967 resultados para Osteoclast precursor
We have developed a model for designing antimalarial drugs based on interference with an essential metabolism developed by Plasmodium during its intraerythrocytic cycle, phospholipid (PL) metabolism. The most promising drug interference is choline transporter blockage, which provides Plasmodium with a supply of precursor for synthesis of phosphatidylcholine (PC), the major PL of infected erythrocytes. Choline entry is a limiting step in this metabolic pathway and occurs by a facilitated-diffusion system involving an asymmetric carrier operating according to a cyclic model. Choline transport in the erythrocytes is not sodium dependent nor stereospecific as demonstrated using stereoisomers of alpha and beta methylcholine. These last two characteristics along with distinct effects of nitrogen substitution on transport rate demonstrate that choline transport in the infected erythrocyte possesses characteristics quite distinct from that of the nervous system. This indicates a possible discrimination between the antimalarial activity (inhibition of choline transport in the infected erythrocyte) and a possible toxic effect through inhibition of choline entry in synaptosomes. Apart from the de novo pathway of choline, PC can be synthesized by N-methylation from phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). There is a de novo pathway for PE biosynthesis from ethanolamine in infected cells but phosphatidylserine (PS) decarboxylation also occurs. In addition, PE can be directly and abundantly synthesized from serine decarboxylation into ethanolamine, a pathway which is absent from the host. The variety of the pathways that exist for the biosynthesis of one given PL led us to investigate whether an equilibrium can occur between all PL metabolic pathways. Indeed, if alternative (compensative) pathway(s) can operate after blockage of the de novo PC biosynthesis pathway this would indicate a potential mechanism for resistance acquisition. Up until now, there is no evidence of such a compensative process occurring in Plasmodium-infected erythrocytes under physiological conditions. Besides, the discovery of a highly parasite-specific pathway (serine decarboxylation and the presence of PS synthase) constitutes a very attractive and promising target, which could be attacked if resistances are built up against choline analogs. Indeed, potential inhibitions of the serine decarboxylase pathway could be very useful in acting instead of, or in surgery with, choline analogs.
APO866 inhibits nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NMPRTase), a key enzyme involved in nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) biosynthesis from the natural precursor nicotinamide. Intracellular NAD is essential for cell survival, and NAD depletion resulting from APO866 treatment elicits tumor cell death. Here, we determine the in vitro and in vivo sensitivities of hematologic cancer cells to APO866 using a panel of cell lines (n = 45) and primary cells (n = 32). Most cancer cells (acute myeloid leukemia [AML], acute lymphoblastic leukemia [ALL], mantle cell lymphoma [MCL], chronic lymphocytic leukemia [CLL], and T-cell lymphoma), but not normal hematopoietic progenitor cells, were sensitive to low concentrations of APO866 as measured in cytotoxicity and clonogenic assays. Treatment with APO866 decreased intracellular NAD and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) at 24 hours and 48 to72 hours, respectively. The NAD depletion led to cell death. At 96 hours, APO866-mediated cell death occurred in a caspase-independent mode, and was associated with mitochondrial dysfunction and autophagy. Further, in vivo administration of APO866 as a single agent prevented and abrogated tumor growth in animal models of human AML, lymphoblastic lymphoma, and leukemia without significant toxicity to the animals. The results support the potential of APO866 for treating hematologic malignancies.
Background: Natural Killer (NK) cells are thought to protect from residual leukemic cells in patients receiving stem cell transplantation. However, multiple retrospective analyses of patient data have yielded conflicting conclusions regarding a putative role of NK cells and the essential NK cell recognition events mediating a protective effect against leukemia. Further, a NK cell mediated protective effect against primary leukemia in vivo has not been shown directly.Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we addressed whether NK cells have the potential to control chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) arising based on the transplantation of BCR-ABL1 oncogene expressing primary bone marrow precursor cells into lethally irradiated recipient mice. These analyses identified missing-self recognition as the only NK cell-mediated recognition strategy, which is able to significantly protect from the development of CML disease in vivo.Conclusion: Our data provide a proof of principle that NK cells can control primary leukemic cells in vivo. Since the presence of NK cells reduced the abundance of leukemia propagating cancer stem cells, the data raise the possibility that NK cell recognition has the potential to cure CML, which may be difficult using small molecule BCR-ABL1 inhibitors. Finally, our findings validate approaches to treat leukemia using antibody-based blockade of self-specific inhibitory MHC class I receptors.
