848 resultados para Queensland public sector, psychological contract, motivation, Generation Y


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La fiscalización de los recursos utilizados por el Estado de El Salvador es una acción que ha venido mejorando hasta el punto de establecerse dentro de cada institución una Unidad de Auditoria Interna con el propósito de mejorar los controles internos, transparencia y credibilidad de las operaciones realizadas por cada institución gubernamental a través de una evaluación financiera y operativa constante realizada por esta unidad. Para que los resultados finales del examen de auditoria alcancen en alto grado de credibilidad y confianza ante sus usuarios; la unidad debe regirse tanto por sus estatutos como por Normas de Auditoria, reglamentos y leyes afines. La Norma de Auditoria Gubernamental, sección 2.7 CONTROL DE CALIDAD, establece que la entidad o unidad auditora, encargada de ejecutar las acciones de auditoria debe establecer un sistema interno de control de calidad apropiado y participar en revisiones externas de control de calidad, para verificar que el trabajo de los auditores gubernamentales es ejecutado conforme a los criterios establecidos en la Ley de la Corte de Cuentas, las Normas de Auditoria Gubernamental, los manuales de Auditoria y otros instrumentos normativos. Este control de calidad tiene como finalidad comprobar que todos los trabajos desarrollados en cada una de las fases de una auditoria se realizaron de la mejor manera, alcanzando credibilidad y transparencia en los auditores y aspectos relevantes como la satisfacción de los usuarios de la información financiera y operacional de la entidad. Por las razones mencionadas anteriormente, la finalidad sobre la cual se ha enmarcado la investigación, es el diseño de un control de calidad en las unidades de auditoria interna del sector para mejorar la eficiencia y eficacia de los procedimientos técnicos y éticos del auditor interno. La metodología utilizada para el logro de los objetivos propuestos en la investigación consiste en la recolección de la información, establecimiento del universo, muestra e interpretación de los resultados, dicha investigación se llevó acabo tomando de base una muestra (que en este caso es el mismo universo) de unidades de auditoría interna, las cuales fueron encuestadas con el objeto de determinar la necesidad que existe en poseer una propuesta de control de calidad y de los lineamientos que la Corte de Cuentas de la República considera para realizar auditorías con calidad. A través del estudio realizado se comprobó que las unidades de auditoria interna encuestadas manifiestan tener políticas y procedimientos de control de calidad, sin embargo todos los jefes de auditoria (100%), consideran que al poseer un instrumento técnico que contenga procedimientos de control de calidad para la revisión de las fases de las auditorias, les sería de gran utilidad para asegurar la calidad de las auditorias y mejorar la eficiencia y eficacia de los procedimientos que realizan. En tal sentido se concluye que es importante y de utilidad la propuesta de procedimientos de control de calidad que sirva de base para la revisión de los trabajos de los auditores internos del sector publico.


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En la sociedad actual del conocimiento las universidades tienen la responsabilidad de generar conocimiento e innovaciones para ofrecer soluciones a problemas de comunidades de interés. Para lograrlo las universidades deben enfocarse en su activo más importante, su capital intelectual. Hasta ahora las investigaciones relacionadas con el capital intelectual y la innovación en las universidades, son limitadas a pesar de ser un elemento estratégico para la dirección de estas organizaciones, ya que estos aspectos le representan valor en el tiempo, por tanto esta investigación busca establecer cuál es la relación que existe entre el capital intelectual y la innovación en la Universidad CES. El objetivo de esta investigación era identificar el grado de relación entre capital intelectual e innovación en la Universidad CES. La metodología del estudio, es un estudio cuantitativo, de tipo descriptivo explicativo, con un diseño transversal, que permitió establecer el efecto del capital intelectual sobre la innovación de la Universidad CES. La población del fueron los directivos, líderes de los grupos de investigación y los coordinadores de investigación de la Universidad CES. Según los resultados obtenidos, este estudio determinó que el capital intelectual no tiene una relación estadísticamente significativa con la innovación personal de la Universidad CES y se determinó también que las tres dimensiones del capital intelectual tienen una relación estadísticamente significativa con los resultados de la innovación en la Universidad CES. El principal aporte de este estudio fue ofrecer evidencias sobre el capital intelectual como una de las principales fuentes de innovación para la Universidad.


