859 resultados para Processed foods
Food-related health problems remain widespread throughout the United States. A growing body of research shows that certain populations are disproportionately affected by issues of access to nutritious foods. Limited access is often the result of structural risks and barriers in the “food environment,” including socioeconomic status, physical proximity to food store locations, etc. The purpose of this study is to explore food environments in the city of Seattle for evidence of related disparities between youth of different backgrounds. The findings could support policies to improve access to nutritious foods for all.
Few Micronesian foods have been analyzed for nutrient content. Information is needed on locally grown, culturally acceptable foods that could be promoted to alleviate, vitamin A deficiency in the Federated States of Micronesia. Using an ethnographic approach that included key informant interviews and observation, Micronesian cultivars with potential for high-carotenoid content according to their coloration were identified. These cultivars of banana, giant swamp taro, breadfruit and other foods were analyzed for alpha- and beta-carotene using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and for nine minerals using inductively coupled plasma (ICP). A wide range of provitamin A carotenoid levels was found in banana, taro, and breadfruit cultivars, some containing very high levels (beta-carotene content from 515 to 6360 mug/100 g in banana, 260 to 1651 mug/100 g in taro, and 295 to 868 mug/100 g in breadfruit, edible portion). Other cultivars contained moderate levels, but as they can be eaten in large quantities, they may contribute significantly to vitamin A status. The taro samples contained very high levels of zinc (mean 5.9 mg/100 g) and significant levels of other minerals (mean content of calcium was 120 mg/100 g). These staples with cultural acceptability and high availability potentially could play a role in vitamin A, micronutrient, and chronic disease programs in the Pacific. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) and chronic diseases are serious problems in the Federated States of Micronesia and other Pacific island countries. Nutrition education programs to address these in Micronesia have had limited success, partly due to lack of information on nutrient content in local foods. The study objective was to identify local plant foods rich in provitamin A and other carotenoids that have high levels of cultural acceptability. Food cultivars likely to be carotenoid-rich (suggested by coloration) were identified using an ethnographic approach including key informant interviews. Raw and cooked samples (mostly cultivars previously not analyzed) of 12 banana, 13 giant swamp taro, 10 breadfruit cultivars and four other local foods were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. Many banana and taro cultivars were found with significant levels of beta- and alpha-carotene; the beta-carotene levels ranged from 30 to 2780 mug/100 g (banana) and. 50 to 2040 mug/100 g (taro). The results highlight the potential significance of cultivar differences in human nutrition, important for evaluation of the diet, establishment of locally relevant dietary guidelines, and research on the relationship between diet, health, and disease. These highly acceptable food cultivars could play an important role in VAD and chronic disease prevention programs in the Pacific. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effect of addition of maltodextrin on drying kinetics of drops containing fructose, glucose, sucrose and citric acid individually and in mixtures was studied experimentally using single drop drying experiments and numerically by solving appropriate mass and heat transfer equations. The numerical predictions agreed with the experimental moisture and temperature histories within 5-6% average relative (absolute) errors and average differences of +/- 1degreesC, respectively. The stickiness of these drops was determined using the glass transition temperature (T-g) of the drops' surface layer as an indicator. The experimental stickiness histories followed the model predictions with reasonable accuracy. A safe drying (non-sticky) regime in a spray drying environment has been proposed, and used to estimate the optimum amount of addition of maltodextrin for successful spray drying of 120 micron diameter droplets of fruit juices. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A steady state mathematical model for co-current spray drying was developed for sugar-rich foods with the application of the glass transition temperature concept. Maltodextrin-sucrose solution was used as a sugar-rich food model. The model included mass, heat and momentum balances for a single droplet drying as well as temperature and humidity profile of the drying medium. A log-normal volume distribution of the droplets was generated at the exit of the rotary atomizer. This generation created a certain number of bins to form a system of non-linear first-order differential equations as a function of the axial distance of the drying chamber. The model was used to calculate the changes of droplet diameter, density, temperature, moisture content and velocity in association with the change of air properties along the axial distance. The difference between the outlet air temperature and the glass transition temperature of the final products (AT) was considered as an indicator of stickiness of the particles in spray drying process. The calculated and experimental AT values were close, indicating successful validation of the model. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Three particular geometrical shapes of parallelepiped, cylinder and sphere were selected from cut beans (length : diameter = 1: 1, 2:1, 3: 1), potatoes (aspect ratio = 1:1, 2:1, 3:1) and peas, respectively. The dimensional shrinkage behavior was studied in a batch fluidized bed at three drying temperatures of 30, 40 and 50C. Relative humidity of hot air was kept at 15%. Dimensional shrinkage was plotted using a nondimensional moisture ratio and the shrinkage behavior of the selected foods was modeled with simple mathematical models.
