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This study explores the utility of polarimetric measurements for discriminating between hydrometeor types with the emphasis on (a) hail detection and discrimination of its size, (b) measurement of heavy precipitation, (c) identification and quantification of mixed-phase hydrometeors, and (d) discrimination of ice forms. In particular, we examine the specific differential phase, the backscatter differential phase, the correlation coefficient between vertically and horizontally polarized waves, and the differential reflectivity, collected from a storm at close range. Three range–height cross sections are analyzed together with complementary data from a prototype WSR-88D radar. The case is interesting because it demonstrates the complementary nature of these polarimetric measurands. Self-consistency among them allows qualitative and some quantitative discrimination between hydrometeors.


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The severe wear of a near eutectic aluminium silicon alloy is explored using a range of electron microscopic, spectroscopic and diffraction techniques to identify the residually strained and unstrained regions, microcracks and oxidized regions in the subsurface. In severe wear the contact pressure exceeds the elastic shakedown limit. Under this condition the primary and eutectic silicon particles fragment drastically. The fragments are transported by the matrix as it undergoes incremental straining with each cyclic contact at the asperity level. The grains are refined from similar to 2000 nm in the bulk to 30 nm in the near surface region. A large reduction in the interparticle distance compared with that for a milder stage of wear gives rise to high strain gradients which contribute to an enhancement of the dislocation density. The resulting regions of very high strain in the boundaries of the recrystallized grains as well as within the subgrains lead to the formation of microvoidskracks. This is accompanied by the formation of brittle oxides at these subsurface interfaces due to enhanced diffusion of oxygen. We believe that the abundance of such microcracks in the near surface region, primed by severe plastic deformation, is what distinguishes a severe wear regime from mild wear. (C) 2011 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pulse retardation method of Breit and Tuve has been modified to record continuously the equivalent height as well as the intensity of reflections from the ionosphere. Synchronized pulses are transmitted, and the received ground pulse and the reflected pulses, after amplification and suitable distortion, are applied to the focusing cylinder of a cathode ray tube the horizontal deflecting plates of which are connected to a synchronized linear time base circuit. The pattern on the screen is composed of a bright straight line corresponding to the time base with dark gaps corresponding to the received pulses. The distance between the initial points of the gaps represents retardation while the widths of the gaps correspond to the intensity of the pulses. The pattern is photographed on a vertically moving film. One of the first few records taken at Bangalore on 4 megacycles is reproduced. It shows, among other things, that the less retarded component of magneto-ionic splitting from the F layer is present most of the time. Whenever the longer retardation component does occur, it has stronger intensity than the former. Towards the late evening hours, just before disappearing, when the F layer rises and exhibits magnetoionic splitting, the intensity of the less retarded component is extremely low compared with the other component.


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The crystal structure of the region spanning residues 95-146 of the rotavirus nonstructural protein NSP4 from the asymptomatic human strain ST3 was determined at a resolution of 2.5 angstrom. Severe diffraction anisotropy, rotational pseudo-symmetry and twinning complicated the refinement of this structure. A systematic explanation confirming the crystal pathologies and describing how the structure was successfully refined is given in this report.


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General circulation models (GCMs) are routinely used to simulate future climatic conditions. However, rainfall outputs from GCMs are highly uncertain in preserving temporal correlations, frequencies, and intensity distributions, which limits their direct application for downscaling and hydrological modeling studies. To address these limitations, raw outputs of GCMs or regional climate models are often bias corrected using past observations. In this paper, a methodology is presented for using a nested bias-correction approach to predict the frequencies and occurrences of severe droughts and wet conditions across India for a 48-year period (2050-2099) centered at 2075. Specifically, monthly time series of rainfall from 17 GCMs are used to draw conclusions for extreme events. An increasing trend in the frequencies of droughts and wet events is observed. The northern part of India and coastal regions show maximum increase in the frequency of wet events. Drought events are expected to increase in the west central, peninsular, and central northeast regions of India. (C) 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Knowledge of the plasticity associated with the incipient stage of chip formation is useful toward developing an understanding of the deformation field underlying severe plastic deformation processes. The transition from a transient state of straining to a steady state was investigated in plane strain machining of a model material system-copper. Characterization of the evolution to a steady-state deformation field was made by image correlation, hardness mapping, load analysis, and microstructure characterization. Empirical relationships relating the deformation heterogeneity and the process parameters were found and explained by the corresponding effects on shear plane geometry. The results are potentially useful to facilitate a framework for process design of large strain deformation configurations, wherein transient deformation fields prevail. These implications are considered in the present study to quantify the efficiency of processing methods for bulk ultrafine-grained metals by large strain extrusion machining and equal channel angular pressing.