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Este trabajo se inscribe en uno de los grandes campos de los estudios organizacionales: la estrategia. La perspectiva clásica en este campo promovió la idea de que proyectarse hacia el futuro implica diseñar un plan (una serie de acciones deliberadas). Avances posteriores mostraron que la estrategia podía ser comprendida de otras formas. Sin embargo, la evolución del campo privilegió en alguna medida la mirada clásica estableciendo, por ejemplo, múltiples modelos para ‘formular’ una estrategia, pero dejando en segundo lugar la manera en la que esta puede ‘emerger’. El propósito de esta investigación es, entonces, aportar al actual nivel de comprensión respecto a las estrategias emergentes en las organizaciones. Para hacerlo, se consideró un concepto opuesto —aunque complementario— al de ‘planeación’ y, de hecho, muy cercano en su naturaleza a ese tipo de estrategias: la improvisación. Dado que este se ha nutrido de valiosos aportes del mundo de la música, se acudió al saber propio de este dominio, recurriendo al uso de ‘la metáfora’ como recurso teórico para entenderlo y alcanzar el objetivo propuesto. Los resultados muestran que 1) las estrategias deliberadas y las emergentes coexisten y se complementan, 2) la improvisación está siempre presente en el contexto organizacional, 3) existe una mayor intensidad de la improvisación en el ‘como’ de la estrategia que en el ‘qué’ y, en oposición a la idea convencional al respecto, 4) se requiere cierta preparación para poder improvisar de manera adecuada.


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Entre los meses de marzo y setiembre del 2004, el Centro Internacional en Política Económica para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Universidad Nacional (CINPE-UNA) elaboró el estudio Valoración económica de los recursos hI’dricos en las cuencas de los rfos Banano y Bananito3 . El objetivo general de éste responde a “estimar el valor del recurso hídrico en las cuencas de los ríos Banano y Bananito, en función de los usos prioritarios, para la recomendación de mecanismos efectivos para la sostenibilidad de un sistema de compensación por los servicios hidrológicos”. Para cumplir con este objetivo se plantean los siguientes objetivos específicos: (1) identificar el método de valoración económica para el recurso hídrico más apropiado dadas las condiciones de la zona, (2) cuantificar los servicios hidrológicos en las cuencas de los ríos Banano y Bananito en función de los principales usos, y (3) recomendar un mecanismo de pago voluntario por el servicio ambiental hídrico, basado en los resultados del estudio, que provea al Área de Conservación La Amistad Caribe (ACLA-C) los elementos para el desarrollo de una experiencia concreta.Producto de una exhaustiva revisión bibliográfica y dados los objetivos del estudio se seleccionó el Análisis de Múltiples Criterios (AMC), como la metodología marco para la valoración económica. Esto implica la aplicación de un método no tradicional, que permite combinar variables cuantitativas y cualitativas. A este respecto, el uso de una metodología participativa y multisectorial hizo posible la participación de los principales grupos de actores usuarios del agua. que se clasificaron en cinco grupos: (1) Asociaciones Administradoras de Acueductos Rurales (ASADAS) y acueductos rurales, (2) ONG’s y organizaciones comunales, (3) sociedad civil, (4) empresa privada y (5) sector público.Luego de sistematizar la información recabada durante las 23 sesiones de consulta participativa. se procede al análisis de los datos, que sirven de insumos para realizar la valoración económica y, finalmente, el diseño de la propuesta de mecanismos de cobro por grupo de usuarios para el pago por servicios ambientales. Los resultados finales se presentan mediante el uso de matrices y gráficos de telaraña.Este informe presenta los avances correspondientes al primer objetivo específico. Asimismo, incluye los comentarios y las sugerencias realizadas durante y posterior al taller de discusión con representantes de PROARCA-APM, TNC y ACLA-C. El documento contiene la caracterización económica y social del área en estudio, una revisión de estudios de valoración, y métodos, así como el método de valoración seleccionado y su forma de aplicación.A bstract:Between March and September 2004, the International Center of Economic Policy for Sustainable Development of the National University (CINPE.IJNA) elaborated the study Economic Valuation of ihe Water Resources in ihe Basins of ihe rivers Banano and Bananito4. The general objcctive of it answers to “estimate the value of the water resource in the basin of the rivers Banano and Bananito, depending on the prior uses, for the recommendation of effective mechanisms for the sustainability of a system of compensation for the hydrological serv ices”.The following specific objectives appear to reach the general objective: (1) To identify the most appropriate method of economic valuation for water resource given (he conditions of the zone. (2) To quantify the hydrological services in the basins of the rivers Banano and Bananito depending on (he principal uses. And (3) to recommend a mechanism of voluntary payment for the environmental water service based on the results of the study, which provides to La Amistad Caribe Conservation Area (ACLA-C), the elements for the development of a concrete experience.Product and given of an exhaustive bibliographical review, the Analysis of Multiple Criteria (AMC) is selected as (he methodology for the economic valuation. It implies (he application of a not traditional method, which allows combining quantitative and qualitative variables. In this regard, the use of a participatory methodoiogy there made possible the participation of the principal groups of actors users of the water, who quatified ¡n five groups to knowing, (1) administrative associations of rural aqueducts (ASADAS), (2) ONG and communal organizations, (3) civil society, (4) private sector and (5) public sector.After systematizing the information obtained during 23 meetings of participatory consultation. one proceeds to the analysis of the information, which use as ¡nputs to realize the economic valuation. Finally, the design of the offer of collection mechanisms for user group for the payment for environmental services is presented. The final results appear by means of the use of counterfoils and spider web graphs.This repon includes the commentaries and suggestions realized during and later to ihe workshop of discussion with representatives of PROARCA-APM, TNC and ACLA-C. The document also contains the economic and social characterization of the area under study, a review of studies of valuation, and methods. as well as the method of valuation selected and its form of application.