Metabolic labeling techniques have recently become popular tools for the quantitative profiling of proteomes. Classical stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell cultures (SILAC) uses pairs of heavy/light isotopic forms of amino acids to introduce predictable mass differences in protein samples to be compared. After proteolysis, pairs of cognate precursor peptides can be correlated, and their intensities can be used for mass spectrometry-based relative protein quantification. We present an alternative SILAC approach by which two cell cultures are grown in media containing isobaric forms of amino acids, labeled either with 13C on the carbonyl (C-1) carbon or 15N on backbone nitrogen. Labeled peptides from both samples have the same nominal mass and nearly identical MS/MS spectra but generate upon fragmentation distinct immonium ions separated by 1 amu. When labeled protein samples are mixed, the intensities of these immonium ions can be used for the relative quantification of the parent proteins. We validated the labeling of cellular proteins with valine, isoleucine, and leucine with coverage of 97% of all tryptic peptides. We improved the sensitivity for the detection of the quantification ions on a pulsing instrument by using a specific fast scan event. The analysis of a protein mixture with a known heavy/light ratio showed reliable quantification. Finally the application of the technique to the analysis of two melanoma cell lines yielded quantitative data consistent with those obtained by a classical two-dimensional DIGE analysis of the same samples. Our method combines the features of the SILAC technique with the advantages of isobaric labeling schemes like iTRAQ. We discuss advantages and disadvantages of isobaric SILAC with immonium ion splitting as well as possible ways to improve it
En els darrers 30 anys, els anàlegs de nucleòsids han estat una part essencial de la teràpia antiviral. Més recentment, els anàlegs carbocíclics de nucleòsids s'han convertit en importants objectius pel desenvolupament de nous agents terapèutics antivirals i antitumorals, en tant que l'absència de l'enllaç N-glicosídic els confereix una major estabilitat davant l'acció de les fosforilases. Per altra banda, s'ha descrit que alguns nucleòsids de configuració L presenten, en alguns casos, una bona activitat antiviral, una major estabilitat metabòlica i una toxicitat inferior a la dels seus homòlegs de configuració natural. El present treball planteja la síntesi estereoselectiva de derivats ciclobutènics de L-nucleòsids com a agents terapèutics, susceptibles de presentar una major activitat antiviral i una menor toxicitat que els agents actuals. Per assolir aquest objectiu, s'ha construït l'anell ciclobutènic mitjançant una reacció de fotocicloaddició [2+2]. Al mateix temps, s'ha desenvolupat un estudi de la influència del dissolvent en la reacció de fotocicloaddició [2+2] d'enones a alquens halogenats. A més, s'han estudiat diverses condicions de treball per dur a terme la reacció de deshalogenació dels derivats clorats preparats amb la metodologia anterior, utilitzant Zn com a reductor i amb un sistema d'escalfament per microones com a substituent dels mètodes d'escalfament convencionals. Aquest estudi ha permès disminuir notablement el temps d'aquesta reacció, passant de 7 hores a 20 minuts. Les condicions òptimes d'ambdues reaccions determinades amb aquests estudis han permès preparar l'intermedi clau per a la introducció de les bases nitrogenades, essent aquest un potencial precursor dels anàlegs ciclobutènics de nucleòsids, així com sintetitzar el primer producte de la ruta sintètica dissenyada que presenta la base nitrogenada a la seva estructura.
