990 resultados para Ripley, Ezra, 1751-1841.


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This paper proposes a full-rate, full-diversity space-time block code(STBC) with low maximum likelihood (ML) decoding complexity and high coding gain for the 4 transmit antenna, 2 receive antenna (4 x 2) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system that employs 4/16-QAM. For such a system, the best code known is the DjABBA code and recently, Biglieri, Hong and Viterbo have proposed another STBC (BHV code) for 4-QAM which has lower ML-decoding complexity than the DjABBA code but does not have full-diversity like the DjABBA code. The code proposed in this paper has the same ML-decoding complexity as the BHV code for any square M-QAM but has full-diversity for 4- and 16-QAM. Compared with the DjABBA code, the proposed code has lower ML-decoding complexity for square M-QAM constellation, higher coding gain for 4- and 16-QAM, and hence a better codeword error rate (CER) performance. Simulation results confirming this are presented.


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Effektutvärdering inom företagandeutbildning är ett forskningsfält som karakteriseras av brist på modeller ifråga om utvärdering. De få och hittills existerande utvärderingsmodellerna verkar ha förbisett de pedagogiska variablerna såsom utbildningens innehåll och metoder. Därför har det varit problematiskt att beskriva företagandeutbildningen i högskolor och analysera hur företagandeutbildningen bidrar till studerandes inlärning och deras förmåga att utnyttja kunskapen i näringslivet. Avhandlingen som är en deduktiv studie granskar den tidigare forskningen på området och förespråkar en tvärvetenskaplig ansats vid mätning och presentation aveffekter inom företagandeutbildning. Den nya modellen, ROEE-modellen, bidrar till teoribildningen om lärandets ”vad” och lärandets ”hur” inom företagandeutbildningen. En av de första teorierna om inlärning (Herbart 1776-1841) och Kirkpatricks (1998) fyra-stegs modell för kursutvärdering byggs ut med en ny referensram baserad på examensutbildning inom företagande. En intressant aspekt metodmässigt utgör att försöksplanering och diagnostik inom medicinens område tillämpas på företagandeutbildningen. Avhandlingen visar att variabeln innehåll i företagandeutbildningen inom examensutbildning har en klar koppling till beteendet. Ett välavvägt innehåll kan utnyttjas i arbetslivet såväl av entreprenören som av intraprenören. Vid metodval i undervisningen visar den empiriska undersökningen att variation i metoder ger de positivaste upplevelserna.


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We show that a metric Jordan curve $\Gamma$ is \emph{bounded turning} if and only if there exists a \emph{weak-quasisymmetric} homeomorphism $\phi\colon \mathsf{S}^1 \to \Gamma$.


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Low-cycle fatigue (LCF) responses of NIMONIC PE-16 for various prior microstructures and strain amplitudes have been evaluated and the fatigue behavior has been explained in terms of the operative deformation mechanisms. Total strain-controlled LCF tests were performed at 923 K on samples possessing three different prior microstructures: alloy A in solution-annealed condition (free of γ′ and carbides), alloy B with double aging treatment (spherical γ′ of 18-nm diameter and M23C6), and alloy C with another double aging treatment (γ′ of size 35 nm, MC and M23C6). All three microstructures exhibited an intial cyclic hardening followed by a period of gradual softening at 923 K. Coffin-Manson plots describing the plastic strain amplitudevs number of reversals to failure showed that alloy A had maximum fatigue life while C showed the least. Alloy B exhibited a two-slope behavior in the Coffin-Manson plot over the strain amplitudes investigated. This has been ascribed to the change in the degree of homogeneity of deformation at high and low strain amplitudes. Transmission electron microscopic studies were carried out to characterize the various deformation mechanisms and precipitation reactions occurring during fatigue testign. Fresh precipitation of fine γ′ was confirmed by the development of “mottled contrast” in alloy C. Evidence for the shearing of the ordered γ′ precipitates was revealed by the presence of superdislocations in alloy C. Repeated shearing during cyclic loading led to the reduction in the size of the γ′ and consequent softening. Coarser γ′ precipitates were associated with Orowan loops. The observed fatigue behavior has been rationalized based on the micromechanisms stated above and on the degree of homogenization of slip assessed by slipband spacing measurements on tested samples.