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The business value of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems and in general large software implementations has been extensively debated in both popular press and academic literature for over three decades. Despite the positive motives for adoption, various organizations have reported negative impacts from these large investments. This ‘disconnect’ between large IS investments and firms’ organizational performance may be attributable to the economic transition from an era of competitive advantage based on information to one that is based on Knowledge. This paper discusses the initial findings of a two-phased study that focuses on empirically assessing the impact of knowledge management on the success of Enterprise Resource Planning systems. The research study uses information gathered from twenty-seven public sector organizations in Queensland, Australia. Validation of the a priori model constructs through factor analysis identified two dimensions of knowledge management. Further analysis assessed the comparative differences in perceptions of knowledge management in ERP, across four employment cohorts.


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This is an internal report of the BRITE Project’s activities for 2003. The goal of the Project is to improve the incidence and quality of innovation in the Australian building and construction industry. The primary aim of the year’s work was to complete six case studies of innovation in the Australian building and construction industry. A secondary aim was to prepare for the Project’s innovation survey to be conducted in 2004. The case study program was undertaken to demonstrate the benefits of innovation and show how businesses successfully implement their innovations. The innovation survey is intended to run every 2nd year over the life of the CRC in order to benchmark innovation performance as a tool for public sector policy development and business strategy development. Appendix A contains a list of papers produced by the BRITE Project in 2003. The remainder of this report focuses on the case study program, which was successfully completed during 2003, with six booklets being produced.


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This research aims to improve the economic and environmental sustainability of the construction & demolition waste and precast concrete supply chains through the development, trial and evaluation of an innovative public sector supply chain management strategy. The long-term goals are to improve competitive behaviour and market sector performance and improve business process efficiency and effectiveness of public sector program delivery by influencing policy development, changing organisational behaviour and implementation development to achieve more economic and environmental sustainable markets.


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This research project aims to improve economic, social and environmental sustainability of the pre-cast concrete and construction and demolition waste supply chains through the development, trial and evaluation of an innovative supply chain management strategy. The long-term goals are to improve competitive behaviour and market sector performance and improve business process efficiency and effectiveness of public sector program delivery by influencing policy development, changing organisational behaviour and implementation development to achieve more economic, social and environmental sustainable markets.


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The stakeholder approach which emerged under the auspices of new public management has been in use in public agencies for the past 25 years. However it remains a difficult and demanding task for agencies to determine who their stakeholders are and how to optimise interactions with them. This paper will examine how government agencies identify, classify and engage with stakeholders who have competing demands, differing access to resources and the ability to exert political pressure. To do this, the stakeholder approaches of nine agencies at three levels of government in Queensland were studied. The contribution of this paper is the development of a Stakeholder Classification Model for Public Agencies which could be used to create more focused and relevant stakeholder interventions.