Monocytes serve as a central defense system against infection and injury but can also promote pathological inflammatory responses. Considering the evidence that monocytes exist in at least two subsets committed to divergent functions, we investigated whether distinct factors regulate the balance between monocyte subset responses in vivo. We identified a microRNA (miRNA), miR-146a, which is differentially regulated both in mouse (Ly-6C(hi)/Ly-6C(lo)) and human (CD14(hi)/CD14(lo)CD16(+)) monocyte subsets. The single miRNA controlled the amplitude of the Ly-6C(hi) monocyte response during inflammatory challenge whereas it did not affect Ly-6C(lo) cells. miR-146a-mediated regulation was cell-intrinsic and depended on Relb, a member of the noncanonical NF-κB/Rel family, which we identified as a direct miR-146a target. These observations not only provide mechanistic insights into the molecular events that regulate responses mediated by committed monocyte precursor populations but also identify targets for manipulating Ly-6C(hi) monocyte responses while sparing Ly-6Clo monocyte activity.
While interleukin (IL)-1β plays an important role in combating the invading pathogen as part of the innate immune response, its dysregulation is responsible for a number of autoinflammatory disorders. Large IL-1β activating platforms, known as inflammasomes, can assemble in response to the detection of endogenous host and pathogen-associated danger molecules. Formation of these protein complexes results in the autocatalysis and activation of caspase-1, which processes precursor IL-1β into its secreted biologically active form. Inflammasome and IL-1β activity is required to efficiently control viral, bacterial and fungal pathogen infections. Conversely, excess IL-1β activity contributes to human disease, and its inhibition has proved therapeutically beneficial in the treatment of a spectrum of serious, yet relatively rare, heritable inflammasomopathies. Recently, inflammasome function has been implicated in more common human conditions, such as gout, type II diabetes and cancer. This raises the possibility that anti-IL-1 therapeutics may have broader applications than anticipated previously, and may be utilized across diverse disease states that are linked insidiously through unwanted or heightened inflammasome activity.
Summary: Intestinal pseudo-obstruction is a rare complication resulting from a variety of disorders. Symptoms include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and malnutrition. Vincristine-related pseudo-obstruction has been reported in the literature, but its description in children and recommendations for management are lacking. A review of the literature revealed 21 reported pediatric cases of vincristine-related pseudo-obstruction. Most have, however, been attributed to a drug interaction with itraconazole, accidental vincristine overdose, or liver failure. Potential genetic causes are rarely addressed. We present here 5 cases of pseudo-obstruction related to vincristine without any identifiable predisposing factors, and a suggested algorithm for management
Effector T lymphocytes are the progeny of a limited number of antigen-specific precursor cells and it has been estimated that clonotypic human T cells may expand million fold on their way reaching high cell numbers that are sufficient for immune protection. Moreover, memory T cell responses are characterized by repetitive expansion of antigen-specific T cell clonotypes, and limitations in the proliferative capacity could lead to immune senescence. Because telomeres progressively shorten as a function of cell division, telomere length is a powerful indicator of the replicative in vivo history of human T lymphocytes. In this review, we summarize observations made over the last decade on telomere length dynamics of well-defined T cell populations derived from healthy donors and patients with infectious disease or cancer. We focus on T cell differentiation, T cell ageing, and natural and vaccine induced immune responses. We also discuss the scientific evidence for in vivo replicative senescence of antigen-specific T cells, and evaluate the available methods for measuring telomere lengths and telomerase activity, and their potential and limitations to increase our understanding of T cell physiology.
The ribonucleotide reductase gene tandem bnrdE/bnrdF in SPbeta-related prophages of different Bacillus spp. isolates presents different configurations of intervening sequences, comprising one to three of six non-homologous splicing elements. Insertion sites of group I introns and intein DNA are clustered in three relatively short segments encoding functionally important domains of the ribonucleotide reductase. Comparison of the bnrdE homologs reveals mutual exclusion of a group I intron and an intein coding sequence flanking the codon that specifies a conserved cysteine. In vivo splicing was demonstrated for all introns. However, for two of them a part of the mRNA precursor molecules remains unspliced. Intergenic bnrdE-bnrdF regions are unexpectedly long, comprising between 238 and 541 nt. The longest encodes a putative polypeptide related to HNH homing endonucleases.