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Solid-state irradiation of cyclodextrin complexes of alpha,alpha-dimethyldeoxybenzoin results in the formation of a significant amount of rearrangement product, 4-isopropylbenzophenone, in addition to cage products. This behavior is not observed in the photolysis in solution or in micellar media.


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meso-Tetraphenylporphyrin and its metal [zinc(II) and copper(II)] derivatives form both inter and intramolecular complexes with 5,5′-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB). The nature of interaction is predominantly charge transfer (CT) in origin, with the porphyrin functioning as a II-donor and DTNB as an acceptor. Among the covalently linked intramolecular systems, the magnitude of CT interaction varies with the position (of one of the aryl groups of the porphyrin) to which DTNB is attached as ortho meta > para. Steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence studies revealed electron transfer to be the dominant pathway for the fluorescence quenching in these systems. Steady-state photolysis experiments probed using EPR and optical absorption studies have shown that electron transfer (from the excited singlet state of the porphyrin) to DTNB results in the formation of thiyl radical and production of free thiolate anion. It is found that the products of electrochemical reduction of covalently linked porphyrin-DTNB systems are different from those observed for the photochemical studies.


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We generalize the concept of coherent states, traditionally defined as special families of vectors on Hilbert spaces, to Hilbert modules. We show that Hilbert modules over C*-algebras are the natural settings for a generalization of coherent states defined on Hilbert spaces. We consider those Hilbert C*-modules which have a natural left action from another C*-algebra, say A. The coherent states are well defined in this case and they behave well with respect to the left action by A. Certain classical objects like the Cuntz algebra are related to specific examples of coherent states. Finally we show that coherent states on modules give rise to a completely positive definite kernel between two C*-algebras, in complete analogy to the Hilbert space situation. Related to this, there is a dilation result for positive operator-valued measures, in the sense of Naimark. A number of examples are worked out to illustrate the theory. Some possible physical applications are also mentioned.


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We study the time-dependent transitions of a quantum-forced harmonic oscillator in noncommutative R(1,1) perturbatively to linear order in the noncommutativity theta. We show that the Poisson distribution gets modified, and that the vacuum state evolves into a `squeezed' state rather than a coherent state. The time evolutions of uncertainties in position and momentum in vacuum are also studied and imply interesting consequences for modeling nonlinear phenomena in quantum optics.


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Study of activity of cloned promoters in slow-growing Mycobacterium tuberculosis during long-term growth conditions in vitro or inside macrophages, requires a genome-integration proficient promoter probe vector, which can be stably maintained even without antibiotics, carrying a substrate-independent, easily scorable and highly sensitive reporter gene. In order to meet this requirement, we constructed pAKMN2, which contains mycobacterial codon-optimized gfpm2+ gene, coding for GFPm2+ of highest fluorescence reported till date, mycobacteriophage L5 attP-int sequence for genome integration, and a multiple cloning site. pAKMN2 showed stable integration and expression of GFPm2+ from M. tuberculosis and M. smegmatis genome. Expression of GFPm2+, driven by the cloned minimal promoters of M. tuberculosis cell division gene, ftsZ (MtftsZ), could be detected in the M. tuberculosis/pAKMN2-promoter integrants, growing at exponential phase in defined medium in vitro and inside macrophages. Stable expression from genome-integrated format even without antibiotic, and high sensitivity of detection by flow cytometry and fluorescence imaging, in spite of single copy integration, make pAKMN2 useful for the study of cloned promoters of any mycobacterial species under long-term in vitro growth or stress conditions, or inside macrophages.


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Pin loaded lug joints fitted with different types of pins are analysed in the presence of cracks at pin-plate interface. An algorithm for finite element contact stress analysis of joints developed earlier to deal with varying partial contact/separation at the pin-plate interface using a marching solution is used in the present analysis. Stress Intensity Factors (SIF) at the crack tips are evaluated using Modified Crack Closure Integral (MCCI) method within the realm of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) assumptions. A comparison of fatigue crack growth lives between interference and push fit pin joints is carried out using these SIF's. Results from a finite element analysis on a push fit pin joint are used to fit experimental fatigue crack growth data.