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This feasibility study was established to investigate the application of the concept of ‘best value’ in construction procurement in Australia. In the case of ‘best value’ in the business enterprise, ‘best value’ is that which returns greatest value to the business enterprise’s shareholders. However, in the case of the public sector, ‘best value’ is more complex. For that reason, this research project focuses mainly on public sector construction project procurement.


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This first interim report on ‘best value’ reviewed the academic literature relating to ‘best value’ and illustrated the varying interpretations that the concept of ‘best value’ has attracted. It also examined current state of the literature on best value in construction project procurement. ‘Best value’ was explored from the perspective of both the business enterprise and public sector. It was concluded that ‘best value’ in the public sector is considerably more complex. This second interim report explores how ‘best value’ has been implemented in the UK. Focus is directed towards the UK, particularly Scotland’s approach to examine the complexity of implementation of ‘best value’ in the public sector context. Scotland has been recognised as a leader in the field of ‘best value’ in the public sector (Curry, 1999; Wisniewski and Stewart, 2001, 2004; Jaconelli and Sheffield, 2000)


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Work environments have previously been studied to identify the strategies, structures and processes which increase the likelihood of creativity, innovation and collaboration for productive workplaces. A number of perspectives have emerged which identify social and cognitive factors known to contribute to or to restrict innovation and collaboration. Recently more attention has been given to designing physical environments to encourage processes relevant to innovation such as creativity (McCoy & Evans, 2002) knowledge sharing (Hemlin, Allwood & Martin, 2008) and collaboration (Bozeman & Corley, 2004). Some attention has been given specifically to research and development environments (Boutellier et al, 2008) but little integration of this research has occurred. In the context of the construction of new purpose-built premises which will bring together under one roof separate public sector agencies engaged in research and development in agriculture, natural resource systems and the environment, this paper examines the extant literature and develops initial propositions for research relevant to the transition, collaboration and performance of research and development in new organizational environments where traditional boundaries have been redrawn.


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Construction sector policy makers have the opportunity to create improvements and develop economic, social and environmental sustainability through supply chain economics. The idea of the supply chain concept to improve firm behaviour and industry performance is not new. However there has been limited application and little or no measurement to monitor successful implementation. Often purchasing policies have been developed with sound strategic procurement principles but even these have had limited penetration in to the processes and practices of infrastructure agencies. The research reported in this paper documents an action research study currently being undertaken in the Australian construction sector which aims to explore supply chain economic policy implementation for sectoral change by two government agencies. The theory which informs this study is the emerging area of construction supply chain economics. There are five stages to the project including; demand analysis, chain analysis, government agency organizational audit, supplier strategy and strategic alignment. The overall objective is towards the development of a Supplier Group Strategy Map for two public sector agencies. Two construction subsectors are examined in detail; construction and demolition waste and precast concrete. Both of these subsectors are critical to the economic and environmental sustainability performance of the construction sector and the community as a whole in the particular jurisdictions. The local and state government agencies who are at the core of the case studies rely individually on the performance of these sectors. The study is set within the context of a sound state purchasing policy that has however, had limited application by the two agencies. Partial results of the study are presented and early findings indicate that the standard risk versus expenditure procurement model does not capture the complexities of project, owner and government risk considerations. A new model is proposed in this paper, which incorporates the added dimension of time. The research results have numerous stakeholders; they will hold particular value for those interested in regional construction sector economics, government agencies who develop and implement policy and who have a large construction purchasing imprint and the players involved in the two subsectors. Even though this is a study in Australia it has widespread applicability as previous research indicates that procurement reform is of international significance and policy implementation is problematic.


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The impact of relations between an organization and its workers and the relations among workers on individual knowledge generation and sharing practices has not, to date, been addressed in an integrated way. This paper discusses the findings of a study analyzing issues at macro, locally-constructed and micro levels in a public sector organization, to identify and integrate the complex sets of mediators. Key factors were found to include (a) the contested nature of the process of knowledge construction, (b) the worker’s experience of the organization’s internal environment, (c) how the organization is understood to value knowledge sharing, (d) relations with colleagues, and (e) the perceived outcomes of knowledge sharing behaviors. Implications for practice are discussed.