Sm15 and Sm13 are recognized by antibodies from mice protectively vaccinated with tegumental membranes, suggesting a potential role in protective immunity. In order to raise antibodies for immunochemical investigations, the genes for these antigens were expressed in pGEX and pMal vectors so that comparisons could be made among different expression systems and different genes. The fusion proteins corresponding to several parts of the gene for the precursor of Sm15 failed in producing antibodies recognizing the parasite counterpart. On the other hand, antibodies raised against Sm13 MBP-fusion proteins recognized the 13 kDa tegumental protein. Thus the peculiarities of the gene of interest are important and the choice of the expression system must sometimes be decided on an empirical basis
RÉSUMÉ : Chez l'homme, le manque de sélectivité des agents thérapeutiques représente souvent une limitation pour le traitement des maladies. Le ciblage de ces agents pour un tissu défini pourrait augmenter leur sélectivité et ainsi diminuer les effets secondaires en comparaison d'agents qui s'accumuleraient dans tout le corps. Cela pourrait aussi améliorer l'efficacité des traitements en permettant d'avoir une concentration localisée plus importante. Le ciblage d'agents thérapeutiques est un champ de recherche très actif. Les stratégies sont généralement basées sur les différences entre cellules normales et malades. Ces différences peuvent porter soit sur l'expression des molécules à leurs surfaces comme des récepteurs ou des transporteurs, soit sur les activités enzymatiques exprimées. Le traitement thérapeutique choisi ici est la thérapie photodynamique et est déjà utilisé pour le traitement de certains cancers. Cette thérapie repose sur l'utilisation de molécules qui réagissent à la lumière, les photosensibilisants. Elles absorbent l'énergie lumineuse et réagissent avec l'oxygène pour former des radicaux toxiques pour les cellules. Les photosensibilisants utilisés ici sont de deux natures : (i) soit ils sont tétrapyroliques (comme les porphyrines et chlorines), c'est à dire qu'ils sont directement activables par la lumière ; (ii) soit ce sont des prodrogues de photosensibilisants comme l'acide 5aminolévulinique (ALA) qui est transformé dans la cellule en protoporphyrine IX photosensibilisante. Dans le but d'augmenter la sélectivité des photosensibilisants, nous avons utilisé deux stratégies différentes : (i) le photosensibilisant est modifié par le greffage d'un agent de ciblage ; (ii) le photosensibilisant est incorporé dans des structures moléculaires de quelques centaines de nanomètres. Les sucres et l'acide folique sont des agents de ciblage largement établis et ont été utilisés ici car leurs récepteurs sont surexprimés à la surface de nombreuses cellules malades. Ainsi, des dérivés sucres ou acide folique de l'ALA ont été synthétisés et évalués in vitro sur de nombreuses lignées cellulaires cancéreuses. La stratégie utilisant l'acide folique est apparue incompatible avec l'utilisation de l'ALA puisque aucune photosensibilité n'a été induite par le composé. La stratégie utilisant les sucres a, par ailleurs, provoquée de bonnes photosensibilités mais pas d'augmentation de sélectivité. En parallèle, la combinaison entre les propriétés anticancéreuses des complexes métalliques au ruthénium avec les propriétés photosensibilisantes des porphyrines, a été évaluée. En effet, les thérapies combinées ont émergé il y a une dizaine d'années et représentent aujourd'hui de bonnes alternatives aux monothérapies classiques. Des ruthenium(I1)-arènes complexés avec la tetrapyridylporphyrine ont ainsi présenté de bonnes cytotoxicités et de bonnes phototoxicités pour des cellules de mélanomes. Des porphyrines ont aussi été compléxées avec des noyaux de diruthénium et ce type de dérivé a présenté de bonnes phototoxicités et une bonne sélectivité pour les cellules cancéreuses de l'appareil reproducteur féminin. L'incorporation de photosensibilisants tétrapyroliques a finalement été effectuée en utilisant des nanoparticules (NP) biocompatibles composées de chitosan et de hyaluronate. L'effet de ces NP a été évalué pour le traitement de la polyarthrite rhumatoïde (PR). Les NP ont d'abord été testées in vitro avec des macrophages de souris et les résultats ont mis en évidence de bonnes sélectivités et photosensibilités pour ces cellules. In vivo chez un modèle marin de la PR, l'utilisation de ces NP a révélé un plus grand temps de résidence des NP dans le genou de la souris en comparaison du temps obtenu avec le photosensibilisant