Stickiness is a common problem encountered in food handling and processing, and also during consumption. Stickiness is observed as adhesion of the food to processing equipment surfaces or cohesion within the food particulate or mass. An important operation where this undesirable behavior of food is manifested is drying. This occurs particularly during drying of high-sugar and high-fat foods. To date, the stickiness of foods during drying or dried powder has been investigated in relation to their viscous and glass transition properties. The importance of contact surface energy of the equipment has been ignored in many analyses, despite the fact that some drying operations have reported using low-energy contact surfaces in drying equipment to avoid the problems caused by stickiness. This review discusses the fundamentals of adhesion and cohesion mechanisms and relates these phenomena to drying and dried products.
The effects of modified atmosphere (MA) conditions on the quality of minimally processed pineapple slices were determined. Commercial pineapple slice packs sealed with 40 pm thick polyester film were kept at 4.5 degrees C for 14 d. The oxygen transmission rate of the film was 23 ml m(-2) day(-1) atm(-1) (at 25 degrees C, 75% RH). In-built atmospheres and the quality of the products were determined. O-2 concentrations within the packs stabilised at 2%, while CO2 concentrations increased to 70% by day 14. The high CO2 level suggested an inappropriate lidding film permeability for the product, and hence affected its quality. Three batches of pineapple slices were packed in the laboratory using lidding films with oxygen transmission rate of 75, 2790 or 5000 ml m(-2) day(-1) atm(-1) (at 23 degrees C, 0% RH). Headspace atmospheres from laboratory-packed pineapple slices suggested an optimum equilibrium modified atmosphere of ca. 2% O-2 and 15% CO2. Respiration data from the laboratory-prepared packs were pooled together and used to develop a correlation model relating respiration rates to O-2 and CO2 concentrations. The model showed a decrease in respiration rate with decreasing O-2 and increasing CO2 concentrations. Respiration rate stabilised at 2% 02 and 10% CO2. The high concentrations of CO2 observed in the commercial packs did not fit the range in the respiration model. The model could aid in selection of MA conditions for minimally processed pineapple fruit.
Metabolic syndrome is associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes, and appears to be widely prevalent in both developed and developing countries. While lifestyle modification is recommended for management of the syndrome, the dietary pattern most beneficial for patients is yet to be ascertained. Original research papers from the Medline database were examined for dietary patterns that may be associated with the syndrome. Three large-scale epidemiological studies were found fitting our criteria. Dietary patterns high in fruit and vegetable content were generally found to be associated with lower prevalence of metabolic syndrome. Diet patterns with high meat intake were frequently associated with components of metabolic syndrome, particularly impaired glucose tolerance. High dairy intake was generally associated with reduced risk for components of metabolic syndrome with some inconsistency in the literature regarding risk of obesity. Minimally processed cereals appeared to be associated with decreased risk of metabolic syndrome, while highly processed cereals with high glycaemic index are associated with higher risk. Fried foods were noticeably absent from any dietary pattern associated with decreased prevalence of metabolic syndrome. The conclusion of this review is that no individual dietary component could be considered wholly responsible for the association of diet with metabolic syndrome. Rather it is the overall quality of the diet that appears to offer protection against lifestyle disease such as metabolic syndrome. Further research is required into conditions, such as overweight and obesity, which may influence the effect of diet on the development of metabolic syndrome.
