968 resultados para Peptide-lipid interaction


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Modulation of protein binding specificity is important for basic biology and for applied science. Here we explore how binding specificity is conveyed in PDZ (postsynaptic density protein-95/discs large/zonula occludens-1) domains, small interaction modules that recognize various proteins by binding to an extended C terminus. Our goal was to engineer variants of the Erbin PDZ domain with altered specificity for the most C-terminal position (position 0) where a Val is strongly preferred by the wild-type domain. We constructed a library of PDZ domains by randomizing residues in direct contact with position 0 and in a loop that is close to but does not contact position 0. We used phage display to select for PDZ variants that bind to 19 peptide ligands differing only at position 0. To verify that each obtained PDZ domain exhibited the correct binding specificity, we selected peptide ligands for each domain. Despite intensive efforts, we were only able to evolve Erbin PDZ domain variants with selectivity for the aliphatic C-terminal side chains Val, Ile and Leu. Interestingly, many PDZ domains with these three distinct specificities contained identical amino acids at positions that directly contact position 0 but differed in the loop that does not contact position 0. Computational modeling of the selected PDZ domains shows how slight conformational changes in the loop region propagate to the binding site and result in different binding specificities. Our results demonstrate that second-sphere residues could be crucial in determining protein binding specificity.


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Endosplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 1 (ERAP1), endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 2 (ERAP2) and puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase (NPEPPS) are key zinc metallopeptidases that belong to the oxytocinase subfamily of M1 aminopeptidase family. NPEPPS catalyzes the processing of proteosome-derived peptide repertoire followed by trimming of antigenic peptides by ERAP1 and ERAP2 for presentation on major histocompatibility complex (MHC) Class I molecules. A series of genome-wide association studies have demonstrated associations of these aminopeptidases with a range of immune-mediated diseases such as ankylosing spondylitis, psoriasis, Behçet's disease, inflammatory bowel disease and type I diabetes, and significantly, genetic interaction between some aminopeptidases and HLA Class I loci with which these diseases are strongly associated. In this review, we highlight the current state of understanding of the genetic associations of this class of genes, their functional role in disease, and potential as therapeutic targets.


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With the scope of Chinese diaspora in Australia, this paper theorises the impacts of digitally mediated social interaction on diasporic identity formation in the new media landscape. People’s identity is the outcome of their social interactions with other individuals. In the new media landscape, digital media technologies are changing the way in which people communicate with others. On one hand, space and time are unprecedentedly compressed by media technologies so people can maintain more frequent and instant connections with others than before. On the other hand, the digital media technologies have constructed a virtual social space that might withdraw people from their physical social interactions. As we witness today, our social interactions are increasing digitally mediated, in the forms of posts and comments in social network sites, as well as the messages in social apps. As to the diasporic groups, this new media landscape is presenting a challenge to their identity formation. They physically live in the host countries but still keep close social and cultural connections with their homelands. Facilitated by digital media technologies, they are facing two platforms in which they can practice different identity performances: one is the digitally mediated social network; the other is the physical social network. In the case of Chinese diaspora, the situation is more complex due to the language factor and media censorship in Mainland China, which will be articulated in the main text. This paper aims to fill a gap between media studies and diaspora research. Most of existing research on the relationship between diasporic identity and media primarily focuses on the development of ethnic media institutions, and the production and consumption of ethnic media in the pre-digital media context. However, the process of globalisation and digital media technologies are increasing the homogeneity and hybridity of media content worldwide. In this new context, attributing the formation of different identities to the consumption of media content is arguable to some extent. Therefore, the overlapped area of new media studies and diaspora research still has space deserves further investigation.


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Endoplasmatic reticulum aminopeptidase 1 (ERAP1) is a multifunctional enzyme involved in trimming of peptides to an optimal length for presentation by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. Polymorphisms in ERAP1 have been associated with chronic inflammatory diseases, including ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and psoriasis, and subsequent in vitro enzyme studies suggest distinct catalytic properties of ERAP1 variants. To understand structure-activity relationships of this enzyme we determined crystal structures in open and closed states of human ERAP1, which provide the first snapshots along a catalytic path. ERAP1 is a zinc-metallopeptidase with typical H-E-X-X-H-(X)18-E zinc binding and G-A-M-E-N motifs characteristic for members of the gluzincin protease family. The structures reveal extensive domain movements, including an active site closure as well as three different open conformations, thus providing insights into the catalytic cycle. A K 528R mutant strongly associated with AS in GWAS studies shows significantly altered peptide processing characteristics, which are possibly related to impaired interdomain interactions.