seul. Le traitement par PDT a aussi démontré une bonne efficacité par ailleurs égale à celle obtenue avec les corticoïdes utilisés en clinique. Pour finir, les NP ont aussi démontré une bonne efficacité sur les myelomonocytes phagocytaires humains et sur les cellules contenues dans le liquide synovial de patients présentant une PR. Tous ces résultats suggèrent que les deux stratégies de ciblage peuvent être efficaces pour les agents thérapeutiques. Afm d'obtenir de bons résultats, il est toutefois nécessaire de réaliser une analyse minutieuse de la cible et du mode d'action de l'agent thérapeutique. Concernant les perspectives, la combinaison des deux stratégies c'est à dire incorporer des agents thérapeutiques dans des nanostructures porteuses d'agents de ciblage, représente probablement une solution très prometteuse. SUMMARY : In humans, the lack of selectivity of drugs and their high effective concentrations often represent limitations for the treatment of diseases. Targeting the therapeutical agents to a defined tissue could enhance their selectivity and then diminish their side effects when compared to drugs that accumulate in the entire body and could also improve treatment efûciency by allowing a localized high concentration of the agents. Targeting therapeutics to defined cells in human pathologies is a main challenge and a very active field of research. Strategies are generally based on the different behaviors and patterns of expression of diseased cells compared to normal cells such as receptors, proteases or trans-membrane carriers. The therapeutic treatment chosen here is the photodynamic therapy and is already used in the treatment of many cancers. This therapy relies on the administration of a photosensitizer (PS) which will under light, react with oxygen and induce formation of reactive oxygen species which are toxic for cells. The PSs used here are either tetrapyrolic (i. e. porphyries and chlorins) or prodrugs of PS (5-aminolevulinic acid precursor of the endogenous protoporphyrin Imo. In order to improve PS internalization and selectivity, we have used two different strategies: the modification of the PSs with diseased cell-targeting agents as well as their encapsulation into nanostructures. Sugars and folic acid are well established as targeting entities for diseased cells and were used here since their transporters are overexpressed on the surface of many cancer cells. Therefore sugar- and folic acid-derivatives of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) were synthesized and evaluated in vitro in several cancer cell lines. The folic acid strategy appeared to be incompatible with ALA since no photosensitivity was induced while the strategy with sugars induced good photosensitivites but no increase of selectivity. Alternatively, the feasibility of combining the antineoplastic properties of ruthenium complexes with the porphyrin's photosensitizing properties, was evaluated since combined therapies have emerged as good alternatives to classical treatments. Tetrapyridylporphyrins complexed to ruthenium (I17 arenes presented good cytotoxicities and good phototoxicities toward melanoma cells. Porphyries were also complexed to diruthenium cores and this type of compound presented good phototoxicities and good selectivity for female reproductive cancer cells. The encapsulation of tetrapyrolic PSs was finally investigated using biocompatible nanogels composed of chitosan and hyaluronate. The behavior of these nanoparticles was evaluated for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). They were first tested in vitro in mouse macrophages and results revealed good selectivities and phototoxicities toward these cells. In vivo in mice model of RA, the use of such nanoparticles instead of free PS showed longer time of residence in mice knees. Photodynamic protocols also demonstrated good efficiency of the treatment comparable to the corticoid injection used in the clinic. Finally our system was also efficient in human cells using phagocytic myelomonocytes or using cells of synovial fluids taken from patients with RA. Altogether, these results revealed that both strategies of modification or encapsulation of drugs can be successful in the targeting of diseased cells. However, a careful analysis of the target and of the mode of action of the drug, are needed in order to obtain good results. Looking ahead to the future, the combination of the two strategies (i.e. drugs loaded into nanostructures bearing the targeting agents) would represent probably the best solution.
