997 resultados para Pollard, Madeline Valeria.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Este artigo apresenta uma aplicação do método para determinação espectrofotométrica simultânea dos íons divalentes de cobre, manganês e zinco à análise de medicamento polivitamínico/polimineral. O método usa 4-(2-piridilazo) resorcinol (PAR), calibração multivariada e técnicas de seleção de variáveis e foi otimizado o empregando-se o algoritmo das projeções sucessivas (APS) e o algoritmo genético (AG), para escolha dos comprimentos de onda mais informativos para a análise. Com essas técnicas, foi possível construir modelos de calibração por regressão linear múltipla (RLM-APS e RLM-AG). Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com modelos de regressão em componentes principais (PCR) e nos mínimos quadrados parciais (PLS). Demonstra-se a partir do erro médio quadrático de previsão (RMSEP) que os modelos apresentam desempenhos semelhantes ao prever as concentrações dos três analitos no medicamento. Todavia os modelos RLM são mais simples pois requerem um número muito menor de comprimentos de onda e são mais fáceis de interpretar que os baseados em variáveis latentes.


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ABSTRACT: The application of multivariate calibration techniques to multicomponent analysis by UV-VIS molecular absorption spectrometry is a powerful tool for simultaneous determination of several chemical species. However, when this methodology is accomplished manually, it is slow and laborious, consumes high amounts of reagents and samples, is susceptible to contaminations and presents a high operational cost. To overcome these drawbacks, a flow-batch analyser is proposed in this work. This analyser was developed for automatic preparation of standard calibration and test (or validation) mixtures. It was applied to the simultaneous determination of Cu2+, Mn2+ and Zn2+ in polyvitaminic and polymineral pharmaceutical formulations, using 4-(2-piridilazo) resorcinol as reagent and a UV-VIS spectrophotometer with a photodiode array detector. The results obtained with the proposed system are in good agreement with those obtained by flame atomic absorption spectrometry, which was employed as reference method. With the proposed analyser, the preparation of calibration and test mixtures can be accomplished about four hours, while the manual procedure requires at least two days. Moreover, it consumes smaller amounts of reagents and samples than the manual procedure. After the preparation of calibration and test mixtures, 60 samples-1 can be carried out with the proposed flow-batch analyser.


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A presente dissertação enfoca as relações entre a literatura e a história, tendo por objetivo identificar e analisar os aspectos recorrentes em contos que ficcionalizam o relato da tortura ligada ao Regime Militar brasileiro de 1964. Para tanto, elegemos como corpus desta pesquisa os textos “Acudiram três cavaleiros”, de Marques Rabelo (1967); “O mar mais longe que vejo”, de Caio Fernando Abreu (1970); “Pedro Ramiro”, de Rodolfo Konder (1977); “O jardim das oliveiras”, de Nélida Piñon (1980); “Saindo de dentro do corpo”, de Flávio Moreira da Costa (1982); “O leite em pó da bondade humana”, de Haroldo Maranhão (1983); “Não passarás o Jordão”, de Luiz Fernando Emediato (1984); e “A mancha”, de Luis Fernando Veríssimo (2003). Tais narrativas apresentam como núcleo narrativo cenas de tortura relacionadas à ditadura civil-militar instalada no Brasil em 1964. Partimos da hipótese de que esses contos se apropriam de aspectos composicionais do testemunho verídico e os reelaboram esteticamente nos textos, muitas vezes, rompendo o que se teoriza sobre o testemunho verídico, na tentativa de se traduzir em palavras as aporias da rememoração do trauma provocado pela tortura. Para dar conta de tais proposições, elegeu-se como percurso a contextualização histórica realizada no primeiro capítulo, com o intuito de pontuar as relações existentes entre as produções e o contexto histórico. Em seguida, no capítulo dois, realizou-se a revisão do referencial teórico que baseia a pesquisa, centrando nas formulações propostas acerca da teoria do testemunho. Por fim, no terceiro capítulo, realizou-se a análise do corpus, com base em três aspectos recorrentes nas narrativas: a composição dos personagens, a organização da narrativa e a seleção vocabular. Para tal análise iremos nos pautar, principalmente, nas formulações de Seligmann-Silva (2003; 2008), Valeria de Marco (2004) e Elcio Loureiro Cornelsen (2011), acerca do testemunho de catástrofes históricas e da dimensão ficcional dessas produções; nas proposições de Maria Rita Kehl (2004) sobre o corpo torturado; e nas considerações de Sigmund Freud (1920), sobre trauma.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Avaliou-se o comprometimento funcional de pacientes com Charcot-Marie-Tooth provenientes da duplicação 17p11.2-p12 (CMT1A), utilizando o SF-36, que é um questionário para medir a qualidade de vida. Vinte e cinco pacientes de ambos os sexos com idades ≥10 anos e diagnóstico molecular de CMT1A foram selecionados. Idade, sexo, condições sociodemográficas e profissionais foram pareados com o Grupo Controle (sem histórico familiar de neuropatia). Os resultados mostraram que o maior impacto da CMT1A na qualidade de vida ocorreu nos domínios social e emocional dos pacientes avaliados. A capacidade funcional também tende a ser significativamente afetada, enquanto outros indicadores de deficiência física foram preservados. Por fim, os aspectos sociais e emocionais dos pacientes acometidos por CMT1A costumam ser negligenciados na assistência médica prestada aos pacientes brasileiros, e devem ser melhor compreendidos a fim de oferecer uma assistência global à saúde, resultando em adequada qualidade de vida.