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Background: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GORD) can cause respiratory disease in children from recurrent aspiration of gastric contents. GORD can be defined in several ways and one of the most common method is presence of reflux oesophagitis. In children with GORD and respiratory disease, airway neutrophilia has been described. However, there are no prospective studies that have examined airway cellularity in children with GORD but without respiratory disease. The aims of the study were to compare (1) BAL cellularity and lipid laden macrophage index (LLMI) and, (2) microbiology of BAL and gastric juices of children with GORD (G+) to those without (G-). Methods: In 150 children aged <14-years, gastric aspirates and bronchoscopic airway lavage (BAL) were obtained during elective flexible upper endoscopy. GORD was defined as presence of reflux oesophagitis on distal oesophageal biopsies. Results: BAL neutrophil% in G- group (n = 63) was marginally but significantly higher than that in the G+ group (n = 77), (median of 7.5 and 5 respectively, p = 0.002). Lipid laden macrophage index (LLMI), BAL percentages of lymphocyte, eosinophil and macrophage were similar between groups. Viral studies were negative in all, bacterial cultures positive in 20.7% of BALs and in 5.3% of gastric aspirates. BAL cultures did not reflect gastric aspirate cultures in all but one child. Conclusion: In children without respiratory disease, GORD defined by presence of reflux oesophagitis, is not associated with BAL cellular profile or LLMI abnormality. Abnormal microbiology of the airways, when present, is not related to reflux oesophagitis and does not reflect that of gastric juices. © 2005 Chang et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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The use of mobile digital devices, such as laptops and tablets, has implications for how teachers interact with young students within the institutional context of educational settings. This article examines language and participation in a digitally enabled preschool classroom as students engage with teachers and peers. Ethnomethodology, conversation analysis and membership categorization analysis are used to explicate video-recorded episodes of students (aged 3-5 years) interacting while using a laptop and a tablet. Attending to the sequential organization (when, how) and the context relevance (where) of talk and interaction, analysis shows how the intersection of interactions involving the teacher, students and digital devices, shape the ways that talk and interactions unfold. Analysis found that the teacher-student interactions were jointly arranged around a participation framework that included: 1) the teacher’s embodied action that mobilizes an accompanying action by a student, 2) allocation of turn-taking and participation while using a digital device and, 3) the affordances of the digital device in relation to the participants’ social organization. In this way, it is possible to understand not just what a digital device is or does, but the affordances of what it makes possible in constituting teachers’ and students’ social and learning relationships.


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Emerging evidence has shown that the extracellular vesicles (EVs) regulate various biological processes and can control cell proliferation and survival, as well as being involved in normal cell development and diseases such as cancers. In cancer treatment, development of acquired drug resistance phenotype is a serious issue. Recently it has been shown that the presence of multidrug resistance proteins such as Pgp-1 and enrichment of the lipid ceramide in EVs could have a role in mediating drug resistance. EVs could also mediate multidrug resistance through uptake of drugs in vesicles and thus limit the bioavailability of drugs to treat cancer cells. In this review, we discussed the emerging evidence of the role EVs play in mediating drug resistance in cancers and in particular the role of EVs mediating drug resistance in advanced prostate cancer. The role of EV-associated multidrug resistance proteins, miRNA, mRNA, and lipid as well as the potential interaction(s) among these factors was probed. Lastly, we provide an overview of the current available treatments for advanced prostate cancer, considering where EVs may mediate the development of resistance against these drugs.


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We have identified strong topoisomerase sites (STS) for Mycobacteruim smegmatis topoisomerase I in double-stranded DNA context using electrophoretic mobility shift assay of enzyme-DNA covalent complexes; Mg2+, an essential component for DNA relaxation activity of the enzyme, is not required for binding to DNA, The enzyme makes single-stranded nicks, with transient covalent interaction at the 5'-end of the broken DNA strand, a characteristic akin to prokaryotic topoisomerases. More importantly, the enzyme binds to duplex DNA having a preferred site with high affinity, a. property similar to the eukaryotic type I topoisomerases, The preferred cleavage site is mapped on a 65 bp duplex DNA and found to be CG/TCTT. Thus, the enzyme resembles other prokaryotic type I topoisomerases in mechanistics of the reaction, but is similar to eukaryotic enzymes in DNA recognition properties.


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We have designed a four-helix protein that is expected to tetramerize in the membrane to form an ion channel with a structurally well defined pore. A synthetic peptide corresponding to the channel lining helix facilitates ion transport across liposomal membranes and largely helical in membranes. Detailed circular dichroism studies of the peptide in methanol, water and methanal-water mixtures reveal that it is helical in methanol, beta-structured in 97.5% water and a combination of these two structures at intermediate compositions of methanol and water. A fluorescence resonance energy transfer study of the peptide shows that the peptide is monomeric in methanol but undergoes extensive anti-parallel aggregation in aqueous solution.