Protection against reinfection is mediated by Ag-specific memory CD8 T cells, which display stem cell-like function. Because canonical Wnt (Wingless/Int1) signals critically regulate renewal versus differentiation of adult stem cells, we evaluated Wnt signal transduction in CD8 T cells during an immune response to acute infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. Whereas naive CD8 T cells efficiently transduced Wnt signals, at the peak of the primary response to infection only a fraction of effector T cells retained signal transduction and the majority displayed strongly reduced Wnt activity. Reduced Wnt signaling was in part due to the downregulation of Tcf-1, one of the nuclear effectors of the pathway, and coincided with progress toward terminal differentiation. However, the correlation between low and high Wnt levels with short-lived and memory precursor effector cells, respectively, was incomplete. Adoptive transfer studies showed that low and high Wnt signaling did not influence cell survival but that Wnt high effectors yielded memory cells with enhanced proliferative potential and stronger protective capacity. Likewise, following adoptive transfer and rechallenge, memory cells with high Wnt levels displayed increased recall expansion, compared with memory cells with low Wnt signaling, which were preferentially effector-like memory cells, including tissue-resident memory cells. Thus, canonical Wnt signaling identifies CD8 T cells with enhanced proliferative potential in part independent of commonly used cell surface markers to discriminate effector and memory T cell subpopulations. Interventions that maintain Wnt signaling may thus improve the formation of functional CD8 T cell memory during vaccination.
Depuis quelques années, la spectrométrie de masse en tandem (MS/MS) ne cesse de gagner du terrain comme méthode d'analyse en toxicologie forensique, notamment pour le dosage des cannabinoïdes. Couplée à la chromatographie liquide (LC) ou gazeuse (GC), elle permet l'identification fiable et le dosage rapide du THC, de son précurseur acide, et de ses principaux métabolites, y compris les glucuronides. Au cours de ces dix dernières années, un nombre significatif de publications sont parues sur ce sujet. L'objectif de cet article est de passer en revue les analyses par spectrométrie de masse en tandem des cannabinoïdes dans diverses matrices biologiques. In recent years, tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) is gaining ground as a reference method of analysis in clinical and forensic toxicology, especially for the determination of cannabinoids. Coupled to liquid chromatography (LC) or gas chromatography (GC), it allows the definitive identification and rapid determination of THC, its acid precursor, and its major metabolites, including the glucuronides. During the past decade, several methods of analysis of cannabinoids in different matrices have appeared on this subject. The aim of this paper is to review the analysis of cannabinoids by tandem mass spectrometry methods in various biological matrices
Although aneuploidy has many possible causes, it often results from underlying chromosomal instability (CIN) leading to an unstable karyotype with cell-to-cell variation and multiple subclones. To test for the presence of CIN in high hyperdiploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia (HeH ALL) at diagnosis, we investigated 20 patients (10 HeH ALL and 10 non-HeH ALL), using automated four-color interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (I-FISH) with centromeric probes for chromosomes 4, 6, 10, and 17. In HeH ALL, the proportion of abnormal cells ranged from 36.3% to 92.4%, and a variety of aneuploid populations were identified. Compared with conventional cytogenetics, I-FISH revealed numerous additional clones, some of them very small. To investigate the nature and origin of this clonal heterogeneity, we determined average numerical CIN values for all four chromosomes together and for each chromosome and patient group. The CIN values in HeH ALL were relatively high (range, 22.2-44.7%), compared with those in non-HeH ALL (3.2-6.4%), thus accounting for the presence of numerical CIN in HeH ALL at diagnosis. We conclude that numerical CIN may be at the origin of the high level of clonal heterogeneity revealed by I-FISH in HeH ALL at presentation, which would corroborate the potential role of CIN in tumor pathogenesis.