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Among the intelligent safety technologies for road vehicles, active suspensions controlled by embedded computing elements for preventing rollover have received a lot of attention. The existing models for synthesizing and allocating forces in such suspensions are conservatively based on the constraints that are valid until no wheels lift off the ground. However, the fault tolerance of the rollover-preventive systems can be enhanced if the smart/active suspensions can intervene in the more severe situation in which the wheels have just lifted off the ground. The difficulty in computing control in the last situation is that the vehicle dynamics then passes into the regime that yields a model involving disjunctive constraints on the dynamics. Simulation of dynamics with disjunctive constraints in this context becomes necessary to estimate, synthesize, and allocate the intended hardware realizable forces in an active suspension. In this paper, we give an algorithm for the previously mentioned problem by solving it as a disjunctive dynamic optimization problem. Based on this, we synthesize and allocate the roll-stabilizing time-dependent active suspension forces in terms of sensor output data. We show that the forces obtained from disjunctive dynamics are comparable with existing force allocations and, hence, are possibly realizable in the existing hardware framework toward enhancing the safety and fault tolerance.


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Let us ask the following questions concerning any given mental process: (i) which are the reasons for its being, (ii) which are the ostensible characteristics of its evolution, (iii) which is the inner essence of the process, its identity, its suchness, and (iv) which are the relations between such why, how, and what. Sometimes these questions can be answered to our complete satisfaction: when somebody asks “Why did you eat the pie?” and the answer is “Because I was hungry” the exchange can at a neutral level be considered complete. But when one reflects further into the more profound reasons of anything that happens, then it is impossible to say if a good explanation can always be given concerning such why. Obvious answers to daily questions may satisfy our unreflecting curiosity, but not our deeper inquisitiveness.


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Deformation microstructures have been investigated in nanocrystalline (nc) Ni with grain sizes in the 50-100 nm range. It was found that deformation twinning started to occur in grains of similar to 90 nm, and its propensity increased with decreasing grain size. In most of the nc grains dislocations were observed as well, in the form of individual dislocations and dipoles. It is concluded that dislocation-mediated plasticity dominates for grain sizes in the upper half, i.e. 50-100 nm, of the nanocrystalline regime. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a serious disease with many puzzling features. We present a simple, dynamic model to assess the epidemic potential of SARS and the effectiveness of control measures. With this model, we analysed the SARS epidemic data in Beijing. The data fitting gives the basic case reproduction number of 2.16 leading to the outbreak, and the variation of the effective reproduction number reflecting the control effect. Noticeably, our study shows that the response time and the strength of control measures have significant effects on the scale of the outbreak and the lasting time of the epidemic.