Two feeding experiments and in vitro hind gut fermentation tests were carried out to study the effect of processing sorghum grain on digestion of starch and on the gastrointestinal (GI) tract environment of the horse. In experiment 1, 12 yearling Australian stock horses were blocked on the basis of sex then randomly divided into four equal groups, each containing one castrated male and two females of approximately the same age and weight. Horses were offered at 0800 and 1500 h, 3 kg medium quality liverseed grass (Urochloa panicoides) hay and 2 kg of either oats (O), dry rolled sorghum (DRS), steam-flaked sorghum (SFS) or expanded sorghum (ES). Lanthanum was used as external solid marker for the measurements of apparent total tract digestibility. Fresh water was available ad libitum. Horses were allowed 18 days to adapt to the diets followed by a 3-day faecal collection period. Digestibility of dry matter (DM), and acid detergent fibre (ADF) were higher (P
Background: Kiribati, a remote atoll island country of the Pacific, has serious problems of vitamin A deficiency (VAD). Thus, it is important to identify locally grown acceptable foods that might be promoted to alleviate this problem. Pandanus fruit (Pandanus tectorius) is a well-liked indigenous Kiribati food with many cultivars that have orange/yellow flesh, indicative of carotenoid content. Few have been previously analysed. Aim: This study was conducted to identify cultivars of pandanus and other foods that could be promoted to alleviate VAD in Kiribati. Method: Ethnography was used to select foods and assess acceptability factors. Pandanus and other foods were analysed for beta- and alpha-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, lycopene and total carotenoids using high-performance liquid chromatography. Results: Of the nine pandanus cultivars investigated there was a great range of provitamin A carotenoid levels (from 62 to 19 086 mu g beta-carotene/100 g), generally with higher levels in those more deeply coloured. Seven pandanus cultivars, one giant swamp taro (Cyrtosperma chamissonis) cultivar and native fig (Ficus tinctoria) had significant provitamin A carotenoid content, meeting all or half of estimated daily vitamin A requirements within normal consumption patterns. Analyses in different laboratories confirmed high carotenoid levels in pandanus but showed that there are still questions as to how high the levels might be, owing to variation arising from different handling/preparation/analytical techniques. Conclusions: These carotenoid-rich acceptable foods should be promoted for alleviating VAD in Kiribati and possibly other Pacific contexts where these foods are important. Further research in the Pacific is needed to identify additional indigenous foods with potential health benefits.
This study explored urinary cadmium levels among Torres Strait Islanders in response to concerns about potential health impact of high levels of cadmium in some traditional seafood (dugong and turtle liver and kidney). Cadmium levels were measured by inductively coupled mass spectrometry in de-identified urine samples collected during general screening programs in 1996 in two communities with varying dugong and turtle catch statistics. Statistical analysis was performed to identify links between cadmium levels and demographic and background health information. Geometric mean cadmium level among the sample group was 0.83 mu g/g creatinine with 12% containing over 2 mu g/g creatinine. Cadmium level was most strongly associated with age (46% of variation), followed by sex (females > males, 7%) and current smoking status (smokers > non-smokers, 4.7%). Adjusting model conditions suggested further positive associations between cadmium level and diabetes (p = 0.05) and residence in the predicted higher exposure community (p = 0.07). Positive correlations between cadmium and body fat in bivariate analysis were eliminated by control for age and sex. This study found only suggestive differences in cadmium levels between two communities with predicted variation in exposure from traditional foods. However, the data indicate that factors linked with higher cadmium accumulation overlap with those of renal disease risk (i.e. older, females, smokers, diabetes) and suggest that levels may be sufficient to contribute to renal pathology. More direct assessment of exposure and health risks of cadmium to Torres Strait Islanders is needed given the disproportionate level of diet-related disease and the cultural importance of dugong and turtle. This study highlights the need to consider social and cultural variation in exposure and to de. ne "safe'' cadmium levels during diabetes given its rising global prevalence.