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Interaction between Paenibacillus polymyxa with minerals such as hematite, corundum, quartz and kaolinite brought about significant surface chemical changes on all the minerals. Quartz and kaolinite were rendered more hydrophobic, while hematite and corundum, became more hydrophilic after biotreatment. The predominance of bacterial polysaccharides on interacted hematite and corundum and of proteins on quartz and kaolinite was responsible for the above surface-chemical changes. Bio-pretreatment of the above iron ore mineral mixtures resulted in the selective separation of silica and alumina from iron oxide, through bioflotation and bioflocculation. The utility of bioprocessing in the beneficiation of iron ores is demonstrated.


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The crystal structure determination of the heptapeptide Boc-Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Phe-OMe reveals two peptide helices in the asymmetric unit, Crystal parameters are: space group P2(1), a = 10.356(2) Angstrom, b = 19.488(5) Angstrom, c = 23.756(6) Angstrom, beta = 102.25(2)degrees), V = 4685.4 Angstrom(3), Z = 4 and R = 5.7% for 7615 reflections [I>3 sigma(I)]. Both molecules adopt largely alpha-helical conformations with variations at the C-terminus, Helix type Is determined by analysing both 4-->1 and 5-->1 hydrogen-bond interactions and comparison with the results of analysis of protein structures. The presence of two 4-->1 hydrogen-bond interactions, besides four 5-->1 interact ions in both the conformations provides an opportunity to characterize bifurcated hydrogen bonds at high resolution, Comparison of the two helical conformations with related peptide structures suggests that distortions at the C-terminus are more facile than at the N-terminus.


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Statistical reports of SMEs Internet usage from various countries indicate a steady growth. However, deeper investigation of SME’s e-commerce adoption and usage reveals that a number of SMEs fail to realize the full potential of e-commerce. Factors such as lack of tools and models in Information Systems and Information Technology for SMEs, and lack of technical expertise and specialized knowledge within and outside the SME have the most effect. This study aims to address the two important factors in two steps. First, introduce the conceptual tool for intuitive interaction. Second, explain the implementation process of the conceptual tool with the help of a case study. The subject chosen for the case study is a real estate SME from India. The design and development process of the website for the real estate SME was captured in this case study and the duration of the study was four months. Results indicated specific benefits for web designers and SME business owners. Results also indicated that the conceptual tool is easy to use without the need for technical expertise and specialized knowledge.


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The interaction of Cibacron blue F3GA with ribosome inactivating proteins, ricin, ricin A-chain and momordin has been investigated using difference absorption spectroscopy. Ricin was found to bind the dye with a 20- and 2-fold lower affinity than ricin A-chain and momordin, respectively. A time dependent increase in the amplitude of Cibacron blue difference spectrum in the presence of ricin was observed on addition of beta-mercaptoethanol. Analysis of the kinetic profile of this increase showed a biphasic phenomenon and the observed rates were found to be independent of the concentration of beta-mercaptoethanol. Kinetics of reduction of the intersubunit disulphide bond in ricin by beta-mercaptoethanol showed that reduction pet se is a second order reaction. Therefore, the observed changes in the difference spectra of Cibacron blue probably indicate a slow change in the conformation of ricin, triggered by reduction of the intersubunit disulphide bond.


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In recent years there has been considerable interest in developing new types of gelators of organic solvents.1 Despite the recent advances, a priori design of a gelator for gelling a given solvent has remained a challenging task. Various noncovalent interactions like hydrogen-bonding,2 metal coordination3 etc. have been used as the driving force for the gelation process. A special class of cholesterol-based gelators were reported by Weiss,4 and by Shinkai.5 Gels derived from these molecules have been used for chiral recognition/sensing,6 for studying photo- and metal-responsive functions,7 and as templates to make hollow fiber silica.8 Other types of organogels have been used for designing polymerized 9 and reverse aerogels,10 and in molecular imprinting.11 Hanabusa’s group has recently reported organogels with a bile acid derivative.12 This has prompted us to disclose our results on a novel electron donor–acceptor (EDA) interaction mediated two-component13 gelator system based on the bile acid14 backbone.


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An understanding of the effect of specific solute-solvent interactions on the diffusion of a solute probe is a long standing problem of physical chemistry. In this paper a microscopic treatment of this effect is presented. The theory takes into account the modification of the solvent structure around the solute due to this specific interaction between them. It is found that for strong, attractive interaction, there is an enhanced coupling between the solute and the solvent dynamic modes (in particular, the density mode), which leads to a significant increase in the friction on the solute. The diffusion coefficient of the solute is found to depend strongly and nonlinearly on the magnitude of the attractive interaction. An interesting observation is that specific solute-solvent interaction can induce a crossover from a sliplike to a sticklike diffusion. In the limit of strong attractive interaction, we recover a dynamic version of the solvent-berg picture. On the other hand, for repulsive interaction, the diffusion coefficient of the solute increases. These results are in qualitative agreement with recent experimental observations.