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Bulk nanostructured metals are often formed via severe plastic deformation (SPD). The dislocations generated during SPD evolve into boundaries to decompose the grains. Vacancies are also produced in large numbers during SPD, but have received much less attention. Using transmission electron microscopy, here we demonstrate a high density of unusually large vacancy Frank loops in SPD-processed Al. They are shown to impede moving dislocations and should be a contributor to strength. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Resumen: La salud mental y el bienestar son fundamentales para nuestra capacidad colectiva y individual como seres humanos de pensar, de exteriorizar los sentimientos, de establecer y mantener relaciones, para estudiar, para perseguir las actividades de ocio, para tomar decisiones diarias y para disfrutar de una vida plena. Una adolescencia saludable es un prerrequisito para una vida adulta saludable. Sin embargo, la realidad actual presenta un panorama preocupante. La formación del capital mental individual y colectivo - especialmente en las primeras etapas de la vida - está siendo retenida por una serie de riesgos evitables para la salud mental (World Health Organization [WHO], 2013). Los adolescentes del sur de Europa (región que ha sido más severamente afectada por la crisis financiera; e.g., Portugal) son señalados como un grupo extremadamente vulnerable, ya que su salud mental fácilmente podría ser influenciada por las dificultades económicas de sus padres y la escasez de solidaridad social (European Parliament, 2012). La promoción de la salud mental de los adolescentes es considerada como una preocupación fundamental (WHO, 2005a, 2013). En este ámbito, las intervenciones centradas en la promoción de la literacía de la salud mental han revelado importantes ventajas en la prevención, reconocimiento, intervención precoz y la reducción del estigma (Pinfold, Stuart, Thornicroft & Arboleda-Florez, 2005; Pinfold, Toulmin, Thornicroft, Huxley, Farmer & Graham, 2003; Schulze, Richter-Werling, Matschinger & Angermeyer, 2003; Stuart, 2006). En consonancia con los marcos de promoción de la salud mentales propuestos por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (2005a), tenemos que involucrar a jóvenes en los ambientes donde interactúan (Burns, 2011). Las escuelas son implícitamente uno de los locales más importantes para la promoción de la salud mental de los adolescentes (Barry, Clarke, Jenkins & Patel, 2013; WHO, 2001). El proyecto “Abrir Espacio para la Salud Mental – Promoción de la salud mental en adolescentes (12-14 años)” tiene como objetivo incrementar literacía de la salud mental en los jóvenes. En el primer año se ha desarrollado un instrumento de evaluación - Mental Health Literacy questionnaire (MHLq) - y la intervención para la promoción de la salud mental. La intervención consiste en 2 sesiones, 90 minutos cada una, implementadas con intervalo de una semana. Siguen una metodología interactiva, utilizando dinámicas de grupo, videos, música y discusión. El estudio de la eficacia de la intervención se lleva a cabo mediante un análisis pre y pos-test con el MHLq, utilizando un grupo experimental y un grupo de control. Este artículo presenta los resultados preliminares de la eficacia de la intervención de promoción de la salud mental en una muestra de 100 adolescentes portugueses (12-14 años). El pos-test mostró un incremento de los niveles de conocimientos de salud mental y estrategias de autoayuda. Los resultados sugieren que la intervención desarrollada parece ser adecuada al objetivo propuesto y refuerzan la creencia de que intervenciones escolares, sistemáticas y sostenibles, para la promoción de la salud mental con jóvenes, es un enfoque prometedor para la promoción de la literacía de la salud mental (Schulze et al., 2003; Rickwood et al., 2005; Corrigan et al., 2007; WHO, 2010).


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Background: Few studies have analyzed predictors of length of stay (LOS) in patients admitted due to acute bipolar manic episodes. The purpose of the present study was to estimate LOS and to determine the potential sociodemographic and clinical risk factors associated with a longer hospitalization. Such information could be useful to identify those patients at high risk for long LOS and to allocate them to special treatments, with the aim of optimizing their hospital management. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study recruiting adult patients with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, text revision (DSM-IV-TR) criteria) who had been hospitalized due to an acute manic episode with a Young Mania Rating Scale total score greater than 20. Bivariate correlational and multiple linear regression analyses were performed to identify independent predictors of LOS. Results: A total of 235 patients from 44 centers were included in the study. The only factors that were significantly associated to LOS in the regression model were the number of previous episodes and the Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) total score at admission (P < 0.05). Conclusions: Patients with a high number of previous episodes and those with depressive symptoms during mania are more likely to stay longer in hospital. Patients with severe depressive symptoms may have a more severe or treatment-resistant course of the acute bipolar manic episode.