 4 and KNO3 solutions on the formation of adventitious roots were studied in greenhouse conditions. The root morphology parameters were determined after the rooting processes. Salvia officinalis did not produce adventitious roots under the experimental conditions. Apex or basal cuttings showed similar rooting development. The root volume and length were more influencied by KNO3 and H3BO3 solutions than diameter and root surface area.
Rhizoctonia solani causes pre- and post-emergence damping-off, root and hypocotyl rot and foliar blight in soybean. Foliar blight has resulted in yield losses of 31-60% in north and northeast Brazil. The aim of this study was to characterize isolates of R. solani associated with soybean in Brazil. Among 73 Rhizoctonia isolates examined, six were binucleate and 67 were multinucleate. The multinucleate isolates were characterized according to hyphal anastomosis reaction, mycelial growth rate, thiamine requirement, sclerotia production, and RAPD molecular markers. Four isolates that caused hypocotyl rot belonged to AG-4 and using RAPD analysis they grouped together with the HGI subgroup. Another isolate that caused root and hypocotyl rots was thiamine auxotrophic, grew at 35 °C, and belonged to AG-2-2 IIIB. All 62 isolates that caused foliar blight belonged to AG-1 IA. RAPD analysis of R. solani AG-1 IA soybean isolates showed high genetic similarity to a tester strain of AG-1 IA, confirming their classification. The teleomorph of R. solani, Thanatephorus cucumeris was produced in vitro by one AG-1 IA isolate from soybean. The AG-4 and AG-2-2 IIIB isolates caused damping-off and root and hypocotyl rots of soybean seedlings cv. 'FT-Cristalina', under greenhouse conditions. The AG-2-2 IIIB isolate caused large lesions on the cortex tissue, that was distinct from the symptoms caused by AG-4 isolates. The AG-1 IA isolates caused foliar blight in adult soybean plants cv. 'Xingu' under the greenhouse and also in a detached-leaf assay.
This work presents a procedure for electric load forecasting based on adaptive multilayer feedforward neural networks trained by the Backpropagation algorithm. The neural network architecture is formulated by two parameters, the scaling and translation of the postsynaptic functions at each node, and the use of the gradient-descendent method for the adjustment in an iterative way. Besides, the neural network also uses an adaptive process based on fuzzy logic to adjust the network training rate. This methodology provides an efficient modification of the neural network that results in faster convergence and more precise results, in comparison to the conventional formulation Backpropagation algorithm. The adapting of the training rate is effectuated using the information of the global error and global error variation. After finishing the training, the neural network is capable to forecast the electric load of 24 hours ahead. To illustrate the proposed methodology it is used data from a Brazilian Electric Company. © 2003 IEEE.