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Composite-patching on cracked/weak metallic aircraft structures improves structural integrity. A Boron Epoxy patch employed to repair a cracked Aluminum sheet is modeled employing 3D Finite Element Method (FEM). SIFs extracted using ''displacement extrapolation'' are used to measure the repair effectiveness. Two issues viz., patch taper and symmetry have been looked into.


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Hilbert C*-module valued coherent states was introduced earlier by Ali, Bhattacharyya and Shyam Roy. We consider the case when the underlying C*-algebra is a W*-algebra. The construction is similar with a substantial gain. The associated reproducing kernel is now algebra valued, rather than taking values in the space of bounded linear operators between two C*-algebras.


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The origin of hydrodynamic turbulence in rotating shear flows is investigated, with particular emphasis on the flows whose angular velocity decreases but whose specific angular momentum increases with the increasing radial coordinate. Such flows are Rayleigh stable, but must be turbulent in order to explain the observed data. Such a mismatch between the linear theory and the observations/experiments is more severe when any hydromagnetic/magnetohydrodynamic instability and then the corresponding turbulence therein is ruled out. This work explores the effect of stochastic noise on such hydrodynamic flows. We essentially concentrate on a small section of such a flow, which is nothing but a plane shear flow supplemented by the Coriolis effect. This also mimics a small section of an astrophysical accretion disc. It is found that such stochastically driven flows exhibit large temporal and spatial correlations of perturbation velocities and hence large energy dissipations of perturbation, which presumably generate the instability. A range of angular velocity (Omega) profiles of the background flow, starting from that of a constant specific angular momentum (lambda = Omega r(2); r being the radial coordinate) to a constant circular velocity (v(phi) = Omega r), is explored. However, all the background angular velocities exhibit identical growth and roughness exponents of their perturbations, revealing a unique universality class for the stochastically forced hydrodynamics of rotating shear flows. This work, to the best of our knowledge, is the first attempt to understand the origin of instability and turbulence in three-dimensional Rayleigh stable rotating shear flows by introducing additive noise to the underlying linearized governing equations. This has important implications to resolve the turbulence problem in astrophysical hydrodynamic flows such as accretion discs.


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This work presents micro-actuation of atomic force microscopy (AFM) cantilevers using piezoelectric Zinc Oxide (ZnO) thin film. In tapping mode AFM, the cantilever is driven near its resonant frequency by an external oscillator such as piezotube or stack of piezoelectric material. Use of integrated piezoelectric thin film for AFM cantilever eliminates the problems like inaccurate tuning and unwanted vibration modes. In this work, silicon AFM cantilevers were sputter deposited with ZnO piezoelectric film along with top and bottom metallic electrodes. The self-excitation of the ZnO coated AFM cantilever was studied using Laser Doppler Vibrometer (LDV). At its resonant frequency (227.11 kHz), the cantilever displacement varies linearly with applied excitation voltage. We observed an increase in the actuation response (131nm/V) due to improved quality of ZnO films deposited at 200 degrees C.


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Three new compounds of bismuth, C4N2H10]center dotBi(C7H4NO4)(C7H3NO4)]center dot H2O, I, Bi(C5H3N2O4) (C5H2N2O4)], II, and Bi(mu(2)-OH)(C7H3NO4)], III, have been prepared by the reaction between bismuth nitrate and heterocyclic aromatic dicarboxylic acids, 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acid, 4,5-imidazoledicarboxylic acid, and 3,4-pyridinedicarboxylic acid, respectively, under hydrothermal conditions. The structures of all the compounds have linkages between Bi2O2 and the corresponding dicarboxylate forming a simple molecular unit in I, a bilayer arrangement in II, and a three-dimensional extended structure in III. The topological arrangement of the nodal building units in the structures indicates that a brucite-related layer (II) and fluorite-related arrangement (III) can be realized in these structures. By utilizing the secondary interactions, one can correlate the structure of III to a Kagome-related one. The observation of such classical inorganic related structures in the bismuth carboxylates is noteworthy. Lewis acid catalytic studies on the formation of ketal suggest the possible participatory role of the lone pair of electrons. All the compounds are characterized employing elemental analysis, IR, UV-vis, and thermal studies.