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This study aimed to describe and compare the ultrasonographic alterations in dogs' eyes submitted to facectomy with or without intraocular lens implant (IOL), to assist in the diagnosis of possible alterations related to the surgical procedure and IOL implantation. Nineteen dogs with cataract (21 eyes) were submitted to phacoemulsification and late postoperative evaluation (at five years). The animals were initially submitted to complete ophthalmological exams which preceded the sonogram. Dogs were divided in three groups: (CA) aphakic dogs (n= 11); (PP) pseudophakic dogs with implantation of two IOLs in piggyback (n=5) and (PL) pseudophakic dogs with implantation of a veterinary IOL (n = 5). The ultrasound was carried under the administration of a topic local anesthetic, with a multi frequency linear transducer of 10 MHz. Biometric eye measurements were also performed. The clinical alterations observed were IOL dislocation, retinal detachment, asteroid hyalosis, and vitreous degeneration. Ultrasound examination was an excellent diagnostic tool, as it was possible to confirm and classify these changes. The piggyback implant reduced the measurements between the ciliary body and the vitreous chamber obtained from the ocular biometry when compared to other usual procedures, with no difference between the axial length and the anterior chamber.


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Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) are the microorganisms most frequently isolated from clinical samples and are commonly found in neonatal blood cultures. Oxacillin is an alternative treatment of choice for CoNS infections; however, resistance to oxacillin can have a substantial impact on healthcare by adversely affecting morbidity and mortality. The objective of this study was to detect and characterise oxacillin-resistant CoNS strains in blood cultures of newborns hospitalised at the neonatal ward of the University Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of Botucatu. One hundred CoNS strains were isolated and the mecA gene was detected in 69 of the CoNS strains, including 73.2% of Staphylococcus epidermidis strains, 85.7% of Staphylococcus haemolyticus strains, 28.6% of Staphylococcus hominis strains and 50% of Staphylococcus lugdunensis strains. Among these oxacillin-resistant CoNS strains, staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) type I was identified in 24.6%, type II in 4.3%, type III in 56.5% and type IV in 14.5% of the strains. The data revealed an increase in the percentage of CoNS strains isolated from blood cultures from 1991-2009. Furthermore, a predominant SCCmec profile of the oxacillin-resistant CoNS strains isolated from neonatal intensive care units was identified with a prevalence of SCCmec types found in hospital-acquired strains.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the biocampatibility of the commercial nylon band used as bone cerclage, comparing with traditional metal cerclage wires. Twenty one rabbits and fifteen rats, healthy and without orthopedics problems were used. A commercial nylon band and a surgical stainless steel wire 0 were used in right (SN) and left (SA) rabbits's hindlimb, respectively. Otherwise, on rats SN was on the left hindlimb, and SA on the right hindlimb. Both experimental species were divided into three groups according to the end of the evaluation period. Clinical, radiographic, macroscopic and histologically evaluation were performed at 30, 60 and 150 days postoperatively. All the animals showed normal limb function differences between groups were not observed at clinical and macroscopic evaluation. On both species, radiographic changes were slightly higher on SN. Histological differences were not observed in both species. Nylon bands do not cause foreign body reaction and other histological changes in rabbits and rats.


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Objective: The purpose of this research was to evaluate the histological changes of the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone during dental movement in diabetic rats subjected to low level laser therapy (LLLT).Methods: The movement of the upper molar was performed in 60 male Wistar rats divided into four groups (n = 15): CTR (control), DBT (diabetic), CTR/LT (irradiated control) and DBT/LT (irradiated diabetic). Diabetes was induced with alloxan (150 mg/kg, i.p.). LLLT was applied with GaAlAs laser at 780 nm (35 J/cm(2)). After 7, 13 and 19 days, the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone were histologically analyzed.Results: The mean of osteoblasts (p < 0.01) and blood vessels (p < 0.05) were significantly decreased in DBT compared with CTR at 7 days, whereas the mean of osteoclasts was lower at 7 (p < 0.001) and 13 days (p < 0.05). In DBT/LT, only the mean of osteoclasts was lower than in CTR (p < 0.05) at 7 days, but no difference was observed at 13 and 19 days (p > 0.05). The collagenization of the periodontal ligament was impaired in DBT, whereas DBT/LLT showed density/disposition of the collagen fibers similar to those observed in CTR.Conclusions: LLLT improved the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone remodeling activity in diabetic rats during dental movement. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)